I am about to start a project where I must link an Access front-end database to an Oracle backend. I have about a year of Access development behind me now, and now here is the next challenge.
What I have to do is create analyses of data and output the data mainly in the form of diagrams (i.e. graphs or charts). I have seen how this can be done with Automation in Access in a book by Alison Balter (Mastering Access 2000 Development), by controlling the Excel object etc.
Here are my 2 questions:
1. I am considering buying another book on Access now, something that will contain more examples/methods for presenting information as a graph with the help of Excel. Should I stick to buying an Access book, or should I look into getting something that is more Excel programming oriented, i.e. something like an “Excel programmers compendium”? Any recommendations/tips to get me started would be appreciated.
2. The users want the graphs that I produce to be saved as a .PDF automatically at the push of a button in the Access GUI. How is this done? Do I need special software, or can I use something like PDFWriter to automatically convert the Excel graphs into .PDF’s?
Thanks in advance for the tips and have a nice day! :)
New user here so apologies if I post in the wrong place.
My colleague and I are trying to put together a database which automates a very time consuming process which is currently being done in Excel.
The purpose of the database is to pull together a load of actuals from SAP and then the forecasts we have put together and then chuck out a whole load of graphs and a summary spreadsheet/ report for the upper echelons;ons of management.
The data is in the database and so far it is all going well - but we have hit a stumbling block. We need Access to calculate some cumulative totals so that we can throw the whole lot into our excel graphs but we can't figure out how to do it.
We are using ye olde Access 97 so our options are a little limited.
Can anyone give us a starter for 10? If you need anything more technical, I can post whatever information you need.
Hello all Access gurus and wizards, Hope this is the right area to post this...
Just wanted your opinion on a good Access book, possibly complete with training CD. I would like to have something that's pretty comprehensive in terms of topics, from basics to 'advanced'.
My background:
I've taken a couple Access online courses myself, so I'm pretty familiar with the very basics of it (creating tables from scratch, importing excel to table, linking text delimited, basic select queries and very beginning of action query like append query, forms, basic switchboard using wizard).
I've used access personally at work, creating some reports myself from scratch (meaning from linking stage to final report).
The only book I have is Using Access 2000 by Roger Jennings (I think it's by Que publishing). After I bought the book I realized it's more of a reference book for the experts, so I need something more 'down to earth' for somebody my level.
I personally would like to learn more about (or at least familiarize myself) with action queries, macros, perhaps just some basics about commands/VBAs (enough to at least know or benefit more from this great forum), linking datawarehouse, etc.
I came across 'step by step Microsoft Access'..I think it was $19.95, which I might purchase, but I would welcome additional comments/suggestions.
I need some good books for Access developers.. I want to what Access really can do.. I know create tables and queries.. How about create stored procedures and triggers using VBA in Access? Or any other more complex tasks in Access. I want to know more about this.
I was just wondering if any one had any tips or insider secrets on how to lower the size of a database and/or get it to run faster and more smoothly. I know you can split it but is there any other way? I'm using alot of macros and going from screen to screen there is sometimes a lag. I dont know much in the way of code but im willing to learn. Any links or advice on code how too's would be appreciated aswell...thanks alot I'd also like to say these posts have helped me a great deal and i cant wait until I am confident enough with Access to help out some other people.
To set the default values for controls, select the control on the tool bar and press F4. The default value properties list will appear. I like to turn off all of the 3D stuff by resetting some the values like 'Special Effect', 'Border Style', etc. This way I don't have to manually change them after the fact...
Thanks Ken have done this - however when I go off and word with a differant mdb file then come back to the original which I had open when I entered the defaults - the defaults have disappeared.
I am experiencing an odd thing. The program that I have written in Access when I use it on my laptop the control tips do not work. When I use it on any other computer the control tips work fine, does anyone have any idea what the deal is?
