Two Database File

Jul 18, 2007

ASP, MS Access, VB Script

I am using one databse file for my website. such as data1.mdb

Is there any option to use another database file for the same website such as data2.mdb

In a conclusion, i want to say that my website will access two database file at a time. such as data1.mdb and data2.mdb

Please help me

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Locking A Database File

Feb 2, 2006

Does anyone know how to lock a database so it can be accessed by only one person at a time? We have several users using a 'local' copy of the same database and frequently synchronizing with a network copy. We want to avoid a situation where more than one person is trying to synchronize with the master. Please advise - thanks!

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Database History File

Jul 21, 2006

Is there a way to create or access a history file of all events in a database?

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Urgently Need Help With A Database File!!!!!!

May 21, 2004

Good day.

I really need some help! Someone here at our offices deleted a Access database
file. I retrieved the file, but now it doesn't want to open!!!!!!

It gives me the following error : Unrecognized database format (.mdb)

Will someone please let me know what I need to do to make this database to work as soon as possible!!!

Thank you


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Exporting Database Into Exe File?

Nov 8, 2011

I wonder if there is a way of exporting (or something) the database into an exe-file or something? I would like it to be as easy as possible to use for users that cannot control Access. In other words, I don't want to be able to be able to make changes to all the tables, querys, macros, etc. I only want the master form to start when I start the database (I use a macro for that).

Is it also possible to use it without having access installed on you computer?

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Database Does Not Want To Open MDA File

Jul 28, 2013

after I upgraded to win 7 my database refuses to use an .mda file, to which I refer to (Visual Basic menu, extras). I get the message that I should have installed this .mda file with administrator rights. I am the only user and administrator of my computer, and i cannot install this file (which I bought a long time ago) other than put it either into ....../office12 or into windows/system12 or windows/syswow64.I tried to register it under DOS (with administator rights) with regsvr32.exe but there I got the message that I should check whether this .mda is a 32 or 64 bit version.

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Assigning Workgroup To Just One Database File ?

Jul 26, 2005


I am trying to setup User Level Security around a Purchase Order Database that I created. Using the Wizard I was able to setup different users with different permissions.

However, as I found out the hard way (but I did recover it), 'joining' a PC to a my new security workgroup forces all Access databases on the PC to use this.

Is there a way to force just this one Access .mdb file to use the newly created PO Workgroup security file ?

I am aware of setting up a shortcut to point to thesecured db. Ie: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficemsaccess.exe" /wrkgrp "C:PO FormsMyWorkgroupFile.mdw" "C:PO FormsMyDB.mdb" /user

But despite the above shortcut, couldn't users just find out where it points to (by looking at the Properties of the shortcut), and open the .mdb file based on that ?

Thanks !

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MDE File Still Allows Me To Change Database Design

Mar 16, 2007

I've converted my DB into an MDE file as I understand this secures all the code and doesn't allow any changes to the database (table structure, queries, etc.).

However, when I now view my MDE file, I can still delete queries and change tables. But I cannot view forms in design mode and therefore get access to the code.

Any ideas?

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Hyperlink To Database Using Workgroup File

Jan 10, 2008

Is there anyone out there that can help me with this problem. I want to create a hyperlink in MS Outlook to my database file using my workgroup. The problem I'm having is when I put the following: file://"N:DbaseFilesSCC_Dbase.mdb" that works. It will open Access to that dbase file. But if I include the workgroup file associated like this: file://"N:DbaseFilesSCC_Dbase.mdb" /WRKGRP "N:DbaseFilesCSS_Issues.mdw" it doesn't work. Can someone please tell me why. I've been struggling with this for days now. I can't find any solutions.

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Import Excell File Into Different Database

Sep 20, 2006

Hi all, I'm trying to get the following done:
I have code which import Excel files into my database with the "DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet". which works great.
But I'm now splitting the database and I want to have the Excel files which a user selects in his frontend database, imported in my backend database. I don't see the possibility in the TransferSpreadsheet as this is set to the CurrentDb.
My temporary solution is to import in the frontend and CopyObject to the Backend, but does anyone have a direct solution?

Thanks, Rob

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Display Database File Name On Form

Sep 4, 2006

I wish to display my database file name on a form.
Can someone please advise me.


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Modifying Database From Excel File

Nov 4, 2004

I have a a database with a large number of email addresses in it.
I also have a list of email addresses stored in an excel file.

I would like to take the excel file and use it to check for the same email addresses in the access database and if they are present in the database add content to another field in the database to flag it.

Can anyone help?


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Disable File Import On The Database

Nov 29, 2004

I have a secure MS Access database, where users by default can only read data, but not write. How can I prevent them from importing or linking files, or inserting objects? I don't want to use any passwords in my database, since it's used inside the application. Thank you.

