Trouble With Limits And Boundaries

Apr 8, 2008

Hey guys, I asked a question before but not sure it's the right place and was difficult to explain anyway so I'll just upload my stuff here.

Basically its a school assignment that's making me so frustrated. progress was fast with tables and forms and reports but there are a few requirements i just dont KNOW how to do, not sure what to search for it the way of google either so it's making life hard.

so requirements are:
Gold memebers can book a max 7 classes, silver 4 and bronze 2.
Members cannot book 2 classes on the same day
Classes cannot be over booked.
must make in some form or other something that displays how many classes taken and how many classes are left to each member.

I know all this stuff probably falls under some very simple functions that I'm just not using correctly or have no idea exist but I've made no progess in days and it's such a horrible feeling!
Please any help! I'm not asking you to complete my assignment I'm just asking you to shine the light my way!

ps, no code please, we havent got to that stage yet.

thanx in advance,

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Forms :: Controlling Boundaries For Image Display

Jul 7, 2014

I'm currently making a form to display employee info in a nice fashion..

Anyway I have the employee photo displayed in an image control.

I want to be able to apply some tricks to the borders to make it look better. To do that, I need to make the width property equal to the width of the actual image while the height is restrained

To know what i mean check this : [URL] .....

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Iif Limits

Apr 27, 2007

How many nested iifs can access handle in a query..

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Feb 20, 2005

ok i have a invoice form with Subform. Pesently i am doing somthing like this.

Ihave placed a code on the OnEnter event of the subform as such,

If isnull (Me.CustomerId) or me.CustomerID = "" then
msgbox "Please Enter A Valid Customer ID",vbokonly,"Customer ID Needed"
End if

Now what i want is to ammend this code so that before entering inthe Invoice subform the code should check that CustoemrId, CustomerName and Employee Name is not blank. There should be some data in them. How can i make the code checks for the three textboxes instead of one.

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Function Limits

Mar 22, 2005

Hey buddays,

I have a form with a bunch of Count totals in the footer.

There are 12 different areas with a number of projects in each area. So, I'm counting the total projects, and then I'm counting the instances of an area in the area column...12 times. In the query, I have 12 different Count fields, and in the footer of the form, I have Sum([Count]) for each area and one normal Count field for Total Projects. It works fine, until I have about 11 or more text boxes summing counts. Then I get #Error for all of them.

What's the magic Access limit for form-based functions like this? What's a better/faster/sleeker way of doing this?

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Time Limits On Accessability

Oct 15, 2005

I want to distribute an app that provides password access for a 6 month period after which time a new password has to be issued by me to the end user for them to continue. This means that I don't lose control of the programme.

Is this possible or are then other ideas to protect the app - I have looked at upsizing to MySQL but it is way beyond me, also I have looked at splitting the app and putting the back end on FTP - but apparently this doesn't work (albeit a good idea as I don't need any other programming skills). Any solution needs to be fairly simple please.

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Two Queries Limits Results

Mar 13, 2007

I have two queries combined into one query. The first query shows a sales summary by part number. No problem so far. The second query shows inventory by part number. No problem with that.
Now, I combine the queries, and get only those results that appear in BOTH queries. In other words, if there is no inventory, I do not get zero in the inventory column, the entire result for that part number is skipped.
How do I still display the results of the first query if there is no match in the second query?

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Getting Round Switchboard Limits

Sep 8, 2004


I've happily been working with my new switchboard only to find it tells me I am limited to 8 entries. How does one get round this - create switchboards which link to switchboards, different pages of switchboard...I've got a bit lost and would much aprreciate any advice.


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Access Database Size Limits?

Sep 30, 2005

Hey guys,
Was wondering, what is the recommended maximum size for Access databases? I've heard that for very large databases that oracle is preferred. Would Access be appropriate for something on the scope of 5000 records of roughly 6 text and 2 number fields? Do people ever notice performance effects on databases of that size?

Also are there any ways to help reduce the size of the database? Do you recommend change the default field sizes where appropriate and would this have a noticeable effect on a database of this size? Any other suggestions to help keep the database manageable, and functioning?

I'm basically trying to figure out if there's much to worry about here, before I start importing my data. Thanks.

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Calculating Data Size Limits

Dec 27, 2006

I am trying to project how long it will take to reach the 2GB Access limit in a specific project.

