Time Sheet

Dec 15, 2003

I'm trying to get a database that can track our employee's hours worked. I have come up with the attached file but it doesn't work right.....If someone clocks in at 6:57 am and clocks out at 7:00 pm it says we should pay them for 13 hour and not 12. I need it to round on the quarter hour so if they clock in at 6:45 am and clock out at 7:00 pm it should pay them for 12 hours. We have people that work 24 hour shifts on a regular basis so I think I have that figured out in the the query I have but I'm not 100% sure.......and I need it to work right.

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Monthy Time Sheet

Apr 18, 2007

Dear Friends ,

I have a database that contains all the employees info. and I wonder
about the following small cut that represent the monthly Time Sheet of
an employee .. How can I implement it ?


Best Regards,,

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Time Sheet Command Button

Dec 19, 2006

I have a datasheet subform on my TimeSheet for for my volunteer database. What kind of code do I need for a command button to "punch out" a volunteer. TimeIn is easy, I just set the default value to Now(), but I don't know how to do that with the the TimeOut.


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General :: Linking A Set Of Dates For A Time Sheet

Jul 17, 2013

The project I am currently working on requires me to build a database for checking off if a certain person has submitted a time sheet for a certain date. I have a table for the dates that has the fields "date" and "Submitted time sheet?". The time sheet field is a checkbox.

I also have a table for employees with fields "employee last name", "employee first name" and "location".What I want to know is how to link each employee with the dates and whether or not they submitted a time sheet.

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Queries :: Time Sheet / Payroll Database - Calculating Total Daily Hours

Feb 18, 2014

Access Query. I am creating a time sheet / pay roll database and I want to be able to get a total of the daily hours in a query.

For example I have 'Mon Start' and 'Mon Finish' for Mondays in/out times and I have a 'Mon Total' which gives me the total hours worked for Monday.

The problem I have is that Mon Total only works if the hours are say between 07:00 and 17:00, anything after midnight (00:00) like 21:00 to 07:00 and 'Mon Total' goes crazy !!

At the moment 'Mon Total' is the result of CDate 'Mon Finish' - 'Mon Start' (bit rough I know).

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Time Format - Short Time Displayed As Medium Time

May 23, 2006

I have an application with a backend db on PC 1, and the same application on PC 2 linked to the backend db on PC 1 via the network.

The link works fine but the time formats are different.

On PC 1 the time format is shortime and displays as it should i.e. in 24 hour clock format

However on PC 2, opening the same database via the network, the time format is still shorttime but when you read the time within the code it comes out in AM/PM format. Also, when the defaul tiem should be #20:00:00# but this changes to #8:00:00 PM#

Weirdly though, when you just open the table, the times are in the correct shorttime format.

Guessing, it must be a setting within the main core of Access 2003 that is different between the 2 instances?

Any ideas?

This screen shot may help:

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Time Format - Short Time Displayed As Medium Time

May 23, 2006

I have an application with a backend db on PC 1, and the same application on PC 2 linked to the backend db on PC 1 via the network.

The link works fine but the time formats are different.

On PC 1 the time format is shortime and displays as it should i.e. in 24 hour clock format

However on PC 2, opening the same database via the network, the time format is still short time but the format is in AM/PM or medium time.

Guessing, it must be a setting within the main core of Access 2003 that is different between the 2 instances?

Any ideas?

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Ordering Sheet Help Please!!!

Feb 22, 2006

hello i have created an ordering sheet for my company. i want to know if it is possible to automatically record the time of each order made?
If possible could someone tell me how it is done?

Also is it possible to put a clock in an Access database?



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Ordering Sheet Help Please!!!

Feb 22, 2006

hello i have created an ordering sheet for my company. i want to know if it is possible to automatically record the time of each order made?
If possible could someone tell me how it is done?

Also is it possible to put a clock in an Access database?



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Expense Sheet Problems

Jun 22, 2005

Hi, AM very new to Access and currently (trying) to creating a DB to safe me time filling out my expense forms manual. (dark ages pen & paper) :confused:

I've used the same table/fields that this form would required if I was filling it in by hand. Am I able to create drop down box's with prefix information in these table/field? can you do this on Access if so how would you do this?

