Tearing My Hair Out - Security For End/back End Database

Feb 6, 2006


I have a split database. The front end with forms etc is distributed to users and the back end with tables sits on a shared drive.

I have been trying to set the security on this and quite frankly it's driving me mad. I managed to get the security set with 5 user groups and about 100 users - it all worked well on my PC but when I distributed it, the copies open with the Admin as user, no password required, resulting in no security whatsoever.

Further reading showed me that I had to change the owner of all objects from Admin to a new adminitrator, who I named Custodian1. This I did. I then created a new database while logged on as Custodian1. So, the new database has all objects owned by Custodian1 and the database itself is owned by Custodian1.

The book said I had to delete the Admin user but, after asking if I was sure that I wanted to delete the user, Access would not let me.

I went through the Workgroup security wizzard a number of times to try to reset things that way, all to no avail. I then did the whole ownership change thing with the back end database and relaunched the wizzard. Still unable to delete the Admin user.

My final attempt was to use the wizzard and create a new WIF rater than edit the existing file. And still, I cannot delete the Admin user and distributed copies have no security.

I don't know how this ties in, but the distributed copies do not seem to be linked to the WIF although they find the Back End database, in the same shared drive/directory with no problems. If I set a password on a distributed FE database copy, it then cannot be opened as the users are not defined.

I'm obviously missing something fundamental to the whole process. A further difficulty is that I have the live database FE/BE, working copies FE/BE, The security wizzard backups FE/BA, and all the directories have similar names. On top of that, I have my normal none database duties to distract me. I'm finding it very hard to keep track of where I am or what I am doing.

Any help most gratefully appreciated and received.



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Tearing Hair Out - Data Entry Forms/Subforms

Jun 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

The asset managment system I have been developing is due to go live next week and I am really struggling with the data entry and search forms.

I have attached a picture of the main form (and outlined each subform) to give you an idea of my project.
The attached form is actually a Main Equipment Type Detail form with a child subform AssetMain which has a number of child subforms i.e. Asset Details, Purchase Details etc.

When a user clicks to add a new asset a popup form asks them to select an equipment type i.e. PC. When they click it opens the attached form. Their selection filters the equipment type detail values in the combo i.e. Laptop, Tower, Server etc.
When a value is then selected in the combo you can then add an asset for that equipment type detail. (One Equip Type > Many Equip Type Detail > Many Assets)

1st Problem)
I have set the Asset Main subform to allow additions only. When the whole form opens, the Equipment Type combo (at the top) does not display a value but does actually contain the first value.
How do I force my user's to select a value in the combo before it actually filters the child subform?

2nd Problem) The Asset Main Subform (filtered by selected Equip Type) should only be used for data entry. I set the data entry property of the form to True but when the value in the Equip type combo changes, it displays all the relating records in the subform. My only solution so far is to stick

Subform.DataEntry = True
in the Equip Type combo's after update event. However, this doesnt look to good as it flashes up with the data and then displays a blank record.
Any ideas?

3rd problem) Due to the fact that I am using a number of subforms, my tab order is such that values are entered for the main form (i.e. ID, Condition) then subforms (i.e. manufacturer) then back to the main form (i.e. allocated to). This means that:
a) I am having problems validating the record beforeinsert as I have had to change the required property to "no"
b) Once the user has tabbed through all the forms what is the best way to go to a new record? Alternatively if I add a new record button I need to check that the necessary fields have been filled in (on all of the forms/subforms).

and finally the 4th)
I have a search form that queries the assets. The search results are displayed in a list box. When you dblclick the list box I need to show the asset details.
Question: Can I use the above form to do this? My only problem is that I need to open the AssetMain form which is a sub form in the above. If I try and use the existing form it will not open as many of the controls refer to the form as a subform. Do you think I need to create a separate form for showing the data to entering it?

Would really appreciate some help (not that you havent heard that before :) )
My head is going to pop in a minute!!!


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Back End Security

Apr 25, 2005


I have a database which is secured via a workgroup.

I have just ran the database splitter to seperate the data into a back end. But now I can open the back-end directly without any password.

How do I ensure that the back end is still secured when doing this?