My client downloads approx 250,000 records on a monthly basis. I've been provided w/ a sample Excel spreadsheet. I filled a spreadsheet w/ the max number of rows (65536 rows w/ 10 columns of data), and imported that into a new table in a new .mdb file. I copied the table 4 times, so I now have 4 tables of 65536 records each. Compacted before closing. Size was about 52MB. Assuming consistency, I calculate that the size limit would be reached in about 36 months.

262,000 records = 52 MB. 52 MB a month x 36 months = 1,872,000 MB.

Does my projection appear sound?


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Parameter Query Limits And Format

Mar 30, 2006

I am a very new access 2003 user and would welcome advice on how to cause the parameter text within [xxxxx...etc]to occupy two lines ( i.e force a carriage return and line feed) and thereby reduce the width of the parameter input box that the user sees. Also are there limits to the number of characters that can be used. I seem to remember a figure of 50 but cannot find it again in any of the books I have.

Many Thanks


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Queries :: Query Limits Itself To 16 Columns

Aug 18, 2013

Why is my query limiting itself to only 16 columns? when I tab right for another field, it jumps back to the first field. I have other queries with far more columns than that. My DB size is 3,400 kb.

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Forms :: Setting Limits In A Textbox

Jun 27, 2014

I have a textbox called Odours, there are four buttons below the textbox btn_Cadaver, btn_Drugs, btn_Explosives and btn_Money.

On licking one of the buttons a value will be put in he textbox i.e. pressing the btn_Cadaver will put the value "Cadaver ()" in the textbox.

The reason I want this is that all of the entries must begin with either Cadaver, Drugs, Explosives or Money. The brackets are there to allow the user to put some free text between the brackets.

I have some code to set the cursor (on click) between the brackets

Me.Breed.SelStart = 9

I want to prevent the user from typing anywhere in the textbox except between the brackets.

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Modules & VBA :: Character Limits In Textboxes

Dec 13, 2013

I will try and keep this brief. I have a paragraph of text, I have to paste it into a system which allows me 75 characters in a line and 208 in a page.

I have code which creates text boxes dynamically based on the total amount of characters/208 - this gives me how many textboxes need creating. I also have code which then populates those textboxes 208 characters at a time. I now need to alter it so it puts a line break every 75 characters.

Private Sub btnsubmit_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "NoteForm", acDesign
Dim x As Integer
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim y As Integer

[Code] ....

So I've achieved almost what I want, I just need to amend it so it starts a new line after every 75 characters...

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Access2002 Charts: Data Limits, How To Break?

Apr 3, 2006

The BIG problem is this.

I need a basic string graph over time recieved from a cross tab query. The data points all come in fine, but the "strings" / lines connecting the points do not show up.

I believe the reason is because there are just too many records.

I culled the data down using a vba loop to only show 1 stop per minute. (BTW, is there a way to do this using only SQL?) I now show all record points, but still do not show the lines between points. Some of the lines show up, but the more data points on the graph there are, the less the lines show up, till only one or two show.

This is an Access limitation that I'm unsure of how to get around. This really shouldn't be an issue though, because Excel handles the graph just fine EVEN BEFORE the culling of the data down to access acceptable limits. And it shows the lines between each record as well.

Does anyone know of a resolution for this?


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Memo Field Limits Text To 255 Characters

Dec 20, 2003

I'm new to forum and can't find an answer to this problem. I am using Access 2002 and have a memo field in a form that I want people to be able to type in as much text as they want. This is then displayed in a report. The form accepts the text with no problems however when I view it in the report it has been cut to 255 characters as if it is a text box. I have set the properties to 'can grow' to no avail. I have searched the MS Knowledge base for a solution with no luck. I admit I'm not an expert in Access and would really appreciate some help as I have been trying to overcome this problem for days.

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General :: Unbound Lookup Textbox Limits Number Of Digits

Nov 7, 2013

I have a form with an unbound textbox. I want to be able to enter a sequence of digits and spaces (e.g., 02 950 4187); however, when I paste this into the box, I always have to delete the two spaces until the number is 9 digits long. Then it will accept the number and go look for the prize. How do I get the textbox to accept the number I paste in?

