The Count Function Not Working Properly.

Oct 6, 2005

I am using the “count function” on an MS Access 2003 Form field. The count function seems to be working fine except it is not placing the result into the table field.

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?

Can someone show me the proper format for using the count function used on a form field, where the result is to be placed in a table field?

Please Help!!!

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Count Not Working Properly

Nov 20, 2007

Dear Access Mates:



This statement is in an unbound text box but it does not return the proper total. It is counting only the "MSED's" and not "MS's".

This information is from a table.

Is the above syntax correct?

Many thanks to all.



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DSum Not Working Properly

Dec 8, 2006

I can't figure out what I have wrong in my code. I've searched all over the forums and the help files in Access. I'm sure it's something simple. Could someone please take a look?

=DSum([DefectQty],"d_sub1_DefectReport","CodeID= "" & [tblDefectCodes].[CodeID] & "" AND ""[InspectDate] >= #" & [Forms]![frmDefectDetailReport]![txtStartDate] & "#" And "[InspectDate] <= #" & [Forms]![frmDefectDetailReport]![txtEndDate] & "#")

I'm trying to get a sum of all defect quantities between a date range from a user form. Rather than summing all the defect quantities for a defect code, it's summing up the total quantites for each quantity. I'm sure that doesn't make sense so here's an example:

InspectDate CodeID DefectQty DSum Should Be
6/1/06 100 1 3 5
6/2/06 100 2 4 5
6/3/06 105 1 3 1
6/4/06 103 1 3 1
6/5/06 100 2 4 5

The domain is a query because the dates come from a different table than the defect quantities, so the query is pulling all the relevant data to be summed.

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Code Not Working Properly..urgent Pls.

Apr 17, 2006

Hi All,

I have Header form and subform subform in it with following fields

Subform fields are :

1. MQE_No : (Text field as it will be like MG-120, MG230), Duplicate OK)
2. RPO_No : (Number field – Double, Duplicate OK ) The are project no.
3. ForemanNo (Number field – Long Int – Duplicate OK)

Header form fields are ;

1.ForemanNo – Long Int – No Duplicate
2.Other fields…

The subform field have ForemanNo One-To-many relationship with Header form.

Following project MG-411 need to enter (assign) to foreman no. 641

Actual data to store in subform

MG-411 (MQE_NO)
5421654 (RPO_NO)

I started to enter data into subform selecting the ForemanNo at header so records to enter in specific foremans account. Everything is fine here.

What I need is:

I would like to select / add another Foreman into the header and start entering same above data for another Foreman. Bcz sometimes we need to do like this in case previous Foreman may go on to a week vacation. We can not stop project for a week. So need to assign project to other foreman.

When selected the Project (MG-411) thru a combo to assign it with other foreman, it should give a short msg to user that this project has already been assigned to “XYZ” forman. Need to assign again “ (Y/N box )

If Y then data entered otherwise cancelled.

To achieve this, I did the following but only 50% success. (Used Cmbo CboRPO2 select MQE_NO). Tried to satisfy both condition but no use.

Private Sub CboRPO_AfterUpdate()
If DCount("*", "T_RPO_Footer", "RPO_No = " & RPO_No) > 0 And DCount("*", "T_RPO_Footer", "ENO = " & ENO) Then
Exit Sub

If DCount("*", "T_RPO_Footer", "RPO_No = " & RPO_No) > 0 And DCount("*", "T_RPO_Footer", "ENO <> " & ENO) Then
STYLE = vbYesNo + vbInformation + vbDefaultButton2
CTXT = 1000
Response = MsgBox(Msg, STYLE, TITLE, HELP, CTXT)