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How Can I Read A Text File Into A Database

Jan 4, 2005

This is what I would like to achieve

Each time a person comes into our building, they use a electronic key. The information is recorded into a text file. I would like to extract information as described next

The date from the line marked D. Date is marked in bold

The time from the line marked T. Time is marked in bold

The key number and Location from the line marked M. Key Number & Location is Marked in Bold

Sample of the text file:

D[ Fri 30/04/04 ]

T[ 08:19 ]

M[ Valid key:130 Ing group, tenancy:SUNCITY, door:Lower Roller Dr, panel:SURF CITY. ]

N[ 0 2 0 0 5 23 1 0 0 0 130 2 ]

D[ Fri 30/04/04 ]

T[ 08:22 ]

M[ Valid key:20 LEAD NGUYANST, tenancy:SUNCITY, shaft:0, panel:SURF CITY. ]

N[ 0 1 0 0 5 16 1 0 0 0 20 2 ]

D[ Fri 30/04/04 ]

T[ 08:23 ]

M[ Valid key:556 Ing Group, tenancy:SUNCITY, door:Lower Roller Dr, panel:SURF CITY. ]

N[ 0 2 0 0 5 23 1 0 0 0 556 2 ]

…..and so on the text goes

I am reasonably familiar with access but I have not had any experience with Text Files . Could someone post a sample db that would give me a starting point. any information would be appreciated.


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Cannot Update MS Access Database From ASP File

Oct 5, 2005

Can someone tell me how to get that inline frame inside the message for the code so it doesnt take up too much spaces.

I could not get the MS Access database to update from ASP when a user update the moditfied information. When clicking the 'save' button, it suppose to update the changes. Also, the 'delete' button is suppose to delete a record but it doesn't delete. It just reload the page with the original information and no error message is produced. I checked the permission of the database to 'read/write' but didnt seem to have any affect. Then I checked the code to match up to the field name in the database. I am moditfing the code that was used for same concept except this will have long list of people.


dim RstSave 'As ADODB.Recordset
dim frmItem 'As Request.Form.Item

'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write Request.Form("cmdTopic")

select case Request.Form("cmdTopic")

'***** Paragraph Text *****

case "Edit Paragraph Text"

if len(Request.Form("cmdSaveRec")) > 0 then

Set RstSave = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")


RstSave.Open SQL, Conn, 3, 2

if RstSave.BOF and RstSave.EOF then

'Step thru Recordset
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "Starting Recordset<BR>"
do While not RstSave.EOF
'Check each Item returned by the Form
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "ID: " & RstSave("ID") & "<BR>"
for each frmItem in Request.Form
'Is it a Record?
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "IsNumeric Results: " & Isnumeric(mid(frmItem,6)) & "<BR>"
if isnumeric(mid(frmItem,6)) then
'Does it Match the Current Record?
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "ID: " & RstSave("ID") & "-" & mid(frmItem,6) & " = 0 ?: " & (RstSave("ID") - Cint(mid(frmItem,6))) = 0 & " <BR>"
if RstSave("ID") = Cint(mid(frmItem,6)) then
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "Saving Record with ID: " & RstSave("ID") & " | " & Request.Form(frmitem) & " | " & Clng(Request.Form("txtHT" & mid(frmitem,6))) & "<BR>"
'Write the Form Field to the Recordset
RstSave("Text") = Request.Form("txtID" & mid(frmitem,6))
end if
end if
end if
set RstSave = Nothing
end if

'***** Patient Services *****

case "Edit Patient Services"

if len(Request.Form("cmdSaveRec")) > 0 then

Set RstSave = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

SQL = "SELECT * FROM tblPatientServ ORDER BY ID;"

RstSave.Open SQL, Conn, 3, 2

if RstSave.BOF and RstSave.EOF then

'Step thru Recordset
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "Starting Recordset<BR>"
do While not RstSave.EOF
'Check each Item returned by the Form
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "ID: " & RstSave("ID") & "<BR>"
for each frmItem in Request.Form
'Is it a Record?
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "IsNumeric Results: " & Isnumeric(mid(frmItem,10)) & "<BR>"
if isnumeric(mid(frmItem,10)) then
'Does it Match the Current Record?
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "ID: " & RstSave("ID") & "-" & mid(frmItem,6) & " = 0 ?: " & (RstSave("ID") - Cint(mid(frmItem,6))) = 0 & " <BR>"
if RstSave("ID") = Cint(mid(frmItem,10)) then
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "Saving Record with ID: " & RstSave("ID") & " | " & Request.Form(frmitem) & " | " & Clng(Request.Form("txtHT" & mid(frmitem,6))) & "<BR>"
'Write the Form Field to the Recordset
RstSave("Service") = trim(Request.Form("txtServID" & mid(frmitem,10)))
RstSave("Description") = trim(Request.Form("txtID" & mid(frmitem,10)))
end if
end if
end if
set RstSave = Nothing
end if

'***** Physician Directory *****

case "Edit Physician Directory"

if len(Request.Form("cmdSaveRec")) > 0 then

Set RstSave = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")