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Look-up Trouble

Jun 20, 2005

Hello. Recently posted for advice on building an access database on health service training. I had a lot of help but I suppose I haven't really grasped relationships yet. My database looks like this:

tb_staff containing staff_id, first_name, last_name, base, dept_ward, job_title
tb_courses containing course_id and course
tb_training_done containing staff_id, course_id, date_trained, trainer, venue

I have 1:M tb_staff to tb_training_done and the tb_training_done is linked to the tb_courses 1:1 - not sure if this is right but it's the only way access will do it.

Anyway, my idea was to use a form and subform to enter training done but after setting up the lookup it won't allow duplicate courses i.e. same course done each year. Can anyone explain how the lookup works? Where are the details of courses done stored?

Hope that's not too vague?

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Having A Tad Of Trouble

Aug 6, 2007

im having a bit of trouble generating a field in one of my queries. i think its fairly simple, all i want to do is have the field in my query to show a date, that is just calculated by subtracting 5 days from the current day. i have something that looks like =Now()-5 but that doesnt work obviously. so im just asking whats the imput going to look like if you want to subtract 5 days from a date? oh and im using short dates for the date inputs

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In Trouble

Sep 13, 2004

I am trying to build a report that lists all call in's and all tardies on the same sheet. They are two different tables, that I made queries out of because of calculation fields. Do you know how I can include all the needed data in the same report?

What I'm getting when I try is either all call-in's for each name that has tardies or vice versa. I need to see all data on one report

The reason I didn't just put all the data in one table was because we track call-in's by occurence, but we track tardies by pay period. So each call in is logged in the call-in table with the date it happened on, and the tardies are logged in by pay period, so only the total is stored in the field.

Do you have any ideas? I'm really stuck and I've been workin' on it for three days now and I don't think I'm going to find the solution by myself. Sorry. Thanks!


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Newbie Still Having Trouble

Jul 5, 2005

Gee, I know this is probably so simple...I've never in my life worked with any kind of data base program. I've spent 2 hours trying to make it work and it doesn't. I've tried so many things that I can't even remember what steps I did. I'm trying to create a one column list for phone numbers, no names or anything else...the most important thing is that when I add new phone numbers to this list I want Access to alert me that it is a duplicate and not allow me to add it.....first of all it won't let me add entries with dashes such as 312-5964, I tried selecting "numbers" and also "auto number", both didn't work, what am I doing wrong...can someone give me the steps from the beginning please....I don't have time to figure this out and it's holding me back from finishing a task. I have to get working on my Video Professor Learning CD for Access which I have at home, but right now I'm at work and can't do that...hellllllllp! I'm ready to tear my hair out :eek:
Thanks, Rosey

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Trouble Copying DB From CD

Mar 13, 2006

I have an Access DB I have to put on numberous laptops. The DB is being transported via a CD. When i try to copy the DB from teh CD to a new folder on the laptop I get messages that the DB may have a virus and it cant be copied, or I need to install a microsoft service bulliten...xxxx ( I am not sure what the number is). The DB does contain VBA code and I am certain it is virus free. Is there some setting in access which enables this file to be copied on laptops which do contain virus or firewall protection or must I disable virus protection on these machines before instlaling the program or is it another issue altogether. Thanks.

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Big Trouble With Autonumber

Mar 27, 2006


I have genreated an autonumber in my table, at this is used as key. after importing 135 records it starts to jump 48 records before it creates a new. This means that with every record i import after 135 i have a space of 48 between each. So what sort of thing can cause this? and even better how do i fix it?

Best Regard

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Trouble With Filters

Jul 6, 2006

I have been using the forums for the past month and a half, and they have been extremely beneficial to me. I am working on a database that cross references my companies Steel standards to American standards. I am trying to make it searchable in a couple of different ways. I have borrowed code found on this site to make two different search engines. One works very well but the other I am getting hung up when I try to switch from the previous code to mine. below is an example of my code. It is taken from code placed on here previous called "SampleSearch"

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
On Error Resume Next

Dim sSql As String
Dim sCriteria As String
sCriteria = "WHERE 1=1 "

'tblSubject qrySearchCriteriaSub
If Me![Spec] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub.Spec = """ & [Spec] & """"
End If

If Me![SteelType] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub.SteelType like """ & [SteelType] & "*"""
End If

If Me![Group11] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub.Group11 like """ & [Group11] & "*"""
End If

If Me![Group143] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub.Group143 like """ & [Group143] & "*"""
End If

If Me![Substitute1, Substitute2, Substitute3, Substitute4, Substitute5, Substitute6, Substitute7, Substitute8, Substitute9] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub.Substitute1 = """ & [Substitute1] & """"
End If

sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT [Spec], [SteelType],[Group11],[Group143]from qrySearchCriteriaSub " & sCriteria
Forms![frmSearchCriteriaMain]![frmSearchCriteriaSub].Form.RecordSource = sSql
'[Spec], [SteelType],[Group11],[Group143]

End Sub

I apologize also because I do not know how to post this in a scrollable window. If someone could help me with that too.