If Response = vbYes Then

Me.MQE_NO = Me.CboRPO.Column(0)
Me.RPO_No = Me.CboRPO.Column(1)
Me.WORKSHEET_NO = Me.CboRPO.Column(2)
Me.WORKORDER_NO = Me.CboRPO.Column(3)
Me.WORK_DESC = Me.CboRPO.Column(4)
Me.PL = Me.CboRPO.Column(5)
Me.PipeLineKM = Me.CboRPO.Column(6)
Me.DiaMeter = Me.CboRPO.Column(7)
Me.PipeLength = Me.CboRPO.Column(8)
Me.PipeLineArea = Me.CboRPO.Column(9)
Me.P = Me.CboRPO.Column(10)
Me.RPO_AMOUNT = Me.CboRPO.Column(12)
Me.INV_AMOUNT = Me.CboRPO.Column(13)
Me.Status = "WIP"
Me.StatusID = 2
Exit Sub
End If

Me.MQE_NO = Me.CboRPO.Column(0)
Me.RPO_No = Me.CboRPO.Column(1)
Me.WORKSHEET_NO = Me.CboRPO.Column(2)
Me.WORKORDER_NO = Me.CboRPO.Column(3)
Me.WORK_DESC = Me.CboRPO.Column(4)
Me.PL = Me.CboRPO.Column(5)
Me.PipeLineKM = Me.CboRPO.Column(6)
Me.DiaMeter = Me.CboRPO.Column(7)
Me.PipeLength = Me.CboRPO.Column(8)
Me.PipeLineArea = Me.CboRPO.Column(9)
Me.P = Me.CboRPO.Column(10)
Me.RPO_AMOUNT = Me.CboRPO.Column(12)
Me.INV_AMOUNT = Me.CboRPO.Column(13)
Me.Status = "WIP"
Me.StatusID = 2
End If
End If
End Sub

I tried with following code also

'Dim cdn As String
'cdn = "[MQE_NO] = '" & Nz(CboRPO, "") & "'"
'cdn = cdn & " And ENO = " & ENO

'If DCount("*", "T_RPO_Footer", cdn) > 0 Then
'Exit Sub
‘do something
‘End if

Can somebody help it please.

With kind regards,

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Import Feature Not Working Properly...

Sep 12, 2005

Hey all, I have a strange problem that I can't seem to find the solution for...

At my work we have a number of computers running W2k with Office 97.
We daily have to import excel spreadsheets into Access.

This is never usually a problem as obviously as soon as you click import the import spreadsheet wizard appears.

But on one particular machine it doesn't.

Basically on this computer Access will import the excel file, but won't bring up the wizard that lets you say what to import, whether the first row contains a header, the data type for each field etc, it just asks you to select what sheet you want, then imports it, no options.

Now the ironic thing is that usually this is not a problem as the file is still imported without any problems, but the other day we had a file that once imported was all messed up, all fields all over the place.

When done again on a different computer there were no problems so I'm assuming that this peculiar way of importing is to blame for messing up the data.

Does anyone know how I can resolve this? I have tried dragging the accwiz.dll over the regsvr32.exe and it says it's registered successfully, and I have checked that it is the correct version number, what am I missing?

It would make more sense if it just didn't import, then you could better understand how to fix it, but it's the fact that it does import, just not in the 'usual' way that bothers me. How can I make it bring up the proper import spreadsheet wizard?

Kind Regards

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Filter By Form Not Working Properly

Feb 13, 2007


I'm working in Access 97 and I've got a form that I want to use to create filters with.

There are a couple of things that I'm not clear about and I'd appreciate any suggestions that you can make:

1. The form seems to remember the last filter, so when I click on the Filter by form button it shows the last filter by default. I've included the following in the click event:
RunCommand (acCmdRemoveFilterSort)
Me.FilterOn = False
RunCommand (acCmdFilterByForm)
Surely either of the first two statements should remove the filter, shouldn't they? and if not then what are they for?

2. I can't get the 'OR' tabs to show at the bottom of the filter by form screen unless I apply the filter once and then click on the filter by form button again. Is there any way of forcing these tabs to appear?

Thanks for any help/advice you can offer.

Bernard D

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Join In Query Not Working Properly?

