Tracking Share Of Cost

Nov 8, 2006

Hello fellow developers.

I need a query to help me track share of cost for clients. Anyone have any ideas? This is what I am working with. sorry it didn't paste very well. My problem is that my query keeps subtracking the share of cost and I want it to stop subtracking the share of cost once the share of cost has been met. HOpe that makes sense. Thanks in advance for your help in this matter. Angelflower.


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Share DB's

Oct 26, 2005

Could someone please point me in the direction of some websites where people share their databases?

I have searched on the web and have not seen any other websites where there are just databases for download.

I am looking specifically for a Incident/Problem/Change mgmt database that conforms to ITIL methodologies.

or a Project managment database to track issues, actions and minute meetings.

It would really be very helpfull!!


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Can Not Share DB

Aug 31, 2006

Is anybody knows why Access 2003 can not share properly db file. When once the file is open nobody can open another session even the db is set "share" in options?
Thank you!

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Just Had To Share This!

May 27, 2005


Just had to share this...

Been reading Alison Balter's Mastering Access 2000 Development - fantastic book and highly recommended.

She shares a trick on how to give users access to fields within tables without giving them access to other confidential fields within tables.

User is not granted rights to a table.

A query is created by someone with access rights to the table.

The query uses the non confidential fields. At the very end of the query, in SQL, write:


This tells Access that whoever runs the query does so with the Query owners access rights!


If you want more detail, buy the book!

I got my name back!

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How To Share Access

Jan 14, 2008

I have created database and i would like to share it with multiple users and also i want them to make changes and update it as they go. My questions is:
how do i do that?
Can this be done?
Can several users be on the database at the sametime and make changes?

Pls. help..and also if you can tell me a link where i can find more info about this.. i would really appreciate. Thanks.

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Can't Share Database Between PCs.

Mar 28, 2008

I have this database that's been on a server for awhile. I thought I could ditch the server because there are only two computers networked here at the office.

I have the database shared from one computer, but when I try to access it from the other computer, it's giving me a path name error. It seems that the database is linked to and uses several other databases, so, when I try to open the main one, it's trying to look for the other databases on the wrong computer.

Anyone know how I can fix this?

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Total Cost

Apr 3, 2007

Well at the moment i'm still in the design stages, but i made a database with test fields to see how it would work out best.

Basically i have to have a form with a drop down list for each type of computer componant and when selected the total price for all the items selected so far needs to show up at the bottom of the form.

Or when a button is pressed the price could be updated, that is fine too!

The way i was planning to do it was having an orders page, in which each field was a lookup to a difference table, one for each componant
Processor; ProcID, Proc name, Proc cost

Anyone have any ideas on the easiest way to load the total value for the items selected? Would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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Total Cost Help

Dec 8, 2004

I need to create a report that shows profit/loss totals for a vehicle that I have listed in a table named "Vehicle Table". I have four columns: Cost, Shipping, Promotional expense, Repair, that I need to total and then subtract from the sales price to show the profit. Then, divide the profit by different percentages to show what I owe each salesman. I need to keep the different columns seperate and be able to increase the dollar amounts in each column as a new invoice is received for each vehicle.
For example, I have a $25.00 wash job in the "Repair column" and then I have to install a new set of tires for $450.00. The total in the "Repair Column" should now be $475.00. I can not make it add to the current balance in each of the certain columns. Would someone be so kind and help?


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Share Data Between Tables

May 30, 2005

Newbie stuff I'm afraid;
is it possible for the following to be achieved in Access;
When a user inputs data into a Form in order to add data to
an underlying table, can this same data populate another table
that has the same field? If so, how is it done?
Thank You

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Total Cost Displayed

Jan 28, 2008


I have a order system which allows customers to place items on. When an item is selected and a quantity has been entered and add button is selected, this adds the item into a listbox with all the details.
Each item that is selected a quantity is selected, this would then work out a total price and this total would be displayd within the list box too.
i want to add all the totals up for that order and have it displayed within a text box.

for example:

product ID, Name, quantiy, item price, totalcost
P0001 Top 5 1.00 5.00
P0002 Top 4 2.00 8.00
P0003 Top 3 1.00 3.00

i then have a text box where i want to display the overall total for these items within. hope this helps. im really stuck on this one!!!