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Back End Security

Jul 28, 2005

Hi folks,

I've built a few simple databases in the past, but never one where security was required. Now someone wants a database where access to certain areas is limited. Everything I read about Access Security here makes it seem complicated, and flaky, so I was wondering about doing something simpler ;

1. Make the Back End password protected so no one can open it

2. Make the front end an MDE. Put certain forms behind a form which prompts for a password. Store the password in a table to allow it to be changed if required.

So this looks like a crude method to me, but it is for a small user base, where the manager needs access to certain info which employees shouldn't see. I suppose if an employee was so minded, and put in some effort, they could get around the simple password-protection, but is it worth setting up proper security for a small project ?

Can anyone offer any advice on how much more secure the database would be if I did it properly ?


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Under Tool/Startup.., Security Disappear, I Want It Back

Sep 13, 2006

Hello Access experts,

I am using MSAccess 2002. I have removed the tables and queries to reduce file size. I have set database password as "planning". In the form named "Form1" I have created a Shift-Key Enable/Disable button with password "SIMON". In Menu Starup, I have also disallowed Display Database Window, disallowed Built-in Toolbars and disallowed Toolbar/Menu Changes. Now I have problem because I cant unset the Security password and make changes in Startup.. because the Menu Tool/Security, Startup..etc have disappeared. How do I get them back again?

Thanks in advance.

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Pulling My Hair Out

Dec 28, 2006

I have created several Queries and I would like to have a column that numbered the results. I have looked all over saw a couple of samples but havent had any luck. Anyone have any suggestions. Thanks for your help and have a good New Year.

Just to clarify basically this is what I need. Loan Number is the Primary key.

# Column Borrower Loan Number
1 smith 123456
2 jones 023567
3 jang 102569

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Can Anyone Help Before I Pull Out My Hair???

Sep 22, 2007

I have a data source table with names, addresses and UK postcodes, and another table that has partial postcodes (the bit before the space) and I need to look up the local authority for each postcode. I created a front end that links to both tables and tried converting the full postcode in one table to the first 4 characters and the partial postcode in the other table to the first 4 characters too, using two separate queries, both of which give the right results. Then I used a third query based on both of the above to match up the records from both queries, but I get a "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error. I am just using queries on tables because I'm not very au fait with VBA and so on. Any ideas, anyone please? (I can happily email all to anyone who wants to look.)

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Pulling My Hair Out...

Feb 6, 2008

I'm certainly not new to Access, but this is the first time encountering a problem like this. I have a table with 3 Field Names, [Return], [Header] and [Date]. An example table looks like so..

Return Header Date
1 | 10 | 1/1/2007
2 | 10 | 3/1/2007
3 | 10 | 5/1/2007
13 | 20 | 6/1/2007
14 | 20 | 7/1/2007

I need to take to have group the Header's together, for instance 10, and have it return the [Date] for whichever line has the lowest [Return] value. I just can't figure out how to do it. Any help or insight would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm 90% done with the project, and this last part will seal the deal.

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Email - Pulling My Hair Out, Please Help

Feb 24, 2005

I have a database from which users e-mail country specific reports to a group of receipients.

I am currently using the following code:
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "Report UK", "SnapshotFormat (*.snp)", "rec1@company.co.uk;rec2@company.co.uk;rec3@company .co.uk", "", "", "Report UK", "See attached document", False, ""

Everytime when a receipient needs to be changed or added the users ask me and I have to change this code; this is offcourse not the best way. For some countries I even have as much as 15 recepients

What I would like to do is set up a table showing for each country the e-mailreceipients, link this to my form and use the field from the form in my code which is activated by a click on a button.
So I started testing this, but I am really breaking my head on this one....
I found two other examples on e-mail from which I took some code and sort of got something working.
The problem that I have now (see attached database) is that even though there are e-mailaddresses in the field on the form the code considers the field empty (null) only after clicking on the field the script works.

My idea however was to make this field a hidden field - users should no be bothered about this
Anybody have an ide how I can overcome my problem?????

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Back End Database

Oct 24, 2007

Cannot open back end database.
There are no other users logged on
Tried opening it in open exclusive mode but still error message.
Front end on number of desktop PC's.
Back End on server.
I need to get in design mode on back end but won't let me.
I get logon screen but when try to log on get message below
I can log onto front end ok.

Error message something like.

* You do not have perimission to open or enable database
* You must have open/run open/exclussive administer permissions.
* Request other users to log off

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Relationship Problem....no Hair Left...!