I have a list that shows how many books we have for each PO No. (Sorted by PO No.) Like below:
Code: PO NoTOTAL BOOKS PO-0001 12 PO-0002 15 PO-0003 26
Now I would like to distribute/divide these different books to boxes and each box gets maximum 10 books. Like below list:
Code: BOX NOBOOKSPO NO 0001 BOOK 1~10 PO-0001 0002 BOOK 11~12 PO-0001 0002 BOOK 1~8 PO-0002 0003 BOOK 9~15 PO-0002 0003 BOOK 1~3 PO-0003 0004 BOOK 4~13 PO-0003 0005 BOOK 14~23 PO-0003
Format is not important in the list2, for example in Box 0002 we have book 11~12 means (book 11 of 12 +book 12 of 12) in po-0001
+ book 1 of 15 until book 8 of 15) in po-0002
books have bookno, for example for po-0001 we have 12 different books it means we have bookno (1 of 12) until (12 of 12) for this po no.
How I can produce automatically list 2 from list 1 by query or coding.
I have recently been playing with exporting a query to a delimited text file and have learned some things along the way. Some of this is bound to be old-hat to some of you. However, I thought that it might be useful to post a summary of what I've learned for the benefit of others, like me, who may face some of the frustrations I've been dealing with.
Firstly, in order to export a query or table to a text format other than the default csv, you need to create what is called an 'export specification'. As has been mentioned elsewhere (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=59828&highlight=export+wizard)on this forum, you do this by clicking on the advanced button on the 'Export Wizard'. Pick the delimiter you prefer, click save as, and save the specification with a name that you can remember.
To use the specification in an export, you use the specification's name as the second argument in the DoCmd.TransferText method. (See access help for more detail)
However, things can go wrong!
Firstly, on some occasions, the export wizard fails to open thereby preventing you from accessing the specifications you have created or making new ones. This happened to me and it turns out that the reason was that some code I was running got interupted at one stage and DoCmd.Setwarnings was set to false when it happened. This prevents the export wizard opening for whatever reason.
The solution is to create a sub that sets DoCmd.Setwarnings to True and run it. (Credit to BobLarson here (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=37696&highlight=export+wizard))
Secondly, you may get an error message saying 'too few parameters...expected #' where the # represents a number.
This problem seems to be caused by using a control in a form as a criteria in a query that you're trying to export.
One solution is to simply get rid of the form references in the criteria of the query (Credit Jon K (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=54237&highlight=export+wizard))
But if you need to keep the criteria reference like I did, the best workaround I came up with was to enclose each reference to a form control in the criteria of the query with an Eval("").
Thus, if I were wanting to use a control called 'mycontrol' on a form called 'myform' as a criteria, I would use Eval("[Forms]![myform]![mycontrol]") instead of just [Forms]![myform]![mycontrol] in the criteria line of the query.
Thirdly, you may encounter an error that helpfully says 'Invalid Argument'.
This is due to the presence of a numerical field in the table/query that has its fieldsize property set to 'Decimal'. This is a known bug with access 2000 and solutions can be found at Microsoft's knowledge base (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/263946).
In my case, I resorted to changing the fieldsize properties to Double instead of decimal, and deleted/re-created my export specification after the change and this solved the problem for me.
I hope this post is helpful for others. Cheers! :D
Hi, I am new here and need some help with MS Access97. I am looking for a more convenient way to join tables together. The usual way that I know is to drag the field(s) in one table and drop it in the other table (within the relationship window).
Is there any other way that I can do the same without drag and drop (keyboard instead of mouse)? This is real problem to me when I need to do some modification and have lots of tables scatter across few pages and the vertical scroll of the Relationship window is not working properly with drag & drop technique.
I have created a table in Access with the data I need to put into a line graph.
The data is in this format:
This just a snapshot of the data. What i would like to do is produce seperate line graphs for each town, charting the temperatures over the three years. Because there is so much data i need to find a way which can produce graphs on mass.
I am not sure where to post this so could someone please move it to the appropriate area thanks.