The problem with the code is that I am using a form to filter a query, this will then display the table of the steels that meet the requirements. However, I have altered all of the fields to my names and the combo boxes have my information, but they do not seem to place any parameters on the query. I attached the original DB that I got this code from any help would be appreciated.


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Trouble With Log In Script

Apr 5, 2007

I have a access 2002 database that was handed down to me.. this program does some document control, set up with access rights for different users.I got into it to clean it up a bit and I've hit a snag. I converted the database from a 2000 to a 2002. Amidst playing around with the Log-In screen somehow my Log In button stopped working; except if you type your password and then hit enter.Now the Log In button ( cmdLogIn_Click() ) is pointing at the same exact script as the ( txtpassword_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) ) function.I don't know any VB and I'm not really familiar with Access, so if anyone could decode this for me I would be really grateful. Here is the script that those two functions are pointing to:Private Sub LogIn_Click() Dim strPassword As String Dim strPasswordAttempt txtPassword.SetFocus strPasswordAttempt = txtPassword.Text cboUsername.SetFocus strPassword = DLookup("[Password]", "User", "[Username] = '" & cboUsername.Value & "'") If strPasswordAttempt = strPassword Then strUsername = cboUsername.Value intAccessLevel = DLookup("[AccessLevel]", "User", "[Username] = '" & cboUsername.Value & "'") bolApprover = DLookup("[Approver]", "User", "[Username] = '" & cboUsername.Value & "'") bolEditDocumentInfo = DLookup("[EditDocumentInfo]", "User", "[Username] = '" & cboUsername.Value & "'") bolEditUserInfo = DLookup("[EditUserInfo]", "User", "[Username] = '" & cboUsername.Value & "'") bolEditReferenceDocuments = DLookup("[EditReferenceDocuments]", "User", "[Username] = '" & cboUsername.Value & "'") bolViewAllApprovers = DLookup("[ViewAllApprovers]", "User", "[Username] = '" & cboUsername.Value & "'") bolDocumentControl = DLookup("[DocumentControl]", "User", "[Username] = '" & cboUsername.Value & "'") ' MsgBox "Your access level is " & intAccessLevel Startup ' run startup sub DoCmd.OpenForm "Welcome", acNormal DoCmd.Close acForm, "Login" LogEvent strUsername, Now(), "Login Successful", "Network Username: " & strNetworkUserName & " on Computer " & strComputerName 'LogEvent strUsername, Now(), "Login Successful", " on Computer " & strComputerName Else MsgBox "That password is incorrect. Try again." LogEvent "Unknown", Now(), "Login Failed", "Attempt: " & CStr(cboUsername.Value) & " , " & strPasswordAttempt & " Network UserName: " & strNetworkUserName & " on computer " & strComputerName End If End SubWhen you click the Log In button it does actually run the script, but it gives me the "The password is incorrect. Try again." message even if the password is correct. I can just click into the txtpassword box and hit enter and it will log me into the database.P.S. I say again, this isn't my code.. its probably super ugly, but I cant' tell :o

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This Forum Got Me In Trouble...

May 1, 2007

Hello all active members of this forum,

Like I stated on the title, this forum got me into trouble. By following the reading in this forum and some recommendations from the regular users I have created thre database for the place I work at. now they want me to be the official DB admin! :eek:

So now I'm coming back to you guys for more advice... :rolleyes: what reading should I do to better my Access knowledge over all.

Any recommendation is welcome.

I have already contacted th local college and they do have a distant learning class for Access and I will be taking it the next semester, but I would like to do some reading into becoming a REAL Access programmer with a solid foundation.

There must be some good books out there to purchase to get me started. So all are welcome to give me some feedback.



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