This Expression Is Typed Incorrectly, Or Is Too Complex To Be Evaluated
Aug 16, 2006
Hey guys,
I am getting this error "This expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to be evaluated"
For this query:
SELECT first([TblProp].[Name]) AS [SName], First([TblProp].[CommentDate]) AS DateCommented, First([TblProp].[No]) AS BNum, First([TblProp].[Indication]) AS Ind, First([TblProp].[PropSubmitted]) AS DateSub, First([TblProp].[Contact]) AS PrimCon, First([TblProp].[Prepared]) AS PrepName, First([TblProp].[Comment]) AS Comment,First([TblProp].[Value]) AS ValueNew, First([TblProp].[Rating]) AS Prob
FROM TblProp
GROUP BY [TblProp].[RFPNo];
This query had been working fine for a good long time, but suddenly it starts throwing up this message. I haven't changed anything at all with this query. Its very puzzling. I went through each of the fields and its the comment field that is causing the problem.
Would anyone have any ideas on why this might be happening?
to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."
I did a search and it looks like date prompts cause this error sometimes. The message pops up when running from the Switchboard to generate a report. When you hit the button, you are prompted for the Start Date and End Date, but then this message appears.
Running the query directly, not using the Switchboard or Report to generate the data, it runs fine, still using the two prompts.
Any idea on what I should look at to resolve this issue so users can run the report from the switchboard? Let me know if I need to post the sql or something.
The control source for the Activity Summary report in my DB is the primary data table. The report contains about 12 fields, each with a statement like this one as its control source: =Sum(Abs(Year([RecDate])=Year(Date()) And ([NotifType]=9)))
Up until yesterday afternoon the report was working just fine. But suddenly when I run the report I'm getting this error:
"The expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."
I have no idea why this problem suddenly popped up when the report had been running just fine for weeks.
Here's what I've done so far to try and fix it: 1. Copied the report and gave it a new name, thinking if the report were somehow corrupt creating a new one might fix it. No such luck. 2. Tried running the report after removing each control source statement one-by-one, but the error didn't disappear until all the statements had been cleared.
Anyone have any ideas? I'm willing to post the DB if that will help.
I have a functioning query. However, I need to remove the "Term Date" field. When I do that, I receive a message that says "The expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables." The SQL code is listed below. Any help with this problem is greatly appreciated!
SELECT dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.EMPLOYID AS EmpID, QryEligibility.EligDate, Sum(dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.[Gross Pay]) AS GrossPay, IIf((Max([dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt]![Check Date])<[QryEligibility]![EligDate]) Or [QryHrsElig]![EligHrs]=1,0,Sum(IIf([QryEligibility]![EligDate]<[dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt]![Check Date],[dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt]![Gross Pay],0))) AS AdjustedGrossPay, Sum(dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.[401k Amt]) AS 401kAmt, Sum([401k Amt])/Sum([Gross Pay]) AS EEDefPct, IIf(([QryEligibility]![EligDate]>Max([dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt]![Check Date])) Or [QryHrsElig]![EligHrs]=1,0,IIf([EEDefPct]>0.04,0.02,[EEDefPct]*0.5)) AS ErMatchPct FROM (dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt LEFT JOIN QryEligibility ON dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.EMPLOYID = QryEligibility.EMPLOYID) LEFT JOIN QryHrsElig ON dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.EMPLOYID = QryHrsElig.EmpID WHERE (((dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.[Check Date])>=[Forms]![ReportDateRange]![Beginning Date] And (dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.[Check Date])<=[Forms]![ReportDateRange]![Ending Date])) GROUP BY dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.EMPLOYID, QryEligibility.EligDate, QryHrsElig.EligHrs, dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.[Term Date] HAVING (dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.[Term Date]=#1/1/1900#) ORDER BY dbo_v_PenLiab_401k_rpt.EMPLOYID;
