Third Party Exporting

Apr 12, 2007

Hi all.

Anyone know where I can find third party no-install exporting software. I need to export to HTML and maintain all my formatting on a report.

Thank you,

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3rd Party Application Within Access

Jan 31, 2008


can a 3rd party application be run within an access window? i am looking only for Acrobat reader butr dont want it to open outside of the database. i would like to try and have it open in a window on a form only keeping it within the database itself.

if it can be done, where can i look up the info needed to achieve it?

many thanks,


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Need Advice On Understanding A 3rd Party Database

Jan 9, 2006

I have to create reports from an Access database used in a commercial application. The backend uses Access but the front end does not.

The vendor does not document the data or provide any support for that. The database has over one hundred tables and thousands of fields.

I'm thinking I'll create small transactions in the application and then study the database to see what has changed. But this seems overwhelming considering how many tables and fields there are. So I'm looking for advice on how to approach this.

I have a FoxPro background but I'm new to Access.

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Third Party Program Reports No Data

Oct 2, 2006

I manage a small non profit. We run NonprofitBooks on top of QuickBooks. NonprofitBooks uses an Access database. All has been fine for several years.

Recently, we upgraded from Access 2000 to Access 2003. When we used Access to open the file to edit some data, we received Security Warning & "Sandbox" errors. We did not make any changes to teh file.

Now, Nonprofit Books reports "No Data". I'm having difficulty contacting the vendor.

Any ideas? Thanks.
George Martin
Adminiatrative Manager
Jaron Ministries International

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Third Party Control - Kodak Image Viewer

Apr 6, 2006

I have a database that was built by some users, long before I came to my current job location (oh yes, one of those fun issues), and have run into an error that is involving a 3rd party tool, and is tough to duplicate.

There is an ocx control named "Kodak Image Thumbnail control" the path is C:winntsystem32ImgThumb32.ocx.

This is an active x control, that on the double click event, opens up the correct corresponding .pdf file. It works correct for me, on my machine. It works correctly for 3 other people on their own machines. When we had a user it worked correctly log into a user who it does not work correctly, it then worked correctly for them (appears to be user rights, and not machine specific). It does not work correctly for another 2-4 users (not sure the exact number).

But, the rights were gone over with a fine tooth comb, and nothing was found different from each user.

What is weird, is how the error occurs. There are 59 records in the database, with a linking .pdf file displayed in this .ocx control. For those users in which this does not work, the first two records open the .pdf correctly. After this (records 3 to 59) they receive the following error:

"Microsoft Access can't open the file containing the OLE object.

- You may have specified an invalid file name or an invalid unit of data (such as a range of cells from a worksheet) when the file for the OLE object.
- The file you specified may not be available because it's locked by another user or you don't have permission to use it.

Try one of the following:
- Make sure the file is available and that you used the correct file name.
- Check the OLE server's documentation for information about the syntax to use when specifiying an OLE object's data."


Since this is a third party tool, that I have never used, and do not even have on my machine (yet it works correctly for me) I am not sure what else I can do to track down the error. I just wanted to see if anyone else has run into this error, and if so how they had fixed it.

Thank you for your time.


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Thirs Party ActiveX Problem Between 2003 And 2007

Apr 11, 2008


I purchased the Janus GridEx2000 component a couple of months ago and have used it extensively in an Access 2007 project. The component has an OCX for development and and OCX for distribution. I have come to the stage I wish to deploy the first version of the database and so have gone to the users machine and registered the distributable OCX control however when I run the database I get

"There is no object in this control".

I have searched google for numerous different attempts at solutions such as AutoCorrect being turned off, ensuring the ActiveXs weren't copied by deleting each control on each form and inserting a new one correctly, creating a new database and importing all the forms, tables etc into it. None of these solutions have solved the problem.

