Transfer Data Into A Report Wizard?

Nov 7, 2005

Hey can I transfer data into a report wizard, to have the wizard use that data instead of the data in a table or query?? This data would come from a form.

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General :: Transfer Data On Textboxes From A Form To Report For Printing

Feb 6, 2013

I've written an application in VB.Net and now I need to transfer the data on textboxes on a form to a report for printing. Only the data on the form is what I want to preview and print.

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Report Wizard

Jun 7, 2004

Howdy All!!! I am receiving the below error message:
"You have chosen fields from record sources which the wizzard can't connect. You may have chosen fields from a table and a form a query based on that table. If so, try choosing fields from onluy the table or only the querry."

OK here is what is going on... I have a table that is linked to a *.txt file. This *.txt file comes from our AS400 and is the root of all my information. It has 2 pieces of information in it that I need to seperate out and then eventually join back together. It is a space delimited file. The 2 pieces of information are:
1) Header (Dates, Vessell, and Container information)
2) Body (Product information and qty of each Container)

The mapping looks like this:
1- A Record Name = mid(1,5) [Ref. Example:ISPDD]
2- Unique Key = mid(6,7) [Ref. Example:0000001]
3- Container Number = mid(13,10) [Ref. Example:MK03000001]
4-Arrival Date = mid(23,8) [Ref. Example:06092004]

1- A Record Name = mid(1,5) [Ref. Example:ISPDT]
2- Unique Key = mid(6,7) [Ref. Example:0000001]
3- A item code = mid(13,6) [Ref. Example:007529]
4- A item color = mid(19,3) [Ref. Example:015]
5- Item Qty = mid(22,6) [Ref. Example:111111]

What I did is wrote 2 query's. One that looked at the *.txt file and produced results on [Like "ISPDD*"] to give me just the HEADER information. I then added the criteria from the space delimited mapping above. I did the same to pull out just the BODY information, again adding the criteria to the query from the space delimited mapping above.

Now that I have the two pieces of information, I want to run a report and combind the 2 together in a more reader friendly format. In doing so I received the error message above.

I then tried having the query's create a new table after they run (one Header Table and one Body Table). Once that completed I created a relationship between the 'UniqueKey Header' and 'UniqueKey Body'. This actually worked but, when I receive a new *.txt file and run the query it gives me read only/cannot delete files because of relationships. Needless to say I am in a bind. Hopefully I shared enough detail to help me with my problem. Many thanks in advance for the help. One other piece of info, This *.txt file can contain many headers and boddy information. I have received one that had at least 10 different Unique keys that had to be linked together.

Best Regards

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Can Not Use Form/report Wizard

Aug 8, 2007

When I try to use form/report wizard, I click on New, Form Wizard. Then I got form where I should pick fields for my form/report. But I have no one field on left side. Above I select Table but haven't any available field. I use Windows XP and Office 2003. Can anyone help me?

Thank you

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Access 97 - Error When Using Report Wizard

Jul 16, 2007

Hi all,

Using Access 97 :( to create a fairly simple database for a couple of users.

When setting up a report using the wizard, I am given an error message of "No Current record" when I try and Finish the wizard.

I have re-installed Access 97 - which I thought would have most definatly fixed the problem - but doesn't seem to have done the trick.

Any thought are welcome?

Thanks, Neil

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Shortcut Button To Report Wizard

Jan 21, 2005

I know there is a Access Guru out there that could do this in a milisecond, but, this one has been kickin my backside all week...

I need to know how to create a shortcut button in a form to bring up the "Report Wizard" feature. Then after that button is created, I would like to be able to hide the structure of my database so that all the users can see is the switchboard. PLEASE give me some insight here if you can, the first correct reply gets free fries with thier next order...

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Forms :: Query / Report Wizard On Nav Form?

Jul 8, 2015

I'm working on a db for work. On my Nav form, I have two tabs- each tab has cmd btns that open up different search or data entry forms. I also have a few reports that can be opened based on a query I created.

The last thing I want to add is a control/button that opens the query wizard so the user doesn't have to navigate to the "Create" tab of access. The reason behind this is that one user may not know how/where to find the query/report wizard.

Is there some VBA code or Macro I can create to add this functionality to a button ("Create New Report" or "Create New Query".)

I'm using Access 2010.

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Reports :: Subscript Out Of Range In Report Wizard

Sep 10, 2013

I am trying to generate a report from a select query using the report wizard. The wizard is showing the error of subscript of out range. What is the reason and how can be rectified?

