Tracking Updates

Sep 22, 2006

I have read all of the audit trail stuff and searched on my subject but I think my solution could be simpler,

All I want to do is copy the values of the current record on my form into a history table with all the same fields.

Example Form:
[ID], [Machine], [Task], [Task Due], [Task Complete]
I want to put a button on the form that reads complete task and when the user pushes the button it copies all of the details for that specific record they are looking at into my History Table that contains all of the same fields.

This will give me basic history on when each task was completed for a machine and I can access for reporting

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Project Tracking Reports - Working With Monthly Data Updates

May 27, 2012

I receive monthly project tracking reports and I'm looking to compare a few things between these monthly updates. I should add I'm new to Access and have been using Excel and dual monitors to manually compare data sets!!! My life might be getting a LOT easier.

Here's what I'm tracking:

I get monthly excel reports that have unique values from a "Project ID"each "Project ID" stays the same every month, but the project status changes from "Installed", "Commitment", "Pre-Commitment", etcSometimes new projects are addedSometimes old projects disappear from the reportA few other columns have numerical data that changes every month as well "Project Cost", "$ Incentive", etc.

Here's what I'm trying to automate:

Find out what Project IDs are newFind out if old Project IDs are missing from the new reportSomehow "flag" or identify projects that have status changesSomehow "flag" or identify which numerical values increased or decreased i.e. "Project Cost", "$ Incentive", etc

Do I create two tables? Do I append the new monthly report to the old one when I import my data, then somehow work with the new information?

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Help Me With Updates!!!

Jan 17, 2005

Sorry for my English, but i try to description my problem.

I have one form and i want all fields to have the privelage for update
without only the field of s/n ( Key of table ) ???

Any ideas!!! ( I am noob in access and VB )
Help me plz.


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Jan 4, 2006

* I have a form that has a list box at the bottom of the form and all the fields (text boxes) displayed above.
* As I select a record in the List Box it shows that record in the text boxes above and allows the user to edit that specific record.
* I went one step futher and created drop down boxes out of the TextBoxes, which now reference a lookup table.
* Although the users have a drop down box they can still enter a new entry.

My problem is that I want the lookup table to be updated with any new entrys that do not exist in the lookup table. I had this working at one point but cannot remember how or what I did.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance

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Database Updates

Mar 27, 2006

Back at you guys with hopefully one more question (btw the command button code worked perfectly thanks)

Another thing my database has to be setup for is updates, Roughly 30 people will be using this database and to have them re-copy and paste the new database releases is out of the questions.

Does anyone have experience setting up code that automatically checks the version of the database created and if it differs downloads/installs the new version and the restarts the database so the associate will then be working in the current version?

I am looking to be pointed in the right direction to get this figured out, thanks.

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Automatic Updates

Oct 23, 2006

Hi there,I know very little about Access but been asked to find out if this is possible:On a database we have a date field for when subscription is due, is there any way that if a DirectDebit method of payment has been chosen, when the date of renewal is, access will automatically update the year to the next one?Thank you very muchCathy

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Updates To DB Not Saving

Jul 2, 2007


Have a bit of an odd problem with the DB im using at work. I have 1 DB on a shared drive that is accessed by 4 of us from our desktop PC's (password protected via 1 password that we all use - no separate logins).

The problem comes that we make changes to the data, exit via an exit button that uses a save all macro (that all works fine), however when we go back into to DB there are some times that the changes made have been lost and the data has reverted back to the previous version. There doesn't seem to be any specific pattern to this, it happens at random times and to random people.

Does anyone know what may be causing this, or anyway that i can prevent it happening?

much appreciated.

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Storing Updates?

Mar 31, 2005

Hi all

I have a database that stores customer records and their associated insurance details. I need to be able to track any changes made to that record within a set time period ie if details are changed fine it is reported next time report is run. But if details are changed more than once in between reports then first detail change is lost.

I would like to work out a way that changes can be written to a ??seperate version of the table?? and stored in there to be reported seperately and not just the final change as is the snapshot nature of a report? Is this possible? Could I possible make another version of the main table appended onto it? I feel I 'know' what I need to do but not how to even begin it! Any help would be appreciated.


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Combo Box Updates

Jun 29, 2005

I have a time database which has a form to enter time. When entering time, The user must also select an item in a combo box that gives what category the user worked in. There are about 40 or so different categories. I want to know if it is possible to update the cobo box to the user's most recent selections. For example: if the user selects Management, which is at the bottom of the list, I would like to see Management at the top of the next list for the next time entry so that the user does not have to scroll down to the bottom again. Anyone have any ideas???


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Combo Box Updates

Jul 15, 2005

Hi, please help!

