Trying To Append Data

Feb 21, 2007

I am trying to append data from one table to another. I keep getting an error that reads:
" Microsoft Access set 0 fields , to Null due to a type conversionfailure, and it didn't add 0 records to the table due to key violations, 0 records due to lock violations, and 44 records due to validation rule violators."

I have no validation rules set. Please Help.

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Append Data

Oct 28, 2007

I have a form with subform, containing data from 2 tables on a 1 to many relationship. I would like to append the data in the form and subform to 2 seperate tables. The destination tables each have primary keys, (autonumbers) along with the fields I wish to append from the original tables. Can this be done by writing an append query? If so how. I want to append the 2 sets of data and keep the relationship between both sets and this is what is causing problems beacuse the primary keys of the original tables will not be the primary keys of the destination tables. Hope I have explained it ok.

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Append Data

Aug 25, 2005

how do you add data to an existing field rather than replacing it?

(is this the right place for SQL?)

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Update And Append New Data

Apr 8, 2008

I have a table that I need to update existing data and append new data. All of the new data is in the same file. Is there a way I can update and append at the same time?

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Data Append To Table

Jan 12, 2012

I want to punch data in form and i want to append data to table and i want to automatically show new record when i reopen the form Now i face a problem that when i reopen form record show 1st table row.

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Append Or Replace Data In Table

Dec 12, 2005

Hi, I'm fairly new with working with Access and programming in VBA, and I was looking for some help. I have a database with many tables, and relationships between the tables. In particular, I export two of these tables to text files from one machine and need to import them back into the database on another machine. I have this working if I delete all the records before useing the transfertext command to import that table. But my problem is that I need to either append a record if it doesn't exist in the promary keys, or if the new record exists in a primary key, I need to replace it. I was thinking about reading the table to a temp table from the text file and checking each record in some sort of query to see if it needs to be appended or replaced in the table. Does anyone have any ideas of how else this could be accomplished a little easier that looping through each record, for this might take a while, as I do not know how many records can be importing each time. All I know is that I need a way of taking data from a text file and either appending or replacing the records in the table in the database. I appreciate any help I can get with this. Thank you.

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Append Characters To Field Data

Jun 17, 2006

I know this can be done, but I cannot remember how, hoping someone can save me some time:I have a field with values like this:5221231234I want to append zeros to the front of the field data using a query so the value in the field will always be five charactere long and will be padded withing eading zeros, like this:00005000220012301234Sorry for the easy question, will appreciate any help.Thanks!

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Queries :: Append Data To Table?

Apr 20, 2015

I have a table called dbo.userinfo with a primary key called employeeid and a field named jobfunction.

i have an intermediate table named dbo.projectpositions with a primary key named projnumber and a foreign key named employeeid.

I have a 3rd table named projects with a primary key projnumber and a field called project manager.

I'm trying to append the Projects table so that any projects that a worker has worked on (dbo.projectpositions) that is listed as a project manager (jobfunction) will have their employeeid fill in the project manager field on the projects table. Looks something like this:

INSERT INTO Projects ( [Project Manager] )
SELECT dbo_UserInfo.JobFunction
FROM (dbo_UserInfo INNER JOIN dbo_ProjectPositions ON dbo_UserInfo.EmployeeID = dbo_ProjectPositions.EmployeeID) INNER JOIN Projects ON dbo_ProjectPositions.ProjNumber = Projects.ProjNumber
WHERE (((dbo_UserInfo.JobFunction)="Project Manager"));

But just can't figure out the next step to populate the project manager field...

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Tables :: How To Paste Append Data

Sep 23, 2013

I want to Paste append some data into a table in access. The data which I need to paste is like to following:

3100986082 7DVJ438 264539280 1FWS545 11792093 1261185446

Access leaves the data with the letters in it (shown in bold) blank, how can I solve this, because I want to paste everything. I already put in design view the settings to text, but it doesn't work...

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Queries :: Append Using Table Data

Jul 25, 2013

I basically want to use a set list (TableAddresses). This would be a Append Like "*InsertAddress*" I do this manually by simply typing 20 different addresses and then clicking Append.

Is there a better way to do this simply?

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Query Append Data From Another Database

Mar 15, 2012

I have a database X, I want to append data from tables in another database Y, into database X (tables in both databases have the same name: [Y].[Names] into [x].[Names]).

