Text Field With "blank Row Ability"?

Jan 5, 2007


I´m developing my first web page using visual studio. I have connected to an access db, and it works fine. But now I want a text field that can display blank rows, so that the user can identify sections in long texts.

I´m not at all used to having text fields to deal with, so this might be a simple question.

(I just realized that what I want is kind of like this field)


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Search Blank Text Field

Jan 31, 2006

I can alway make a query like the following one to table and return the records:

SELECT * FROM people WHERE PhoneNo<>"";

However, it returns nothing while it should return a lot of records if I make a query like this:

SELECT * FROM people WHERE PhoneNo="";

The PhoneNo file is of text type. As I know, this field is added after the MS database has been put into use for some time.

Can anyone please explain this to me?


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Append From A Text Box To Only Blank Field In Saved Record In A Table

Mar 27, 2015

I have designed a database that has two forms as inputs to a table. The first form is a checklist and when it is completed it saves all fields except the ManagerID field. I then use the blank ManagerID, clientID and Date to pull onto a form for the manager to complete. On completion I want the ManagerID to save into the current records so they do not show up in the manager checklist forms and I then have a complete record. I have been searching online and cant seem to see how the best avenue is. I have an append query, see below

INSERT INTO ChecklistResults ( ManagerID )
SELECT ChecklistResults.ManagerID, ChecklistResults.ClientID, ChecklistResults.DateCompleted
FROM ChecklistResults
WHERE (((ChecklistResults.ClientID)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComClientNotFin]) AND ((ChecklistResults.DateCompleted)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComDateSelect]));

Private Sub CmdAppend_Click()
Dim dbsNorthwind As dao.Database
Dim rstAmend As dao.Recordset
Dim qdfAmend As dao.QueryDef


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Access 2007 Multivalue Field Ability

Feb 2, 2007

Hi Everyone

In Access 2007, we are able to use a multivalue field, however I don't see the functionality for it anywhere, anyone else notice this??

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Query Criteria With Blank And Non-blank Text Records

Mar 13, 2007

OK, I have been searching around on the fourm for over an hour now...I give up. If this is some where else, I am sorry.

I have a database of maintenance data. There are several columns that are usually filled in, some records have some columns blank. They are formated text because they hold letters and numbers (see pic).

I am using a form to query the table...no problem. The form has text boxes the user filter down the data

The problem comes are with the results of the query. Any record that has a blank column is not retuned. I am using "Like" so that the user can enter in partial codes. I know "like" won't return "null" records.... Help!

Things I have tried:
1)IIF(form field is blank, return table field, else use like command to filter) - returns nothing!
2)Like "*" & [Forms]![Fleetwide_data_Request]![MAL_CD] & "*" returns all records without blanks (i.e. missing data)

what else can I do?


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Forms :: Open Blank Form Based On Value In Text Field In Main Form

Jun 6, 2013

I have one table containing name of restaurant with its address etc. Then i created another table to list out the restaurant workers names and details. Just as an example,

Restaurant name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Restaurant #

Staff Role

I have the main form that has all the restaurant details only. And i have another form containing the Staff information. Please note the two table have a relation and it works well.

Now to make it user friendly(basically easier for the lazy ones), I dragged the staff contact form on to my main form and displayed it as a datasheet(basically a sub form).

Now, my boss does not want users to add/delete on this sub form(datasheet). So,he wants me to create buttons to open new record of staff for each restaurant(new form)

My issue is with opening a new record to enter a new person to the staff list and give them a role as well in form view.The new form has

So i ran a Macro, with open form with Where condition

[Staffcontact]![Rest Name]=[Forms]![MainForm]![RestaurantName]

But, it does not work .

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Forms :: How To Populate Bound Text Field With Text From A Unbound Text Field

Mar 22, 2014

I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName

[Event Procedure]
Private Sub imagename_Click()
Me.imagename = Me.FileName
End Sub

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General :: Showing Blank For 0 Text Value

Jan 13, 2014

I have a report that is based on a query I have made. It currently shows the values as kept in the table. It is for a MAR sheet. Here is how it looks...

Breakfast 0
Lunch 0
Teatime 2
Bedtime 1

I want it to show blank for each 0 that is shown. I have tried an Iif statement to do this but it doesn't seem to work.

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Reports :: Getting Blank In Text Box Instead Of Displaying Zero

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to display zeros in a report and at present I'm getting blank in text box where the value is zero. How do I display zero?

