Two Tables Setup - Transfer A Record Between Two

Aug 29, 2015

I have two tables set up and am trying to transfer a record between two. I understand that the best method is to maintain one table and use fields to make the record appear in either based on the field but at the moment need to maintain the two until I have more time to merge etc.

I am receiving the following error:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Cardsmaintainedbyfacilities.33CAccessCard'.

Private Sub Command151_Click()On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO ExitingStaffData (ExitingStaffID, ExitingStaff , SupervisorDetails , ExecAccessCard , IDAccessCard , 33CAccessCard )"
strSQL = strSQL + " SELECT, Cardsmaintainedbyfacilities.ExitingStaff ,

[Code] ....

Works fine for all other lines (especially when I delete the line from the code). Just gets stuck on that line. I have checked both tables and the table and all associated data match - its a yes/no data type (same as Execaccesscard and IDCard). Just that one line crashes.

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Tables :: Cascading Combo Box Setup?

Sep 17, 2012

I have been reading about how to set the table up for cascading combo boxes. Some recommend breaking down into several tables, others say keep it to one table.

Mine is broken down to 5 tables (and work) but if you go to the form (split form) and make a change in design view - even something as simple as changing the width of a field - then the split table looses 2 fields information (the middle fields) but the information is still saved in the main (studentcourse) record table.

My question is how do i make it more stable so that the split form table section does not lose the information?

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Tables :: Transaction Table Setup To Adjust Inventory

Apr 22, 2013

I have a database that I use to put in orders for our shop and keep track of our part informations as well as paint and packing materials. Everything works good on this but I am trying to create a table for adjusting quantities on hand for packing material based on the part quantities and for adjusting paint in stock based on information given to me after the job is run.

There is already a relationship between parts and packing material as well as parts and paint. When I put an order in I would like to have it adjust out that many packing materials that are related to that part. Once a job is run I need to be able to adjust out the amount of paint used.

For the paint side of this I want it to track the paint used by order, we are trying to get a grasp on how much paint we are using for parts so it is important for me to know how much and when.

I am thinking I need a table that connects paint to orders and has quantities in it, then create a query and do the calculations from there... I do not know how to accomplish that but it sounds like it could be right...

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How To Transfer Record(s) To Another Database

Apr 3, 2006


I work in a hospital where each ward has its own identical but UNLINKED staff database. I wanted to make a single database but the management was adamant that for confidentiality they should each be standalone. I lost this argument!

Data is stored in 7 tables: Identity, annual leave, sick leave, qualifications, etc.

Too late, someone has realised that staff may transfer from one ward to another, so the whole record needs to be transferred. What's the best way to do this?

So far the process I have come up with is:
Choose the person you wish to export from the source database
Run 7 queries to export the records from the various tables e.g. to Excel
Create linked tables in the target database to pick up these records
Run import queries.

I set up a macro to run the 7 export queries, using the "OutputTo" action and specifying .xls for the output format. But the files created don't appear to be readable by Access. In Explorer, they only have the Windows icon and are just "files".

Does anyone know a better way to tackle this problem?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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Transfer Data To Other Tables ?

Sep 16, 2005

I am creating a Transport databse and got stuck into something.

I have created a master table " Vehicle Details " which inlcudes all the details of cars. Then i created two sub-tables " Vehicles in Garage" and " Vehicles assigned to Drivers". I will be using the forms ( ofcourse :) ) to enter and edit data. What now i want to do is from a master table i want to tranfer all details of a particular car either to " Vehicles in Garage" or " Vehicles assigned to drivers" tables/forms.

Is this possible ?


P.S. I hope this is the right section for this .

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Transfer Data Between Tables

Jan 16, 2008

I have imported a table from another database, and so I need to transfer data from the imported one, to another table in the database; only certain fields though. I have created the fields I want to copy the data into, in the second table. So I just need to go through all the rows in the second table, find the row in the imported table by ID, and take the data I want from it using VBA.

Does anyone have any idea what the code would look like?

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Access Record Transfer To Excel

Aug 8, 2006

Hey all,

Just a quick question to see if something is possible or not.

Basically i have a form which the users record errors which have happened with deliveries of our product and have to select the reason why this happened. What i have been asked to do is when the users are entering the reason 'incorrect address', they want to be able to click on a button and everything which they have entered for that record are appended to an excel spreadsheet. The are currently entering it twice...once in my database and once in a spreadsheet and they just want to reduce their workload.

This transfer of data is only needed when that specific reason is chosen from my combo box, no other reason. I don't have much knowledge of Excel, i was just wondering if this type of thing wa possible and if anyone could put me in the right direction. I have had a search for my problem, but havn't found anything similar to my pro. yet.

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General :: Transfer Data To Another Record?

May 1, 2013

we have got a table with the vehicle details with a sub forms (main Vehicle Details, Subform Booking details)

we cannot allocate a car until a week previous to the dates required.

we are using a recored (To booked) that we can store all the dates in, the idea really is to have a button we can click that brings up the parameter requesting the REG PLATE for the car that when entered will cut and copy the booking details from the NOT BOOKED into the corrosponding vehicle is this possible?