Jan 15, 2006

I have a query where I'm selecting fields from two tables - Students and Attendance. I have selected option 2 in my Join Properties, i.e "Include ALL records from Students and only those from Attendance where the joined fields are equal". The tables are joined by StudentID. Either I'm misinterpreting what the join is supposed to be doing or it's not working.
I need to see every record in Students regardless of whether or not they have a record in Attendance. I need to calculate absences and tardies. If there's a matching record in Attendance, I subtract the date absent from the total days. If there's no matching record in Attendance, I still need to calculate total days and show it. As it is now, if there's no matching record in Attendance, it doesn't do anything. How can I get it to do what the join says, "Show ALL records in Students as well as those that match in Attendance?


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Tick Box And Text Box Not Working Properly

Aug 7, 2006

I have a 'yes' check box and a 'no' check box. When the 'yes' check box is ticked, it enables a text box so I can enter a date and disables the 'no' box. Great, how it should work.

However, for some reason, whenever a date is entered into the text box when the 'yes' box is checked, every 'no' box afterwards is greyed/disabled out.

The thing is, it doesn't happen when no data is entered into the text box, when the 'yes' box is checked. So I can have the yes box checked, the no box will grey out as it should, and the text box will be enabled, as it should. But as soon as I enter a date, the above problem happens.

If that's not too confusion, can anyone help?

I've tried attached the database, but apparently it's too big, so i've posted the code underneath.



EDIT: - i've just figured out that this problem is solved when I close the form and re-open it. But obviously I don't want to keep doing this every time I have to enter a date in a record.

Code:Private Sub chkSuccessful_AfterUpdate()If chkSuccessful = True ThentxtDateAppointed.Enabled = TrueEnd IfIf chkSuccessful = True ThenchkSuccessfulNo.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessful = False ThenchkSuccessfulNo.Enabled = TruetxtDateAppointed = FalseEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub chkSuccessful_Enter()If chkSuccessful = True ThentxtDateAppointed.Enabled = TrueEnd IfIf chkSuccessful = True ThenchkSuccessfulNo.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessful = False ThenchkSuccessfulNo.Enabled = TruetxtDateAppointed = FalseEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub chkSuccessfulNo_AfterUpdate()If chkSuccessfulNo = True ThentxtDateAppointed.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessfulNo = True ThenchkSuccessful.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessfulNo = False ThenchkSuccessful.Enabled = TrueEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub chkSuccessfulNo_Enter()If chkSuccessfulNo = True ThentxtDateAppointed.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessfulNo = True ThenchkSuccessful.Enabled = FalseEnd IfIf chkSuccessfulNo = False ThenchkSuccessful.Enabled = TrueEnd IfEnd Sub

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Forms :: Form Working Properly Alone / But Gives Error When Combined With Other Forms

Jun 5, 2015

I have a form "NewMetalF" that has three combo boxes. The first one is used to choose "Precious Metal" or "Base Metal". The second one shows all the metals based on the first combo box. When I open the form in form view alone the combo boxes work flawlessly. I run the form "NewMetalF" within another form "NewExternalPartF" by clicking a button "AddMetal". When the button is clicked "NewMetalF" opens. The first combo box is selected, and when the second combo box is clicked the error "Enter Paramater Value" "Forms!NewMetalF!cboPreciousOrBase".

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Still Working On A Count Problem

Jun 28, 2005

I have a report that is to count the number of times a field has been selected.

Some of my fields are in option boxes, some are individual boxes. The option boxes do not add up. On my report I get an *error* on all the option box totals. If I request a record from a certain date, the query is correct but the option boxes are not adding.

In the properties of the field on the report (can you tell I am a newbie?) I have

Why won't it print the total on the report?

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Nz Function Not Working For One-on-One Tables

Jun 14, 2006

I have a large query that basically collects all informations for a given record from various tables. The query is then used as a controlsource for a report. It works fine. However, one of the tables referenced is a one-on-one relationship to the master table and there some records that do not have any corresponding records in that child table. I've entered in Nz() function for all fields from the child function to prevent the records without child records removed from the query's recordset, but it doesn't work. That is, query returns all records that has a child record, but not those without.I've already checked the Join properties to ensure that all parent records are displayed and only child records where there is a parent records.What should I do?

