Textbox; Membership ID Incrementation

Nov 2, 2006

I have a form where new records can be added to a table. I was wandering if it was possible to automatically add 1 to a textbox that is bound to a membership id field within that table.

So when the form loads, the txtmembershipID has the next number displayed.

This is my code for the load event.
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Any help is appreciated..
Thank you!


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Limited Incrementation

Mar 30, 2006

Hi I am a noob and I'm having problems performing a particuler form.

I need a form that will auto-increment records as they are ented from 1 to 20 but once I have receached 20 I need it to start over at 1. So no record will have a higher number than 20 in this particular field.

Any help would be greatly apprciated.


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Club Membership Database

Jul 11, 2007

I have been asked by my tennis club if I could set up a small Access database to help with membership registration and fee collection. Ideally, it would go on to record coaching sessions for juniors, etc but that can come later.
Does anybody have a template that I could use as a basis for my development?

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Membership Renewal Letter.

Mar 6, 2006

Ok the database that i have contain all the details about customers including thier joining date. I want to make a query that will produce relevant information for use on a membership renewal letter, It should show only members due for renewal on 1st of may
(there are 3 renewal dates per year. 1st jan , 1st may and 1st sept. I need to assume that the next renewal month of membership for those joining between those months will be the next renewal date. Example if you join in June your renewal date would be 1st september)

Could you please explain how i could do this in easy to understand language as i am no expert with access.


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Automatic Membership Number

Nov 10, 2006

Im putting together a membership data base. the data base has an already existing client base which all have membership numbers in the form of first letter of there sir name, last to numbers of the year and a 4 digit number. So for example Joe Bloggs membership number would be B06001 his sister Betty Bloggs would be B06002 and the guy next door John Doh would be D06001.

What I would like to do it automate this system so everytime I make a new record when I input the sir name into the 'lastname' field on the form it checks the last Membership number and makes a new one. I wouild also like it to change the 06 to 07 when the year changes.

Ive done searches for things like this with Dmax etc but i really could use help with the code as I have no idea how to code this type of thing?

Any ideas on this oue would be great!

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How To Change Group Membership Of User

Jun 10, 2012

I have to change a group membership of one user in an multi user access database. As I see its no possibility to change it in the backend (in X.ldb file) nor in frontend.

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Forms :: Creating Group Membership Database

Feb 10, 2014

I am having problems developing a membership database - I have three main tables.

1. A table of 600 members of an organisation

2. A table of the subgroups these members may join, about 80 in total.

3. A table of the members of each group.

The members do not have a unique ID - complicated reason for this so I use a system assigned ID. Group ID does have a unique Id but I chose to use a system assigned ID.

Table 3 records effectively consists of just two fields, memberID and groupID. When I create a form and subform to enter these values all is well. But I cannot expect users to know these values, so I have been trying to create a subform that creates/lists/removes members from groups, using a Group main form with a member tabular subform with a surname search through a combobox. Groups have between 5 and 20 members.

e.g enter 'smit' in the combobox on the subform and a list of smiths is displayed together with the full name, from which the user selects the correct entry. At this point the record showing for instance, Paul Smith belongs to Group 17 is written to table 3. All sorts of issues arise, too many to document.

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Queries :: Calculating Membership Fee From A Field In Another Table?

May 8, 2013

I've made a membership database for an imaginary leisure centre as part of my A Level coursework - only after more or less finishing my project, I've realised that I haven't provided a way for the end users to calculate fees for members.

I suppose the calculation I would have to do is multiply the Length of Membership (days) field on the Membership Opportunities by Cost per Month on the MembershipTypes table.

These are the relevant tables and I've also attached my database (the password is "password" for any of the users) ...

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Queries :: One To Many Relationship Between Tables Containing Membership Details

Nov 25, 2014

I have a table with name, club members details ID etc. This is linked by a 1 to many link (ID) to a table containing details of membership subscription payments. One entry/row per membership period. This second table has DatePaid, Paid (Yes/No), Period. Period contains 2013-14, 2014-15 etc.

I can do a query for those that have Paid (Yes) but when I try one for those that have not Paid (No) or <>Yes I get no result. I only enter members when they have paid. I need a query to display those who have not paid for the 2014-15 period.

I can do it a long winded way copying 2 lists into Excel. One all members. One those who have paid. Then remove duplicates and those paid in 2013-14 leaves those not paid in 2014-15.

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Forms :: Automate A Membership Status Flag - Invalid Use Of Null

May 20, 2014

I am trying to automate a membership status flag based on comparing today's date and a recorded expiry date. The expiry date control is on a sub-form. I have the following code in the OnLoad event of the master form:

Dim DateGap As Integer
While Me.CurrentRecord < Me.Recordset.RecordCount
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
DateGap = DateDiff("y", Date, Forms!PersonalMasterF!MemberSubF.Form.MemberExpire )
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

[Code] .....

With debug pointing to the DateGap = statement I get the error 'Invalid use of Null'. As you can see, I've tried to trap any new records it might run into to avoid nulls in MemberExpire, and there are no null values in the MemberExpire field of the underlying table. I've also tried defining DateGap as Variant, which does not work at all.

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Forms :: Group Membership - Select Which People Belong To Specific Groups

Mar 11, 2013

I need to create a simple database where I have a list of people, a list of groups and all I want to do is select which people belong to specific groups.

All I need is to create a form where I have a list of my people and a tick box next to the groups to show who belongs to which group.

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Queries :: Determine Gender Ratio Of Associations Membership - Percentage Occurrence

Apr 28, 2014

I have a very simple query to determine the gender ratio of an associations membership. My SQL code neatly calculates the number of females, viz

SELECT [Mail List].[GENDER], Count([Mail List].[GENDER]) AS TOTAL
FROM [Mail List]
WHERE ((([Mail List].[GENDER])="F"))

However, I wish to present this result as a percentage of total membership.

