HELP! Im working for a charity in a small town Tanzania and there is not a soul for miles who knows anything about access.
I have created a database to track requisitions of Office Supplies. I have table full of the requisitions which contains multiple rows for each item we have in the store and the quantity requisition on each occasion.
What I want is a query that will calculate the total quantity of each item requisitioned in a month. Is there an easy way to do this??
Not exactly sure if a query is what I need in this situation or if it is what I need how to get there.
In the attached db example on the case form there is a section for technicians to go in and take credit for steps that they performed as part of the overall case
So clv1 might be done by User A Then clv2 might be done by User B
But the next case it might be switched.
I need a method getting the sum of the total clv's field for each technician in two different ways 1 would be the total clvs for USer A for the current month, 2nd would be the total for the year- or actually a prompt for a date range
Tried using the query wizard but it doesnt combine the names Then I tried an individual query on each set - that worked but then I only get the ones in the first column - not all the clvs that they did.
Hope that makes sense - is there a way to do this or am I in the wrong forum for trying to figure out a way?
Well the db example is imb so it cannot be attached
In a situation where I imported an excel file with so many columns and split them into two temp tables and they are linked using a key.
the data has a fixed part lets say
Field1....Field2.....Filed3.....Field4...then Field5.....Field6.....Field7....Field8 is the same data range as Field9...Field10...Field11...Field12. I would want to split this data into multiple rows like this
Field 1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6 Field7 Field8 Field 1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field9 field10 field11 field12 and so own...
I have three tables, with the following data (fields separated by "-" here): Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - Total A/R Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - Total Overdue Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - > 90 Day Balance
I would like to combine these tables into one table with the following field names: Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - Balance
When I append the data, it comes out like this: Unit - Customer Number - Customer Name - Type of A/R - Total A/R - Type of A/R - Total Overdue - Type of A/R - > 90 Day Balance
I would like this new table to include all rows from the original tables, sandwiched on top of each other. As far as I can work it, the Append Query only adds the data as add'l columns; not as add'l rows. I tried changing the field names entirely, so that the final field in each table is called "Balance." However, I still get the same result as above - the columns are added, instead of rows. I swear there's a way to do this, I just can't remember it!
And I'd like to convert it to this: Member_IDDiagnosis - 1Diagnosis - 2Diagnosis - 3Diagnosis - 4 10000 HypothermiaFrost Bite 10001 Fatigue DehydrationExhaustion 99999 Exhaustion Hypothermia
The columns don't line up well but I am looking for each diagnosis to move into one of the 4 columns, depending on whether it is the first, second, third or fourth diagnosis associated with the member.
I am using VB.NET 2003 and MS Access XP for a desktop application. While developing the application we have a reached a situation where we want to print a report which retrieves records from four tables. Till here it is easy to think that it can be done by a simple SQL JOIN query, but following is the complexity:
The first table stores a single row. The second table stores multiple rows related to the Primary Key field defined in Table One. The third table stores a single row related to the Primary Key field defined in Table One. The fourth table stores a single row related to the Primary Key field defined in Table One.
The above SAVE RECORD option is performed when a user fills a Form of my application. As stated above, all the four tables are inter-related with a Primay Key field (TNo) defined in table one.
I also have a MS Access Report that will print information retrieved from all the four tables. The Report has some of the fields from each of the above table. The SAVE operation is performed in this way:
(1) A unique TNo is generated for a new record that is about to be created. (2) All the entries are saved in their respective tables (mentioned above.) (3) An access query will fetch the records pertaining to this TNo from all the tables to fill the report.
I want to know how to write such a query when I have to fetch multiple rows of a table in between. Is there any way that I can pass the TNO as a parameter to this query that is saved in MS Access?
I have a table with the following columns: Task, Visa type, time it takes to perform the task. There are several taks that are performed for all visa types. I want to create a form to enter data to the table in which for the field visa type I have a list box that can allow multiple values, however, I do not to create a single line with the task and on visa type all the types of visas selected. I want to create a line for each type of visa with the information introduced.
I don't know if this is possible, the reason for which I want for the form to create several rows depending on the visas types is because then I have a query that sums all the types of visas. Can this be possible? I don't want the people to introduce manually directly to the table the data and also that for the same taks they have to enter manually 50 rows with values. I want it to be more simple and easier.
