Trying To Consolidate Information With Different Value Types

Jul 10, 2013

I have a database that, vaguely looks like the following

NAME Value Category A Value Category B Value Category C

Name A -50 0 0
Name A 0 50 0
Name B -100 0 0
Name B 0 75 10
Name B -25 0 0
Name C -100 0 0

Etc. etc.

What I'd like is to find a query that will first, generate a Category D which should be a total of all the values in the three different categories and consolidates the names to one line. So it should spit something like this out.

NAME Value Category A Value Category B Value Category C Total
Name A -50 50 0 0
Name B -125 75 10 -40
Name C -100 0 0 -100

After this, I'd like to have another query that will only display the values that are NOT zero.

NAME Val Cat A Val Cat B Val Cat C Total
Name B -125 75 10 -40
Name C -100 0 0 -100

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General :: Collecting 2 Types Of Information From Combo Box

Mar 6, 2014

I have 2 tables

1. stocklist
2 product details

I created a form called " product details "

Using a combo box in the form "product details" I select a "part number " of which the part number and the associated description of the part comes into a fields called "part number " and "part description "

The part number selected then goes into a table called product details

Is it possible that when I select the part number , both the part number and the part description go into the table called product details.

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Consolidate 3 Queries Down To 1, Possible In My Situation?

Dec 26, 2006

In order to find the most recent piece of data for a particular customer I need to query my table in 3 iterations.

I have a TABLE with data in it pertaining to all customers.

QUERY 1 orders all the records in TABLE by date.

QUERY 2 plucks all records related to specified customer from QUERY 1.

QUERY 3 selects the TOP 1 from QUERY 2.

My main concern is that this all happens automatically. Can I shorten this process at all?

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Consolidate Multiple Names

Jun 11, 2013

Each month I get the previous months data. In that data, I have a list of names that have duplicates in them. Some of the names have last, first middle. Some have just last, first. I want to combine the like names and leave the unlike names not combined.I want to combine in this situation

ex. Smith, Peter
Smith, Peter W

I do not want to combine in this situation
ex. Smith, Peter M
Smith, Peter W

My goal is to get the original name in a table with the combined name next to it.

Original Name
New Name

Smith, Peter
Smith, Peter

Smith, Peter W
Smith, Peter

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Ways To Select And Consolidate Records

Nov 24, 2004

I am currently building a db that will handle information on many events around the world. What I would like to do is set a check box that when people scroll through the different records they could check it and it (the current record they are viewing) will go into a compiled list wherein the iindividual record details of that list which the user created by their choices could be exported to an excell sheet (to automate a reporting need in the job) I have seen functions like this in large websites particularly the classified job sections in the seattle Times . where as you scroll through you see something you like you mark it continue scrolling mark another and then when you are all done you go to a page that has all and only your selections.

Can anyone tell me where to start on this one what am I Looking for Etc.
This will be the next big step in this my first database.
All help greatly appreciated

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Modules & VBA :: Consolidate Addresses By Similarities?

Apr 9, 2015

I need to consolidate mailing addresses so that many records are grouped to one invoice based on the address they fall under. I am currently using an update query to change addresses that are similar to match exactly. Is there a way to make it so the addresses group together based on similarities rather than exact matches? For example I have two addresses:

1301 W Johnson Street Phoenix, Arizona 85725
1301 West Johnson St Phoenix, AZ 85725-7201

These are the same property however without cleaning them up manually to match, two invoices will be printed. Is there a way to consolidate these?

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Queries :: How To Consolidate Multiple Variances Using A Query

Aug 29, 2013

I have 3 tables of data, where I want to cross reference information to produce exception reports.

The tables all have Employee number held within them, and these form the basis of my queries.

We want to be able to cross reference locally held staffing information with centrally held HR and payroll records.

The type of information we want to be able to check, is if the hours of the individual are the same in all 3 records, the grade they are being paid for, the cost centre, and that the names match.

Currently we run separate queries for all of these, and I want to be able to consolidate the exceptions in one report, to save looking at the same persons record more than once.

For example, if John Smith has a different name, grade and cost centre are all different - we may be accessing his record 6 times, once for each variance against payroll and HR records.

Is there a way that I can pull all this information together to speed up the reconciliation process?

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Forms :: Form To Consolidate Duplicate Customers?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a few duplicate customer queries (different duplicate fields etc). I would like to construct a form to make it easy for an end user to remove the duplicates.

The main problems are...

1. the newer customer is to be deleted

2. any/all orders from the newer customer will be moved to the older customer before deletion.

3. preferably an easy way to switch between the duplicate queries in the same form, though if this is a problem I could just have one small dialog box/form, linking to 3 different duplicate query/forms.

