Trying To Password Protect A Report.

Feb 14, 2006

As you can tell, I am trying to password protect a report.

This works great, but if you don't type anything in, all the employees names come up. How can you prevent that.

Like [Enter Employee Name Only] & "*"

Any Ideas

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Reports :: Possible To Password Protect A Report

Oct 28, 2013

i was just wondering if it was possible to password protect a report. so for example when a user clicks on the button from a switchboard a password prompt would open up and if a user entered an incorrect password the report wouldnt open up.

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Can I Password Protect....

Dec 7, 2006

one form in my database?

I would like to put a password on one form; all other forms are open to see.

Can this be done?

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Password Protect Backend

Jun 17, 2005

I have an Access 2000 split into FE and BE and the client has requested the BE be password protected. I attempt set database password on BE but then when I open FE I get error msg " not a valid password". I get the same error message if FE has same password or if FE has no password.
Any ideas?



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Password Protect VBA Code

Sep 19, 2006


Is the password property in Access secure enough to protect VBA code?


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Password Protect A Form?

Aug 28, 2007


i am wondering if it is possible to password protect a form?

I am building a DB which will hold personal information, all this info will be held in a table and displayed on a form, but I would like it so that the user has to enter their user name and password and only the form which relates to their details opens ( so like an open form and display specific field but passworded)

Any ideas?

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Password Protect A Table?

Dec 2, 2004


Is it possible to password Protect a table in Access 97?

I need to limit who can actually go into the raw data table as even though it is hidden, a user can easily unhide if they knew how.

any ideas?

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Password Protect A Form

Jan 25, 2005

Is there a way to password protect a form.

This is due to me having to send a mdb file, because i use A97 and the other end use A2000.

I tried sending the mde file but they could not convert it etc.

But i want to stop them getting into the code, you know how protective we are.

I want to hard code the password if thats any help.

Could some one please help me, thanks

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Password Protect A Button

Feb 3, 2005

Can someone point me in the right direction of how to protect a button using a password please



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Password Protect A Form

Feb 11, 2005

How can i simply prompt the user for a password when they click a button, if the password does not match the form will not open?

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Password Protect A Button

Feb 3, 2005

Can someone point me in the right direction of how to protect a button using a password please



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Password Protect Database Window??

Sep 6, 2005


How can I hide the Database window with password protection?

For example, if someone attempts to access the Database Window, they would be promted to enter the password before they can see the tables and queries...

Thanks for your help

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Vba: Open Password Protect Spreadsheets

May 24, 2006

Hi all!

I have some Access 2000 VBA code which opens all of the Excel 2000 spreadsheets in turn in a particular folder. However, if one of the spreadsheets is password protected I want to ignore this file and move on to the next this possible?

Any help most appreciated.


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Is It Possible To Password Protect Specific Macros?

Feb 20, 2007

Ive searched the forum and not found any threads relating to this. Some help would much be appreciated!

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Forms :: Password Protect A Checkbox With Particular Record

Jul 15, 2013

I have a checkbox that when checked will close that particular record from future editing. I want to be able to password protect this checkbox. Also I want to be able to uncheck this box with a password if we need to reopen that record.

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Put Password Protect On One Form From On Click Command From Mainform.

Nov 4, 2004

I'm new in access world. please help. I have many forms that control by On click command from the main form. One of the form (which is Calendar form), I like to have password protect in away that only the right ID or password would have access to edit this Calendar, If not users can only view it. Is this possible?, if it is can you please provide some code for me...Thanks in advance..

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General :: Possible To Password Protect Access To Source Code?

Jun 10, 2012

I've been working on a large project for my employer for a year now (but software development isn't part of my normal day to day duties). Most of the work (around 70%) has been done in my own time at home. The company were going to buy a system that would be customized by developers at a cost of around $60,000. I've developed a solution that is probably better than what they would have got. At my last appraisal my boss said that it had been discussed that i would be rewarded if i delivered it. My question is:

Is it possible to password protect access to the source code? I'm working with Access 2003 just now. I know I can create a .mde file to prevent access to the source code but that would make further development difficult. e.

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Forms :: Popup Subform - Password Protect Individual Records

Jul 23, 2014

So I created a new form that multiple coworkers will have access to. I understand that you can password protect an entire data base, but I was wondering if you could go deeper than that. I have a main form with a combo box (query to show existing IDs) for "ClientID" that links the main form and subform (Its controlsource is ClientID from the table the subform was created off of). If a user selects an existing ClientID, the linked subform pops up with the selected ClientID displayed on the subform in a field along with existing additional information displayed. If The user types in an ID not in the database, a blank subform comes up for the coworker to create this new record and the field for ClientID is blank.

1) How can I make it so that when a coworker types in a ClientID in the combobox that is not in the database, the blank subform that pops up has the ClientID field filled out with what was typed in the main form.