I have 4 queries that run and prepare a temporary table for which I then have a sales report generated . THis report has been active for over a year exactly as is but now the past week I am getting an error message that says "The expression is typed incorrectly or is too complex to be evaluated".I used the query designer in access to create them, here they are in SQL VIEW
My Make Table Query:
SELECT [Job Table].[Job Number], [Job Table].[Date Sold], Commission.originalCRate, Customers.[Last Name], [Job Table].Salesperson, [Job Table].Split, [Job Table].[Job Type], Commission.SaleAmount, Commission.JobCost, Commission.SPR INTO [New Sales Report Temp Table] FROM (Customers LEFT JOIN [Job Table] ON Customers.[client id] = [Job Table].[Client id]) LEFT JOIN Commission ON [Job Table].[Job Number] = Commission.[Job Number] WHERE ((([Job Table].[Date Sold])>#12/31/2012#) AND (([Job Table].Split)=No));
Query 2:
INSERT INTO [New Sales Report Temp Table] ( [Job Number], [Date Sold], [Last Name], Split, SaleAmount, Salesperson, [Job Type], OriginalCRate, SPR, JobCost ) SELECT [Job Table].[Job Number], [Job Table].[Date Sold], Customers.[Last Name], [Job Table].Split, [saleAmount]*[SPr] AS TotalSale4, [Job Table].Salesperson, [Job Table].[Job Type], Commission.OriginalCRate, Commission.SPR, [jobCost]*[SPR] AS JCost FROM (Customers LEFT JOIN [Job Table] ON Customers.[client id] = [Job Table].[Client id]) LEFT JOIN Commission ON [Job Table].[Job Number] = Commission.[Job Number] WHERE ((([Job Table].[Date Sold])>#12/31/2012#) AND (([Job Table].Split)=Yes));
When I run the queries as a query and view data in datasheet they all work, however when I run the report I get the error message.My Access DB is a front end connected to an SQL server backend. I have never created queries in SQL just in Access.
"This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."
Below is my SQL for this query:
SELECT DISTINCTROW [OI Category Aging Query].[Age List], [OI Category Aging Query].[Reporting Entity], Sum([OI Category Aging Query].[Accrual $]) AS [Sum Of Accrual $], Sum([OI Category Aging Query].Unearned) AS [Sum Of Unearned] FROM [OI Category Aging Query] GROUP BY [OI Category Aging Query].[Age List], [OI Category Aging Query].[Reporting Entity];
It's just a simple query to sum up two columns from another query. This query is for an OI Category Aging report, and I have another MI Category Aging report that is working perfectly fine. They almost mirror each other, except for a few calculation differences. They both start from the same table. And my OI Category Aging Query seems to be working just fine. I cannot find any errors or N/A's in either the Accrual $ column or the Unearned column. Any suggestions on what to do or where to go from here? A simple sum on only the Accrual $ column or the Unearned column doesn't work either.
The OI Category Aging Query is 198,711 rows, so I can't drop it into excel.
I am trying to sum 3 different time fields together in a report that all are the same format but it wont allow me to.
The expression i have built is =Sum([ACDTime]+[AgentRingTime]+[OtherTime])
but I get back a error message saying...
"This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."
"This expression is typed incorrectly or it is too complex to be evaluated….For example a numeric expression my contain too many complicated elements."
I think the error is as a result of this expression in my query, I have 9 fields with the expression below with different field names:
Like Forms!QBF_Form!Sales & "*" Or Forms!QBF_Form!Sales Is Null
The problem is when I close the query and open it, the expression multiplies to numerous rows and also creates additional fields for the last part of the expression. Is there an expression that I could use that would work okay.
I tried using this expression: Like IIF (Forms!QBF_Form!Sales)="", "*", "*" & Forms!QBF_Form!Sales & "*"
It was working, but is no longer working..not sure why.
Do you have a similar expression that will achieve the same result but create additional criteria.