I have a work order entry form with a "Client" combo box. The Limit to List property is set to YES. If a client is not on the list, I get a prompt to create new client account in a different form. This all works fine.

But after I create a new client and get back to teh work order form, the client does not appear in the combo box unless I close the form and re-open it first. This is very annoying.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

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Slow Updates

Sep 13, 2005

I have a project that produces a roll report. To do this, I have two tables:

T1 (roughly 20,000 records)
ID (Primary Key), PrevAmt, CurrAmt, Action

T2 (roughly 40,000 records)
ID, Amt (linked Excel spreadsheet)

I then run 4 queries in sequence

Q1: Update T1 set PrevAmt=CurrAmt, CurrAmt=0;
Q2: INSERT INTO T1 (ID, PrevAmt, CurrAmt) SELECT ID, 0, 0 FROM T2; /* keys that already exists will fail to insert)*/
Q3: Update T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID SET T1.CurrAmt=T1.CurrAmt + T2.Amt;
Q4: Update T1 SET Action = iif(PrevAmt=0 and CurrAmt<>0,"NEW",iif(PrevAmt<>0 and CurrAmt=0,"DROPPED",iif(PrevAmt<>CurrAmt,"CHANGED","UNCHANGED")));

T1 and the queries is in an Access file on a network drive. T2 is a link to an Excel sheet on a network drive.

When I run the queries from a PC on the local LAN, it takes about 2 minutes to update. I consider that acceptible. But I now have to run it from a PC attached to the network via a VPN over a somewhat slow DSL line. The queries take over 20 minutes to run. I want to cut that time down. But the Access file and the Excel file need to stay put as other users use them for other purposes. (Though they know not to access them till after they see my roll report in their in-box.)

What can I do to decrease the update time on this?


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Table Updates

Apr 7, 2006

I'm new at access and have added some expressions to a couple of my forms but the table is not being updated with the results. help!

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After Update Event = No Updates

Mar 6, 2006

Hi there all i need to set a field on my form not to accept any updates to what ever was typed in the field before it was saved the first time kinda like After update event = no updates :confused:

Any idea on how this can be achived please.

Thanks so very much in advanced.


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Table For Storing Updates

Nov 21, 2004

How do I create a table relationship where a secondary reltated table stores past dates, status code and customer ID. For example: I want to keep track of the past dates that an order was revised and why it was revised. So, if I have a customer who was due for installation on 10/21/04 and status is PEND for pending. THen on 10/18/94 I change the date of PEND to 10/25/04. I want to keep track of the times it changed and the reason why. HOw can I make the program automatically create a record in the revision table storing the past code, reason and date using customer ID as key and teh revision table would allow multiple records for each customer ID. DId I make sense?

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Easy Updates On Tables

Feb 21, 2007

I am trying to come up with a way to update tables every week from two databases. I have one database for a satellite office and one for corporate. Each office has BOTH databases so as to keep up with their own data (we are not on a network). Each office will have to export their Project Table data to the other and then upload (update) the corresponding database. So:

ABC Division exports their project data from their Project Table once a week and sends to DEF Division and vice versa. Then ABC takes the exported Data from DEF and updates their database for DEF and vice versa.

Field names and additional field names will not happen; however, the data in those fields may be updated OR there may be new records added. So basically, I guess I need to delete the old and put in the new every week but make it VERY easy for the end users (who know nothing about Access). The tables that would be updated are related to other tables.

Does anyone have any suggestions where to get started? I've tried an Append query and that only adds records, not looks for changes in those records.

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Help With Queries And Record Updates

May 7, 2006

Ok I been at this most of the day and I have got no where fast.

I have a table with two fields [type] and [amount]

when populated I have something like this

hats 23
coats 33
hats 18
coats 19
shoes 5

I need the individual sums of each of these records. for example shoes 15

I have created a query that does this for me. and I have put this information into a form. How do I get to the values to use else where. The form I created was a single form which shows coats 54 then by using the record navigation I get shoes 15. I think I need to pass these values into VBA but have not go a clue where to start.

Please help.

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Only Allow Updates After Button Click

Sep 19, 2005


I have a form with a number of drop-down lists on it and each of these lists is bound to a field in a table.

When I return the results of a search to this form I want to allow users to be able to cycle through the records and change them if they want. However, the changes should only be saved if the user clicks on the "update record button". This button is simply the save record button by the MS Access wizard.

At the moment if they change the value in one of the drop down lists and move onto the next record the change is saved even though the user doesn't click any button. I want to prevent this from happening.

Any ideas on how I might achieve this?

If I prevent "AllowEdits" in the form properties I can't update the form using the "update record button" either.

Many Thanks,

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Check For File Updates

Mar 10, 2008

When I open a form, I want it to automatically check to see if there is are any updated files. I already have imported files into Access, but want to automatically check to see weather there have been any updates to the files.