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Count Working Days Between 2 Dates

Nov 5, 2007

I've had it before, but can't find it.

basically something like this --

DateDiff("w", StartingDate, EndingDate)

that also makes sure date is not in tblHolidays.
anyone knows how to acomplish this ?

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Zero Count Query Working With Null

Dec 15, 2004

I have a database that I maintain the history of our football league in. What I am trying to do is count each team and the number of wins in each year

The query works fine except in the cases where the team had ZERO wins. Then of course it returns nothing and screws up the other queries when there is a hole for a year.

2 Tables in the database

(other fields not relevant)

RESULT (either WIN, LOSS or TIE)
(other fields not relevant)

I want to count the number of wins and return it to this query EVEN IF THE NUMBER OF WINS IS ZERO (0).

When I run the query I receive

The query returns this:
2000 Westside 6
2001 Westside 3
2003 Westside 1
2004 Westside 3

In 2002 Westside was 0 wins -11 losses and the query not finding any WINS in 2002 did not return a record.

How do you get the query to show
2002 Westside 0

Current SQL Query
SELECT Information.Year, Information.Team, Count(Scores.Result) AS CountOfResult, Scores.Result
FROM Scores INNER JOIN Information ON (Scores.Year = Information.Year) AND (Scores.Team = Information.Team)
GROUP BY Information.Year, Information.Team, Scores.Result
HAVING (((Information.Year)>2000));

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'Left' Function No Longer Working??

Jan 8, 2008

I developed a database in 2005 and used the 'Left' function in many of the queries to obtain the the correct text for output to reports. The database worked extremely well for a year and a half.

I have not accessed it for the past year. Recently I opened the database for use with a new project and I keep receiving the error message:

! Undefined function 'Left' in expression.

I haven't changed any of the expressions and do not understand why this funtion no longer works.

Any ideas?


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Count Working Weeks In Selected Month

Jun 2, 2006

I think i am missing the obvious but cannot seem to get this one....

I am trying to get my form to return a value of the amount of working weeks in a month i.e. a 4 week month (like june - 4 mondays) or a 5 week month (like may - 5 mondays).

i can calculate the number of full weeks using the control source..

=Int(DateDiff("d", Date1, Date2) / 7)

but this does not work for the 5 week months?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: DateDiff Function Not Working In A Form

Aug 14, 2014

I have a specific question on the datediff function.

My example is =DateDiff("d",[Policy Issue Date],Date()) where [Policy Issue Date] is the inception date of an Insurance Policy.

I need to determine how many days the policy has been inforce. The formula works great in a query and I can see the number of days in that field when the query is run.

However, my dilemma is I want the same function to run off of a text box using its control source property and have the number of days calculate and be visible for each record on the form. This part is not working and the field is returning the #Error? message.

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Forms :: IIF Function Not Working On Continuous Subform

Jul 1, 2013

I have an IIF function specified on a continuous sub-form as below - basically it checks to see if the value of two text boxes is equal, and if they are it displays 'And', if not it displays the value of the column EntitlementName. I'm trying to work around grouping not working in continuous forms.

When I view the form directly it works no problems but when I view the form as a sub-form instead of showing the correct output it shows #Name? Both the text boxes I refer to have the correct values in them.

=IIF([txtPrevValue]=[txtValue], Format("And"),Format([EntitlementName])

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Modules & VBA :: Count Total Working Days Of Month

Mar 5, 2014

I have a table with two fields named as "Month" and "Bank Holidays". I have put names of the month in this table for 2014 and the corresponding bank holidays of each month. Now I want to write down the piece of code that will execute when a button is pressed and check the current month of the year and then display the total working days ( After subtracting bank holidays of that month and weekends of that month from the total working days of that month).

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Count Function

Jul 6, 2006

Hi there,

I have a field called Unit in my table. That field references another table which has about 5 entries. The user can select one on the form.