Mar 3, 2005

Hi All.
Before I start, I have read other posts on relationship, but none that can answer this, so if it does, maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
I have put together database's before, but just with parent to child relationships. I need a db to go further.....and have been trying for about a week, just going round in circles!!

I have the following tables...


I can create it so there are many buildings in each project, that is OK. I need it so there can be many floors under each of the buildings, and many rooms undereach of the floors etc etc etc.
Also, need a Unique_ID for every record of building, floor, room.
I will need in the end to run a report on a room, which will tell me the floor, building, project it is in etc.
I cannot work out the relationship's between each table and, I know I can insert a subform into a form which will link tblProject to tblBuilding, but how do I add tblFloor to that link?
I do hope this makes sense, and I have attached a db which may help explain

Many thanks in advance.


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Pulling My Hair Out! Hope I Can Explain

Jul 16, 2005

Let see if I can explain my goal. I've been fighting with this for some time with no resolve. In the included DB has a table that represents the fields that will be queried in the real DB. It shows records of one of many employees that were "tested" (shopped) on a date and whether it was a successfull shop or not. My goal is in three parts.

1)A query that goes through each employee and returns the records with the check box in SuccessYes checked (Yes) back to the last unchecked box, not including the unchecked box. In the example given the last (most recent) 5 records would be returned. If the shop of date 1/18/2005 was not checked, it would only return the last 2 records. Basically, I'm looking for a way to have a report that shows everyone's current successes in a row. It could be any number.

2)A query very similar but it returns only those employees that have the current successes in a row totalling 5 and where the field "Award5_Paid" is NOT checked (they have not been paid their reward). From there it should be easy to do one for the 10 in a row.

3)If I've got a form open (or...?) where I can place a command button, that when clicked, it appends the selected records with checks in the appropriate boxes for being paid. Example: If a set of employees come up in the query with 5 successfull shops in a row because the "Award5_Paid" field is unchecked, then I need to pay them. Click the button and the Award5_Paid field gets checked in THOSE RECORDS ONLY so that the next time I run the query, they won't show up and get paid twice. Issue? What's the coding or SQL or ??? that's run when clicked.

I hope that makes sense. I've been running around in circle trying to figure this one out. Maybe it can't be done, but if it can, I know some of you know how.
As always, thanks for the assistance.


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Take My Database Offsite And Back?

Dec 28, 2006

Howdy all.

I need to take my database 50 miles to a factory site so that an engineer and I can review/modify all the records, ~450 so far.

Can I copy the front end and back end files to my laptop, review edit the data offsite, and then overwrite the back end file on my server when I get back? Are there any issues with doing that?



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Database Back By Button???

Mar 6, 2008

Does anyone know of a way to make a database back up by a click of a button in a main form in the database? (so a customer does not have to go tools/database utilities/back up database)

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Autiomated BackUp Of Back End Database

Aug 17, 2005

We are currently running a FE / BE splitted database abd would like to back the back end up (to a sepearate location) every 15 minuutes by using the On Timer event.

Troiuble is, I believe I cant use the CopyDataBaseFile method whilst other users are in it and it would be too much hassle kicking everyone off!

Manually copying and pasting is good, but would really like to crack this one

Any suggestions please?



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Split Database, Roll Back Can I?

Aug 30, 2005

I have done the mistake of not keeping a backup, what I did is split my database file access and then created my mde file, I need to change some data on my tables, but I get the msg that I cant edit a linked table, is there a way that I could put things back the way it was, also this path that was created is it possible to change for future purposes (I might have to move the dir into a different path)


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Get The Database Window Back After Hiding It.

Aug 31, 2005


I have a question;

If I hide the Database window and uncheck the Allow Full Menu checkbox from Tools--> Startup

The next time I open the application how can I get them back?

Any help will be very appreciated,

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How Do You Ix A Broken Database When You Can't Touch The Back End?

May 17, 2006

I have been asked to take a database created last year and re-design it to make it more user-friendly.
Not a problem, I thought when asked but I am running into a little problem...(the database designer)
In my opinion, to make a system more user-friendly there is a necessity to access the code and tables in order to gain a reasonable knowledge of the way in which it has been constructed. Unfortunately, although I am allowed to LOOK at the front end, I am not allowed any further access to coding or back end information.
At present middle management are siding with the database designer as they feel that from a security standpoint, access needs controlling (I can agree with this to an extent)
Does anyone have any ideas of how I can talk the management round or any suggestions for a way through this issue?
(Oh, and I'm not allowed to build them a new database and substitute it...I already asked)



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Making A Front And Back End To My Database...