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Transfer Information From A Form To A Report Then Print

Mar 16, 2005

Hi there

This im sure is an easyone to most of you but for me I cant find away around my problem!!

I have a form I use to enter infomation and I have also made a report that I am trying to get the infomation from the form onto the report.

I would like to have a command button on the form that once I click it, it then prints out the report.
How do I get the information from a form to a report as when I have tried doing this myself it only allows me to use information from a query or table.

Any suggestions would be great for this newbie!!!

Thank you

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Trouble With Report! Images Don't Transfer To Other Formats?

Jan 18, 2005

I have a report that looks like a letter on company letterhead. I wrote a macro that changes the report to .rtf, attaches it to an email so that we can send it to customers. The problem I'm having is that the .jpg logo graphic doesn't show up on the .rtf version of the report.

I've tried using .html and .doc formats and it doesn't transfer to those either. Is there a way to make the graphic stay on the letter?


Thanks so much for any ideas.


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Queries :: Call Two Different Queries From Report Wizard To Produce Report?

Jul 31, 2013

I am looking to call two different queries from report wizard to produce report. Getting error message what to do in this situation as both queries are important as i have to pick all records from query A and just one record from query B any other option to get this in report.

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How To Transfer Data

Sep 8, 2005

Hi there,

This is my problem i am going to try and explain myself as clearly as possiable hopefull you will be able to understand me.

When i enter my data bank through Access, a mask opens or is it a form i am not too sure but i have sent an attachment with the sceen image.

Lets say i am looking for the data of John. I click on search and i find him. Now my Mask or form has sub forms in them for diffent information, i have made a large red circle on the attached picture to show what exactly i am talking about. These sub folders contain information such as gernerall information, bussiness information etc.

All this information ... data is part of john 's dataset or data record. SO what i want to do is take his data all of it and send it to john himself and he then can edit it and send it back to me and i want to check it and if i am satisfied with the data i can update the new information automatically into my database. and i want to beable to edit it myself too. i want all his data to be like a data book of john. The editing can take place it any problem such as Accesss itself or word or excell i just wan to be able to edit and transfer my data without damaging or loosing information.

My probles are as follows:

1) how to send john's information all of it
2) how to add it back to my database both automacticly and manuelly
3) how to edit his data as a whole, not bits and pices. as if it was one long report.

Thanks i hope i was clear enough

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Data Transfer

Jan 24, 2007

Evening Gents.

I've created a database which is going to need a fair amount of data uploading into it (a long laborious procedure).

My initial plan to cut the work load for one person was to create 2copies of the database and split the upload in half (get two people to do it).

However, one of my tables is a parent to around 4 childs, therefore when i copy the information from this parent table in datasheet view from one db to another, it doesnt transfer it's associated data.

Is there anyway to get around this? Any advice/tips/hints would be much appreciated

(hope this has made sense, please let me know if clarification is needed)

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Transfer Data DB To DB

Dec 14, 2007

I need to set up an automated process to transfer data from about 25 tables from one database to another. This will happen on a weekly basis and I'm wondering what the best way to set this up is.

Both are Access 03 db files. The main database has data for a dozen or so clinics and I need to get the data for one clinic out and in to the the secondary db. The data in the secondary db will be replaced every week with fresh data from the main db. Once it is refreshed with new data the clinic will download the db from our site.

My first thought is to just export queries to CSV files and then import them in to the secondary db file. If run from a macro it could be a scheduled task. I could then import the CSV files. This could also be automated with a macro.

Any other ideas.

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Transfer Data To Other Tables ?

Sep 16, 2005

I am creating a Transport databse and got stuck into something.

I have created a master table " Vehicle Details " which inlcudes all the details of cars. Then i created two sub-tables " Vehicles in Garage" and " Vehicles assigned to Drivers". I will be using the forms ( ofcourse :) ) to enter and edit data. What now i want to do is from a master table i want to tranfer all details of a particular car either to " Vehicles in Garage" or " Vehicles assigned to drivers" tables/forms.

Is this possible ?


P.S. I hope this is the right section for this .

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Transfer Of Data From Combo Box

Nov 4, 2005

Hi Guys,

Ok, all i want to do is that when i select a value from my combo box to be displayed in a text box, once its been selected, the value is then deleted from the combo box, any ideas????

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Transfer Data From One Form To Another?

Mar 23, 2007

I have a form with Driver details ie: Fields with Drivers Name, Payrole No,Vehicle Reg and Fleet No. When this form is filled in the form will be closed, the next forms in my db are vehicle defects which I want the vehicle reg and Fleet No: automaticly entered from the drivers detail form also a running sheet which I want the drivers name and fleet No: transfered to Automaticly. Is this possible??
Please Help

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Auto Data Transfer.

