Text Box Character Size

Feb 2, 2005

Hi all,

What can i put on a text box to limit the amount of characters entered like the 'field size' property for a table. I want to limit entry to 40 characters. Thanks in advance for any help,


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Show Text Box In A Form Based On Character Within A String In Another Text Box

Dec 21, 2012

I have a form where I want a textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] to be visible only if another text box on the same form [PaNumber] contains the letter D in the string. This is the code I have on the forms On Current property but I'm missing something because textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] doesn't show on the form at all.

If Me.PaNumber = "*D" Then
Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = True
Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = False
End If

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Can You Make Just One Part Of The Text In A Text Box Bold Or A Different Font Size?

Aug 20, 2004

Is there a way to make just part of the text in a text box bold, or to use different font sizes in the same text box?

Something like this:

Heading in bold: description in regular (not bold)
(a smaller height line used as a line space)
Another "normal" line
a larger height line
a normal line....all in one text box!

One thing I'd like to be able to do is to specify the line height of a blank line in a text box. I'm using carriage returns created with: Chr(13) & Chr(10). I could see defining the font size of a hidden character, but I'd need to know how to assign a font size to a piece of the text in a font box.

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Delete All Text Before Character

Jun 12, 2005

I've search the forums...If you can find a thread that discusses this, or can give me some advice on this topic, let me know.

Is there any built-in function that will allow me to delete any text before a certain point in a record... Or perhaps a way to use the REPLACE function to do so?

All of my records look like this (They're ticker symbols):
AMZN:Amazon, Inc
WMT:Wal-Mart Inc.
A:Agilen Tech Inc
MSFT:Microsoft Inc.

I just want the company name...Unfortunately, the ticker symbols aren't always the same length, so I can't use the left or right function.

I need to delete the colon and anything to the left of the colon. I've thought of a great use of the replace function for this purpose...I used wildcards...Too bad it didn't work!

Just The Company Name: Replace([Ticker Symbol and Name],"*" & ":","")

Any ideas?

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Capitalizing The First Character In A Text Box.

Nov 11, 2004

I have a form to capture client information. I would like to have the the first character of the name fields (First and Last) be automatically capitalized. How can I set the field to do this?

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Count Character In Text Box

Apr 13, 2007

like we do when we change our password, if characters are <4 or >10 then warning comes, I am making a password change button and want same thing.

I tried but could not locate any help for this. Can some body help?

Also, if put an If Text2.value = Null then
msgBox "Blank not allowed", vbcritical,"Error"

End If

While debugging I can see Null = Null but it does not give message box.

I tried everywhere in all text boxes of my db and found same thing.

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Text Box Capitalizes First Weekday Character

Dec 9, 2005


A text box on my form automatically capitalizes the fist letter of a "weekday-word".

Like when I put in "sunday" this text box converts it automatically to "Sunday".

How can I avoid this?

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Queries :: Extract Text Between First And Second Character

Aug 30, 2013

i would like to make a query in ma access can extract text between first and second character "/" and when there are not "/" in field it returns null.now data in my table are like below


No option1 1 100 2 145/Mechanical/0800 3 120/electrical/1620 4 131/mechanical/0200/dw-001

Now I like to make a query can extract text between first and second character "/" like below: No option1 discipline


1 100 null 2 145/Mechanical/0800 Mechanical 3 120/electrical/1620 electrical 4 131/mechanical/0200/dw-001 mechanical

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Using Update Querry To Change A Text Character

Mar 25, 2007

I have a database that I imported as a comma deliminated csv file. To keep my original text comas intact I changed all the commas to semicolons before I created the csv file and imported the data. I now have a data base with semicolons in place of the original commas.