I dont mind a button beside each record in the sub form but really needs to cut + copy the fields beside it

Field Names are:
Date From
Time From

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Forms :: How To Transfer Information From Current Record Into A Subform

May 8, 2013

I have a form which contains a subform. On this subform, the user will enter several lines of container ID numbers. If one of these containers has errors, they check a yes/no box and a pop up form opens for them to enter the details of the errors.

I want two fields that are populated on the subform to transfer information to the corresponding two fields on the pop up form. This works when only one container ID has been added to the subform. However, when there are multiple containers in the subform and the container with the errors happens to be the second or third record on the subform, the pop up form always transfers the information from the first record to those fields.

I also have the subform requerying when the check box is checked so that the information saves to the table and the focus does stay on the correct record but the pop up form still opens with the wrong information.

how to transfer the information from the record that the user is currently on?

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Reports :: Transfer Sub Total To Next Page And Limited Record

Mar 13, 2014

As you 'll see my files, have one report into my database and i need to print it like in the SHEET SAMPLE Word document. My problem is how can I force the record excess, for example the 10 at the footer to print "In tranfer" with the sub total in previous! and in the next page to print the continuous sub total (From transfer) at the place of the 11th record meaning the first row on the detail of report and to continue on the last page to print in the last row the grand total (TOTAL).2nd problem is when the record for example is 2 to continue to print blank row to the last one and print the grand total (TOTAL).

P.S.1 I have posted it and the original sheet as it must be on print in, Excel file and it is important to print it with gridlines.

P.S.2 As you try to open the database please ignore the message saying the start form is missing

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General :: Transfer Tables Directly To Backend Database?

Mar 12, 2013

I'd like to to import some large oracle tables from a remote server using "DoCmd.TransferDatabase..." on a daily basis. Currently, the system works, but my database is getting quite large (800 Mb) and I'd like to split off the tables to a back end database.

Is there a way to import directly to the back end database? The postings that I've seen seem to imply that one must first import the tables into my front end, then export them into the back end. Does that sound correct?

I'm at home right now, but will give it a try when I get to work. It just seems like there's got to be a more direct way!

Jon Mulder
Department of Water Resources
Red Bluff, CA

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Tables :: Transfer Data From Table Or Query To Second Table

Apr 25, 2014

Let's say that there're 2 workers: Worker A, and Worker B, and they are fixing some engines. There's 2 different engines: Engine A, and Engine B. And these workers are fixing these engines for all day, and in the evening they have to register how many engines they've fixed.

And my job is to design Access database for them. I thought it will be very easy to do; I've created table with columns: Date, Worker, Engine, Quantity - so every day Worker A and Worker B can register, that they have repaired some amount of Engines A and Engines B.

But there's a problem that I also have to register how many Engines have arrived to the factory, and how many of them weren't repaired on time (E.g. 15 Engines A have arrived, Worker A fixed 5, Worker B fixed 5 so there's 5 engines left for tomorrow)

I've figured out that I should somehow create table IncomingEngines with columns Date, Engine, Incoming, Fixed, Undone (field Fixed should be completed automatically every day for every engine - it would be a sum of engines A and engines B fixed by worked A and worker B - so I could fill Incoming field manually)

It's easy to create this kind-of Query, but I can't add column to querry, or edit it.

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Tables :: How To Transfer Data From A Table To Another Table

Jan 21, 2014

I am new in using MS Access. We have this thesis that checks the attendance of the professors and then sends the ID number of the professor to MS Access. I am using smsenabler as the software to encode the ID numbers to the database.

The problem is that, I want to transfer the ID numbers to specific table for the professors name. I don't know how to do it. And I can't make the ID numbers as primary keys because it duplicates every time the professor scans his/her ID.

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Need Some Help With Setup

Mar 7, 2005

Trying to set up a database in access to be used for customers to track payment history problems. how does this sound???? ...

Table 1 would have fields: account # ; account name; region

Table 2 (would need a separate table? ) With fields: account #; date entered; entered by; Comments:

I Need to be able to enter multiple entries for payment history comments as this will be info entered by date to track

So data would look like:

Account #: 111-11111 Account name: test company Region: new york

Entry date: 3/5/05 Entered by: Joe Shmoe Comments: Company short paid, sent letter 3/5/05 requesting additional $$

Entry date 3/10/05 Entered by: Sue Smith Comments: Sales office says there is a problem with the bill, extend grace period.

I can’t put this in one table right?
I will have many entry dates & comments for an account that I would like to print out in a report.
Wouldn’t I need 2 tables with a relationship linked by account #?

Thanks... I will be around the rest of the day to respond to any commments..
please help me with setting this up..

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Password Setup

Jun 23, 2005

I'm creating a data access page that can be used over the internet to add information into the database. The database is password protected. The functionality currently is that when a user accesses the data access page, they need the database password in order to submit information. We don't have a small number of users and giving all these people the password to the database would comprimise the security of the system.

I am looking for a functionality such that the people that edit the database, either by the front end application or by opening the database directly to be password protected. But the data access page not to be.

Any ideas on how I can achieve this functionality?