As a quick test I loaded Access 2003 and created a sample database. Put a form in it and on that form the ActiveX control. I then copied the mdb to the users machine and it worked. So I then went back to the development machine and opened the mdb in Access 2007 and created a new form and inserted the control. I then copied the mdb on to the user's machine again. The original form created using 2003 worked but the new form created in 2007 displayed the same error as above. I created a new blank 2007 accdb and again created a form and inserted the component, copied the file to the user's machine and again it didn't work displaying the above error.

When I open up the references on the users machine everything seems to be ok and it is linked to the correct ocx file which has been registered.

I am absolutely stumped and the thought of having to try and get the whole project re-written back into Access 2003 is just sickening.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Reports :: Finding Third Party Reporting Tool For Access?

Jun 18, 2015

Which third party reporting tool is good to work best with Microsoft Access ?

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Tables :: Party Data Model For All Contacts - Companies And People

Jan 9, 2013

I have researched the 'party' data model but it is a bit too complex for what I'm seeking. For those familiar with it, I don't really need the intermediary relationship from-to tables.

I'm interested in ideas about setting up a data structure that will allow users to search contacts or select contacts in dropdowns regardless if the contact type is a person or an organization.

Obviously the fields needed for both are different and the biggest issue is the name field because the person contacts are

The way I am accomplishing it now is writing the company name, or "first name " & "last name" for a person, to kind of a bridge table when a new record is inserted into the person table or the organization table...kind of inefficient.

Is this a relationship thing or should I just write a function to create a temporary recordset when needed?

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Mar 12, 2007

Hello All,

I have 2 reports that are exporting to 2 different .txt files. Currenlty, I am using the transfertext function in access. What is the best way to combine these 2 reports into one .txt file? I have 2 different specification criteria being used, but I need all the data in 1 report.

Thanks in advance,


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Exporting A Whole Row

Aug 8, 2007

What I want to do is to export about 300 rows of records at a time from a table to a text file (text001.txt). The next 300 will be in text002.txt and so forth.

What I am doing right now is -- I am looping through all the fields [rs(0)-rs(50)], put in a variable and then print to the text file then go to the next row.

Is there a way to print the whole row to a text file instead of looping through all the fields then print it.



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Exporting To .txt

Feb 24, 2006


Does anyone know how I can get a table thats been sorted by a specific field to export to .txt in its sorted format? For some reason whenever I have it sorted by one field and save its new formatting, it exports sorted by another field. Keep in mind it exports the way the table was originally sorted when it was first created.



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Jan 10, 2005

I was just wondering if anyone knows of any way to export email addresses held within an access database to Outlook, using office 2000?
I work for a small charity who have a very large contacts database in access, but are now starting to send some of our info electronically and it would be a major time saver if we could send email addressed directly to outlook.

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Exporting Question

May 6, 2005

Hello. I've searched around the board and help files and couldn't find a straight answer for this. I have 7 or 8 different queries. Is there a way to export Query 1 to Sheet 1 of my excel workbook, then Query 2 to sheet 2 of the workbook, and so on? Thanks.

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Exporting To Excel

Nov 10, 2005

I want some guidance in regards to how should I export access form as a report to excel. I already have fields with formulas in it and here I have fields where I have written down the numbers, so when these numbers get exported to excel. Excel will be populated with with these numbers and all the calculation will be automatically done.

I hope I am making sense here.

I have fields in access that should export through a button and populate on excel sheet.

is there any vb scripting for this, I rem seeing something in the same context few months back, but I can't seem to find it rite now.

Thanks in adv

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Exporting To Excel

Mar 16, 2006

Wondered if someone could help.

I am trying to Export an access report from an .mde (File>Export) and receive an error message "Overflow". the report itself is only 17 pages long.

Can anyone advice?



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Exporting To Text

Jun 28, 2006

I am exporting a table into a text file. I have an intrest rate that is formatted in the table as as five characters past the decimal point xx.xxxxx. However, when I export it to a text file, I loose my 3rd through 5th position. Any ideas on how I can export to text and still keep all five positions past the decimal? The field is currently formatted as a double number in Access. Thanks for your input.

