Tough One

Apr 5, 2005

I've been away from Access for a while but now I'm back in action :) . Maybe I'm rusty from the lack of practice but I think this one will be hard to resolve. So here it is:

I have a form in datasheet presentation and when I double-click on a record, I need to open another form. This I can easly do, now for the hard part, the form I must open has two tabs, one for a specific region and another for the rest of the world. I want to make the sub-form point to the concern record, which I can easily know, from the first form. So, basicly, I need to make a sub-form point to a record from another form.

Currently, I can open the sub-form alone, without going through the parent form, but I can't make it point to the concern record. I can use the "where" clause of the "docmd.openform" command but I would like the form to just be on the concern record and still have access to the entire recordset.

Well, that's about it. I told you it was going to be a hard one, well I still think it's hard :) .

Maybe a little code snippet would help:

Private Sub PEIN_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim MemberID As Long
Dim ComputerID As Long

MemberID = Me.MemberID
ComputerID = Me.ComputerID

If Me.Region = "ON" Then
'This is where I don't know how to do it
'I tried a "OpenForm" but I can only access the parent form
'And not the sub-form

End If
End Sub

If you need more infos to help me, please don't hesitate to ask, I'll be monitoring my e-mail box closely :D .


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Help - Tough Query

Jun 22, 2005

I want to return a list that contains each employee's ID, the date of their last payrate adjustment, and their current payrate. Note that in the table below, employee 1002 was a bad boy in March of 2005, and his hourly rate was reduced to 14.00.

TableName: Employees


The result set should look like:


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Query - It Is Tough

Jul 18, 2006

Every body has worked on a query using parameter
[Forms]![Form Name]![Name of Field of Form] to get the desired result.

It works fine to use for single field. But I could never see this to be used in may fields at one go. For example how about this logic.

Table Name : Document Records, Fields
1st submission letter no
2nd submission letter no.
3 submission letter no.

A query using all three fields based on form field [Text2].

Means if may be letter no. 12 was used for two submissions, now if I put 12 in form filed and run query it does not display any thing.
Can some body figure it out and help?

A sample question is attached

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Tough Date Query.

Feb 15, 2007

G'day. This is a tough one and I could use some help.

I work for the military and day to day there are people on orders. My finance folks are providing me with an Excel spreadsheet with all the names and start/finish dates of people on orders and I import that into a table.

What I need to do is query out the orders that fall on drill weekends.

An example would be; Joe is on orders from 1-Feb-07 to 15-Feb-07, drill is on the 5-6 of Feb. The queiry would need to "pick" him out as being on orders over that drill date period. Dave is on orders from 10-Feb-07 to 10-Mar-07, for the drill period of 5-6 Feb he would be left out of the results. I would also need to change the drill dates month to month to reflect each drill weekend. Any help is welcome and appriciated, Tim

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Tough Issue Securing Database

Aug 23, 2005


for our company we have an access application we use to keep track of our customer-info.

The databse consists of 3 parts:
The (replicated) frontend
The databse holding the changing data
The database holding the unchanged data (lookup db)

We have the following problem:
somewhere in our front-end db is a bug that allows users to change the contents of the lookup db. In our case this can result in a major problem because the users are able to change the city-zip code table.
I have tried to figure out where things go wrong but so far no result.

We have picked up the idea of making the lookup db read-only for normal users. This will prevent them from modifying the contents, and will also result in error messages. Hopefully will these error messages point me in the right direction of the bug.

Problem is that the ldb, created when opening the mdb, inheritates the same security settings of the mdb. If we set the mdb to read only, the user gets an error-message stating it can not find the lookup db or that the lookup mdb is locked. This is because the user can not create or modify the ldb. On the other hand, if we set the security to create and modify for the mdb, the user still is able to change the data in our lookup db.

I have never worked with the security in access itself. and I want to try to avoid that. Is there a way of securing the data in our lookup db. So I'm able to figure out what really goes wrong.

Can someone help me out on this major problem.

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A Tough One - Importing A File Into A NEW Table

May 25, 2006

I work for a company that has a mainframe application that produces "outgoing" files. They are downloaded to a server and converted to ASCII (all at one time) and then ftp'ed to various clients. We are converting to a client server application and I am in charge of verifying that the mainframe application files (converted) are EXACTLY the same as the server application files. I came up with a process of loading the files to access databases and then with a series of queries and reports produce a list of exactly what doesn't match, which record, what positions and display the two fields that are mismatching.