I want to make a graph that will show how many employees are in the company for each year (Going back 10 years and keeping up to date) I have never done this before and our teacher feels that its best if we learn on our own (basicaly he's an idiot).
How do I go about using the pivot chart?
I have made a query which adds up the total number of employees at the current time.. but apart from that I havent a clue. I want the graph to have the years on the bottom and numbers up the side (1,2,3,4,5 etc) and then the number of employees that were in the company during that year will be plotted.
I will use a table that is to be used for archiving to mke the query as it will have all the employees who were ever in the system record.
The table is thus:
Employee_ID Emp_First_Name Emp_Surname Age Emp_Home_Number Emp_Mobile_Number Emp_Address_1 (so on and including postcode) Date_Started Position_ID
I have no idea what to do other than to rename the axes and change the increments, but they are jsut numbers, no dates or anything.
I am a bit of a db virgin! So I would appreciate some assistance please. I am trying to display a graph in the form view of a db. The db is comprised of a standard form and table set up but the data comes from a series of linked excel spreadsheets. Basically it is a way of displaying student data for parents evenings at school and I would like a graph to make it the data more visual.
I do not know why this has been so difficult. I have search google and even this forum. There is no clear cut explanation on how to build a button on a form to export a pivotchart to a jpg. Does anyone know how this can be done. please show code.
I have a number of deliverables and want to create a graph for each one, I can get a list of deliverable via a select statement but not sure how to create a graph from that
For example I have this sql statement as the row source for a graph
Code:SELECT Team.TeamLeadName AS Expr1, FormatPercent(Avg(RawData.PercentComplete)) AS CurrentProgressFROM Team, RawDataWHERE (((RawData.TeamLeadNumber)=[Team].[TeamLeadNumber]) AND ((RawData.DeliverableDesc)="RACE Off-the-runs v1"))GROUP BY Team.TeamLeadName;
"RACE Off-the-runs v1" is a deliverable
I had the idea of taking the list of deliverables and iterating through them, for each iteration set the row source for a graph as
Code:SELECT Team.TeamLeadName AS Expr1, FormatPercent(Avg(RawData.PercentComplete)) AS CurrentProgressFROM Team, RawDataWHERE (((RawData.TeamLeadNumber)=[Team].[TeamLeadNumber]) AND ((RawData.DeliverableDesc)="deliverableNAME"))GROUP BY Team.TeamLeadName; where deliverableNAME = the current deliverable in the iteration
The problem is 1)I’m not sure if/how to set the row source with a variable (in this case the variable is deliverableNAME) 2)How would I make sure that each iteration its creating a new graph, rather then just overwriting the existing one. Basically how to have each iteration create a new graph. 3)How would I store these graphs, each one on its own form, can they all be on one form (access seems to limit the height a form to 22 inches)
My database records order details for analysis. I have created a form to monitor individual trends in orders placed by my customers. As we supply bespoke items each customer has a list of products which they alone purchase, i.e we do not supply stock items, each item is specifically for one customer (they can then buy the items on a regular basis). The products are assigned to a customer in the products table.
The Analysis form I have created displays the customers name and two graphs. The first graph shows total sales each month, this graph updates as I navigate through the records (i.e. a different graph is loaded for each customer). The form also contains another graph, this is where the problem lies! This graph shows orders of the individual products, controlled by a drop down list containing all the products we supply. I need to limit this list to only show those products relevant to the current customer select on the form. (The products are assigned to a customer in my products table). Currently I achieve this by using a query which when the form is opened asks me to enter a customer ID, the drop down list is then limited to the products supplied to that customer.
What I would like is for the drop down list to update as I navigate through the records. i.e. when customer A is displayed show all the products assigned to customer A, when customer B is displayed show all the products assigned to customer B.
I’ve attached a snapshot of the form to help explain what I mean.
i have a graph in access, and when i print it on a laserjet printer, all of the data and text prints. When i print the graph on a inkjet, only the text prints...not the graph. How do i solve this?