This Is Killing Me...

May 22, 2006


I have a main form TRequests, which has several subforms, although we are dealing with two here in particular.

I have one subform [bsdata] that has combo's to choose data and a [enter] button to submit.

This updates the second subform (query table) with a [PK] and further metadata...

I would like to have the [enter] key from the first subform, also open a pop-up [addnew] (no biggie) and enter the newly created [PK] in a field that I normally have to enter it in manually.

I would like to accomplish this before the data updates to the query table showing the results.

Pulling hair out.

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Dates Are Killing Me!

Jun 25, 2005

Thanks for the help. I'm getting through this db.
I am trying to get user input of start date and End date for the following:

SELECT [ASC Cust Count_Crosstab].Node, [Oracle Account TC].[Q Code] AS [Q5 TCs], [ASC Cust Count_Crosstab].Video, [Oracle Account TC].[Check In Date]
FROM [ASC Cust Count_Crosstab] INNER JOIN [Oracle Account TC] ON [ASC Cust Count_Crosstab].Node = [Oracle Account TC].Node
GROUP BY [ASC Cust Count_Crosstab].Node, [Oracle Account TC].[Q Code], [ASC Cust Count_Crosstab].Video, [Oracle Account TC].[Check In Date], [ASC Cust Count_Crosstab].ASC, [Oracle Account TC].[Q Code]
HAVING ((([Oracle Account TC].[Q Code])="5") AND (([Oracle Account TC].[Check In Date]) Between [Start Date] And [End Date]) AND (([ASC Cust Count_Crosstab].ASC)="uh"));

But I get a reply back "The Microsoft Jet database does not recognize '[Start Date]' as a valid field name or expression.
Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. They are date fields. Thanks.

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Empty Crosstab Colums Killing Access 2007

Jul 25, 2007

I created a fixed header cross tab query that totals up how many photos of each size there is in an order. I wrote some visual basic code to total up the price (kind of complex with the different packages) but any orders without at least one of every size photo completely locks up Access. The following is the code:

Private Sub Text66_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Units
Dim UnitsCache
Dim PackagesCache
Dim F4x5Cache
Dim F5x7Cache
Dim E8x10Cache
Dim E11x14Cache
Dim S16x21Cache
Dim T21x24Cache
Dim WalletsCache
Dim T4x5
Dim T5x7
Dim T8x10
Dim T11x14
Dim T16x21
Dim T21x24
Dim TWallets

If [4x5] = Null Then
T4x5 = 1
T4x5 = [4x5]
End If

If [5x7] = Null Then
T5x7 = 1
T5x7 = [5x7]
End If

If [8x10] = Null Then
T8x10 = 1
T8x10 = [8x10]
End If

If [11x14] = Null Then
T11x14 = 1
T11x14 = [11x14]
End If

If [16x21] = Null Then
T16x21 = 1
T16x21 = [16x21]
End If

If [21x24] = Null Then
T21x24 = 1
T12x24 = [21x24]
End If

If [Wallets] = Null Then
TWallets = 1
TWallets = [Wallets]
End If

F4x5Cache = T4x5
F5x7Cache = T5x7
E8x10Cache = T8x10
E11x14Cache = T11x14
S16x21Cache = T16x21
T21x24Cache = T21x24

WalletsCache = TWallets 8
UnitsCache = T8x10 + T5x7 2 + T4x5 4

Text58 = 0
Text56 = " "
Text54 = " "
Text52 = " "

PackagesCache = "x"
If [T21x24Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then
PackagesCache = "F"
[WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2
[UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4
[T21x24Cache] = [T21x24Cache] - 1
Text58 = Text58 + 439
GoTo FoundOne
End If

If [S16x21Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then
PackagesCache = "E"
[WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2
[UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4
[S16x21Cache] = [S16x21Cache] - 1
Text58 = Text58 + 305
GoTo FoundOne
End If

If [E11x14Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 3 Then
PackagesCache = "D"
[WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1
[UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 3
[E11x14Cache] = [E11x14Cache] - 1
Text58 = Text58 + 236
GoTo FoundOne
End If

If [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then
PackagesCache = "C"
[WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2
[UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4
Text58 = Text58 + 169
GoTo FoundOne
End If

If [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 3 Then
PackagesCache = "B"
[WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1
[UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 3
Text58 = Text58 + 127
GoTo FoundOne
End If

If [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 2 Then
PackagesCache = "A"
[WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1
[UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 2
Text58 = Text58 + 89
GoTo FoundOne
End If

If PackagesCache <> "x" Then
If Text56 = " " Then
Text56 = PackagesCache
GoTo RerunPackages
ElseIf Text54 = " " Then
Text54 = PackagesCache
GoTo RerunPackages
ElseIf Text52 = " " Then
Text52 = PackagesCache
GoTo RerunPackages
End If
End If

UnitsCache = (T8x10 + T5x7 2 + T4x5 4) - UnitsCache
If F4x5Cache < 4 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then
GoTo Skip4x5
End If
F4x5Cache = F4x5Cache - 4
UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1
If F5x7Cache < 2 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then
GoTo Skip5x7
End If
F5x7Cache = F5x7Cache - 2
UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1
If E8x10Cache < 1 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then
GoTo Skip8x10
End If
E8x10Cache = E8x10Cache - 1
UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1

Text42 = 0
If WalletsCache >= 5 Then
Text42 = [Text42] + 40
WalletsCache = [WalletsCache] - 5
GoTo Redo
End If
If WalletsCache = 4 Then
Text42 = [Text42] + 37
ElseIf WalletsCache = 3 Then
Text42 = [Text42] + 33
ElseIf WalletsCache = 2 Then
Text42 = [Text42] + 28
ElseIf WalletsCache = 1 Then
Text42 = [Text42] + 18
End If

Text28 = [F4x5Cache] * 12
Text30 = [F5x7Cache] * 25
Text32 = [E8x10Cache] * 40
Text34 = [E11x14Cache] * 110
Text36 = [S16x21Cache] * 155
Text38 = [T21x24Cache] * 249
Text40 = [25x31] * 362
Text44 = [16x20 Collage] * 210
Text46 = [Hard Cover w/Poetry] * 212
Text48 = [Hard Cover Book] * 98
Text50 = [Soft Cover Book] * 68

Text66 = Text28 + Text30 + Text32 + Text34 + Text36 + Text38 + Text40 + Text42 + Text44 + Text46 + Text48 + Text50 + Text58 - Text60

End Sub

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