Turning Current Fields Into Autonumber

Jun 26, 2007

Hi all.

I have been tasked with replacing an external database in house and obviously the external database has multilpe tables joined by various id fields. I'm assuming when they created the db they were assigned autonumber qualities etc to create unique numbers.

However, I can't replicate that in mine. I have the external references for existing data fine. But ho do I now create a new record with a unique number in the existing field.

I tried setting it to primary key and/or no duplicates etc but it's expecting me to enter a number.

I imagine I've got to set some kind of loop to count from one and matech it and then when it finds a number not currently in use it'll stop and use that but how to do that........

Cheers for any help.

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Queries :: Turning 2 Fields Of Data Into 1

Jun 17, 2014

I have a table in a database where the telephone numbers are in two separate fields, i.e. [123] (which is the areacode) and [456-7899]. Is there a way to take the two fields in this table and put combine these two numbers into one field so the new field will be in this format.... [123-456-7899]?

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Tables :: Turning Off Rounding Function In Calculated Fields

Jan 22, 2013

Is there anyway to turn off the rounding function in calculated fields - I need to divide a currency amount by a whole number to calculate the number of full coin bags that will be needed (bags contain different totals according to the coin value) - a whole number.

Then the result is used to calculate how much loose coin will remain.

But regardless of the field type and/or the format, the number rounds when I reduce the decimal places to zero. I need the result to be the whole number and to calculate as the whole number.

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How To Set Autonumber With Current Year As Initial Value

Jun 30, 2013

I want access to generate for me an autonumber, but with the current year as initial value. ( To give new hired employees a unique number). For example, we are now in 2013

If there a new hire, that employee is going to get a unique number 2013001

The next new hire, will get 2013002 and so on

I know how to append a table to set the initial value, but this means, that next year I will have to append a new table again to set the initial value to 2014.

I want access to do this automatically for me, so that next year a new hire will get the unique number of 2014001, the next one will be 2014002 etc...

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Are Primay Key Autonumber Fields Chronologicaly Ordered?

Jan 24, 2007

Rephrasing: I have a table that has a PK that is autonumber. As I add records, the PK number always increases, with the last entry always larger than the previous (but the PKs may not always contain the next number in the sequence, e.g. 2,4,6, instead of 2,3,4). I need to do a query on this table to get fields from the most recent record that was added.

So, If I do a sort on the PK field and get the record with the largest primary key, am I assured that this is always the most recently added field????

If not, how can I construct a query that will provide me with the most recently entered record?

Why I need to do this: I do a query on table 'A' and then append one record from A to table 'B'. Then, using the record I just copied, I do an append query on another table and then place those results in yet another table.

Or, is there another way to accomplish this?

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Tables :: Autofill Additional Fields From AutoNumber

Jul 8, 2014

I'm creating a database for a travel agency. There are 2 tables, one for customers and one for their bookings. I have established a relationship between the tables so the AutoNumber for customer ID links to a field on the add booking table.

In practice though, it would be easier to enter the customer NAME into the booking table and have it retrieve their ID that way to link them. This seems like I am missing something simple but can't fathom a way to do it.

The other factor is obviously more than one customer will have the same name so I may need to link first name as well to differentiate?

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Referencing Fields From Non-current Records

Mar 11, 2008

Another problem has thrust its ugly head into my personal universe.

I have a report to make that is to show a break down of employees hired in each month since Oct. '05 and to show what percentage of the total for that month remain.

I have created one query that grabs each of the relevant personnel;

SELECT Right(Str(Year([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate])),4)+" -"+Str(Month([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate]))+" : "+MonthName(Month([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate]),True)+" '"+Right(Str(Year([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate])),2)+" Hires" AS hire_month, [dbo_personnel]![lname]+"; "+[dbo_personnel]![fname]+IIf(IsNull([dbo_personnel]![mname]),""," "+Left([dbo_personnel]![mname],1)+".") AS name, dbo_personnel.badge, dbo_personnel.originalapptdate, IIf(IsNull([dbo_personnel]![dateoftermination]),[dbo_personnel]![assignedorg],"EOS'd") AS EOS
FROM dbo_personnel
WHERE ((Not ((dbo_personnel.badge) Like "R*" Or (dbo_personnel.badge) Like "9*")) AND ((dbo_personnel.originalapptdate)>=#10/1/2005#))
ORDER BY dbo_personnel.originalapptdate;

I've saved this query as "2-yr Service Check Baseline."

