Total On A Subform

Dec 7, 2006

I have a form with general information and then a subform where I enter items, price and quantity. I want to see the total form the lines that I have enter and keep the total up to date as I enter new lines.

Can anyone explain how to do this? I have tried a few things, but none give the result I would like...

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Total From Subform

Nov 30, 2007

Ugggh, I think the moral of the story here is, don't drink on a work night . Anyway, I have this form with subform (this is basically an order form) that I can't get the total of the subform to the main form.

The Form is named "Place Order"
The subform is name "order details"

Ok, so in the subform, I have quantity and price, and then a textbox named "ttls" with the multiplication of both:
Then in the footer of the subform I have a textbox named "subttls" which has the following for its control source:
=sum( [ttls] )

In the main form, I have a textbox named "Subtotals" which has the following for it's control source:
[order details Subform].Form![subttl]

When I run the form, I get #Error in the "Subtotals" textbox. I've done some basic error checking.... the value of [order details Subform].Form![subttl] is not null (I used an iif statement to check this), and it is not numeric (used iif with isnumeric). I can't get the value of [order details Subform].Form![subttl] to display anywhere, so I'm guessing that it just holds the value #Error.

Again, this is probably something simple, but right now my head feels like it's the size of a beach ball . Alright AOG, I know this is right up your alley

Heh, believe it or not, this is the first time I've ever tried pulling a total from a subform to the main form. OK, maybe you can believe it

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Calculating Total From A Subform

Oct 26, 2005

Attached is a project I'm working on. We want to calculate the total delays on each day. In a form called 'main' there is a subform for the delays on that date. But the 'Total Delays' control does not work.
I have used the following format to get the total from the subform:
'TotalDelay' is the name of the control which calculates the total of the delays within the subform.
I have used the =[Delays].[Forms]![TotalDelay] format in other projects and it works. However in this program when I want to save the form, the control source is changed to :=Delays.Forms!TotalDelay (the brackets are removed)
Thank you

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Calculating Total In A Subform

Sep 17, 2004

I have a Main form with a sub form. Every record in the main form has multiple sub form records. (they are linked in a one to many relationship)

Each subform record has a "price" text box. I would like a total of all the "price" text boxes for that main record to be displayed in the main form.

It needs to be updated when a new subform record is added or changed.

Any help is welcomed. Thanks in advance

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Total, Subform->form Problem ....

Nov 27, 2005

ok guys..
i dunno what exactly happen..i think i done it at right way..

ok..i create Main Form that contain 2 (material and workmanship) subforms. subfrom i create using wizard from query
then i use =Sum([TotalAmount]) at subform footer to calculate total price from selected part (i create workshop's part management system) n it works fine..for both subform..

but another prob here..
at Main Form that contain material n workmanship subform. i want to calculate Grand Price, where it from TotalAmount from each subform..
i create 2 dummy control (to hold TotalAmount from each subform,coz i think its hard to make sum for 2 TotalAmount), 1 for material n 1 for workmanship..
then i want to sum 2 dummy control into Grand Price box...
but when i use =MaterialSubform.[Form]!TotalAmount at dummy's ControlSource it failed.. show #name?..

y? am i missing sumting at my Main form or subform? plz help me..
i want to send attachment but my fileto big to send...

*(i hope u can understand, coz my english not good ^_^)

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Subform Total To Show On Main Form

Jan 24, 2007

Hi ALl,

I have a subform that accounts and adds all the expenses for a certain project (for example, total is $27,000). I would like to know how to duplicate the final cost in the subform and show it on an unbound textbox of that linked main form (the unbound textbox in the main form shows $27,000 also).

Thanks in advance, guys...


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Forms :: Grand Total Of Subform Datasheet

May 6, 2014

After having no luck with the standard datasheet E-Totals, i'm now trying to have a textbox on the main form that totals a subforms column called lineTotal.Line Total is a calculated query field that works out the Qty*cost.So say if they put in 5 lines on the subform, the textbox field will sum all of there linetotal and shows a rolling grand total.

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Forms :: Using Total From A Subform In A Sum In Main Form

Jul 8, 2013

I am trying to create a time sheet that enables my workers to fill out separate work orders and the hours from those Work orders are auto transferred to a sub form within their daily time sheet. I have gotten all this done and I have the total hours transferring to the main form but I need to use that transferred number in a new sum on the main form. I know that this cannot be easily done just by using the expression builder.

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Total Of A Field In A Subform Displayed In Actual Form.

Jun 10, 2006


I am setting up a database to run a shop. In my 'Orders' form, i have a subform of the order details (The item (combo box), price, quantity and subtotal (price*quantity).

In the form in which the subform is displayed, how can I display the total of the subtotals? Is it easy, could anyone show me roughly what i need to write?