My problem is that when I try to load the Mainframe file (note that it has already been converted and "eyeball to eyeball" the files are alike) using the "new" / import functions, Access rejects the file because it is greater than 65000 bytes. If I cut the file down to under 65k bytes it loads fine. I can load a 500,000 byte file that was created on the server in the first place.

Any suggestions? I can't change any of the processes that create the files. But I can change copies of the files so that I might be able to get them to load so I can verify that the data inside is the same. I'll let the geeks figure out how to fix the file/record control stuff.

(wouldn't have this problem if I was back on a mainframe!!!!)


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Tough Modification Of Existing SQL Query

Mar 7, 2007

I’m trying to modify an existing SQL query that calculates actual working days between start date in tblECN and end date in tblECNDetail to do the same between start date in tblECNDetail and end date in tblECNDetail (same table).

Where I’ve gotten into a bind is with the joins of the two tables that are needed in the first query but not in the second as both fields come from the same query.

In the current working query I join about tblECN.ECNID and tblECNDetail.ECNID. In the new query I don’t think I need to create these joins at all as BOMEntryStart and BOMEntryEnd both come from the same table (tblECNDetail). I’ve bolded all references to the table no longer required for join but I don’t know which join statements I can be rid of. When trying to save I get an error in the FROM statement if I leave as is. If I get rid of the join statement I get an error

working query
SELECT [tblECN].[ECNID], [tblECN].[RelDate], [tblECNDetail].[PendDate], DateDiff("d",[tblECN].[RelDate],[tblECNDetail].[PendDate],2)- IIf([HCOUNT]>0,[HCOUNT],0) AS DaysDiff, Int([daysdiff]/7) AS Weeks, [daysdiff]-[weeks]*3+IIf(Weekday([tblECNDetail].[PendDate],2)>5,5-Weekday([tblECNDetail].[PendDate],2),0)+IIf(Weekday([tblECN].[RelDate],2)=6,1,0)-IIf(Weekday([tblECN].[RelDate],2)>Weekday([tblECNDetail].[PendDate],2),2,0)+IIf([tblECN].[RelDate]=[tblECNDetail].[PendDate],1,0) AS weekdays, Query5.HCOUNT
FROM tblHoliday, [tblECN] INNER JOIN [tblECNDetail] ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = [tblECNDetail].[ECNID]
WHERE (((tblHoliday.Holiday) Between [tblECN].[RelDate] And [tblECNDetail].[PendDate]))) AS Query4
GROUP BY Query4.[tblECN].[ECNID]]. AS Query5 ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = Query5.[tblECN].[ECNID]
WHERE ((([tblECNDetail].[PendDate]) Between [Forms]![frmDates]![StartDate] And [Forms]![frmDates]![StopDate]) AND (([tblECN].[DoNotProcess])<>"Do Not Process"));

Not working query
SELECT [tblECN].[ECNID], [tblECNDetail]., [tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd], DateDiff("d",[tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart],[tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],2)- IIf([HCOUNT]>0,[HCOUNT],0) AS DaysDiff, Int([daysdiff]/7) AS Weeks, [daysdiff]-[weeks]*3+IIf(Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],2)>5,5-Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],2),0)+IIf(Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart],2)=6,1,0)-IIf(Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart],2)>Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],2),2,0)+IIf([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart]=[tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],1,0) AS weekdays, Query5.HCOUNT
FROM ([b]tblECN INNER JOIN tblECNDetail ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = [tblECNDetail].[ECNID]) LEFT JOIN [SELECT Query4.[tblECN].[ECNID], Sum(Query4.TEMPVAL) AS HCOUNT
FROM tblHoliday, [tblECN] INNER JOIN [tblECNDetail] ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = [tblECNDetail].[ECNID]
WHERE (((tblHoliday.Holiday) Between [tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart] And [tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd]))) AS Query4
GROUP BY Query4.[tblECN].[ECNID]]. AS Query5 ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = Query5.[tblECN].[ECNID]
WHERE ((([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd]) Between [Forms]![frmDates]![StartDate] And [Forms]![frmDates]![StopDate]) AND (([tblECN].[DoNotProcess])<>"Do Not Process"));

Any help is greatly approciated.

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