Form opens,
Checks the “C:MyDouments” for any updated Excel Spreadsheets (This could be done by the modify date and time),
Imports the updated Excel Spreadsheet into Access


If the code checks the Modify date and time of a excel file, how can I import these values into Access i.e. I could have some query that would check the date and time of an excel file against the date and time in the access table – and if different import the latest version.

Also check for any new files.

Any ideas or help would be much appreciated

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Track Updates In A Dataset

Mar 21, 2013

I have a table into which users insert records through a user form, I need to track the updates made in a record in a data set and i have a user log in function, it needs to tell me who updated last and what did they update.

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Automating Date-Based Updates?

Jan 20, 2006

I am a new Access user. I have created a database to track and inventory animals brought to a local animal shelter. The database includes information such as when the animal was brought in, who dropped it off, when it was adopted (Hopefully!), etc. The database is being used by people who have limited computer experience and the challenge has been to automate it and simplify it as much as possible. I have created several Switchboard pages to try and accomplish this.

I have done research through Google and MS support and have found little help with a solution to this problem:

When an animal comes to the shelter, it is held for three days before it becomes available for adoption. I have created seperate fields for Date In Day, Date In Month and Date In Year. There is also a field detailing the animals adoptability status. This field is left blank in the intake process, and is then manually updated to Adoptable, Biter, etc., after the three day period. Is there a way to automate the Adoptability Assessment Field (which is a Lookup Table Field) so that it changes from blank to Adoptable after the three day period? (We have very few animals come in that are marked as Biters, so I just need the field to change over to Adoptable after three days have passed. Unless a solution can be presented to filter animals with Biter status out of the solution.)

I truly appreciate any help that can be offered.

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No Updates Once Date Is Entered Into Text Box

Feb 6, 2006

Hi there all, I tried the search option on this board but maybe its just that i dont know how to ask the question.
I have a text box on my form with and afterupdate event that inputs todays date in to another text box on the same form, can this be set so that once that date is apperas in the text box that no further updates to the date can take place.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Prevent Inadvertant Updates To A Combo Box

Jun 17, 2006

I have a combo box in a form that I want to prevent "unwanted" changes to this comb box.

I'm trying to find a way that if someone changes a combobox, it prompts them "are you sure you want to change this?"

If the answer is yes then it lets them change it, but if the answer is no it returns it to the previous value.

I know how to use a Msgbox and return a "yes" or "no" value but how do I programaticatically do the rest???

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Front End Updates And Distribution To Users

Dec 27, 2006


I split my db last week and put both front end and back end files in a shared network folder. I backup the db every day to a different folder on the network server and also to my laptop. I usually backup right after a form update so that the latest version of the form is available to users who want to update their local copy of the front end. I've been sending email alerts to the users.

My question is this: What is the best way to (1) make sure my backup updates the front end on the network server and (2) how can I automatically alert users to update to the latest version of the front end?

Thanks gurus!


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Import Data And Making Updates To Them

Jun 25, 2007

Hi, I need some help with the following problem. Thanks in advance!

I have imported an Excel spreadsheet into Access database. I will need to constantly add new entries to the tables. I need to connect all my tables together, the main table is called "Data". From looking at Access examples, I believer there should be many other table IDs inside this table (so that they all get a relationship). I imported 5 tables, and each one is dependent of each other. I do not know how to connect the tables together because I'm importing all the data, instead of creating new tables and putting the table IDs into one main table to start off with. I know if I start off without needing to import any data, this will not be difficult to do.
The main "Data" has about 30 fields, and the user will only need to type in 15 fields and the rest of the fields can be looked up from the other four tables. So I'm not sure how I can make the connection between all the tables, plus when I need to add new entries to one of the tables, how do I connect the tables so that all of them will be connected?
I've tried using queries and having queries within queries and this takes forever to load. If there is a way that I can limit the use of queries or just use tables to do the job that would be great.
Thanks again!

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Capturing Updates In Tables - Part 2

Nov 24, 2007

Could you answer a diabolical question? I am trying to track the changes of a record in a table when I have imported a text file.

I will import a txt file everyday and to that end I have wrote the code for the insert of new records into customer table and customer history tables and then the updates into the customer table.

However I will only be able to capture the updates in tables as there will be multiples. I understand that Jet can't capture the updates at the table level (no triggers).

So the diabolical question, is it possible to capture the updates only in tables using code??

Please help...

Many thanks

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Form Updates With Carriage Return

Mar 19, 2005

I have a bound form which opens as a new record. If I accidently press carriage return by mistake whilst entering it goes to another new record, how do I stop this behaviour?

I only want the record to save with the click of a button.

regards in advance

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