The recordsource of a listbox is a query which is filtered by a combo box on the form. There are 4 possible groups to be viewed and the values for each group are Group 1=(Null or " "), Group2="Denied", Group3="Restricted" and Group4=("Approved" or an approval number). The query worked fine until I added the code to get Group4 by eliminating all of the other values. It is causing an 'expression too complex' error. Here is the sql for my query:
SELECT vi_AuthApproval.AuthID, nz([Approval_Number]," ") AS Approval FROM vi_AuthApproval WHERE (((nz([Approval_Number]," "))=IIf([Forms]![frmAuthApprovList]![cboApproval]="Approved",(nz([Approval_Number]," "))<>" " And (nz([Approval_Number]," "))<>"Denied" And (nz([Approval_Number]," "))<>"Restricted",[Forms]![frmAuthApprovList]![cboApproval])));
Can someone help me simlify the query or point me in another direction to accomplish this?
I have a query that gives me the "3071 - Expression too complex to be evaluated.." error. The problem is I can get the EXACT same SQL to run and not produce the error. The query is part of a reporting tool that hundreds of users run (each on their own instance or a few people sharing one instance). Here's the flow of what I do:1 - Open DB2 - run query3 - Query dies w/ "3071 - Expression too complex..." error4 - open query in SQL edit mode5 - Rerun query and it works fine.6 - Scratch head and curse loudly....After modifying the query it works for a random amount of time and users don't complain. Then all of the sudden, it starts failing again, and I repeat the query edit, resave and it works fine until the next time. The problem is I never know what may or may not fix it because it will work fine after opening in edit mode. I've tried compact/repair and that has no effect on the query. The only thing that fixes it is opening it in design mode.I need to figure out what is the root cause of this. I'm getting sick of fixing it with my edit/resave hack. It's not excessively complex or anything.Here's my SQL. It uses some form value references in the criteria, but the form is open and values exist when I'm trying to run the query, so that shouldn't be it.SELECT [VARIANCE DIVISION].MONTHNBR, CHOOSE([MONTHNBR],"January","February","March","April", "May","June","July","August","September", "October","November","December") AS MTHNAME, [VARIANCE DIVISION].INVTYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].TRFTYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_CODE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_DESC, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LED, [VARIANCE DIVISION].MATL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCEDIVCODE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCEDIVDESC, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCESUBP, [VARIANCE DIVISION].BASE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].TYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].PCT, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYMTHPRICE AS CYPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LYPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYADJQTY, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYADJVAL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].MTHVARIANCE AS VARIANCE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYYTDPRICE AS CYTDPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LYTDPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJQTY, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJVAL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].YTDVARIANCEFROM [VARIANCE DIVISION]WHERE ((([VARIANCE DIVISION].INVTYPE) LIKE [FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![INVTYPE]) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].TRFTYPE) LIKE [FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![TRFTYPE]) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_CODE) LIKE IIF([FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![PRODCHOICE] = "2",[FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![COMM], "*")) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJQTY) <> "0"))WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;
I have a strange problem I can't figure out. I have a massive query that runs off of about 10 other queries. I use [forms]![Authority].[Emp#] in the query conditions, using the supervisor's employee# to only show them the members on their team on the form.
My problem is that the query/form is working fine for most of the supervisors, but when I enter the employee number of two other supervisors, I get this error: This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables.
Those two supervisors don't get the error, the form just doesn't load for them after they click on the button on the switchboard, but if I go into the database window on their pc and try to run it, the error appears.
I have an Access application that print a report with 7 sub-reports in it. When I preview the report, it looks fine. When I print it directly to the printer, it looks fine. The problem is when I print from the preview, Access error with a "...too complex..." error and crashes the application.
I have a simple query to calcualte a profit margin on daily sales lines and I use a quick and dirty expression to calculate the margin in the query so I never need to drill it down further than that level (I don't want to go as far as putting the output into a report as it is only for use when double checking lines for errors which get fixed there and then in the database).
So far so good, however the margin output is a bit awkward to read as I can't seem to format it as a simple percentage. The field properties page doesn't like doing anything with the expression and even typing in a format manually has no effect, so I end up with figures like
Is there any way to format this output to show only 1-2 decimal places and be in a proper number format so I can sort them in ascending order properly?