I think other changes between the customers will be easy enough to just do in the subform, i.e update email address/tel/status/salesperson etc. These can just be edited directly?

But the transferring of orders can't be edited directly because there may be several orders and could be errors etc.

tblCustomers [CustomerNumber] primary key
tblCustomerOrders [OrderNumber] primary key
[CustomerNumber] linking to tblCustomers

So all that needs to be updated is [CustomerNumber] in tblCustomerOrders. All orders for the newer customer to have the CustomerNumber field updated to match the older customer. Then the newer customer is deleted.

I would just have a button with a message box to run the code, update CustomerNumber/s and delete record.

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Tables :: Consolidate Into Fixed Number Of Rows - Many Columns

Oct 15, 2014

I have a table ("Student Info") that looks like this:

ID....Student.....Student #......Teacher Name......Teacher ID
1........A...............432...............Alice.. .................62
2........B...............674...............Alice.. .................62
3........C...............875...............Alice.. .................62
4........D...............934...............Katie.. ................18
5........E...............345...............Katie.. ................18
6........F...............134...............Dan.... .................4
7........G...............734...............Dan.... .................4

The above table suits me well for data entry.For analysis reasons, I want it to have another table or query or something (let's call it "Teacher Info") that looks like this:

Teacher ID....Teacher Name....St1.....St2......St3...St#1...St#2...St#3
62......................Alice...........A......... B........C.....432.....674.....875
18......................Katie...........D......... E........-.....934.....345......-
4........................Dan............F......... G........-.....134.....734......-

Is there any way that I could do this? I have been struggling with this for a while.Just so you know how this data is connected - At the moment, I have a form where I put in new Teacher information. I have a subform attached to that, where I put the student names and numbers. This way, the students are linked with their student #s, and each of them are linked to a teacher. Unfortunately, the table ("New Teacher Registration") that this creates looks like this:

id....Teacher Name
62...... Alice
(+ tab).........A.........432
(+ tab).........D.........934
(+ tab).........F.........134

I created the "Student Info" table (above) from this to work with data entry (drop-downs and such). Now I'd like to create a "Teacher Info" table (above) for analysis.

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Queries :: Duplicates In Data - Consolidate Multiple Names

Jun 11, 2013

Each month I get the previous months data. In that data, I have a list of names that have duplicates in them. Some of the names have last, first middle. Some have just last, first. I want to combine the like names and leave the unlike names not combined.

I want to combine in this situation
ex. Smith, Peter
Smith, Peter W

I do not want to combine in this situation
ex. Smith, Peter M
Smith, Peter W

My goal is to get the original name in a table with the combined name next to it.

Original NameNew Name
Smith, PeterSmith, Peter
Smith, Peter WSmith, Peter

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Modules & VBA :: Consolidate Tables From Multiple Databases Into One Database

Jan 21, 2014

I have one Master database and multiple child databases in a folder. Each of these databases (both Parent and Child) have identical table called "source". I need a VBA code which will consolidate tables of child database into the Parent database table.

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Consolidate Two Tables And Remove Duplicate Entries

Oct 3, 2013

I have two tables in my Access database. Table 1 has three columns, First Name, Last Name and Phone Number. Table 2 has just 2 columns, First Name and Last Name. What I would like to do is write a VBA macro to consolidate Table 2 into Table 1 and insure any duplicate First Name-Last Name combination is removed.


F.Name L.Name Tel.N.
John Smith 12345
Larry Miller 12344
Tony Woods 12333


F.Name L.Name
Albert Black
Larry Miller
John Bush

Table1 Post-Macro

F.Name L.Name Tel.N.
John Smith 12345
Larry Miller 12344
Tony Woods 12333
Albert Black
John Bush

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Queries :: Consolidate Multiple Columns Into Two Columns

May 14, 2014

I have a MS ACCESS 2010 database with a data table which i am trying to create a query from. I have 6 columns of data( one with an ID Field and 5 Name Fields). Below i have made examples of how it first appears as a simple query and the second will show you what i would like it to look like.

What the simple query looks like: [URL] ...

Second what I want the query to look like: [URL] ....

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Data Types

Sep 5, 2005

I have an Excel file (sourced externally) linked as a table. All fields are defined as text fields. In some of the Excel cells, data has somehow been entered as numeric (eg phone number). When I query the Excel file thru Access, these fields show up as errors (#num!).

I need to find a way of interogating the field, and if in error (like these ones), then ignore it, or replace with zeros etc.

I cant find a way of doing this. Help :)


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Relationship Types

Jan 12, 2006


I'm a student trying to get to grips with relational databases and Access is a great tool to learn.