My question is:
How to make this happen by allowing me to search for Database Y (like if i want to save a Word file, a window will open searching for the folder i want to save the Word file in).

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Append Data To Field For Matching Fields

May 18, 2005


I have a few tables containing different exam data for students - and a unique identifier with each. I need to add another unique identifier (which is already specified from another system).

Now, can I use the existing identifier (UPN) to automatically put in the new identifier into a new field (AdNo).

If that makes any sense at all, I will be surprised...thank you!

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Common Data In Two Tables Of Different Size, How Do I Append From One To The Other..?

Jul 23, 2006


Firstly I would like to state that i have very little knowledge of Access databases (my job is not computer related) but I am trying my best to get a few issues sorted...
So here it goes: I have 2 tables, one large table with about 3-4000 rows(horizontal lines), and a smaller table with only about 1000 rows.

The rows in the big table contain Products (name, dates, adresses, phone numbers etc) and every product has a 'Codename' in a column-line (vertical)
of the big table. (there are about 3000-4000 products)
In the small table there exists a similar column-line (vertical) that contains 'Codenames' of the Products listed in the big table, but there are only ~ 1000 'Codenames' not the full 4000 ! The reason for this is that in the small table there exists another column-line(vertical) that for every code listed (in the small table) contains a certain specific "description".

My task is to get all the 1000 "descriptions" from the small table inserted into the Big table accordingly to their proper 'Codename'. This means createing a new column in the big table and: if the codename exists in small-table insert the description in the new column-cell, if the codename doesnt exist in small-table leave new-cell empty...

How do i do this ? :) Im guessing some coding is envolved.. and i have no clue whatsoever....
Thank you,
George P.

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How Do I Append To An Existing Table Without Overwriting Data

Feb 3, 2005


I have a table that contains a notes field. What i would like to do is to append to this field in table with some more data (notes), however i dont want to over write the existing data. I would just like to add to it.

the current notes are added through the access front end, but in this instance i have a particular note that needs to be added to various enteries without overwriting existing data. I know this is to be done via an append query, any help would be great


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Append/Update Table With Oracle Data-ADO

May 13, 2005

I am relatively new to the use of VBA and ADO to append Oracle data to a Access Table. The code below was my first attempt and it doesn't work!!

Upon your review, you can see that there are quite a few calculated fields in the table which is generally considered to be a maintenance problem. I plan to update all fields within the table that ends with "Current."

Any insight as to what the problem could be? Is there a more efficient method to append/update data within the Access db? How would the module differ if I wanted to update the fields on the table that end with "Current?"
Do I have too many calculated fields?

Sub ADO_AppendEncDetailNew()

Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset, connString As String
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection, sqlEncData As String

connString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;" & _
"User ID=wv_juilo;" & _
"Data Source=Mrr;" & _
"Password=juilo;" & _
"Persist Security Info=True"

cn.ConnectionString = connString
cn.Open connString

sqlEncData = "SELECT ep.account_id, pe.customer_no, pt.last_name, pt.first_name " & _

pt.records_no, pe.drg_no, pe.length_of_stay, pe.patient_type, pe.admit_date, pe.discharge_date,

pe.total_charge, pe.expected_payment, pe.date_billed, max(trunc(epd.payment_date)),

ep.total_payments, pe.total_payments, pe.total_charges -

sum(ep.noncovered_pt_charges + ep.noncovered_wo_charges), pe.total_charges -

sum(etd.adjustment_amount), trunc(sysdate),


from entity_pay ep, Preview_encounter pe, encounter_transaction_details etd, patient pt,


ep.account_id Not In ('CTOC','VNN','VCM','VRM','VCU','LP5')
AND epd.TRANSACTION_CODE in ('68806','68807','68808','68812') AND

pe.expected_payment>0 AND pe.expected_payment - pe.total_payments>0 AND

ep.total_payments/pe.expected_payment<0.75 AND etd.transaction_code in

('4569','4575','4580','4896') and trunc(epd.date_updated) =

trunc(sysdate) - 15) GROUP BY ep.account_id, pe.encounter_no, trunc(pe.ADMIT_DATE),

trunc(pe.discharge_date), pe.date_billed, pe.total_payments, pe.total_charges,

pe.expected_payment, ep. total_payments, pe.expected_payment -

ep.total_payments,trunc(epd.payment_date), pe.expected_payment - pe.total_payments,

ep.total_payments/pe.expected_payment, pe.total_payments - ep.total_payments,

trunc(epd.date_updated), trunc(SYSDATE), pt.last_name, pt.first_name,

pt.records_no, pe.patient_type HAVING ((pe.total_charges - Sum

(etd.adjustment_amount)) - pe.expected_payment) <> 0 ORDER BY 1, 2, 10

Rs.Open sqlEncData, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Do Until Rs.EOF
"INSERT INTO tbl_CustDetail