My main Table has a column titled [Member Name] so my requirement is to produce a calculation of the form "Females"/"Member Name Total" all multipliied by 100.

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Forms :: Update Unbound Textbox In Main Form From Subform Textbox Afterupdate

Apr 17, 2015

How to update unbound textbox on main form from unbound textbox in subform afterupdate.

that is when amount paid is updated it automatically updates total paid, balance etc.

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Pass Value From Unbound Textbox To Bound Textbox

Oct 26, 2006

Hi: There are two textboxs in my main form. One is bound and another is unbound. There is no entry in the unbound textbox as values come into automatically after entering some information in the subform. My question is how to i pass values from unbound textbox to bound textbox every time when the value change in unbound textbox i need to change the value in the bound textbox. When the form load there is already value in the bound textbox which i want to override based on the values from the unbound textbox.

Thank You.

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Forms :: Date And ID Number - Textbox Value To Another Textbox

Oct 12, 2014

I have a date textbox (Week_Ending) and number textbox (Staff_ID) in a form (frmHourEnter), when both have values I open another form (frmStaffReport) with textboxes (txtDateStart and cmbStaff).

How do I open the second form with the values of the first form pre-entered?

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Forms :: Date Form Textbox To Textbox?

Jan 24, 2015

I have a database for billing. In my database, I have a form that consists of a main form "Order" and 2 subforms "OrderDetails" and "Customer" OrderDetails are to enter the products to be connected to the Order. All function super, but I want to have some information from one of the forms "copied" over to on of the others.

Here is what I would like

In the subform "OrderDetails" I have made a textbox that summarize all prices to a total, his tekstbox i called "Tekst31". I would like the amount in this textbox to appear in a field "Bel�b" in the main form "Order".

I have tried some different commands, but nothing has worked, also I have made a query which dose the same ting as the tekstboks, as the information in that tekstbox it not stored anywhere.

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Copying From 1 Textbox To Another Textbox On Different Forms

Jan 29, 2006

I have a text box on 'Forma' & a textbox (named text3) on 'Formb'.
I want to copy the contents of the textbox from 'Formb' to the textbox on 'Forma'. I have used the following code in the textbox on 'Forma'....


This doesn't seem to be working whether both Forms are open or only 'Forma'. Could somebody please advise as to what I am missing. Your assistance is very much appreciated.

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Getting A Textbox To Populate Based On Another Textbox

Mar 18, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a form using access 2000. So far, this form already has data and dates in a combox in this format: mm/dd/yyyy.

In the AfterUpdate of the date combobox, I did this:

If graduation_date = #2/1/2004# then
Text_Graduation_date = "dated this first day of february two thousand four."
End If
End Sub

In addition, I have defined many other dates as well using the code above. It works well when I choose the date form the combobox, the other textbox populates, but there are so many more dates in the combo!

Is there a way to auto-populate the textbox with the appropriate text as I scroll through the form?



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Forms :: Bringing Entered Data From One Textbox On Form To Textbox On Another Form

May 17, 2013

I currently have two froms, "add record" and "add record cont." The reason I have two seperate forms is because when clients create a new record information needs to be saved to two different tables and when creating one from with fields from both tables I ran into many problems. The two tables are named : tblMain, tblFileLoc Currently there is a textbox on both forms named "fileID" the FileID in the first form is from tblMain and is the primary key for that table, the FileID on the second form "Add Record Cont." is just a normal field. When clients enter in the new FileID in the first form "Add Record" and then move onto the next form "Add Record Cont." i need access to bring the entered FileID from the first form and Fill it in the FileID field in the second form. Currently I have tried making the control source for the textbox on the second form = the textbox on the first form but it brought up an error.

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Textbox To Populate Another Textbox

Aug 3, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a form with various textboxes. In one unbound textbox called Graduation_date, I input information and this is reflected in another bound textbox called text762.

However, as I scroll through the form, the information that is to be reflected in textbox 762 disappears.

Any ideas on how to apply the information entered in Graduation_date textbox to all?



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Sum Value TextBox

Feb 24, 2005


I have continous Form with TexBox. In TextBox is "Dsum" calculation.
How can I make Sum of Values TextBox. =Sum (TextBox) Don't work.
Please, help.

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How Can I Tab Off To Another Textbox?

Oct 30, 2005

Suppose i have one form in which i have one more form pasted.
when i tab off the textboxes of first form, i want the tab to go to the textboxes of another form.
At present, it goes back to the first textbox in a form instead of going to the first textbox in subform.

How can i do this ?
help urgent

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Feb 22, 2006

This might be really easy to do but I don't know how.
I want to create a textbox that will accept unlimited characters. The highest it can go is 255, I want it as a comment area where the user can type in as much as they want w/o being warned that they've reached their limit.
Does anyone know how to do this?

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Sum In TextBox

Nov 11, 2004

Hello guys
I have a report that bring total training by employee [Sum Of Duration] and is working fine, my dilemma is that I want a new [Text Box] that If employee have from 1 hour to 40 hour total a [text Box] to say "Legible for Bronze" if 41 to 80 "Legible for Silver"
I don't have any idea how to me this source code

any idea please.....;-)



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Default Value In A Textbox

Apr 19, 2006

Is it possible to display text as the default value in a textbox which is bound to a field with a numerical data type?

For example, I want to display "N/A" as the default value, so if no one enters a number "N/A" is displayed on my report.

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String In Textbox

May 2, 2006


I have string SELECT Field from Table:


I need to see records in textbox: A1, A2, A3..

Thank You in Advance

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