Jun 5, 2006

I need help making a front and back end to my database. How should I do it!?!? All I know is what I should put in the front end and what goes in the back end. The rest needs to be explained to me somehow...

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Split Database Back End On FTP Or Web Server

Jul 12, 2007

Hi, I am not sure where to put this thread hopefully someone here can help me.

I have spent a good deal of time developing a very effective access database for a client. It is split into a front end and back end and connected using the Linked Table Manager when necessary.

The front end is quite loaded with queries, reports, forms, macros etc and the back end simply has the tables.

The front end is about 15 mb and the back about 8 mb.

Current set up is a small workgroup network with about 4 -5 consecutive users at any one given time.

I am looking for some advice on how to set up or facilitate getting the backend on the internet so anyone with a front end can access it outside of the LAN.

Today I set up an account with WebDrive which can connect to and assign a drive letter on your pc to any FTP, HTTP site.

I made the connection with WebDrive and using the linked table manager successfully linked the tables on my local machine to the back end on the FTP server - and actually ran the database at a pretty good rate.

I noticed however that it was downloading the backend to my local pc and once I closed the (a) form it was uploading the data back to the server? Very slow and often threw errors.

This of course is not what I wanted. Has anyone heard of doing this? Any work arounds or setting params would be greatly appreciated.

I have been told to create the DB in ASP but I do not have any idea on how to do that whatsoever...

Any advice or insight would be awesome!


Fen How

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Repairing A Back-End Database Question

Mar 27, 2006

I am trying to repair my back-end database but am having trouble. Everytime I select 'Repair Database' I get the following error:

'\BE_Data.mdb' isn't an index in this table. Look in the Indexes collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names.'

Can anyone tell me what this means, or more to the point, can anyone tell me how to fix this problem.

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General :: How To Set Up Access Database As Back-end Only

Aug 8, 2015

I plan on using Excel as the front-end and Access as the back-end only. (all queries and forms are in Excel). A single Access database will be queried from multiple Excel files that will be located on the share drive (Linux server). Access tables contain memo, text and number fields. Data will be sent to Access tables and records will be appended/deleted; all via Excel.

There will be multiple users interacting with a single Access database via multiple Excel files located on the shared drive. Users will be interacting from different workstations with Windows 7, all have Access 2010 and Excel 2010 installed.

This process works for me from my workstation but I am not sure what will happen when other 4 people will be sending/appending/deleting records to the same Database? How do I make this work? What settings do I need to check in Access to make this possible?

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General :: Can Put Back End Of Database On Web Space?

Jul 31, 2013

I have a database which is split so that several people can have a 'front end' to the database to access one common back end. This works fine on a network but I thought I could load the backend up to my webspace and then with the links manager point to it, but it doesn't work. I get an error report of 'not a valid file name.'

The website is [URL] .... and the backend database name is Probus_data_A.accdb and so I entered [URL] .... as the address in link manager.

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General :: Protecting Back End Of Database

Sep 12, 2013

So i want to protect the back end of a database but im limited to what I can do....I am unable to restrict members from accessing the file by username...I am unable to place it in a local area which is pass protected...I am also unable to encrypt the back end as the front end needs to be able to access it (and I dont know how to allow it to do that...)

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Split Database Back End Password

Sep 24, 2010

I have a database already split and I wanted to put a password on the back end. When I open up the front end and try to navigate through the forms it says "Not a valid password".Is there somewhere I need to go / something I need to do to link up the two now that a password has been created?

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Queries Locking The Back End Database?

Jul 23, 2012

I have created two DBs, one Back End, and one FrontEnd. My FrontEnd contains all the UIs/Forms, Linked Tables, and the queries fetching data from linked tables, and the Back End consists of all the Tables.

Now, in my Model, the BackEnd DB will be stored in a common drive and will be accessed by multiple users through same FrontEnd.

Now when I am trying to fire a query in FrontEnd (aka FE) DB, it is locking up the Back Up database. Even though I have set the RecordLock property to No Locks to query and the form.

how to remove the locking?

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