Transfer Database

Nov 29, 2007

Im stuck on a project that I have received help on before. I am trying to E-Mail a daily report created by a macro in Access 2000. It needs to go out as an excel spreadsheet, but in a format that can be opened in a Blackberry. The advise i was given was to use Transferdatabase. This is where i become unstuck. No matter what I type where i come unstuck. Is there anyone out there that can possibly advise me what to do in "idiot proof" steps?
Im afraid my knowledge of Access is limited to 2 weeks self taught knowhow ?

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How To Transfer Record(s) To Another Database

Apr 3, 2006


I work in a hospital where each ward has its own identical but UNLINKED staff database. I wanted to make a single database but the management was adamant that for confidentiality they should each be standalone. I lost this argument!

Data is stored in 7 tables: Identity, annual leave, sick leave, qualifications, etc.

Too late, someone has realised that staff may transfer from one ward to another, so the whole record needs to be transferred. What's the best way to do this?

So far the process I have come up with is:
Choose the person you wish to export from the source database
Run 7 queries to export the records from the various tables e.g. to Excel
Create linked tables in the target database to pick up these records
Run import queries.

I set up a macro to run the 7 export queries, using the "OutputTo" action and specifying .xls for the output format. But the files created don't appear to be readable by Access. In Explorer, they only have the Windows icon and are just "files".

Does anyone know a better way to tackle this problem?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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Transfer Records To Another Database

Apr 3, 2006

I work in a hospital where each ward has its own identical but UNLINKED staff database. I wanted to make a single database but the management was adamant that for confidentiality they should each be standalone. I lost this argument!

Data is stored in 7 tables: Identity, annual leave, sick leave, qualifications, etc.

Too late, someone has realised that staff may transfer from one ward to another, so the whole record needs to be transferred. What's the best way to do this?

So far the process I have come up with is:
Choose the person you wish to export from the source database
Run 7 queries to export the records from the various tables e.g. to Excel
Create linked tables in the target database to pick up these records
Run import queries.

I set up a macro to run the 7 export queries, using the "OutputTo" action and specifying .xls for the output format. But the files created don't appear to be readable by Access. In Explorer, they only have the Windows icon and are just "files".

Does anyone know a better way to tackle this problem?

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Database Transfer And Date Probs!

Aug 8, 2005


We've got a database that was on an old computer (Windows 98), and we wanted to transfer this database to our new computers (Windows XP). The database transfers over fine, but there seems to be a problem.

When we try to run a report, it doesn't semem to work properly. We are a training agency and the report in question is designed to show the courses booked in for each tutor between two set dates. The dates are typed into a form (start date and end date), and the tutor can also be selected from this form, and then a report is generated.

Without dates being inputted, all the courses are shown (so the report is pages and pages long). This is working ok. However, when dates are inputted the report stops working and error messages appear on the report. Hence it seems to be a problem with the dates, but I can't understand what since all the boxes are exactly the same as the version on the other computer, and when transferred back to the other computer it also works fine.

Any help with what could be going wrong here would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Chris (FANE).

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Transfer Text In Outlook To Database

Mar 30, 2007

if i receive an email consisting of the following:

Name: Antony
Phone: 887
Country: UK

can there be a way to transfer these details from outlook into an access table with 3 identical fields?

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General :: How To Transfer Data From One Database To Another

Oct 30, 2013

I recently designed a new database according an old database in order to replace it. I found that I have trouble transferring the data from old to new database.

Only transferring data from one table to another

Database A: [table]![customer]
Database B: [table]![Client]

Field name on both are different

Table Customer:

Table Client:

How can I transfer from "Database A/table customer" to "Database B/table Client"?

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Data Transfer To Restructured Backend Database

Sep 6, 2011

I recently added a field to one of the tables in my database. How can I transfer my existing data to the newly restructured backend?

Only 1 table has been changed to add a single new field.

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Auto Transfer Phone Number From Telephone To Database

Feb 27, 2006

wot i want..

the phone rings.. the phone is connected to the computer..
the incoming caller's phone number is sent to the database.. and then possibly used in some way..(eg in a query or displayed on the screen in the database)

anyone had any experience in this process or can recommend a phone/cable setup url...