Rs!CID_Orig = Rs!entity_pay.account_id
Rs!CID_Current = Rs!entity_pay.account_id
Rs!EncNo = Rs!Preview_encounter.Customer_No
Rs!LastName = Rs!Patient.Last_Name
Rs!FirstName = Rs!Patient.First_Name
Rs!AdmitDate = Rs!Preview_encounter.admit_date
Rs!DschDate = Rs!Preview_encounter.discharge_date
Rs!TotChgOrig = Rs!Preview_encounter.Total_Charges
Rs!TotChgCurrent = Rs!Preview_encounter.Total_Charges
Rs!Bal_AfterInsPymts = Rs!Preview_encounter.expected_payment - Rs!entity_pay.Total_Payments
Rs!Bal_AfterAllPymts = Rs!Preview_encounter.expected_payment - Rs!Preview_encounter.Total_Payments
Rs!CoveredCharges = Rs!Preview_encounter.Total_Charges - Sum(entity_pay.noncovered_ct_charges + entity_pay.noncovered_ft_charges)
Rs!CalcAllowOrig = Rs!Preview_encounter.Total_Charges - Sum(Encounter_Transaction_Details.Adjustment_Amoun t)
Rs!CalcAllowCurrent = Rs!Preview_encounter.Total_Charges - Sum(Encounter_Transaction_Details.Adjustment_Amoun t)
Rs!VarianceOrig = Rs!Preview_encounter.Expected_Reimbursment - (Preview_encounter.Total_Charges - Sum(Encounter_Transaction_Details.Adjustment_Amoun t)
Rs!VarianceCurrent = Rs!Preview_encounter.Expected_Reimbursment - (Preview_encounter.Total_Charges - Sum(Encounter_Transaction_Details.Adjustment_Amoun t)
Rs!OrigRatio = Rs!Preview_encounter.expected_payment / entity_pay.Total_Payments
Rs!RatioLatest = Rs!Preview_encounter.expected_payment / entity_pay.Total_Payments
Rs!DateIdentified = Rs!trunc(sysdate)
Rs!Date_LastPayorPymt = Rs!max(Encounter_Payment_Detail.payment_date)

Set Rs = Nothing

End Sub

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Append Query Based On Variable Data

Feb 27, 2006

I am trying to write an append query which is based on a table (PA0041)having muliple columns. The columns are DAR01, DAT01, DAR02, DAT02, etc etc.

The data for DARnn will contain values such as S1, S2, S3 etc. For each of these values, there will be a corresponding date in the corresponding field DATnn.

The table PA0041 looks something like this:

Employe Number, DAR01, DAT01, DAR02, DAT02, DAR03, DAT03 ...
1, S1, 21/02/2006, S2, 13/01/2006, S3, 10/01/2006
2, S1, 15/02/2006, S2, 09/03/2006, S3, 18/02/2006
3, S1, 06/01/2006, S2, 16/02/2006, S3, 01/03/2006
4, S2, 03/03/2006, S3, 26/01/2006

There may be up to 10 columns for each - i.e. DAR01 up to DAR10.

I can append them into 1 append table if I write 10 queries. What I would like to know whether it is possible to do this using 1 query. I need to write both the date type and the date into the table.

In addition I need to know whether any employee is missing any date types. If I have a table called tblDateTypes which holds the date types that I would expect the employee to have as a minimum, how can I check for any employees who do not have a required date type.

If the data contained in tblDateTypes is as follows:


In the above example I would expect the end result to flag the fact that employee 4 does not have date type S1.

Let us assume in the above example that the employees all exist in the table PA0041 - even if they don't have all the required date types.

Let me know if you need more information.



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Using Append Query To Add (overlapping Data) To Table

Sep 16, 2006

I have made several extractions from back ups from our ERP system using maketable querys. Each time when I renamed the table after running the maketable query. I now want to add them to create one big table showing the records which I extracted. I now found that each time when I extracted from my back up tapes there was a little overlap in time which gives me double entries when I use an append query to add them al together.