And then this query that does the count;

SELECT [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active") AS EOS, Count([2-yr Service Check Baseline].EOS) AS CountOfEOS
FROM [2-yr Service Check Baseline]
GROUP BY [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active")
ORDER BY [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active");

The output from the second query stores the Active count on odd numbered records and the terminated ones on the even numbered records.

So, to get the percent left, I'd need to sum the two count fields from the two relevant records and then divide this into the Active count.

But, in the report, how do I reference a field from a record other than the current one?

Thanx in advance for any help!

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Counting Month Fields For The Current Year?

Nov 4, 2007


This is my first post here, but I've two questions so I'll divide it into two threads.

Normally I can google these to help find the answers but a bit of a loss at this one, probably beginners stuff to some of you.

Heres a link to the database below


Total count is easy: =Count(tblMain!ID1)

What I want to do is count the amount of records for each individual month of the current year so I don't have to change the year date everytime a new year comes round. As soon as the next year comes around they all reset to 0.

The clever way would be to count the records for the current month -1 current month -2 etc and automatically update the month labels but I think that would be getting a bit comlicated.

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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Auto Populate Fields On Current Form

Jul 16, 2006

Hi. I tried to find out if this issue was already posted, but did not find. If anyone can help me, I am trying to auto populate two fields on a subform. The field I want to populate is the description of a role. So if the user selects the role name from the combo box, the description field will automatically update. Thanks.

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Queries :: Linking Two Fields And Bring Current To The Top

May 7, 2015

I have a query that does a great job at fining duplicate master records

How to this query so that it fining duplicate master records like the query show and add one more record that will link up as shown in the example.

[sql]SELECT subqry2.maxdatereferral
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].master
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].RecordNumber
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].FirstName
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].LastName

[Code] .....

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Turning A Db Into A Webpage.

Nov 3, 2006


Is there a good developer tool for turning an access db into a webpage?

Or should I go about it in a completely different way?

I want it to work just as it does, but I would like to have it on the www.


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Controlling Autonumber Field - Start Autonumber From 1 Everyday (Composite Key)

Nov 21, 2013

I have two tables linked to each other in one to many relationship. Instead of auto number, the date and shift (Text) is being used as the primary keys (Composite Primary Key). Here is the tables structures,

Payouts Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night) : Primary Key

Bills Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night): Primary Key
Autonumber: Primary Key

The tables Payouts and Bills has one to many relationship. One payout row can have many bills. The problem is that I want to start the Autonumber in bills table everyday from 1. As date and shift are different for every day so even if i start bills from 1 everyday, it wont make same primary key. I can do it manually but I want to make it automatically.

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Turning Off Spell Check?

Aug 25, 2006

We need to enter the string INCL as a data value in one of our tables. When we try to exit the field, Access keeps changing it to INCLUDE. This occurs whether the value is entered via a form or directly in the table. I assume it is doing some type of autocorrect based on th spelling. There is no VBA code associated with this field.

Is there some way to turn this off?

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Turning A String Into Date

Sep 30, 2011

I am doing a project which currently requires me to input a new file we just got. However, the dates on all of them, as in the field containing the dates, displays something like 20030608 instead of June 8, 2003. I was thinking I could just run the file through a looped vb array to go through the information, reformat it, and then dump it into a new column.

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Turning A Cell Red In A Query?

Sep 28, 2011

I would like to turn a cell red in a query - is this possible or can this only be done in a form or report. I have created a table with medical information and want the cell to turn red when blood pressure entry is greater than 140. Not sure what and where formula should be entered.

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Turning The Records In A Table Sideways

Mar 27, 2007

I have a table with data structured like this:


I want to create a query that takes that data and does this:


Is that even possible? How do I get started?

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Turning Query Results Into String...

Jun 23, 2005

Hello, I have a query that returns a list of courses undertaken by certain employees. They are in the format NPTC CS 30; NPTC CS 31; NPTC 33; NPTC FTC 38; NPTC FTC 40 etc...

Anyway what I need to do with this is convert these results to a string and manipulate them in such a way that they can be displayed in a text box on the back of an ID card in the following format:

NPTC CS 30, 31, 33, NPTC FTC 38, 40... etc.