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Modules & VBA :: Replacing Value Of Zero To Blank Space In Text Box

Oct 4, 2013

How can I replace a '0' to a blank space and '1' to 'X' in 'Text Box' in a report ? The 'Data Type' is 'Yes/No' in the table.

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Tables :: Export To CSV Blank Fields With Text Qualifier?

Jul 15, 2014

I have two tables identical with all text fields within the same database. One table I export as a csv, delimited with commas separating my fields and quotation text qualifiers. Where the fields are blank there are text qualifiers as well ("" - begining and ending quotations). This is what I need. The second table is exporting as a csv, delimited, commas separating the fields with text qualifier as ""- begining and ending quotations, EXCEPT the blank fields are not putting the text qualifier, and I need it.

First Table: *What I need*
"142358", "PK", "15132678", "", "123.45"

Second Table: *What I need to fix and do NOT want*
"142358", "PK", "15132678", ,"123.45"

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General :: Automatically Show A New Blank Text Box For New Record

May 5, 2013

I would like to input data into textbox and it will automatically open up a new blank textbox for another data.

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Hide Report Label When Text Box Is Null / Blank

Oct 29, 2013

I am attempting to use VBA code to make the label in my report hidden if the text box is blank. I am very new to coding, and am not sure how I would express this in code. I have been looking at a few examples of how to get this done, but it doesn't seem to work. Where to insert the code. Attached is the image of the properties for my label and text box that I want hidden if text field is blank. I al just lost trying to figure this out.

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Need Custom Search Ability

May 18, 2005

I support a database for some users who don't find the built in search function (ctl+f) to be useful enough.

The main data entry form of the database has fields for subdivision, lot number and address, any of which they may use to find the record they want. They're requesting that I add two types for searching:
* select sub and/or lot number as search criteria and have the selected record populate the screen
* type in a freeform address and have the record populate the screen

I'm debating about what the best approach would be to do this. Should I have a command button which opens a pop up form with the fields? If so, what is the code I will need to take the data selected/entered on the popup, run a query and then populate the underlying form? I think I need to pass parameters but I'm inexperienced at this so I need some guidance.

Also thinking that if I do create a popup form that I'll use it in the open event on the data entry form as well.


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Lost Ability To Add To A Continuous Form?

Feb 20, 2008


I have a database with a huge table on the back-end, and then I want to set up various front-ends that will only show particular records that a user is interested in.

I notice that, when I query the big table without any join, I get all the records and also a space for entering a new record--that's what I want. But, when I add a join that serves to filter the records to the ones the particular user would be interested in, the space for entering a new record goes away. This is the case whether I view the query itself, or the form that uses the query.

Does anyone know how I can keep the ability to add new records while also making the query a bit more complex?

Thanks in advance.

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Queries :: Ability To Add Rows From Query Results

Jun 16, 2015

From a Access database that I inherited. Users used to be able (from a form) run a query and then add data (i.e, new rows). But now that the the database is split and the backend is on MS-SQL, they no longer can do this. I do not think this will be possible. I think they will have to add data directly to the table or have another form for adding data.

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General :: Ability To Report Historical Changes To Database

Jun 28, 2012

Selecting the "General" group as this involves SQL Server Stored Procedures (SP) and VBA code and Reports and and and...

Client has requested exception type reporting noting when a price in a Bill of Materials (BOM) changes.

I am thinking to solve this with the following steps:

1) EXEC SP to run "this week's" BOM reports, automated, figure out how to print to PDF or something
2) EXEC SP to run "this week vs last week" exception report. A giant nasty:

SELECT cols....
FROM [xyz]
LEFT JOIN [histxyz] ON [xyz].[partnumber] = [xyzhist].[partnumber]
WHERE [xyz].[cola] <> [histxyz].[cola]
OR [xyz].[colb] <> [histxyz].[colb]
OR etc...

through each of the fieleds that are hooked up to change tracking. Run that SP once, then use that temp table to generate customized reports based on parts per product which had a change.

3) Update weekly state snapshot of all parts remembering this week's state... transfer data from [xyz] to [xyzhist], so TRUNCATE then INSERT commands.

Seems slow and monotonous, the snapshotting "shell game" aspect... perhaps I may wrap that all into a transfer SP and allow the data to stay right on the server as it moves tables.

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Forms :: How To Disable Ability To Change A Record

Jan 17, 2014

I created a query that shows the Student ID, First Name, and Last Name.I then created a split form from the query.Finally I added an unbound text box called search with a button next to that has a macros within it:

[LastName] Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchID]![Text14] & "*" Or [FirstName] Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchID]![Text14] & "*"

1. I love that it searches for the name you type in and displays the record
2. What I don't like is that you can edit the record.