I am trying to use the update query function to change all the semicolons back to commas in one of the database fields called File_name

I have a data entry where a record in the File_name field looks like this for example

Chevrolet cavalier; red

and I want to change it so that it looks like

Chevrolet cavalier, red

I run an update query with the criteria set as Like "*;*"

and this finds all the records which have a semicolon in them

I have set the update field to "*,*"

but all this does is to change the record from

Chevrolet cavalier; red



Is the query update the way to go and what is the syntax that I should be using in the Update field just to change the semicolon to a comma and leave the other text intact?

thanks Mark

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Tables :: Text Conversion - Invalid Character Or Comma Entered

Jun 11, 2015

I'm having trouble converting text to proper text in Access 2010 using Windows 8.1 as OS.

The message I keep getting is:

The expression you entered contains invalid syntax. You omitted an operand or operator, you entered an invalid character or comma, or you entered text without surrounding it in quotation marks.

The formula I use is:


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Reports :: Memo Text Displays As Chinese Character Or Square Box

Jun 25, 2014

I am using Access 2007. I recently converted my table field from text to memo. When I run a query and report linked to the qry the memo text is displayed as Chinese character or square box (if field is empty). In some forum posts this is shown as a font bug e.g. with Calibri. I changed from Calibri to Arial as this was reported to correct the bug. It did not work.

My field is set to Grow and Shrink, and table font is Rich Text also as mentioned in other posts. Still not working out.

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Importing Records From Text File Based On First Character Or Code In One Field

Jun 12, 2013

I have a file that I need to import on a regular basis. There are two different issues with the import:

1. the first digit in the file indicates if it is a record I want to keep. In this case a 1 indicates a repair record and an 8 indicates it is just information such as email, contact info etc.

2. I have a field in the file that may change the import specifications

For example:

If the record is a Non wheel repair then column 167 is a 50 character description
If the record is Wheel repair then column 167 is a 28 character description and the remaining 22 characters are broken down into 10 different fields

So I need to do the following

1. Read the first character in the line and determine if it is a number 1 and if not discard it
2. Read a field in column 109 that is two characters long and if it says it is a wheel repair the import will break column 167 -216 down to the appropriate 11 fields and if it is a non wheel repair it will import columns 167 - 216 as one big description field.

I have used the import specifications with Access but it seems this will have to be done in code in a module or something and I am not very good with VB. (only know the basics)

One other issue is I have dates in the file that are 130225 and 1302 (so full date and then Year/Month) if i take out the / date separator in the import spec the full date works but the Year/Month doesn't.

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Text Field Size

Jul 29, 2005

Is there any way of increasing a text field size to above 255?

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Text Field Size

Jul 11, 2007

MS documentation states that space is not reserved for unused characters in a text field. Does this mean that there is no storage penaly for having a text field 255 as opposed to 80.

On a more general note are there any tools to help calculate the size of a table?

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Label Text Size

Oct 4, 2006


Is there a way to make the text in a label smaller than size 8?
I need to put some text on a form, but it's too large for the limited amount of space I have.

Thank you.

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Type Text Field Size

Oct 2, 2006


I have searched on this and it says: it doesn't matter as long as it's of type text. It matter if it's long integer..etc. I am not quite sure.

I wonder if default size '50 of fields' of type text occupies that size in memory even though the data in the field is not 50 chars.


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Text Size For Colunm's In Subform

Apr 4, 2005

well, I have managed to get everything to work. Its a great feeling. the only thing I am having trouble with now is cosmetic.


Notice how the size of the text is a lot bigger than the size of the same text in the first image?

How do I reduce the size of the text? I have looked in all the boxes and tried everything but it just doesnt want to change the final output text size.

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Apend Query Problem Text Size

May 25, 2006

Hello - the world
this the 2nd time i tried this and hope someone can help

I have a form that i need to insert text into the text is held in a table and the amount of text can vary from 30characaters to 1,000's

now i have a drop down box with the following

SELECT [Wording].[wordingid], [Wording].[wordingnme], [Wording].[wording] FROM Wording;

i select one and then while that item is highlighted , i push a button append and it inserts in to my form

The table settings on the form are memo and the table settings on the wording are memo , i can see the info in the raw table its the append bit

so wording - fishing would be wordingnme and the text I want to apply would be "gone fishing etc "
works a treat but I only get the first 255 chars of a long wording

I can insert as many wordings into my form but size limt of 255 so its not the form

any ideas ?????:confused:

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Return Size Of A File In Form Text Box

Feb 17, 2005

A quick question that I'm sure one of you guys will be able to answer without any trouble, but I'm having difficulty with...