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General :: Transfer Tables Directly To Backend Database?

Mar 12, 2013

I'd like to to import some large oracle tables from a remote server using "DoCmd.TransferDatabase..." on a daily basis. Currently, the system works, but my database is getting quite large (800 Mb) and I'd like to split off the tables to a back end database.

Is there a way to import directly to the back end database? The postings that I've seen seem to imply that one must first import the tables into my front end, then export them into the back end. Does that sound correct?

I'm at home right now, but will give it a try when I get to work. It just seems like there's got to be a more direct way!

Jon Mulder
Department of Water Resources
Red Bluff, CA

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Modules & VBA :: Transfer Data From Excel To MS Access Database

Oct 24, 2013

Everyday I have to generate a report in excel format and I need it to be added to ms access database. I was hoping to do this on a click of a button. Basically, since i have a new data everyday it should be added to the table.

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Modules & VBA :: Transfer Database From Oracle Into External Access Db

Oct 26, 2013

i'm running a module from an access db. how do i import a table from oracle into a closed access db, not the one where the code is running from?

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General :: Student Database - Transfer Of Payment To New Semester And Session

Nov 18, 2012

I am creating a student database in ms access2007 but finding difficult to go further. In my database, I have created the following


Then a query from the payment that shows student I'd,arrears,amount due,paid. And balance

My question is

1.How do I transfer the students and their balance to a new semester and session
2.Do I have to new student and payment tables every semester bcos payment are made every semester
3. I want to keep each students payment for as long as they remain in the school
4. A session is made up three semesters how do I transfer students to a new session

May be my tables layout are faulty...

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Transfer Of A Value

Jan 27, 2005

You'll have to forgive me I kinda new at this. I have a form with a non linked subform on it. The main form has one control on it called CustomerID, the subform's record source is from a select query that is updated by a cmdButton on the main form. The cmdButton runs an update query. One of the controls in the subform is called CustomerID, this control has no other purpose than to hold the same value that the main forms control (CustomerID) has. I want the cmdButton's OnClick event to transfer the value from the mainform CustomerID and place it into the subform CustomerID. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

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How To Transfer Data

Sep 8, 2005

Hi there,

This is my problem i am going to try and explain myself as clearly as possiable hopefull you will be able to understand me.

When i enter my data bank through Access, a mask opens or is it a form i am not too sure but i have sent an attachment with the sceen image.

Lets say i am looking for the data of John. I click on search and i find him. Now my Mask or form has sub forms in them for diffent information, i have made a large red circle on the attached picture to show what exactly i am talking about. These sub folders contain information such as gernerall information, bussiness information etc.

All this information ... data is part of john 's dataset or data record. SO what i want to do is take his data all of it and send it to john himself and he then can edit it and send it back to me and i want to check it and if i am satisfied with the data i can update the new information automatically into my database. and i want to beable to edit it myself too. i want all his data to be like a data book of john. The editing can take place it any problem such as Accesss itself or word or excell i just wan to be able to edit and transfer my data without damaging or loosing information.

My probles are as follows:

1) how to send john's information all of it
2) how to add it back to my database both automacticly and manuelly
3) how to edit his data as a whole, not bits and pices. as if it was one long report.

Thanks i hope i was clear enough

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Data Transfer

Jan 24, 2007

Evening Gents.

I've created a database which is going to need a fair amount of data uploading into it (a long laborious procedure).

My initial plan to cut the work load for one person was to create 2copies of the database and split the upload in half (get two people to do it).

However, one of my tables is a parent to around 4 childs, therefore when i copy the information from this parent table in datasheet view from one db to another, it doesnt transfer it's associated data.

Is there anyway to get around this? Any advice/tips/hints would be much appreciated

(hope this has made sense, please let me know if clarification is needed)

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Transfer Text

Mar 9, 2007

I have a macro which transfers a fixed width file to my desktop. The name is neppow.txt. Can I have this file land with the date dynamcially populated in the name?


neppow_20070308.txt today

neppow_20070309.txt tomorrow


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Transfer Text (csv) In DAO

Nov 13, 2007

does anyone know what this code would be like in DAO ?