I would also like to calculate the mileage using the info from drop down boxes ie from leeds (value of 2) to Manchester (value of 10) based on standard mileage I can claim for (0.10p) = (£2.00) in my remarks field I would wont to be able to prefix this i.e 20 (being the value of 2x10) miles each way @ 0.10p (being the set mileage)?

Am trying to use the same form that I would fill in manual. But having difficulties trying to fit this in forms. I've changed the paper layout & margins etc but still missing about a inch of information that's required on this form :confused:

The form will only allow you to fill in 11 lines of info b4 you need to fill out another form
How would your database know when to create a new form when the 11 field/lines have been filled with data?
How do you add up your columns?
How would you bring a balance b/fwd to you next sheet leaving only 10 lines of info to be inputted?

Any help with the above or any direction or further informatin required would be much appreciated

Thank you


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Delete Excel Sheet And Then Add New One

Nov 15, 2005


Just wondering if anyone knows how i go about deleting an excel sheet and then add a new one with specific headers ?

I have spent 3 hours looking round this site with no luck either I am blind or you cannot do what I am asking.


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One 2 Many Linked Excel Sheet?

May 9, 2006

I have 2 table currently linked together using a one to many relation. Rather than manually updating the information each day in table 2, i want the same format of data but using a linked excel sheet. This way the information can just be updated elsewhere by the excel sheet. I can't seem to get the sheet to link in the one to many way though, just intermediate. Is this possible?


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Subdata Sheet Question

Feb 8, 2008


This is my first time here. I am trying to perform a operation but not sure how to do it. Let me try to explain.

I have Access 2000 on my Vista computer and I have a Access database with patient medical records listed in multiple columns. I can sort them with no problems BUT what I need to do is go into the subdata sheet of each patient and do a sort out on one of the columns. My question is, is there a way that I can sort a specific column in my subdata sheet either by the checked box or no checked box? What I am having to do is go through each patient and delete each session that does not have a check mark and that is very time consuming. There has to be a quicker way of sorting and deleting what I need from that column.

I hope I explained myself ok...


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Bringing In Excel Sheet

Feb 22, 2006

I have an Excel sheet that I'd like to bring into an Access Form -- populate the Excel cells with data from textboxes on the Access Form and print it. I tried copy/pasting various things in, but it's pasting even text from a cell as an Excel object (let alone joined cells and images). Where can I find more information about this?

I found http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=210288
But, when I put that code into the form for saving text from a text box to an Excel cell, it tells me that the word "Set" is a "Compile error: Invalid outside procedure."

Also, how do I refer to a joined cell? I've found that I can copy from a joined cell, paste into a host cell and select "Paste Link". This puts an absolute reference to the joined cell in the host cell (=$A$7, for instance) and when I change the joined cell the host cell is changed. Pasting =$A$7 seems to merely put the face value of "=$A$7 into the host cell.

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Last Record In Data Sheet

Jul 16, 2006

In my database I have all my clients information in the [Main] form and all their transactions / debits / etc. in a subform [Transactions] in datasheet view. My question is how can I have the subform automatically scroll down to the last record (or to a new record) so the user doesn't have to scroll down everytime a new client is viewed?

-Alex :o

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Print The Same Report Twice On One A4 Sheet

Oct 9, 2007

Hope someone can give me some pointers. I have a report for a delivery ticket this prints customers address + delivery ticket number. Below this heading it list all the items associated with that delivery number.

What I would like to have it do is print one copy of the report on the top half of an A4 sheet of paper and then Print the same copy on the bottom of the A4 sheet.

This would give me top half copy as delivery copy and bottom half copy as customers copy. The sheet would be perforated across the middle to allow the driver to tear the sheet in half and leave the customer with their copy.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

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Modules & VBA :: Add Row To Excel Sheet

Aug 16, 2015

find a way to automatically copy data from an access query to a sheet in excel at the end of every month we record financial data from our database into an excel sheet for our accountants. im still designing the query to format the data exactly the way we need it, which is why im not too clear on all the details (have a meeting with the accountants on wednesday to confirm everything, but im hoping to get most of the function written by then at least)

Ive already got the pathfilename and worksheet name stored in variables (excelFile and workSheet respectively) and ive worked out a way to store the row number (in a variable called simply rowNum), i just need to add one record to that specific row, from columns B to I) and for now lets just assume the query would be qryFinancialData. simple way to export the data, ill be formatting the query so that the first field in the query will go into column B, second field will be C, third field will be D, etc.is there a quick way to open the file, add the data to the right columns/row and close/save the excel file, all through VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: Get Work Sheet Name And Last Row?