2) Situation: Adding a new client to the main form, and filling out the additional in on the popup subform. I want there to be a field on the main form for "worker". The worker will put their ID and create a new client record. Is it possible to make it only possible for this worker to edit this client record in the future? ...the original creator will be the only one able to edit the information.

-I am thinking maybe have a table with all workers and associated passwords. So, if a user tries to open a subform created by another worker, he will be prompted to enter a password (which will be the one associated to the creator in this "secret" table.

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Tables :: Password Protect A Linked Table Or Make It Read Only

Nov 14, 2012

I have a table that I imported from another database. I used import Access - Link to the table source by creating a linked table. - then downloaded in my database.

I want to use the linked table to create relationships and forms but do not want to even accidently edit it. The table gets updated in the database on a weekly bases and I am hoping it gets updated automatically in my database as well. does it automatically get updated or do i have to set up something?

Also, I want to protect the data in that particular table and either password protect it or make it read only. Can I do that? If so, how?

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Password Protection For E-mailed Access Report

Aug 8, 2005

Password Protection for E-mailed Access Report
Sorry this is a bit long winded but here goes - we have a very simple Access 2002 DB of 60 – 100 client records. It’s updated weekly and a report is then sent to a distribution list. In the past it was printed and faxed. As all on the list have e-mail I set up a macro to e-mail the .mdb to an Outook Distribution List. It works wonderfully and is much easier and faster. However - a couple of weeks ago one of the users complained saying we must password protect the data. Our Exchange Server is not yet set up to use certificates and Ditital IDs so I worked out the only way I can think of to p/w protect the file. The data is exported as an RTF. Once the user is in Outlook she opens the attachment and runs a macro in Word which :-
Saves the RTF as a DOC file (uses the same name each time)
Saves the DOC file with password protection
However the user reports that often it seems to link to the previous weeks data unless she deletes the attached file and opens the TEMP internet files folder, finds the correct week and attaches that.
Can anyone think of an easier and more foolproof way of doing this – is there something in Access I have missed?
Thanks for any help or advice – Dika

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Not Prompted For Password When Relinking - 'Not A Valid Password Message'

Mar 29, 2007

I have recently split my database and added a password to the back end. I am now trying to re-link the tables as I have seen in other threads, but when I do this I am not prompted for the password I just get the message 'Not a valid password'

I must obviously be doing something wrong, can anyone help?

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Password Issues With Non Protected Database Asking For Password

Nov 8, 2005


Firstly thank you for your help, this should be a simple one I hope, but is cracking my head on the wall. Have searched and searched and can't find an answer.

I have an Access Db that is not password protected, but is asking for a password.
It opens on any other machine fine?

I think my version of Access is playing funny buggers with me, any suggestions?

I was trying to implement some security on this Db, which is why it happened I'm sure. I ran the security wizard, set-up two users and admin with passwords, I have the output file to "recreate" something too.

Issue is, I then copied this Db to another computer for use on there, it worked without a Password, so didn't need to worry about it, now I can't open any Db on my machine??

Your help on this obvious pointer would be great!


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How To Crack Ms Access Password, I Have Set User Name And Password

Sep 12, 2006

hi pals

i have set username and password for ms access file.

unfortunately i have forget that password?

how to crack that username and passowrd?

is there any softwares available?

i can easily crack the database pasword? but how to crack username and password of ms access file.

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Forms :: Password Protecting Field With Password?

Oct 24, 2014

i have found a code that brings up a box when tab or clicking in to a box for editing as below:-

Dim strPassword As String
If InputBox("Please enter the password:") <> strPassword Then
TextBox1.Locked = True
End If

its just that need to add a password as well, i have tried to put this in between the <> but this does not work. i would like a message to say incorrect password as well if possable.

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Protect Data

May 9, 2006

i have a users table where i save usernames and paswords. So anyone who has access to the users table and has little know how of access can read the passwords of other users. So I have encrypted these passwords. Now no one can read eachothes passwords but if someone has acess to the database he can copy his encrypted password to someone else's password and login using other people's account.

Any solution ????

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Protect Database Against Corruption?

May 25, 2005

I have a split database. BE located at a server and FE on each users workstation. There are 8 concurrent users at the most. This runs smoothly over the LAN.

Now I'm adding a new feature to the database. I'm using a wheel loader to weigh products on a weight scale. The operator in the wheel loader is going to use a laptop with wireless LAN to connect to the network.

In risk of loosing the connection which in worst case might corrupt the database, I want to make a new database with a BE/FE setup. The BE will be placed on the same server as the current db. The FE in the wheel loader. I can then link from the current db (BE) to the new db (BE).The new db will only require two linked tables from the current db.

If worst case happens, would my current db be more protected against corruption than if I linked directly to the BE on the current db. I know there's no 'right answer' to this one, but I'd really like some opinions on it though.

Thanks in advance.

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