"This Database Has Been Opened Read-only." Message And Fix Maybe?

Jan 29, 2008


I'm getting the following message in Access and it's causing all kinds of headaches for the user. Any ideas why it's appearing and how to get rid of it?


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General :: Database Has Been Opened Read-only

Apr 23, 2014

I have a simple database that is on a desktop that I have a shared folder and have not had issues till now. What would cause it so say, "This database has been opened read-only." Nothing has changed. Only thing my co-worker did was reboot the machine a few days ago.

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Read Only Database When Opened With Application

Jan 5, 2012

We have an application that copies a mde file local and then runs it under msaccess 2003.

It runs fine as a local administrator when using the application.

When a regular user logs onto the system then it opens with a read only message. It does not create the ldb file.

The mde works fine if launched directly as regular user or as an admin.

This same application works fine on other PCs with anyone logged on.

The application is developed locally but we have lost the source code.

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General :: Database Opens As Read Only When Opened From Shared Location

Jul 15, 2012

We have a database on a PC located on our network. The database is located in this computer's shared folder. Another database grabs data from this database occasionally. We're running into a problem where we cannot open the DB located in the shared folder (permissions granted) without it being a read only instance even with no users accessing the DB.

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General :: Exporting Queries - Database Is Read Only Error Message?

Apr 16, 2013

I routinely export queries etc from my development database to the 'live' master database used by users. Every so often I get the error message 'The database Mydatabase.accdb is read only'. Then I can't export anything to it. I don't know why it should suddenly become read only. How do I make the database changeable, and not read only?

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Read Input Value From Message Alert

Nov 9, 2006

ok.. i need to add an input textbox to my message alert..

i have this right now..

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox ("Enter the date:")
End Sub

i also need the value they enter to be saved as 'formdate'

then i will assign my date field to that value using something like

datefield = formdate

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Read Only Message When Archive Prop Is Checked

Jun 6, 2005

I get the 'this is read only you will not be able to make changes, etc..
whe I open my database. How do i fix it? No one else is in making changes.

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Database Name Changes To Db1 When Opened Or In Use

Aug 13, 2014

I have a shared database and at times the database name changes to db1 when somebody is working on it. It doesn't happen all the time or with specific user.

For example if my database name is Incentive.mdb it will automatically change to db1.mdb when its opened and saved.

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Database Is Already Opened Exclusively

Oct 16, 2004

I have a VB6 project that connects to a Access database. I get a run time error when I try to copy the database as a backup - "You attempted to open a database that is already opened exclusively..."

I need to be able to copy this database while it is still open. How do I work around this?

Thanks Steven

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Allowing A Database To Be Opened By More Than One Person

Apr 9, 2008

How can i have multiple people entering data into a database, also there is an excel file that imports the info every few min, if i have that open i cannot enter data into the database. theres going to about 4-5 users plus the excel file.

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Viewing Form When Database Is Opened

Sep 2, 2005

Hey there, when a user opens my database, I want the form to enter records to automatically open. Can someone plz help with that... thx

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Update Form Everytime Database Is Opened

Jan 24, 2006

One of the forms in my database has a calculated text box control. The calculation is conditional, one condition being based on current date. One of the queries display that calculation. If the the form with the calcualted control is not opened before running the query, the calculated control uses the day the form was last opened as the "current date" which is not what I want. I want to do one of two things:

Either: (Preferably): update the form everytime the database is opened, so that the current date is actually the current date and not when the form in question was last opened.

Or: Update the form first before the query in question is run. This is not preferred because, if I use the calculated control in another query or something, I have to have another "update" step.

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Modules & VBA :: Mail Merge - Database Placed In A State By User That Prevents It From Being Opened Or Locked

Jun 19, 2014

I have the following code which errors on line

Code : .OpenDataSource Name:=CurrentProject.FullName, SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM [qryMailMerge]"

The error (Error has occurred: The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'W74XXXXXX' that prevents it from being opened or locked) appears in the Word document.

Public Sub CreateWordToPDF(strWordFile As String, strPDFFile As String, strSQL As String)
'Call CreateWordToPDF("C:Doc1.doc", "C:Doc1.pdf", "SELECT * FROM [qryMailMerge]")

Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim docWord As Word.Document
'Open MS Word using early binding.
Set objWord = New Word.Application
Set docWord = objWord.Documents.Open(strWordFile)


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Read Only Database

Jul 12, 2006

Hi, I am trying to create a database from scratch, however I need multiple users to have access to it. I do this nearly everyday and have no issues on the LAN we use.

This week I have been struggling to create a database on a different LAN. I create the database however I get the message that it is read only when I close it and enter it again. This means that other people are also unable to open it at the same time, and when they managae, they only get read only access.

Could this be a strange unfamilar-to-me LAN set up? Or is there something fundamental that I am not doing when creating this database?

Thanks for any help

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Read-only Database?

Jul 17, 2007


You helped me solve my linking issue with my front-end/back-end database, but I've got another question. Whenever I open up the front-end ( the shortcut to it anyway), I can't open it in edit mode- only edit. Even if I do a fileopen and select the type of open I want, it doesn't work. How do I open it in edit mode so I can link the table?

thanks again

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Which Tabel Was Opened, Who And When Opened It

Apr 26, 2006

I want to see Which tabel was opened, who and when opened it.
And if possible I want to see what is changed.
I want to see as I mentioned above as a "log file"

Thank you
Sedat ONAT

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Backup Database Is 'read Only'

Feb 13, 2006

Hi All,

I created a database in Access and of course password protected the backend version. As a matter of course I backed up the mdb to cd in case of emergency.