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Exporting Data

Jan 3, 2007

I often have to export data from a table to a .csv (text) format. It is very important that the data remains in the right order. I even add an indexed auto number to ensure this happens. Sometimes, but not always, the data gets out of order. Not completely scrambled but chunks of records just in the wrong place.

Has anyone come across this before or got any idea what causes it?

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Exporting Tables

Jan 6, 2007

I'm trying to export an access 2000 table to a text file. The table doesn't have a primary key, but one of the fields is indexed (contains duplicates ) and sorted.
For some reason, access ignores the table format and exports it not sorted.

Help please..?

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Exporting A Report

Mar 6, 2007

I am producing some reports for an existing business system. I have a copy of the Access database and am working with that. When the reports are complete, how do I export them to the 'live' site? I do not have direct access to the company network. Can I email the reports, or put them on a CD, to be imported to the live site?

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Exporting A Set Of SQL Statements

Mar 7, 2007

I need to export a set of sql statements from my Microsoft Access database in order to put it into my new mySql server. I know that its possible to get the statements off the mysql database, but i cant figure out how to do it in microsoft access. Any help is appreciated

Thanks in advanced,
Teh mockers

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Exporting Into PowerPoint

Mar 11, 2007

I am not sure where to post this, so I am trying the general forum. What I have right now is a very simple access database for teachers at our school to use - it has a field for who the announcement is from, who the announcement is for, the announcement, and the date the announcement is for.What I want to do is export each record from Access and put each record on a separate PowerPoint slide, where the title of the slide is who the announcement is from, and the body of the slide contains the announcement. Is there any way to do this easily? I have tried the MSDN thing where you create a form that brings up an instance of PowerPoint, but I would really like to do an export of records from Access then import them into PowerPoint. Any suggestions on how to do that?(here is the link from MSDN, this isn't what I want to do - I want a separate ppt file)

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Exporting Table To Csv

Sep 21, 2007

Hi all.

I ave a table in access that has a column in the format single with auto setting for decimal places (I'm guessing this is 15 sig figs but I'm not too sure). What I'm trying to do is export this file as a csv so I can use it SAS. When I use the export function and select csv it truncates the data so all i get is 2 decimal places.
I can't export as a excel then rename as the file 1.4 million records long and so is too big for excel to handel. (I did try it anyway and it only exported the first 65000 rows).
I'm not an expert at all in Access, and would have little idea how to write any code that would allow me to do this.
Can anyone please help me as I urgently need to do this.

Thanks a lot.


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Exporting Definitions

Aug 16, 2007

I see that we can export a table, definitions only, from the master (developer) db into a client's (runtime) db.

But if there are relationships in the table, the export fails (Access 2003). How do we get around this problem?

And if the client's db is on another computer system, ie. remote from the developer, how do we import the new and amended definitions into the client's db?

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Exporting To Excel

Aug 4, 2005

Hi guys,

Im having a bit of trouble exporting some information to an excel file. ordinarily im sure the data would have been exported straight to an Excel Spreadsheet when the query is run.

However, it is exporting it as a generic file - that can then be opened with Excel (open with) and all the data is in there correct.

Im sure its something simple but i cant think what im missing.

Any help would be really appreciated !



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Exporting Query

Nov 16, 2006


How would you go about exporting a query to a textfile, and the text file been sorted alphabetically?

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Exporting A Query To DBF

Dec 13, 2007

I'm hoping this isn't a silly question, but I'm going to ask it anyways.....

I have created a fairly sizeable query combining two existing tables. I am hoping to get this query to a dbf format, so that I can link it to an existing GIS theme. When I attempt the export, I get an error stating I cannot define a field more than once.

I've found a way around this, namely by exporting to an xls file and then saving as a dbf, which works but is a hassle. Am I doing something wrong??



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