Hi at the moment I am using a bit of VBA code like below:
Public Const currentYear As String = "0708"
Static Function GetCurrentYear() GetCurrentYear = currentYear End Function
I then call this from my ms access sql statement with GetCurrentYear() am I correct in thinking this will only need to be evaluated once (I am just thinking in terms of performance) as it is a static function and a constant or is there a quicker way to do this. I couldn't see a way to easily get the value from a constant without a function. I may be missing something though thanks for any advice.
I have a Query which can pull data to a form, then the form will evaluate the ID, after saving/recording, I need to delete the evaluated data on the query.
My problem is how can i delete it? There is Table1 for outputing the evaluation, Query1 where the evaluation can get the Data.
Process Flow: > Form pulls data from Query1 > Evaluation was saved on Table1 > Evaluated ID should also be removed on Query1
I'm experiencing an interesting problem with a database I have been working on. For some reason, when I tried to enforce referential integrity between two fields, whose values should have matched perfectly, I got an error that I couldn't because they didn't match. When I ran an unmatched query, I found that the numbers DID match, but for some reason Access wasn't recognizing it. Even when I type the values into the field to "correct" it, it doesn't recognize it; I have to copy and paste from the master table into the child table in order for the values to be recognized as matching.
The same thing happens when I try to filter or query the table; if I type the value, it says no records are found, when I copy and paste, or select from the combo box, it works.
ANY IDEAS?? this is really weird and it's happening on multiple computers so it's not just one system. And, this has never happened before with this file or any other that I've worked on...
SELECT Sum(TBL_MeasuresInstalled.FundingValue) AS ATP_Value FROM TBL_MeasuresInstalled GROUP BY TBL_MeasuresInstalled.IDSubmission, TBL_MeasuresInstalled.PriorityBasis HAVING (((TBL_MeasuresInstalled.IDSubmission)=[Forms]![FRM_SubmissionReport]![cboSubmission]) AND ((TBL_MeasuresInstalled.PriorityBasis)="ATP"));
and it returns nothing when there are no records that match the HAVING clause - I want it to return 0 instead
I have searched the forum and people having similar issues have been advised to use the NZ function so I tried
SELECT NZ(Sum(TBL_MeasuresInstalled.FundingValue) ) AS ATP_Value FROM TBL_MeasuresInstalled GROUP BY TBL_MeasuresInstalled.IDSubmission, TBL_MeasuresInstalled.PriorityBasis HAVING (((TBL_MeasuresInstalled.IDSubmission)=[Forms]![FRM_SubmissionReport]![cboSubmission]) AND ((TBL_MeasuresInstalled.PriorityBasis)="ATP"));
SELECT NZ(Sum(TBL_MeasuresInstalled.FundingValue) , 0) AS ATP_Value FROM TBL_MeasuresInstalled GROUP BY TBL_MeasuresInstalled.IDSubmission, TBL_MeasuresInstalled.PriorityBasis HAVING (((TBL_MeasuresInstalled.IDSubmission)=[Forms]![FRM_SubmissionReport]![cboSubmission]) AND ((TBL_MeasuresInstalled.PriorityBasis)="ATP"));
I have a form, very basic.. it contains more or less an inventory frontend in which users input computer equipment that we carry in our state dept.
To make this very brief, in my form at the end I have an "Additonal Information" textbox in which users can add additional notes, comments, etc.
As textboxes are constrained to 255 characters, I chose to show an additional textbox directly below the Additional Information textbox, with a control source set to =Len([Additional_Information]) to show users how many characters they have typed.
What I'd like to do though, is make this value dynamically update while the Additional Information textbox is still in focus... so far, all I can get it to do is update once a user has tabbed away from the additional information textbox.