I tried to set the AllowEdit in the form properties to no but that also took away the ability to type in the search text box. Is there a way to allow typing in the text box but not allow changes in the record?

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Ability To Use Arrows To Navigate Between Records In Database

Dec 8, 2014

I had set Data Entry to True in order to always default to a blank record. However that locked up my ability to use the arrows to navigate between records in the database. Is there a work around?

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Adding Ability To Automatically Update Some Of The Data

Oct 14, 2014

I have Server Inventory Database where everything is entered manually. I would like to add the ability to automatically update some of the data.

Ideally this would be done via querying WMI and inserting the values retrieved.

I would like to be able to have a button that when selected would query WMI of the server that is currently being viewed and update whichever records I define.

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Restricting Users Ability To Read Only Version: 2003

Feb 22, 2006

I have a very simple Access database that contains a form where users enter sheduling information...I wish to limit a group of users to be able to read this information only and not modify or add to it.

The tables are in a back end mdb. The rest is in a front end mdb. And the users actually use the mde file when working with the schedule.

What in your opinion is the least complicated method for providing some users with the ability to add/modify and some with read only.

Thank you.

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Shuffle Two Fields Of A Db Differently! But Retain Ability To Relink Them

Feb 4, 2007

in a Dbthere are 2 fields which contain 'matching' data. (there are other columns too)
A Genesis
B Exodus
C leviticus
D Numbers
E Deutronomy

I want to shuffle both columns so they are both randomly mixed up
B Numbers
A Exodus
C Detronomy
E Leviticus
D Genesis

How do I do it?
I have explored the random function but that randomises the records but keeps each record intact.

I then want to print these two columns to a report which numbers each line - easy enough once I have the query BUT I want to print an 'answer page ' at the end of the report which will look like this:-

1 B Numbers (5)
2 A Exodus (1)
3 C Detronomy (4)
4 E Leviticus (3)
5 D Genesis (2)

I thought of appending a unique ID string to each pair and only displaying the first part of the string e.g
A@1 Genesis@1
etc and I can do this but maybe there is a simpler way.
Lastly supposing I would want to keep the order of column one and only shuffle column two?
Thanks for any advice!

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Blank Out Field.....??

Feb 18, 2007

Hi all

I have a numeric field in a form which initially is set to 0. When the user clicks or tabs to this field, it is blanked out in the got focus event by setting the field to "". This works great. Now, if the user exits the field by clicking elsewhere or tabing out of it, without entering a value, I would like the 0 value to be inserted again. I have tried many things to make this work without any success. Is there someone who knows the right way to do this?

Thanks in advance

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Blank Field

Jul 6, 2006

I am building a query for a report - I want to concatenate several fields, but if one of them is blank I don't want it added to the concatenation.

Example: LastName= Kamp
FirstName= Jay
SpouseFirstName = ""

It is ok if the SpouseFirstName is not null

Kamp, Jay & Jill

This is what I get when SpouseFirstName="": Kamp, Jay &
What I want to see when SpouseFirstName="": Kamp, Jay

SELECT Inventory.Code, Inventory.MLS, Inventory.Pin, Inventory.LockBox, Inventory.Vacant, concatenate Code: Original - concatenate Code [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName] & " & " & [SpouseFirstName] AS Expr1, [LastName] & ",  " & [FirstName] & " & " & [SpouseFirstName] AS Expr1, Inventory.CompanyName, Inventory.Phone, Inventory.Phone2, Inventory.Cell, Inventory.OfficePhone, Inventory.Ext, Inventory.Fax, Inventory.PropertyDesc, Inventory.Address, Inventory.City, Inventory.State, Inventory.Zip, Inventory.email, Inventory.SellerAddress, Inventory.SellerCity, Inventory.SellerState, Inventory.SellerZip, Inventory.TPUser, Inventory.TPPwd, Inventory.Expire, Inventory.ListPrice, Inventory.OriginalListPrice, Inventory.SoldPrice, Inventory.CloseDate, Inventory.Offer, Inventory.LastName
FROM Inventory;

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General :: Ability To Dynamically Update Multiple Docs / Files

May 31, 2013

Lets say we have 100 documents. 30 of these documents contain the same exact set of instructions that i want to update/change. what options would i have that would allow for this 'mass update' so that i can change that specific instruciton and every document with that line would be updated to reflect it?

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Queries :: Does Access Have Ability To Create A Query Where All Records Are Present

Nov 23, 2013

does access have the ability to create a query where all records are present, all fields are present, yet some data within some fields aren't displayed?

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