Is there a way to set parameters which filter our double entries and only adds the unique records to this table?

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Append Query Pass ID Format And Data

Jul 20, 2007


Is it possible to pass a AutoNumber Format variable and data to a new table using an Append Query? If not does anyone know what I can try?


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Append Query To Add Data From Form To Table

Mar 24, 2008

I understand that I can use an append query to add data to a table from a form and then have it run by using a command button. I want to do this because when I link the form directly to the table I do not want the form to create a new record every time it is invoked. (it does this automatically because I have visual basic code move to acNewRec and fill in some of the fields on load and lock them off, this is neccessary) I also do not want it to create the record immediately because the user might then decide to cancel their actions and leave the form - then I have half a record's worth of data in my tables! :D

I could just use VB and recordsets to do it but SQL is more elegant. The problem is, when I use the append query it appends an extra record to the table for every single record that already exists within it. So a table with 1500 records will have 1500 new entries containing duplicate data!

This is all a mess, so what would be a better approach? The user does not need to navigate through the records on this form or make edits, it's strictly for additions. There is a subform linked to a table that is in a one-to-many relationship with the table that the parent form must update to, but I'm quite happy to leave that one linked directly.

Any suggestions appreciated ;) I've probably done something thick..

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Modules & VBA :: Append Data From Several Tables To One Table

Feb 14, 2014

I have the following code, the purpose of the code is that to take all rows from each table to append them into one table. However, I am testing this code with 2 tables (Table2 and Table3) each table has 2 records, when I run the code, it keeps adding records to table 1 that exceeds one million. what is wrong with my code?

Dim tblString, I As Integer
Dim rstFrom As Recordset, rst2 As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst2 = db.OpenRecordset("Table1", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Append Data From ListBox To A New Table

Aug 15, 2013

I have an append query that takes an item (once selected) from a listbox and it appends the contact name to a new table. Is there a way I can make an append query thay takes the ContactID and the ContactName and append it.

The listbox box has column 2 Bound (ContactName) soeven though I have written the query to take the ContactID it still only takes whats in the bound column!

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Queries :: Append Only Data On Filtered Form

Jul 2, 2015

I have a list of dates in my Form1.

When I click on a date it opens Form2 to show that dates specific details.

I would like a macro on Form2 that appends the filtered results to another table.

I think I am just struggling with the references to Form2 in the append query criteria.

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Modules & VBA :: Append Data To Another Table With A Filter

Dec 11, 2013

I want to append data to the FC_TEMP table with the condition that the time_period is same on FC_TEMP and Scrap_Sales_Forecast table.Somehow it asks me to type in a parameter for Time_Period on FC_TEMP.

'Append Scrap Sales forecast to actual FC_TEMP table
Public Sub Append_Scrap()
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [FC_TEMP] SELECT Scrap_Sales_Forecast.* FROM Scrap_Sales_Forecast " & _
" WHERE FC_TEMP.[Time_Period] = Scrap_Sales_Forecast.[Time_Period]"
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Data Append From Excel With Condition?

Feb 11, 2015

I am trying to append some data from an excel sheet. Following code used for same and successful. However, i need to put few condition while importing the data to the Access table. i.e;

Table : tblMain
Filed : Vessel, Voyage, contianerNo, ......, ......, .....,

while importing, need to check whrt "containerNo" which is importing already in the table under the particular voyage. If yes error msg should pop up warning that the particular container is already exists. If same container number is already exists in the same table under a different voyage, data should be imported without any error.


Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim Filepath As String
Filepath = "D:Xxxx bl_Impts_main.xlsx"
If FileExist(Filepath) Then
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "MainImportsfromxls", Filepath, True

[Code] .....

Code Source : [URL]

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Queries :: Get Data From SQL Database And Append It To Certain Tables?

Oct 10, 2013

So I am pulling data from a SQL data base into access and appending it to certain tables. To do this I have 15ish append queries. Is there a way to have them run in a certain order with one command?

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Append Data From New Record In Existing Form

Aug 28, 2012

I have a database where I need to append part of a new record to another table. But when I open the query with the link to the form that is open I cannot see the added record until it's saved to the open form. I tried to re-query the key ID field but that does not work. How do I do a re-query without the form requiring everything and then I am on the incorrect record?

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