Many, many thanks,

- Smiffezo.

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Forms :: Show Number Of Total Records In Subform?

Feb 15, 2014

I have a continuous subform. Because the records are often many, the user needs to scroll down the page.

How do I have a text box in each row that shows Record x of Total Records?

I tried setting a text box control source = [currentrecord] in the Detail area of the subform but it didn't work . It did weird things because I suspect the control is trying to show the record that has the focus or something

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Forms :: Calculations In Subform - Display Total Amount For All Records

Nov 20, 2014

I am trying to get the main form to display a total Amount for all records in Purchase order details but the control displays Error:

I have a Form called frmPurchaseOrder with a sub-form sbfrmPurchaseOrderDetails

sbfrmPurchaseOrderDetails takes item details from a table based on what is selected in the combo box then fills out four additional fields in the same sub-form.

SELECT tblItemListDetails.ItemID, tblItemListDetails.ItemName, tblItemListDetails.ItemSize, tblItemListDetails.ItemUnit, tblItemListDetails.ItemUnitCost, tblItemListDetails.ItemBrand FROM tblItemListDetails WHERE (((tblItemListDetails.Supplier)=[Forms]![frmPurchaseOrders]![SupplierCombo]));

Private Sub cmbItemName_Change()
Me.txtSize.Value = Me.cmbItemName.Column(2)

[Code] ....

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Forms :: DCount Function In Subform - Total Number Of Records

Jun 14, 2015

I am trying to count the number of records in a subform where the text box (txtFinal) = RPR-RPR & RTN. The subform is called PartNumbers. The table name the subform is bound to is named Completed.

I tried using =DCount("[Part Number]","Completed","[Final] = 'RPR-RPR & RTN'"). That is counting the total number of records in the table, not the total number of records in the subform. How do I get it to count the total number of records in the subform?

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Forms :: When Subform Have No Records Then Total Field On Main Form Shows Error

Sep 1, 2013

In my database main form with subform. subform have query as of one of field in subform shown on main form. all is ok and show total correctly but when subform have no records then total field on main form shows #error. How to convert this value either into null string or zero(0).

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Queries :: Self-Referencing Running Total Used To Calculate Next Total In A Query

Jul 23, 2015

I am trying to create a query that has a self referencing running total based on the values (point totals) of itself (running total of values in the running total column that have already been calculated for all previous records) plus the total of new points being added in the current record, less the total of points being removed in the current record. This running total can never go below 0, if it does, the running total should restart at zero and add in only new points and begin the process again with the next records

I am able to do this in Excel in less than two seconds so I know there has to be a way to port this into a query. I've attached an excel example of what I am exactly trying to do

If it takes multiple queries to complete the required output I am ok with it. In my previous outtakes I have had up to 8 queries but just couldn't seem to do it..

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Total Daily Sales Queries By Model/Total

Mar 8, 2008


1) I am pretty newbie to this access programming, do forgive me if my questions sounds stupid.

2) Basically I create an application in access capturing or production information for my company. now the top management suddenly wanted whats their main concern:- Total Daily/Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Sales (By Model If possible)

3) I start with daily (Lets don't be too overly ambitious).

4) I try to let user select dates from my calender control and reflect daily sales (in Total & By Model break down) insert into my form.

5) Understand someone told me from my previous post in Calender control I can achieve it either through forms or queries, which is a better way. (in terms of flexibility to change for program maintenance/ scalibility) wise ?

PS: Please forgive my ignorance :o:(

Thanks (In advance) & God Bless.

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Tables :: Get Total Of Clip Size And Also Total Of Clip Duration

Dec 31, 2012

I have a table with 4 field which describe clips.

ClipName (txt)
ClipSize ( Long Integer)
ClipDuration (HH:MM:SS)
Date created (dd/mm/yy).

I would like to get the total of ClipSize and also total of Clip Duration either in table down or in query.

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Total Does Not Sum

Aug 24, 2006

I have a table with a number of fields and made a query to get some sums/totals.
In the query I made three fields :
Gast : DSum("[aantal]","TbBedrag","[Discipline] like 'gast*'")
Elec : DSum("[aantal]","TbBedrag","[Discipline] like 'elect*'")
Pumps : DSum("[aantal]","TbBedrag","[Discipline] like 'cent*'")

The first gives me the sum of ‘aantal’ where the ‘Discipline’ is Gasturbines, the second is the sum of aantal in electronics, etc.
I made another field which is supposed to give me the total of the three forementioned fields : totaal: [gast]+[elec]+[pumps]. The output of this field however does not give me the actual total, but writes the numbers of ‘Gast’, ‘Elec’ and ‘Pumps’ after another, instead of totalling the three numbers.

Strange, why would the total not give me the sum of the three calculated fields ?