Because there is not enough room on the back of the ID card to use a subform to just display them in a list...

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Turning Data Entry Off Through Code

Feb 23, 2006


I have two main forms which are essentially the same apart from some command buttons, one form to enter data, one form to view data.

These forms also contain about 8 subforms, in Data Entry mode (for the data entry form, funnily enough).

Problem is, obviously when I open my form to view records, the subforms don't update as I flick through, due to them being in data entry.

What's the easiest way to prevent this problem? Obviously I'll need to turn data entry off, but was wondering whether there's a more elegant solution than either creating 8 duplicate subforms with data entry turned off, or using about 50 lines of code to turn Data Entry off/on every time.



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Modules & VBA :: Filter On Subform Not Turning Off

Feb 2, 2015

I'm filtering a sub form in datasheet using an option group frame, and the on click does exactly what I want it to do.However, Once I'm done filtering, I can either set the filter to all ...


Case 1
Forms!frmmain!frmtoplinelist.form.FilterOn= False
Or click a Button "Remove Filter"


Private Sub btnClear_Click()
Me.frmTopLineList.Form.FilterOn = False
End Sub

(I've tried both references to the subform too... "Me." and "forms!etc. However, the subform filter isn't switching off.

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Forms :: Turning The Month Into A Number Using Vba?

May 7, 2013

im doing my ict unit 7 edexcel ict exam atm and as one of the tasks we have been asked to generate the testid. the test id consits the year a underscore and then the number of the month so for example if a test happened this year and this month the test id should be 2013_5. i can get the year and the underscore into the code to generate the testid but im not sure how to get the month to change to a number so for example if i select may from a drop down the code needs to take that and generate it into a number.

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Queries :: Turning Rows Into Columns?

Jan 20, 2015

I have a file structured as listed below. I need to pivot Patient Id, Patient Name, Send Reason, Provider Name and Visit Number into columns and then insert the values into the corresponding columns.

My data set contains about 1,000 rows, so I cannot simply paste special in Excel.

Patient ID 111111
Patient Name Doe, Jane
Send Reason Cannot resolve provider
Provider Name Doe, John
Visit Number ABCD#F1234567

I have tried Pivot and Transform, neither of which seems to work.

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Lines Turning Blue When Printing

Sep 1, 2011

I have my lines set up as text black but when I print they turn to a dark blue.

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Add Current Date And Time Into Separate Fields After ID Entered

Jul 26, 2014

I am trying to add the current date and time into separate fields after an ID is entered.

Option Compare Database
Private Sub ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.Date_Received = Date()
Me.Time_Received = Format(Now(), "hh:mm AMPM")
End Sub

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Queries :: Calculate New Fields Based On Current And Prior Year-end Numbers

May 6, 2013

I am creating a Make Table Query and calculating new fields based on current and prior year-end numbers. If the prior year-end number does not exist (Is Null), I want the use the current rate or calculate the change in rate. I have typed the below in the Field Box:


However, when running the query, I get the attached error message.

The screenshot will also show how the two tables are joined.

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Forms :: Auto-populate Current Date And Time When Other Fields Completed

Feb 24, 2015

I have a table called Neutron2015. I want the current date and time to complete when entries are made in two other fields. So I am looking for this date and time to populate in EXLStart when an entry is made in Processed By, and also the current date and time to appear in EXLEnd when an entry is made in Completed By with the bold word being the field names.

Is this possible, and how difficult is it?

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IIF Statement - Calculate Value Based On Comparing Current Date To Dates In Fields

Jun 27, 2013

In my table I have the following 4 fields with the associated date field:

Bronze: 11/1/2013
Silver: 5/1/2014
Gold: 11/1/2014
Platinum: 5/1/2015

I am trying to calculate a value based on comparing the current date to the dates in these fields. I am using the below formula. However, using 6/27/2013 as the current date, my formula keeps resulting in "Bronze" when it should result in "Standard" Am I doing something wrong?

=IIf(Date()<[Bronze],"Standard",IIf((Date()>=[Bronze]) And (Date()<[Silver]),"Bronze",IIf(Date()>=[Silver] And Date()<[Gold],"Silver",IIf(Date()>=[Gold] And Date()<[Platinum],"Gold","Platinum"))))

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