I am trying to find the latest date in a table where the dates are in 2 separate columns and multiple rows. (there are business reasons why there are 2 dates per row they represent different but comparable activities)
I have a table "Assessment tracker" with the following structure
Name Type Candidate short text Unit short text EV1 Date Date EV2 Date Date
My Data:
Candidate Unit EV1Date EV2 Date TH1 10 07/05/2015 25/05/15 TH1 10 07/05/2015 07/06/15
I have a query "Candidate AC Dates" that compares the 2 dates EV1 and EV2 and outputs a 3rd column with the latest date.
It does this by using a function shamelessly copied from the web somewhere...
Function Maxdate(ParamArray FieldArray() As Variant) ' Declare the two local variables. Dim I As Integer Dim currentVal As Date' Set the variable currentVal equal to the array of values. currentVal = FieldArray(0) ' Cycle through each value from the row to find the largest.
This is working well (I think)
I then want to find the latest date for the 2 records i.e. the Max value for the Achdate.
Query: SELECT [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate AS Expr1, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit AS Expr2, Max([Candidate AC Dates].Achdate) AS MaxOfAchdate FROM [Candidate AC Dates] GROUP BY [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit ORDER BY [Candidate AC Dates].Candidate, [Candidate AC Dates].Unit, Max([Candidate AC Dates].Achdate) DESC;
But this is returning
Candidate Unit MaxOfAchdate TH1 1025/05/2015
I expect it to return
Candidate UnitMaxOfAchdate TH1 10 07/06/2015
It looks to me like MAX is considering only the day value rather than the whole date. I suspect this is because it is considering the results of the function in the first query as a short text rather than a date field. (I've tried to force this through declaring the variables as dates but don't know where else to force this. (I am UK based hence the DD/MM/YYYY format)
Is there anyway to have a single field in a table which is populated via the use of a lookup onto another table, but allowing multiple value selection out of the lookup table and populating those into the field...
For example
Table 1 is customer details Table 1 field 3 = areas of interest
Table 1 field 3 is populated via a lookup into Table 2 interests
Table 2 has 4 records
Sport Household Motoring Family
I want to be able to select 1 or more of the Table 2 values and populate them into Table 1 Field 3....
Back in A2003, I could filter a table by the In() function with the table open in datasheet view. A2007 doesn't seem to want me to be able to do that. How do I filter a table by multiple values while in datasheet view to be able to delete some records.
Background: I get a datasheet in every month that, due to marketing to the same customers in different month, the YTD file I get has duplicate accounts. I have to delete one of the records, but the criteria for deletion aren't something I can query for. This is why I need it open in datasheet view.
My alternative is to make a table out of the duplicate entries, delete those from the original table, then append the cleaned accounts.
I have imported an Excel table with a column which has several values in one cell separated by "". In my case names of institutions afiliated with a patent. Example of the format of a single cell: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (US) RIVE TECHNOLOGY INC (US)
In order to normalize the Access database I would like to extract the institutions to a separate table (institutions) and that the patent is related to both institutions.
I have a database in Microsoft access 2010. The database has a table that stores prospective customer records, and a form that is used to input a search criteria(s) via textboxes, which then queries prospective customers table and returns the records that contain the inputted search criteria(s).
An Example of Textboxes values on the search criteria form: Textbox - name: bob Textbox - address: Left blank Textbox - category: car,boat,truck
I Have tried creating a query with the following
field: name criteria: like “*” & name & “*” field: address criteria: like “*” & address & “*” field: category criteria: like “*” & category & “*”
SQL code: SELECT customerName ,address,category FROM prospectiveCustomers WHERE customerName LIKE “*” & name & “*” AND address LIKE “*” & address& “*” AND category LIKE “*” & category& “*”;
That works, but only for one value in a textbox. Once there is more than one value in a textbox (e.g name: bob,smith), the query returns no records.
I have also tried splitting the values using the comma as a delimmter, then inserting the values into a new table. That is fine until one of the search criteria textboxes has been left blank. So the query I created will run, but returns no records.
SQL CODE: SELECT, prospectiveCustomers.address,prospectiveCustomers. category FROM prospectiveCustomers, [SearchCriteria-name], [SearchCriteria-address],[SearchCriteria-category] WHERE Like [SearchCriteria-name].name AND prospectiveCustomers.address LIKE [SearchCriteria-address].address AND prospectiveCustomers.category LIKE [SearchCriteria-address].category;
I have run into an issue with a basic DLookup. The database has grown in size and now we could have multiple entries, but I want it to return a certain one. So the information could be in it three times. Of course DLookup stops after the first one. How do I get it to loop to check the entire table? Someone mentioned to me to use a recordset, but how to write that as I have never used it before. Below is what I was using until this new request came up.