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Getting The Right Cost For Purchased Itens

Sep 25, 2007

hello guys,

hope you can help cause this is turning me crazy.
it's an inventory issue. i have two tables:

1) StockIN: ProductID, PurchaseDate, PricePurchased
2) StockOUT: ProductID, OrderedDate, QtyOrdered

Throught 01 year, I can make 10 purchases of pens with different prices.

I need to run a query of an individual department's consumption of pens in the month of June for example. I can get the right qty, no problem. But for $$$ purposes, I needed the query to return the most recent PricePurchased as compared to the OrderedDate.

Any ideas??

Thanks in advance!

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Calculating Total Cost

Dec 7, 2004

I am currently making a database project for a school assignment.

I have based the project idea on a local hotel, which consits of a diffrent price dependant on the date booked.

So i have set up a table called "prices" which consits of the following fields:

RoomID *
Start Date
End Date

the RoomID is the foreign key, as it is linked (one-to-many) with my Room's table, which consists of the following fields:

RoomID *
Room Number
.. (unecessary fields for the problem)

The room ID is also linked to the bookings table (again one-to-many) with the bookings table consisting of:

Start Date
End Date
... (uneccessary fields)

what i am hoping to do is (i assume) make a query that will calculate the cost the customer has to pay. So it will look at the start and end date booked in the bookings table and comapre it to the dates in prices table, and find out the cost from this....

any help on going about this would be greatly appreciated, and i hope i have supplied sufficient information (i'll try attach a graphical image of the relationships if that is helpful?)



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[Tables] Deduct VAT Off Cost?

Aug 3, 2007

Hi, I was wondering if there was an easy way to deduct VAT from ALL my records as I entered them with VAT, and now my boss is saying he wants them without VAT.

Is there an easy way to do this!? As there are thousands of records that I need to calculate the cost without VAT!!


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SQL Query That Share Products Among Storehouses

May 29, 2005


it's my first time here and the reason is because i have a problem with a query.
I have a database of a storehouse. Each storehouse can be in one city. Storehouses have 5 products A, B, C, D, and E. A storehouse may have more, less or equal quantities of a product than it needs. I want to write an SQL query that shares the quantities of a product among storehouses. I tried to write but it was to difficult than i thought, so i ask your help. I attach the database for your convinience. :)

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Can Two Reports Share Calculated Fields?

Oct 18, 2004

I have created a report in Access that calculates the dates based on a date-type field in a query. I want to be able to use these calculated dates in another report and sort these dates in an ascending order. With the dates, I also want to display certain information from this report. Is it doable? Please let me know....ASAP if poosible...


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Good Place To Share Database.

Dec 3, 2004

Can anyone recommend a good place to upload a database so others can access it.

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Tables :: Hyperlink To A Network Share

Jan 24, 2015

In my 2002 Employee table, I have a field which is a hyperlink to photos: C:photosemployee1.bmp (This is what I have entered into the Field as the Hyperlink)...However, from other PCs, I connect to this database and photo folder as a different drive letter, say Z, so when I am on the other networked PCs, and I click on the Hyperlink field, the data will not come up?

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General :: How To Share DB Using Security Wizard

Oct 10, 2014

I created *.mdb database and I used (user-level security wizard) to give each user a username and a password. The dB file is saved in D: drive. The security wizard created a shortcut on the desktop to open the dB through it. After using that wizard I cannot open the database directly from drive D:.If I try to open it , it says"You don't have necessary permissions to use the database".Now, there are many users should use this db through the network.

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General :: Share Access File

May 2, 2013

I'm using access 2010. how should I share the access file I created that will be the best way?there are 20 users that need to add/edit/view the data.I read in some places that I need to do share on options and some said that I need to split the file to data and front file.

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Assign A Cost/price Value Toodrop Down Box

Jan 17, 2008

Hi all,

Might be in the wrong place but didnt know it it needed to be in query, form or vb sorry admin.

I need help, what i need is a way of assigning a price too a drop down menu.

Basically its a Form with a number of drop down menus where you can select different varibles colour, finish for a certain product, but theres no method to generate a total cost of selecting different variables.

Do you know of a soloution becuase ive exhausted my capacity!!


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Updating Total Cost In A Table

May 17, 2007

I have a table called: Invoice which has Invoice No (as the PK), Invoice Date, Total Cost.