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Sum / Total

Oct 30, 2005

Hello there
im having trouble summing a number of fields that contain a value of £0.00 or blank for example i have five fields on a form £2.50 £0.00 £3.00 £ £4.00 if all fields have a value then the correct total is displayed i have tried =([price1]+[price2]) ect or sum which does work but not if £0.00 or £ are used obviously the result i am after is total £9.50 can anyone help i want to be able to sum or add all fields to give a total including numbers £0.00 and blanks please no code because i wouldn't know what to do with it just keep it as simple as possible i intend to write the formula in the totals field not in the footer i would really appreciate your sugestions
many thanks Richard

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Sum Total

Jun 2, 2006


I have made a database in access 2000, and in one of the reports i have "iff" statements in a field but if i try total the whole column it give s me a error:


this gives me the answer i want but i want to sum the whole column.

if i try sum total i get a error?


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Total Cost

Apr 3, 2007

Well at the moment i'm still in the design stages, but i made a database with test fields to see how it would work out best.

Basically i have to have a form with a drop down list for each type of computer componant and when selected the total price for all the items selected so far needs to show up at the bottom of the form.

Or when a button is pressed the price could be updated, that is fine too!

The way i was planning to do it was having an orders page, in which each field was a lookup to a difference table, one for each componant
Processor; ProcID, Proc name, Proc cost

Anyone have any ideas on the easiest way to load the total value for the items selected? Would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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Sub Total Query

Aug 5, 2005

O.K, I am really trying to figure this out from other postings but my limited query experience is limting my understanding of the other posts.

I only know how to use the query wiz and then a bit in design mode.

I have a Query

[ID]pk [Contest Name], [Score]

There will be many records for the same [Contest Name] in the underlying table. Therefore i want to sub total by [Contest Name] so i can then create a report. I have created the report perfectly using the Report support in another posting submitted. But the report does not allow me to order the results as the sum calc is a function on the report. Therefore I am now exploring the Query Sum [Score] order by [Contest Name].

I just need it in a Qery for dummies format.

Go into design mode and put the following in what portion of the query on what line.

I will keep on searching in the mean time

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Sum Total In A Query

Oct 10, 2005

I have a query which returns charge_cost (based on course cost, whether it went ahead, if hospitals are eligible for charging etc) which is then used in an existing report.

I want to make another report which simply is:

Total training spend for 2004-2005:

And i just want that to be the SUM of charge_cost.

I cant work out how to do this - i did a new query including charge_cost and then created a new field called total_spend: sum([charge_cost]) but i keep getting the message "You tried to execute a query which does not include the specified expression charge_cost as part of an aggregate function"

I have no idea what this means...

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MTD, YTD, WTD (one Answer For Total)

Oct 13, 2005

Please Help. I am tring to get the Month to date, year to date and week to date total in a query. I added a parameter for a date range. Instead of giving me the mtd, wtd, ytd, I get the whole months daily total. Can someone tell me what query caculation do I need to just get one number instead of daily numbers?

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Getting Total Count

Oct 28, 2005

One of the tables in the database has these fields

st1: st2: st3: st4: Date:
pass fail fail pass 10/21/05
fail pass fail pass 10/22/05

and so on. What I need to do is extract the number of passes and fails on each of the four stations and put them into a report. User will have to enter either one date or a date range.

Right now, i'm having to create a 8 queries for to find Count of Pass and Fail on each station and make a master query. And I because it's not grouping everything together I can't figure out a way to get a date range...

Please help,

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Need A Way To Total Duplicates

Mar 9, 2006


I imported an excel worksheet (~20,000 entries) into Access, and I am
trying to extract some information. First I wanted to find duplicates,
and rank by duplicate appearance. I have gotten that part.

In my db, I have a column 'Qty' that specifies the number of times the
event occurred. At the moment, I only have the number of times the
event appeared in the db. I would like to factor in the number of times

An example of my db would look like:

ID(access) Event Qty
1 A 10
2 B 100
3 C 30
4 A 60
5 A 50

So in my initial query, I get


CountofID Event
3 A
1 B
1 C

However, to take this further, I want to be able to total the Qty field for each event. So, in this case, A actually needs to be 120, B needs to be 100, C needs to be

My idea is to make a second query based off the first query, where one
item would be the Event# from Query1 (because that cut out all the
duplicates), and the second would be the all the number of occurences
of that event added up.

I did some searching before posting and this thread seems somewhat similar to what I need, but he is looking for a moderately different solution.

Any help is appreciated, Cheers.

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Total Values For One Day Only

Apr 5, 2006

Hi. In my query I have a Name column, day column (With a drop down box for the 7 days) and 10 task columns showing hours worked on each task.

I need to try and find a way automatically calculate to show the total hours worked for each specific day for each person and show each total value on a report and in a form.

Any Ideas?????

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