I have a form on which I would like to have a text box which returns the size of a file on my PC. The file path will not change.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Reports :: Making All Text Box Grow The Same Size

Nov 17, 2014

I made a report that contains 10 textboxes beside each other and i changed the option (can grow) of the textboxes to yes the growing is okay, but i want all the textboxes to grow the same size as the bigger one.

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Forms :: Field Auto-size To Text In Form?

Nov 19, 2014

I am relatively new to using MS Access 2010. Some fields which i have set up as Memo fields to take report comments. Is there anyway to make the size of the memo field box variable to fit in with the text in the form when viewing in htis mode?

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Reports :: Text Within Report Labels Different Size In Preview / Print?

Jan 12, 2015

I have always noticed that when creating a report, when you make a paragraph using a label, the alignment and size of the text/paragraph is always different when you preview the report than when you design it.

This makes alignment of paragraphs tricky, especially when you are trying to insert a bold faced word into the middle of a block of text by using a separate label.

I am using Access 2000

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Changing Font Size Of Labels Depending On Text Length

Jul 28, 2014

I have a report that prints labels (similar to avery labels) which pulls data from a query. These labels are all unique and vary in length. Due to the length variance, I want the font size to get smaller for labels with more characters. I want the text to go down to another line when necessary.

In my report under the OnPage Event Procedure I wrote this:

Private Sub Report_Page()
If Len(Text2) > 20 Then Text2.FontSize = 8
If Len(Text2) > 10 And Len(Text2) < 21 Then Text2.FontSize = 10
If Len(Text2) < 11 Then Text2.FontSize = 14
End Sub

This works to some degree but the problem is that once there is a longer label, all of the proceeding labels are resized & the longer label that should have been resized was not.

Is there another place I should be writing this code? I looked under events for the textbox but there doesn't seem to be anything that would work since none of them would trigger when printing labels

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Import Text File / Multiple Lines And Varying Delimiters / Size To One Record

Aug 22, 2012

Using MS 2007, I have a 200 text files exported each day from another application that has two different types of lines (see below). I would like to import each text file in to a database as a single record.

Text file example (text.txt):

R111 WC 8/21/2012 7:00 Doe, John doej 10110110

First Question? Y
Second Question? N
Third Question? Y
Seventeenth Question? 10

As you see, I have the first row with multiple fields, but the next rows I have a question and an answer.

I would like to have this data imported as shown in the attachment. Example.zip

Most answers I see are for either multiple lines (same data and sizing). I am not sure how to handle several different lines with that vary in size and delimiters.

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Large Field Size = Larger Overall Database Size?

Aug 29, 2005

Will keeping your field size shorter result in a smaller MDB file?

Or does Access only use as much space as there is real data in its fields.

Way back in the dBASE III days, dBASE would pad all your "real" information with as many spaces as necessary to fill up your field. I suspect that the MDB structure is probably smarter than that.

Another question on the same topic - I believe there is a maximum number of characters in a record (4000?). Can your field sizes add up to more than 4000, as long as the actual data, all combined, never totals 4000...?

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Forms :: Text Size In Forms / Datasheets

Aug 16, 2014

I need to make the text size smaller to fit everything on the screen (users use 17" monitors..). I have gone into each form and subform and changed the text size for each text box to 9, but when I view them in form view the size has not changed ?

Also .. is there any way to make the autocentre option actually work as it's name suggests !! ? it does in most cases centre horizontally, but never vertically, quite often putting the top of the pop up form over the ribbon bar.

I would actually like to be able to totally remove the ribbon bar so that only the database forms are the only thing the user sees.

I vaguely remember being able to do this in Access 97 (Which was the last version I used - a long time ago !) but this seems to be more difficult in 2010 version.

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