Text Box Format

Mar 29, 2005

I want to format the Telephone number input mask to show

(999) 123-4567 ext 1234

where the extension can be in 3 or 4 digits which is up to the user, or blank if none exists. . .


this is one of those non intuitive sections of Access. . .


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General :: How To Format The Text Using Format Function

Jul 7, 2015

I want to format the text using format function. how i format the word apple to "apple" (With Quatation mark).

str = Format(Me.word, xxxx)

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Text Box Format

Feb 18, 2005

Hello all -

I have a text box in a report that I want to combine a label and a date field (date field is based on a table). I need to format the date field to be different than the way it is in the table though. I used the "Format" part of the property window to say (mmmm", "yyyy) but it only works if the date field is the only thing in the text box.

In the text Box, I want ="Medical Record Review - & [Date Added]" where [Date Added] now says e.g., 9/11/04, and I want it to say September, 2004. Putting (mmmm", "yyyy) in the format part of the property window works only if [Date Added] is the only thing in the text box. Is there a way to include both the text and the called field in the text box AND format the [Date Added] field as I need?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much.

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Custom Text Format

Dec 27, 2005

I need help with custom text formating. Everything I read says that @ is "Required text character" and & is "Text character not required", but nothing gives an example of &. Could someone give me examples of the difference between @ and & ?


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Conditionally Format Text Box

Oct 18, 2005

Hi All,

I have built a code database where right now I display my sample code in a textbox on my main form. I was hoping to replace the text box with a Rich Text Box. I could then format the code to sort of match what would be shown in the VB/VBA IDE.

I know the Rich Text Box was disabled in Access 2003 for security reasons. I also know that there is another free RTF control. I was hoping to find out how Microsoft intended for us to replace the Rich Text Box. I could use a Web Browser Control but I was not sure of the best way to add this to my form and then feed it the data that was originally bound to the text box.

Thanks for any insight you would be able to provide.

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Text To Date Format

Dec 1, 2004

I have a date that imports as text into my table.
It imports as 20041201 which is yyyymmdd.
I would like to convert this text to a actual date format mm/dd/yyyy.
Is this possiable?
Any help would be so great.


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Format Text In Combo Box

May 22, 2006

Hi there, I hope someone will take pity on me and help me as I am new to databases so here goes.
I have combo boxes in a form that the user would like to be able to press the Enter key and just go to a new line, not go to the next field. This is so they can have say 4 sentences but have each one on a new line in the combo box. Hope this makes sense.

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Coverting Date Format To Text

May 19, 2005

I have 2003 Access Dbase from which some of the fields must be exported as comma deliminated txt and email to a repository.

I need the end user to see DOB, date format dd/mm/yyyy (15/06/1959) but it must be exported as ,15061959,Town,State....etc

Now I have formatted Table, Form & Query Fields (dd/mm/yyyy) and then carefully chosen the text export options...Removing the / date deliminator etc and saved the export format & kind. Included the correct path etc in to a macro and used Notepad.exe to display.

When it displays... as follows...15061959 0:00:00, IT ADDS A TIME?????

Short term workaround I have end user entering 2x IE 01/01/0001 & 01010001 as seperate text field. If I format date as ddmmyyyy then it displays this way for end user of course and not acceptable for other reports

Is there some way I get around this...or code/query/function I can use to convert for export purposes??????

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Default Value - Text Or Date? - Yy Or Mm Format

Mar 6, 2005

I am hoping someone can help me, a real novice at Access 2000 - I am trying to construct a couple fields in a table, 1 of which will show a default value equal to a 2-digit year (yy) based on the current date. The second will display a default value equal to a two digit month (mm) based on the current date. Text fields would be ideal, but date field could work if it's the only way. Thank you for helping out a newbie.

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Format As Text In Append Query

Aug 8, 2005

I have some code that creates a dynamic "Append To" query. The problem is that when the code is run it creates the query but generates a Data Type Mismatch error. I have tracked this down to a [clientnumber] field which is formatted as text in both the main database and the one the Append to query is updating.

The client number appears as a criteria and this works for finding the client's record but it will not append it unless I enclose it in quotes. When it's in quotes it works fine.

Can anybody give me a clue as to how I can include, in the code, a formatting command that makes the information inserted into the criteria field appear enclosed in quotes. Or-

Perhaps explain why the problem exists when both fields are formatted the same in both the main table and the Appended To table.


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Format A Number As A Text In A Query

Apr 5, 2007

I have a text file I'm querying that stores a field as a text.

I'm inserting this data into a table that stores this value as a number. Thus truncating the leading zeros.

I would like to create a query on the table using an InnerJoin on the text file column:ComponentID:0000000242 and the table column:ComponentID:242 as the unique identifier. Doing this join gives a case error because of the different data types.

Can format ComponentID using a query so it reads from my table as 0000000242 and do an InnerJoin to the text file. In vb
String= Format(242, "0000000000")
But I'm finding it difficult to get the query to format this correctly.

Unfortunately, i'm unable to change the column data type in the table structure and am looking for a work around. Is this even possible? Any ideas?