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "My_Transform", "Table", "C: empxxx.csv"

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Transfer Data DB To DB

Dec 14, 2007

I need to set up an automated process to transfer data from about 25 tables from one database to another. This will happen on a weekly basis and I'm wondering what the best way to set this up is.

Both are Access 03 db files. The main database has data for a dozen or so clinics and I need to get the data for one clinic out and in to the the secondary db. The data in the secondary db will be replaced every week with fresh data from the main db. Once it is refreshed with new data the clinic will download the db from our site.

My first thought is to just export queries to CSV files and then import them in to the secondary db file. If run from a macro it could be a scheduled task. I could then import the CSV files. This could also be automated with a macro.

Any other ideas.

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Transfer To New PC Gives OLE Error

Jun 5, 2006

I've transferred a database to a new PC, with Office 2002 installed.

The forms hold some text data and a photograph.

The database loads and displays correctly.

But I cannot add a new photograph. I get a message something like: Microsoft Access cannot get the OLE something-or-other. Sorry for the lack of detail, but I'm sending this from another PC.

Is there something (on Disc 2 of Office 2002?) that I need to install after I've installed Access & the rest of Office? Should I have opted for a full installation?

After much messing around, I got rid of this error - but still no photo. Instead, the filename of the photo is displayed in the window where the photo should be.

Please help!!!

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Transfer Spreadsheet

Jul 27, 2007

I have a database scheduled to run nightly. In this database I have a macro that runs a macro. I want one of the arguments to export "T_Update_Log" from the database to an excel file as part of it's nightly macro. When I use "Transfer Spreadsheet" in my macro, it creates a new worksheet in my excel file each night (for example: T_Update_Log1, T_Update_Log2, etc) Instead, I want it to overwrite existing one.

I have also tried "Export" command, but that throws a prompt asking if I want to overwrite the existing excel file. I cannot have any message prompts during my nightly task or else it will stop the whole process. Setting the Warnings to No does not stop this particular message prompt.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

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Electronic Funds Transfer

Apr 27, 2005

A customer wants to do electronic funds transfer from an accounts receivable system that I wrote for them. The only information that I have gotten from their bank is that the data should be in ACH (automated clearinghouse) format. I have never dealt with this before, but I assumed that I would just have to output the data in probably an ASCII file. I have been searching the net, but have only seen software or services that handle this. I haven't found any definitive information on exactly what the details of ACH format are. I was also surprised not to find any threads here about this. I'm sure there are plenty of those who have already dealt with this.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Transfer Text Via A Macro

Aug 22, 2005


I have setup a query from which I have setup a macro which exports the queried data to a .txt delimited file, does anyone know how I can stop it putting Quotes aroung each field and just leave the commas in.



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Transfer Data To Other Tables ?

Sep 16, 2005

I am creating a Transport databse and got stuck into something.

I have created a master table " Vehicle Details " which inlcudes all the details of cars. Then i created two sub-tables " Vehicles in Garage" and " Vehicles assigned to Drivers". I will be using the forms ( ofcourse :) ) to enter and edit data. What now i want to do is from a master table i want to tranfer all details of a particular car either to " Vehicles in Garage" or " Vehicles assigned to drivers" tables/forms.

Is this possible ?


P.S. I hope this is the right section for this .

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Transfer Access Db From One Host To Another

Oct 1, 2005


I am new to using access, and agreed to work on a site not designed by me.
We want to host this site elsewhere but I am having difficulties backing up the access database; I can't find a way to copy the stored procedures.

Is there a way to export or save the entire database, including the stored procedures? I suspect that this must be a very common task but I could not find any info on how to do this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

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Transfer Of Data From Combo Box

Nov 4, 2005

Hi Guys,

Ok, all i want to do is that when i select a value from my combo box to be displayed in a text box, once its been selected, the value is then deleted from the combo box, any ideas????

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Transfer Records Between Databases

Sep 18, 2006

ok, basically our website will input form details directly into a database. this database will be held online obviously..

once the details are inside, how easy will it be to transfer a record into a table of another database.. (our main database.. which is offline for security purposes).

im assuming it wont be too hard.. both access versions are the same.. and they can both be open at once.. etc..

can anyone shed some understanding on this issue

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