<code> Private Sub txtloan1_AfterUpdate() If IsNull(DLookup("[loan1]", _ "settlement", _ "[loan1]=""" & Me.txtloan1.Text & """ AND [status] = 'Open'")) = False Then Cancel = True MsgBox "Test", vbOKOnly, "Warning" End If End Sub </code>
This was also executing after the user entered the information within a text field. I did not want them to enter all the data and then have it come back as a duplicate.
I need to compare the sum of a values in a column of rows with the same id. For example:
Code: ID Value1 Value2
122222 20 40 (these are okay, the sum of Value1 in rows with same ID equal value 2) 122222 20 40 333333 100 100 (ok) 111111 50 100 111111 50 100 (not ok, the values with same id add to 150, so the first row containing this id should be deleted so the the total of Value1 equals Value2) 111111 50 100
In reality there are many more machine parameters (about 30). We have two machines that usually are set with 2 different set combinations of parameters. The combinations vary at times but are usually one or the other
Currently the user is going in and selecting the parameters from a combobox manually for each lot number.
To save him time and work, I want those fields auto populated with the parameters for a machine. So the user will hit a button for machine 1 or 2 and the parameter rows will fill with that machine's correct parameters.
I am working with an Excel file of raw data aggregated from an annual customer relationship survey that has been sent out since 2010. The file has approximately 20,000 rows, meaning the survey has been taken around 20,000 times. Unfortunately, each time a customer takes the survey, it is included in the raw data as a separate entry. Therefore the file has numerous duplicate email addresses, corresponding with unique data for each time the survey was taken. Another issue regarding the data, is that in the first year the survey was sent out, the distribution mechanism "broke" and the survey was sent out multiple times (and completed multiple times) in the same year by the same customer, so the surveys are not necessarily uniformly distributed, if that makes sense.
I have been interested in isolating the common respondents (those who have taken the survey across multiple years, albeit not necessarily consecutive years). Up to this point, these respondents have been isolated manually using a pivot table, however I am now looking to enter the raw data into SPSS (a statistical analysis package), in order to view the drivers of these common respondents.
Therefore, I would like to be able to isolate these common respondents and the data corresponding with their surveys from the raw data in a separate worksheet or file. I have tried various formulas to do so in Excel to no avail. Is there anyway to accomplish this in Access or would a more complex database be needed?
Ideally the final product would have the common respondents' information from multiple surveys in one row and would be able to be filtered by feedback date (found in the raw data), so that hypothetically one could select a month and be able to tell how many customers considered to be common respondents completed a survey within that month.
I have a table [VL] with four fields, [vl_id], [product], [vl_date], [valeur_liquidative].
The idea of the table is that you can input and update the value of each product on a given day.
I need to find the difference in days between successive dates (vl_date) each time that a product value (valeur_liquidative) is updated. Values aren't updated everyday as it is not updated during the weekends. I have had a go at this but have struggled..
A picture of what the table looks like is attached for reference.
Hi guys, I have a prob with summing up my subtotal figure in my query. Here goes:
I have an Orderdetails Table with : Qty,Unit Price,Discount. That makes my total in query "Total:[qty]*[unit price]*(1-[discount]). However, I can't use the SUM to sum up my "totals" as subtotal. How am I going to remedy this problem? THanks
I have created a form with a subform and has the following information displayed:
(Form) Tenant ID Mobile Telephone Number Title Credit Reference Surname First Name
(Subform) Date Due Amount Paid On
(Form) Total Of Arrears -
I need text box at the bottom of the form to caculate each tenants arrears. To show if the tennant has any arrears there will be no date shown in the [Paid On] box (If there is a date in this box it means the tenant has paid and therefore no arrears) so the [Amount] for that tenant owes will be totaled up in the box at the bottom of the page [Total of Arrears]. Also a tenant might miss a payment on one week and a pay another rent payment on time. Please could you show how to do this in access and not by VB code.
I've attached my database - well thanks for looking and hope you can help
I kinda new to access but What I need to happen is I have a Bill Table, and I have a search query, you type in the customers last name and the different services they request come up. I have it do a report, at the bottom I want the Cost field to add up and display total cost. any help would be apreciated... thanks,