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Format Number Within Text String

Oct 19, 2006

I'm no expert and can't seem to find what i'm looking for.

i have data i enter into a text box. the data might be in the format

"name, date, age"
"name, date"

if on the second or third example above i entered the data like shown below how would i VB code the afterupdate to do this:

David Roberts, 12122006
David Roberts, 12/12/2006

OR turn
David Roberts, 12122006, 56
David Roberts, 12/12/2006, aged 56

any ideas??
I'm working along the lines of instr, mid, etc. but i'm not sure of the correct procedure
thanks in advance

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Format Text In Report/query

Sep 10, 2005

How do you format text for output into a report for initial caps?

Thanks much

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Format/text Alignment In Listbox

Jun 15, 2006

I have a multicolumn listbox on my form. It works, but the second column is an amount, and I would like that column to be right-adjusted. Is there a way to do that?


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Tables :: Change Text Format To Yes / No?

Aug 30, 2013

I came into a database where the forms have checkboxes connected to table fields that are in text data type. I see that when the checkbox is checked, the value in the field is still -1 in the table. Is there a reason to change these fields to Yes/No data type or just keep them as they are? Are there limitations or problems to having Yes/No values (-1) in a text field?

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Modules & VBA :: Transfer Text - CSV Format

Jan 27, 2015

I have a simple query and I want to export it in excel, Comma Separated Value., .CSV

I tried to run DoCmd.TransferText but all of my attempts were futile.

I found it, I must export it as TXT and file suffix insert .csv instead of .txt and it works

Now can I execute this "Saved Exports" through a macro or docmd ?

I insert a picture just to make it more clear.

[URL]] ......

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Modules & VBA :: Text Box Percentage Format

Mar 2, 2015

I have set the format of a text box (named: scrILS) to percentage. It shows on the form as 0.00%

When I try to run calculations off of it like: = [scrILS]*[totBuysFYDP1], it throws this error: #TYPE!

It seems as though the textbox is keeping it as text for the percent sign "%" is preventing any calculations against it... here's the strange part... it doesn't happen initially when I open the form... the calculations work and I get no error, but I have code that recalculates everything based on values picked in a list box... on the requery I get the error.

When I look at the watch frame for that control it shows the scrILS value as:
"00.0%" not 00.0%... any thoughts on this?

I attempted to just take the thing as a string and use a replace function against the "%" then calculating... that works, but then the initial form load throws the error.

Seems like I am missing something in the property settings, but I don't know what. Is there something that forces the format value, setting percentage as a number vs. text?... I thought that was just part of the format setting...no?

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Forms :: Text Field Format

Apr 11, 2013

we would like to enter text that is always in this format,2013 04 11 / 09:15...I have tried using the field as date, with the formatting of yyyy mm dd / hh:mm...but the records keep showing a data entry problems with this format.

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Format Numbers In Query Text Field?

Nov 10, 2005

I have a field in a query that contains numbers and text (text field). The numbers displayed come from a percent calculation and display with many decimals ie, .99898745987245. Is there a way to eliminate the decimals with code in the query field? For example .99898745987245 to equal 99%? I can’t format the field as a number or percent because it has both text and numbers. HELP!!

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Email Table In Text File Format

Apr 11, 2006

I am trying to email a table in text format using :

DoCmd.SendObject acSendTable, "Table", acFormatTXT, , , , "Results", "Attached are the reslts"

It sends the file in text file format, but it adds "-" & "|" characters all over the file. Is there a way that I can send the file in simple "Comma Separated" file format.



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Format Text Field Data As Date

Oct 6, 2006

Well I have been searching but have not exactly found the answer I need so:

I have a linked table in my database. One of the fields on the source table is a date field but the data type is Text. So there is data in the field that represents dates but they are formatted as text like this:

I need the field data to behave as a date, any ideas? I can't change the source data type.

Then...at some point I want to produce a query that shows all records with a date earlier than the current days date...in pointers in the right direction on that will be appreciated also.


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Exporting Reports In Rich Text Format

Feb 25, 2005

Can anyone help?!
We are trying to export some reports into a Rich Text format using Access on Office 2003 on a Win XP op system. When doing this on Win 98 the Rich text document was slightly out of line but not too bad. Now we are doing it on XP it is completely out of line and unusable. Does anyone have any suggestions please?

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Email Table In Text File Format

Apr 11, 2006

I am trying to email a table in text format using :

DoCmd.SendObject acSendTable, "Table", acFormatTXt, , , , "Results", "Attached are the reslts"

It sends the file in text file format, but it adds "-" & "|" characters all over the file. Is there a way that I can send the file in simple "Comma Separated" file format.



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Queries :: Export To Text File Format?

Oct 13, 2014

I currently have a query pulling data from a database - I need to now export the data to a text file to import it into a different database. I need the format to be like below. Wondering how I can tell the query to go to the second line and then the third line like below.


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Queries :: Format Text To Numeric Percentage

Jan 29, 2015

I have a text percentage that reads 28.0%. I want to convert to a numeric percentage that reads either 0.28 or 28.0%, preferably the latter. The Val function returns an error.

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Transfer Text Field Into Date Format

Jan 5, 2012

I have filed that has been uploaded from excel file in this format 20110307 , but I need this filed named postdate in date format such as 03/07/2011 . How to transfer text filed into date .I use Format([PostDate],'mm/dd/yy') in update query , but the data completely disappeared off the field.

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