Our network has been taken down due to some virus being bought in by a laptop user so I wanted to reinstall the mdb from the cd to my c: drive.

The problem is that the file is saying that it is 'Read Only' which I think is down to the password protection i put on there.

Is there a way I can get round the security?

I promise I am not a hacker!



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Tweaks For Database? Ah...just Read What I Mean!

Jun 29, 2006

I would like to tweak my database so that when it opens for the users it will not show the minimize, maxamize, and close buttons at the top. Also, I would need code that will maximize my forms automatically. Let me know if this is not a good idea? I am trying to eliminate someone thinking that the close button will act as a cancel button. I dont want them to save information on accident since access saves automatically! (I already have a close without saving button on every form but people are used to closing document to not save them)

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Database Suddenly Read-only

Jun 19, 2007

I have a database running for the last 6 or so years (A97) and have the ctl-shift disable enable code in it to stop people tinkering about with it.

The database was aparently working fine yesterday and today it's decided to be read-only so no-one can update the data.

It's on a server - all permissions ok and not read-only.

I can't get the disable/enable code to work either. So basically, it's locked for any development changes and it's locked for any data changes.

The IT boys are going to take a backup from the tapes of the server and re-install it, so it should be ok, but I've never had this happen before and the database is used daily for the last 6 years with no problems.

Any speculative thoughts?

[edit] I have done a search and couldn't find anything that fitted the situation



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NOT Read Only Access Database

Nov 16, 2004

How do you make an Access database able to have records written to it (NOT read only)?

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Access Database Read-only

May 4, 2005

I am having problems with ODBC Access data source name. When I want to display some database data in a html table on a webpage there is no problem. But when I send data from a html form to the database I get an OLE DB error. (I am using ADO). I can't remember the message exactly but it was something like

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access driver] The command must be execute on a query which can be edited.
insert.asp, line 50

For some reason my database is read-only. And I don't want that. I tried
1. ODBC administrator deleting and creating a fresh System DSN, checked if there Read-Only wasn't marked on.
2. Deleted my browser cache.
3. Restarted computer several times again
4. Installed MDAC 2.8 again.

btw. I have created the table with MS Access XP and i am using Windows XP.
Below is my code.

<FORM ACTION="insert.asp" METHOD="post">
Barcode: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="a1" SIZE="15"><BR>
Artist: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="a2" SIZE="40"><BR>
Album: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="a3" SIZE="50"><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear"><BR>
a1 = request.Form("a1")
a2 = request.Form("a2")
a3 = request.Form("a3")
if ((a1 <> "") and (a2 <> "")) or ((a1 <> "") and (a3 <> "")) then
Set db=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open "DSN=pieter", "admin"
sql = "INSERT INTO albums VALUES ('"&a1& "','"&a2& "','" &a3& "')"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
<----- Here is the error ----> db.execute sql
Set db=Nothing
end if

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General :: Database Is Read Only

Jun 8, 2015

The database I am working with suddenly says that is ready only, and I cannot make changes! How can I make it not read only?

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Database Opens As READ ONLY

Oct 14, 2014

I have a FE DB that I have been opening and closing at various times without incident. Now all of a sudden it only opens as READ ONLY. I can't find anyone with a BE open that might be causing this. What will cause this? If I save a copy and then replace the original will I lose my data?

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Quick-save Database To Read-only

May 12, 2005

Does anybody know if there is a quick way of making a database read-only (so no data input OR design priviledges).

Ive had a request to send somebody a database so they can look at the data but not add/amend etc. The only thing I can think of is adding a security workgroup and assigning read only permissions. But this seems a bit long-winded and I wondered if I was missing something obvious like a 'save as - read only' option.

Any ideas.


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How Can I Read A Text File Into A Database

Jan 4, 2005

This is what I would like to achieve

Each time a person comes into our building, they use a electronic key. The information is recorded into a text file. I would like to extract information as described next

The date from the line marked D. Date is marked in bold

The time from the line marked T. Time is marked in bold

The key number and Location from the line marked M. Key Number & Location is Marked in Bold

Sample of the text file:

D[ Fri 30/04/04 ]

T[ 08:19 ]

M[ Valid key:130 Ing group, tenancy:SUNCITY, door:Lower Roller Dr, panel:SURF CITY. ]

N[ 0 2 0 0 5 23 1 0 0 0 130 2 ]

D[ Fri 30/04/04 ]

T[ 08:22 ]

M[ Valid key:20 LEAD NGUYANST, tenancy:SUNCITY, shaft:0, panel:SURF CITY. ]

N[ 0 1 0 0 5 16 1 0 0 0 20 2 ]

D[ Fri 30/04/04 ]

T[ 08:23 ]

M[ Valid key:556 Ing Group, tenancy:SUNCITY, door:Lower Roller Dr, panel:SURF CITY. ]

N[ 0 2 0 0 5 23 1 0 0 0 556 2 ]

…..and so on the text goes

I am reasonably familiar with access but I have not had any experience with Text Files . Could someone post a sample db that would give me a starting point. any information would be appreciated.


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I Can Read, But Not Write To My ACCESS-database??

May 31, 2005

I have an access database and some asp-code on my computer which only works one way?
I can read from it, but not write?

...and when I put the asp-code and the database on anohter server it works fine.
..what setting do I have to do, to make it work on my computer?

I have another asp-site with a mySQL-database on my compter which works fine...but
it doesn't work with my access-database...hmm...I can only read from it.

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