I also have another table called Task: which has Task No (as the PK) , Task Type, No of hours, Charge Amount.

The user enters the Details of Task and Invoice in a Form. I have a field called Total Cost of my Form which should Calculate =([No of hours]*[ChargeRate]).

The problem I have is the total cost on the form is not being updated on the Invoice Table with The Total Cost.

Can anyone help please

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Share Problems With MS Access 2000 Database

May 16, 2007

I've been having some problems with sharing an MS Access 2000 database across a network.

The database is setup to open in shared mode and has been tried both with and without record locking, with the same issue occurring.

The main users are:
User 1 (Administrator) - MS Access 2000 Full Version (WinXP Professional)
User 2 - Access 2000 Runtime + Access 97 (Win XP Professional)
User 3 - Access 2000 Runtime + Access 97 (Win XP Professional)

The problem is occurring when User 3 opens the database. For some reason it opens in exclusive mode and locks out Users 1 & 2. This issue only happens with User 3, and does not happen with User 2 who has the same software setup.

The database was previously an Access 97 database (no problems) and has been converted to Access 2000, this share issue has been happening ever since the conversion.

Any ideas as to how this shared issue could be resolved? :confused:

BTW - I am familiar with FE/BE setups. This database is accessed by all from a network drive and not setup as FE/BE. This was never an issue, as shared access worked fine when the database was in Access 97 - the problem has only been since converting to Access 2000. I do not have access to the PC of User 2, and User 2 does not have any PC knowledge to install a FE, which means I would need to create an install package (which I'd rather not do). Are there any ways to resolve the shared access issue without changing to FE/BE?

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General :: Relinking Tables To BE On Network Share?

Aug 8, 2012

I am having trouble relinking tables in my Front End database to my Back End database. My BE DB is on a network share and when I try using the link table manager to navigate to the correct folder I get an error message upon entering the network share folder that says:

The Microsoft Access database engine cannot open or write to the file "etworkfolder" It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.

I have permission to the folder and have ensured that this folder is a trusted location path.

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Moving Access Database To A Different Server / Share?

Jul 10, 2015

Currently I have an Access dB that was developed in A2003 but we are currently using A2010, it is accessed by multiple users that all have a frontend locally on there own networked PC's, with the backends etc on an old NT server, we are having problems with new technology accessing the NT server so it's well past time we got shut of it

We have a share on our network that has been made available to us to migrate all our NT server files to, Here's my problem, on testing the procedure I copied the database backend and .mdw file over to the share then tried to open the dB where upon i got the following error message

Cannot open microsoft Access database information file

On further investigation it seems that both the back end and the .mdw file have copied over with no content i.e filesize is 0kB, not only that the originals also seem to have had there content "deleted" a simple copy shouldn't have done this (I did have a backup btw)

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Calculating Line-Item Cost In Table

Oct 11, 2006

I am having trouble calculating a field in a table and on a form.
I have the following Tables
CUSTOMER: Customer No, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Discount, Phone, Fax, Contact Person.
ORDER: Customer No, Order No, Order-Date, Delivery-Date.
ORDER LINE: Order No, Product No, Quantity Ordered,
PRODUCT: Product No, Description, Price, Product Image.

I need to calculate the line-item cost and need it to update every time the user enters a new Quantity ordered on the ORDER LINE form.
I know its (Quantity Ordered*Price)-(Price*Discount) and I did this is a query and it worked but I need it to update in the form and update in the table not the query. I have tried everything (Macros, Queries, and Formulas) and I just can not get it to work.
Does anyone know how to do this?

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Calculating Line-Item Cost In Form

Oct 11, 2006

I am having trouble calculating a field in a table and on a form.
I have the following Tables
CUSTOMER: Customer No, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Discount, Phone, Fax, Contact Person.
ORDER: Customer No, Order No, Order-Date, Delivery-Date.
ORDER LINE: Order No, Product No, Quantity Ordered,
PRODUCT: Product No, Description, Price, Product Image.

I need to calculate the line-item cost and need it to update every time the user enters a new Quantity ordered on the ORDER LINE form.
I know its (Quantity Ordered*Price)-(Price*Discount) and I did this is a query and it worked but I need it to update in the form and update in the table not the query. I have tried everything (Macros, Queries, and Formulas) and I just can not get it to work.
Does anyone know how to do this?

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