What I want to do is count how many times each one has been selected so that i can create a chart. The unit names are: North, West, East, South and Main.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Using The Count Function

Aug 15, 2006

i have a table which contains the attendance records for employees. It shows their supervisor their name aemp number and which kind of hours they worked basic, overtime, Been late and absent is all recorded here.

SupervisorEmp NoSurnameForenameCodeValue

this bben a sample from the table. I want to be able to have the employee name, NUMBER AND SUPERVISOR there just once with the appropiate heading for what type of CODe they have BAS, OT1 as a heading with a count of the number of times they done that particular code

Where do i begin any help

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Sum And Count Function

Aug 29, 2006

I have a table where is listed all happened faults from a month period. Every fault have start time and end time field and ip field which tells what device has been "broken". Now I'am trying to calculate how many faults has happened in every day. I have make a query from the table which looks like this:
"SELECT (DateValue(Table.[start time])) AS date, Count(Table.[IP adress]) AS [faults happened]
FROM Table
GROUP BY Table.[start time], Table.[IP adress];"
And I get this:
date faults happened
12.8 2
12.8 1
12.8 1
13.8 3
But how I can make my query count together how many faults has happened in every day? So it should look like this
date faults happened
12.8 4
13.8 3

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Count Function

Jun 13, 2007

Hi guys

I'm trying to create a query that will count records from 2 different tables that are both related to a 3rd master table. e.g. table 1 is the master table and contains records of employees, this then has 2 child tables: customers and products. I want to count the number of customers and the number of products that belong to that employee in the same query so that i can then produce a report without the hassle of sub reports etc. any advice on this would be great


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Count/sum Function

Jun 15, 2007

i am trying to sum the total of ID's by corporate titles in query. In the totals row i have selected 'count' in the ID column and 'sum' in the title column but this doesn't work. I tried the reverse and it also was no good :confused:

Can anyone help - i'm sure its something simple

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Count Function

Jul 5, 2005

I wonder if someone could help me with the count function,being as I've never used it. I have two forms, one with a number box called:


The other is called:


I want to add all the records from Form1![CR2] and put them into

I know its going to be simple and I'm pretty sure I should be using DCount or DSum but I am unable to access the help files on my PC at work for some reason. Thanks!

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HELP With The Count Function

Jun 15, 2006

Can anyone help? I'm running a report that shows conference delegates names and the various workshop options they are choosing for an event. What I am trying to do is work out if there is a way to count the number of people who will be in each workshop. I have set up the database so that when someone registers for a workshop, I show this through a Yes/No box (ie, put a tick in the box). So my end report looks something like this:

Name Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4
Person 1 [tick] [ ] [ ] [tick]
Person 2 [ ] [tick] [ ] [tick] ….and so on

I have managed to count each column by the following control source: =count([workshop 1]) ; =count([workshop 2]) etc. The problem is the number it gives me is the TOTAL number, not just the number of ‘yes’s’ or ticks.

Is there something I can add to my statement to get the formula to just count the ticks? I tried: =count([workshop 2]=YES (and TRUE), but it still counted the total boxes/lines. Basically I don’t want to include the ‘no' boxes in my count.

ANY HELP anyone can give would be HUGELY appreciated. Thanks :)

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Forms :: Combo Box - Search Function Not Working Within Form

Jul 23, 2015

I recently created a database to be used to store incoming invoices. We have 4 suppliers which supply the same material and wanted each supplier to have its own database.

I began by making a database which included all the key tables, forms, queries and functions I would need to then save 4 copies, one for each supplier. This just meant I would not have to repeat the process for each individual supplier.

The problem is all my data is external and upon importing it into the database it has made the search function (combo box) not return results.

I believe this is because:
1) The form was created before the records existed
2) The records were imported from an external source and not created using the form.

However, the way I have designed the form is so I can see all relevant information linked with a specific invoice. This aids in gathering information quickly about an invoice but also so I can input credit note and invoice query information linked to a specific invoice on the same page.

Is there anyway to remedy this?

Or use a similar search function that returns records in my form "Main View"

The last thing I want to do is have to create the form again, although I don't think this will work either as reason 2) states.

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