RstSave.Open SQL, Conn, 3, 2

if RstSave.BOF and RstSave.EOF then

'Step thru Recordset
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "Starting Recordset<BR>"
do While not RstSave.EOF
'Check each Item returned by the Form
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "ID: " & RstSave("ID") & "<BR>"
for each frmItem in Request.Form
'Is it a Record?
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "IsNumeric Results: " & Isnumeric(mid(frmItem,13)) & "<BR>"
if isnumeric(mid(frmItem,13)) then
'Does it Match the Current Record?
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "ID: " & RstSave("ID") & "-" & mid(frmItem,13) & " = 0 ?: " & (RstSave("ID") - Cint(mid(frmItem,13))) = 0 & " <BR>"
if RstSave("ID") = Cint(mid(frmItem,13)) then
'*** Debug Line ***'Response.Write "Saving Record with ID: " & RstSave("ID") & " | " & Request.Form(frmitem) & " | " & Clng(Request.Form("txtHT" & mid(frmitem,13))) & "<BR>"
'Write the Form Field to the Recordset
RstSave("LName") = trim(Request.Form("txtLName" & mid(frmitem,13)))
RstSave("FName") = trim(Request.Form("txtFName" & mid(frmitem,13)))
RstSave("Title") = trim(Request.Form("txtTitle" & mid(frmitem,13)))
RstSave("DEPT") = trim(Request.Form("txtDEPT" & mid(frmitem,13)))
RstSave("Phone") = trim(Request.Form("txtPhone" & mid(frmitem,13)))
end if
end if
end if
set RstSave = Nothing
end if

end select

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Access Database File Size

Jan 23, 2007

I had a massive Access file of almost a GB in size. and I deleted all records off the tables hoping it would shrink and my purpose was to have the tables alone in their structures. However despite deleting all records, the database file size seems to stay the same. anybody knows why this is so? I don't think we can "commit" changes to databases done in access as it is done in other databases. anybody knows why this is so?

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General :: Linking To A New Database File

Apr 11, 2013

I am trying to do some different things and want to experiment at this time. You may think this is a C# question, but I have searched everything I can and can't find an answer. Everybody seems to understand it differently and do not give good answers. I have found that Access people are more creative, are willing to take a chance, and will understand the question.

I created a C# project. I created a database with a table in C#. Now, I would like to dump my data from Access into that table. The database is an .sdf file. If I can do this, I may use this as an Access FE BE later on.

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Create Database From INI File Provided

Mar 3, 2012

An ancient application I'm working with came with .ini file which looks like an instruction set to create an access database. A sample few lines look like:



and so on.

Is there a way to get Access (2007 in my case) to create a new db by reading from this file? Or do I need to manually enter all this information.

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Import Data In Database From Snapshot File?

Apr 30, 2005

I want to import data in access or excel from snapshot file- *.snp. Can I?

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Access DB 2002 Corrupting Database File

Sep 1, 2005

I am trying to trouble-shoot an issue with a Access 2002 database. Basically I have the database file shared out on a local network and there are 4 users accessing it. Well, there are using Access 2003 when opening the db file, but every time they exit the db, it is getting corrupted beyond repair.

Any suggestions?

Could it be a version issue? Since I developed it in Access 2002 and they are accessing with a Client 2003ver?



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Microsoft Access Can't Find The Database File

Dec 4, 2006

We migrated on DB to a shared network drive. But the users cannot open the DB. It keep give an error message that microsoft access can't find the database file. Please advise.

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Split Database: Back End File Path (via Vba)

Mar 2, 2007

Hey guys,

How can I change the tables' splitted file path via vba?

Ex.: c: ables.mdb -> c:ew path ables.mdb

thank you.

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Batch File That Kicks Everyone Out Of Access Database

Nov 14, 2007

does such exist ?

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Export Tables To Zip File When Database Closes

Apr 14, 2008

I want all the tables of my database to export to a zip file when the users exit the database. this will serve as a sort of a backup of the data. Is this possible? if so, how?


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Reached Database Maximum File Size

Aug 27, 2004

I have some databases that I am importing data into but the records are so large (over 4 to 6 million) that they are making the file reached the 2 gig maximum.


1) I have the imput tables broken down in to thirds of a month (i.e. Day 1 to Day 10, Day 11 to Day 20, Day 21 to Day 31) so what I was thinking is that there might be a way to just like three different databases together or four and have one be the master puller of the other three?

2) Currently, I have reports and queries that pull from one large table. So how would I set up the query reports etc. to pull from all three databases into one reports or query. Or is this not possible.

If you think of a better way to arrange or work around this problem then I am surely open to suggestions.


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MS Word File Path &gt; Access Database, Possible?

Jun 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have been trying to figure this out for ages but I cant seem to get the code right or find any info on it.

In my database i have a mail merge on a button click which creates a new merged word document. I then need a way of when the user saves the document in word, bringing back the file path and putting it in a table called tblHistory with the correct customer ID in there too.

Any help appreciated



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