Apr 14, 2015

i have the following code to get excel sheet name and last row number it work fine with no problem but when i go to next record in my form and press the button agin it produce error 91 "object variable or with block not set"

- this code to get sheet name and last row in column A
-General declaration
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim SheetName As String
'Declare Excel file
Dim strPath As String
Dim ApXL As Object


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Access Spread Sheet To Web With Pictures

Oct 11, 2005

Hello. ( First post)

I had scanned these forums, but i didn't see what I was looking for. I'm new to access, my intern ship short of threw me into it. eh' but that is not the point.

I have to build a circulation spreadsheet, and my bosses would like there to be pictures for each item. Any ideas on how I could do that? Thanks for your time.

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Do A Loop In Excel Sheet From Access

Dec 11, 2007

hey group
How can i have something like this loop to run from ccess application which is already currently opn and where work is done ?

With objActiveWkb.Worksheets("Reconciliation Sheet")
For ii = 5 To 200
If Range(ii, 9) = "NO" Then
Range(ii + 1, 9).Interior.ColorIndex = "yellow"
End If
End With

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Trouble Saving Sub Data Sheet Name

Jan 21, 2008


I always feel as though I'm asking a stupid question but here goes. I am making a database with sub tables and sub forms, and working from "Access 2003 inside out". When I open table properties and enter a subdata sheet name and fill in child and master links everything seems fine until I try to save it. I open the table properties window again and the sub data sheet option has returned to "auto". Am I doing something stupid or is there a bug in my system?

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Importing A Sheet From A Excel Spreadsheet

Dec 29, 2005


I'm trying to import a sheet from a excel spreadsheet.

this is my "code"

The problem is that when i hit the run button, it imports blank sheets or more likely is not importing at all :confused: :(

On Error GoTo ErrorTrap
Dim dlgOpen2 As FileDialog
Dim countrystring2 As String

Set dlgOpen2 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

With dlgOpen2

If txtFile2 <> "" Then
.InitialFileName = txtFile2
countrystring2 = txtFile2 & "!RB_UPDATES"
.InitialFileName = CurrentProject.Path
End If
.AllowMultiSelect = False
End With
If dlgOpen2.SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
txtFile2 = dlgOpen2.SelectedItems(1)
End If
Exit Sub

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "RB_UPDATES", countrystring2, True

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
End Sub

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Creating Excel Sheet From Access

Sep 30, 2004

I have written a piece of code in Access that creates a Excel work book. The work book is populated with the various data and then made visible to the user.

Everything is working perfectly apart from one minor problem.

When creating a new workbook excel automatically puts 3 worksheets in... If the code creates 1 or 2 sheets of data I want it too delete the sheet that is blank. This is easy to do although it always prompts the user for confirmation.

How do I delete a worksheet without the prompt?

I have hunted everywhere for the answer and can't find it anywhere, any help would be great.

Example of code:

Dim XL As Excel.Application
Dim WkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim WkSheet As Excel.Worksheet

Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Set WkBook = XL.Workbooks.Add

Set WkSheet = WkBook.Worksheets(1)


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Printing Problem: 2 Pages Per Sheet

Oct 7, 2005

When I print reports, Access is printing 2 pages per sheet, making the text VERY small. However, EVERY setting that I can find, whether the main printer setup or the Access program itself, shows that it's supposed to print only ONE per page.

The only program that this occurs with is Access. Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing? Thanks.

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Form Sub-data Sheet Question

Dec 15, 2005

Is it possible in a sub-data sheet to have the column headings appear as two lines instead of one?

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General :: Finding Last Used Row In Excel Sheet?

Nov 15, 2013

I have the following code which returns me the number of rows in an excel sheet:-

Lastrows = .Worksheets(1).Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=2, SearchOrder:=1).Row

How do I mod the code to find the last 'used' row in the sheet?

The sheet is automatically generated daily, so I can't change anything in that area. It's always 2000 rows long and usually only has around 1100-1200 rows of data.

It's just that I do a for loop later on in my code for 1 to Lastrows and would like it as exact as I can.

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