Oct 1, 2007

Hi guys, hows it going?, im hoping that someone can provide me with a solution to my problem i have spent many many hours trying to solve it, just cant seem to do it.Alright guys here it is, I run an entertainment company called Deejays Entertainment, we run over 18 and under 18 events, at these events we collect peoples details to put them on our database so we can keep them informed with new events, happenings etc etc. I currently have 1 database and inside the database is 2 tables, 1 titled "under 18s" the other "over 18s", what i want to do is have it so once a person turns 18 in my "under 18s" table it automatically transfers there data to the "over 18s" table and removes the data from the under 18s one. If someone could help me out i would be greatly appreciative and if you can explain the steps so i 5 year old could understand them that would be great as my knowledge about access is very little.Thanks in Advance.**Sorry forgot to add that i have there date of births in the database**RegardsDanny.

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Transfer Data From One Table To Another

Nov 15, 2007

Hey everyone,

I am a complete lamen on this, I am finding. Here is what I want to do.

I have an access database file with two tables inside it: Distributions AND Plan Data

In both tables, I have the following fields:

CRS ID Number:
Plan Name:
Company Name:
Company Address 1:
Company Address 2:
Company City:
Company Zip:
Company Federal Tax ID:
Company State Tax ID:

I want to be able to type in a 3-digit CRS ID Number in my form for DISTRIBUTIONS and for it AUTOMATICALLY to find that CRS ID number in PLAN DATA and populate all these common fields using data from PLAN DATA, inserting it into the DISTRIBUTIONS table.

The reason I need it to pull the data from PLAN DATA and insert it into DISTRIBUTIONS table is because we are using some out-of-access features that require us to have all data in one table. Thanks!

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Transfer Data Between Tables

Jan 16, 2008

I have imported a table from another database, and so I need to transfer data from the imported one, to another table in the database; only certain fields though. I have created the fields I want to copy the data into, in the second table. So I just need to go through all the rows in the second table, find the row in the imported table by ID, and take the data I want from it using VBA.

Does anyone have any idea what the code would look like?

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Transfer Of Data From Combo!!!!!

Nov 4, 2005

Hi Guys,

This is my problem, i have a combo box with a list of values in it. When the user selects a value it is then displayed in a text box, but what i want is that when the value is selected is that its deleted from the combo box!!!! Is there a way around this?????

Thanks in Advance!!!!

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Transfer Data Over The Internet

Mar 28, 2005

Is it possible to transfer data over the internet if the BE is in one country and the FE is in another? If so, could someone explain how I would go about doing this? I'm in the Military and when we deploy it's normally to a far off country.


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How Do I Transfer Data From One Listbox To Another

Oct 17, 2006

I have a list box which contains data about projects. It has the proNo and proName. I i want to be to select a project and tranfer it to anohter list box on the form using a command button.

I want to be to do this until i have all the projects I want in the second list box. I want to also be able to trnasfer projects back to orginal list box if i make a mistake.

You see this in some databases where the command buttons have < and > to transfer data back and forth.

How do I do this?

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Data Transfer From One Field To Another

Jul 31, 2012

I am having a trouble figuring out how would I transfer data from one field to another. My dilemma here is that, I need to replace data in a field and replace it from another field.

That is:

I filtered FieldA to the data I want to replace then I want to replace it by the data in FieldB in the same row.

I have used query to transfer data from FieldB to Field A but all the data was replaced when all I want to replace are the "0" amount in FieldA. So how I'm I gonna do that?

Is there any easy and fast way? I've been doing it manual and it's around 600,000 records so it would take me forever to finish it.

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Using External Data Wizard In Code

Jun 17, 2005

Hi all

I just to know what the command or code is to generate the External data wizard is ?
I want to import a spreadsheet, the thing this there will be a new spreadsheet everyday with a different name. I guess the easiest way is for the user to select the file themselves. instead of the user going to file, get external data, i thought i could add the code to invoke this wizard on a button.

Thanks in advance

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Importing Data Into Access Via The Wizard

Feb 16, 2008

Good morning all,
i have a feeling this could be a simple yes or no answer,, at the moment i am using the 'Import Data Wizard' to pick-up an excel file that is up-dated on a daily basis, this file always sits in the same directory and always has the same file name, ideally i would like to have an action button that draws the data in without having to use the wizard each time,, does anyone know if this is achieveable? if so, anyhelp would be much appreciated.
as always, many thanks

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