I have a form based on a table called checkwriter. Right now it is comprised of multiple dropdowns that work great but now I need a textbox where the user can type in a few characters and have the form display the results which match the first few characters from the field "memo" from the checkwriter table. Im so a newbie to this and not sure whether I need 2 write a seperate query for this or write a simple procedure for that text box. Any help to get me started would be greatly appreciated.
I have been staring at this for hours. If anyone can see what I have done wrong I would be so grateful.
In query Q_CTPayDeadline_1 Record ID_Tasks = 194 Field [Stage1B] SHOULD (I believe) evaluate to date 2010-01-01, not 2004-03-31, the former being greater than the latter.
The criteria for field Stage1B is Stage1B: IIF([NzCease]>[PriorEnd],[NzCease],[PriorEnd]) The values of NzCease and PriorEnd are displayed to the right of Stage1B, for quick reference. As you can see, for recird ID_Tasks = 194, the values shown are NzCease = 2010-01-01 PriorEnd = 2004-03-31 BUT Stage1B = 2004-03-31 ie it treats the IIF() function as returning false, when it should be true.
Access 2010 leaves the last name that a user typed in after he has done and update. All of the other fields on the form are blanked except the dropdown box . This seems to confuse my users and they would prefer that the last name is blanked out after an update like all of the other fields. I told them that it is a reminder to them of the last person they updated.
The drop down box has a list of all the clients in the database and the user selects which one they want.
Hello, I'm trying to sum values in a table and the result I'm getting is incorrect.
I have a simple table called Test with one row called Number which is Double. I have 4 values in Number field. They are: -60000 26.6 2661 62849
When I run a query to sum those fields: SELECT Sum(Number) As Sum FROM Test; I get the following result: 5536.60000000001
Interestingly if I change the last number in my table from 62849 to 62848 I get this result: 5535.6
The problem seems to be with summing positive and negative numbers together. In my case, if the sum of positive numbers goes over 65535, the resulting sum is incorrect (adding 0.00000000001 to the result).
Does anybody know why this is happening and if there is a way around this? The actual tables that I work with have a large numbers that go well over 65K so this is a problem for me. I couldn't find anything on google about this.
I've got an access form, and all I want to do, is to be able to type a number into a text box, click a button and then for the record containing that number to be displayed (in that same form).
-And I dunno where to start.
I don't like using the navigation bar, although that is almost what I'm after.Also, search functions I've seen on here that use combo box lists to display results seem like too much for me, as each number typed into my search box will be unique.
I have a database that is used to generate quotations. I have a form that I want to use to Re-Quote something. By Re-Quote, I mean I want the employee to be able to go in and search for the Part desired for Re-Quoting and create a new quotation with all of the information from that part and have the ability to change any of the information as needed. The Form is unbound, and has tab control with three tabs. I would like to search by three different categories "QuotationNumber", "Customer", Or "PartNumber". How do I have the combobox filter the list box below based on what is being typed in the combobox?
I have a subform containing maintenance logs for pieces of equipment, viewed as a Datasheet.
I have a field called Comment accepting text. Since comments are similar, it would be nice to have a drop down list so the user can select what was previously typed in other records and then edit it from there, similar to how Google or search engines in its search text box generates as part of its suggestion list the previous searches after typing in the first few matching characters.
I tried looking through, but is there a property that does this?
I have a standard form with header, detail, and footer sections. The detail section has a range of calculated boxes and the footer section also has a range of calculated control boxes.
There is a button on the form, which runs the following code: DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "Divisions", acFormatXLS, "C: ester.xls", False
This works as far as exporting the Detail section of data. However, as soon as it trys to export the footer section, it just appends them onto the end of the rows. For example, the report lists: ABCD 10 20 DEFG 20 30 Totals 30 50
The excel spreadsheet after export lists Controlbox name Controlbox name Controlbox name cbn cbn ABCD 10 20 30 50 DEFG 20 30 30 50
Is there a way to: (a) correct this in the export; (b) format the spreadsheet; (c) alternative, e.g. drag the data in from a sppreadsheet ?