Does access support 0..1 and 0..many relationships? I've been playing around with Access for a while and can't seem to model the 0..1 and 0..many relationships.

Thanks for your help


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Yes/no Data Types?

Jul 18, 2007

Hi all :o

Just a quick stupid question, I have a Yes / No data type in my table but I want it to automatically put no unless I change it to Yes, is there an easy way to do this, probably a really simple question but am new to this and any help would be great



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Types Of Drop Down

Sep 8, 2006

I need to display a drop down list to users.
I know that in a combo box, the user can also type text. However, I want to stop them from doing this and only be able to select values.

Is there a better control I could use? I tried the listbox but this does not seem to "drop down" the data like a combo

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Field Types

Sep 10, 2006

I am building a table where one of the fields is a yes/no field type. When the yes box is selected, I need to "jump" to a different set of field names than field names for selecting no. I have researched on internet and have done some reading but have found no information. Is it possible to do what I want to do in Access? My skill level is that I can build tables, create forms, create reports and run simple queries. Any help offered is appreciated.

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VBA Data Types

Feb 2, 2005

I'm trying to append a group of fields to a SQL table using ADO in VBA. One of the fields I'm writing back to is a datatime and in certain situations there won't be a value, however, when I try this it throws in the beginning of time 1/1/1900 or whatever it is. Any ideas?


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Changing Data Types

Oct 19, 2005

Is there a way to change the data type for multiple fields at once? Such as 20 text fields to numeric in one step.


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Numeric Data Types

Jan 17, 2006


Strange but true.
I am trying to numeric data types on my access 2000 where I could input values in table like 0.3567 or 2.3454
Anyway any values of this kind with 4 decimal places. however somehow the values always get rounded to number + 4 zeros as of example:
if I put 0.756769 I want it to be as 0.7568 but I get 1.0000
I don't understand this. Can anyone help please?
I have not used access for ages and I seemed to be forgeting all this stuff.



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Appointments With Three Types Of Roles

Dec 16, 2004

hi everyone, i sort of run into a dead end trying to figure how to structure this. I have three tables for the 3 roles, tblClients, tblDoctors, tblBusinessContacts, each with a Primary key and some unique information about each role. I'm not sure how i can track appointments to each of these roles, i know how to do it if it was one role. I want to be able to later view all appointments for that day with all 3 of these roles.

Also, for clients i have a multiselect listbox describing their reason for the appointment and somewhow would like to associate that to the appointments. Some info i would like about these appointments:

1. date and time
2. details of contact
3. date for next appointment

What would be my best bet?



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Different Types Of Entities In The Same Table

Apr 20, 2005

I am designing a database.
It is going to store data from questionnaires.
The natural way seems to be to have a table - that stores where the data comes from, what is it about, what is the question and what is the answer, like this:
DataProviderID; FocusID; QuestionID; AnswerValue

My problem is that a Focus could be a eg. a Person, a Company or a Job - meaning that somebody may be giving info on an other person, on a Company or on a Job.
Now Persons, Companies and Jobs would have very different properties.
So how should I solve this shold I have a common table for Peoples, Companies and Jobs and use a very complicated structure of properties for them or should I store these entities in separate tables but than how will I store the results?

Thanks for your thoughts.

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Replace And Data Types

Jan 26, 2006

Hi all!
I'm experiencing an apparently simple problem, but it's taking me too long to solve :confused:
Two tables with a "text" (100) column on each. I want to select those who are identical. ¡So easy! thats the where clause:

AND a.sDesEntidad = b.sNombreLargo

That works fine. But... i want to "relax" the clause, by not considering dots ( . ) when comparing, and i do like this:

AND (Replace([a]![sDesEntidad],'.','') = Replace([b]![sNombreLargo],'.',''));

and i get a run-time Error 3464, Data type mismatch in criteria expression. Oooops!
My access version is 2003, spanish. I would really appreciate ur help, since this matter shouldn't be keeping me busy for so long :(
Regards and thx in advance!

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Omit Types Of Records

Jan 29, 2006

I have a table with a field for "type". I want a query to run that will show everyone exept "type" A and B. I can get it to work with one of them using Criteria "Not A" and it works. But cannot figure out how to make it not show both A and B

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Data Types From Different Sources?

Jan 31, 2008


Wondering if anyone has a solution for my problem.

I have 2 data sources, one which is an ODBC and one which is an import table. I have a 2 queries each querying the 2 data sources seperatly.

My problem is... One of the fields which I need to do a join to a reference table has a different data type in each of the data sources. I have tried changing this in the imported table NO JOY!! You cant change the data type in the ODBC link.

Is the anyway round this?

Any help appreciated...

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