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Help With Database Setup

Aug 24, 2006

I have a database for an event with 2 main tables.
Parents and Children of the parents with a one to many relationship.
I need to be able add the table number that each parent and child will be at (not the same table as parent). I could add another field for the table to each database but not all the entries are attending the event.

Could someone point me in the right direction as to the best way to design this.


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Advice On Setup

Jul 23, 2007

I have a database that contains information on football games. There are many
different games from many different seasons, teams, opponents.

I will eventually have a fairly large number of different reports and forms
that will want to be viewed but filtered by the above three catagories.
Usually all of the reports at any given period of time while running the
reports will want to be viewed off the same criteria as the one before. (i
don't think you would want to have to fill out the parameter manually for
each report or you will be entering redundent data as the parameter report
after report.)

I was thinking of having a form with 3 multi select list boxes, [seasonlst]
, [teamlst] , [opponentlst] and having each form filter information based of
the values entered in each box.

Is this the best way to do it or is there a better way?

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Table Setup

Sep 7, 2005

I have ta table that has the following fields:

factorID (Primary key, AutoNumber)
supplierID (Foreign key to suppliers table)
categoryID (Foreign key to Categories)

I'd like to ensure that there is only one Supplier/Category pair in the table, but I can't figure out how to set it up to achieve this. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Table Setup

Feb 3, 2006

I've thought I had a decent understanding of database normalization but I've come across a fairly simple problem that I'm having difficulty resolving.

I have a database which I use to track submittals from companies.

Originally it was set up as follows:

Company_ID (PK)
Company (No duplicates allowed)

Submittals_ID (PK)
Company_ID (FK)

Now I've decided that I want to add a contacts table with fields such as first name, last name, company, etc. My dilemma is that in the Submittals table I need to keep track of which company the submittal is from but I don't care WHO it is from.

So I created another table as follows:

Contact_ID (PK)
Company_ID (FK)

This will work except that when I add a new contact I will have to add code to see if the company exists in the tblCompany before I add it.

It doesn't seem like this would be the correct way to set this up because I'm adding the same data to 2 different tables.

I'm sorry if this seems like a stupid question. Thanks for your input.

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Table Setup

Mar 29, 2006

HiNew to the forum and pretty new to MS Access.Here's what I intend to do.I want a table for Special Tasks. This will include TaskID, Date, Time, Reason, Description and Dependencies.I want a table of staffFor each task each member of staff will have a tick box for "Needs to Read" and "Has Read".In a form I want to be able to enter new tasks using the task table, I also want to use a subform that allows me access to the list of staff and if they have read the task or not.There is probably an easy way round this but at the moment it's just not clicking into place.Can someone point me in the right direction for table setup and relationships ??

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Help With Table Setup

Dec 27, 2007

Hello, I am having difficulties normalizing my tables. So far, i have 4 tablestblODF:- ODFNumber (PK, manually enter ID)- UserName (txt)- QueueID (number)- ScanDate (date)- Status (text)tblEmployee- EmployeeID (pk, autonumber)- UserName (txt)- LastName(txt)- FirstName(txt)- Extension(number)tblQueue- QueueID(Pk, autonumber)- Queue (txt)tblStatus- StatusID(pk, autonumber)- Status(txt)I am also having problems setting up the relationshipsI want to setup a query and i want all these data to appear:- ODFNumber (txt)- UserName (txt)- ScanDate (date)- Queue (txt)- Status (txt)I am really stuck in setting up the tables and their relationship. So in short, help:DThank you, (some of you might recognize this project)

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Table Setup Help...

Mar 17, 2008

I've approached this once before but I never did figure out how to go about setting up this table. If anyone can steer me in the right direction I'd appriciate it!

Overview: I have 25 products that I track repairs on. I am given quotas every month for some or all of those products. All this data needs to be kept vs overrighting last months quota information with this month's.

What I have done was created a table with columns of: ProductID, 1/08, 2/08, 3/08, 4/08, etc... and ran that out for a years time. So, that is how my table is currently formatted...

Now when I need to pull out information I have a query that looks at a particular month column and compairs that to my work table. However, every month I need to go into that query and change the column name it looks at in my quota table. This again works, but is it the best way? I also need to pull out history information month by month for a production graph. The query I had to build again requires me to manually go in and enter new month information every time it's needed.

It just seems to me that there is probably a better way to format this quota table. If I remember correctly someone suggested to me that I needed to normalize this table; and the format suggested was more like:
productID; date; quota
But instead of just having 25 lines I will now have 25 each month. That just seems like it'll get excessive real quick...

SO; if there are any great ideas for setting up this quota table vs what I am currently using I would really like to know!


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Table Setup

Jun 10, 2005

any ideas on how I go about this:

I want to keep track of projects and people on projects but most of all money that people will get.

1 project my have many individuals on it
1 individual may be in many projects

so i guess i need 2 tables with a junction table linking them both up (is that right?)

thats the easy bit....

On each project there will be a deposit (e.g. Project A is left with deposit of £100). i need to work out firstly 20% of that deposit and then split that 20% between the individuals who are involved with the project. (e.g deposit for Project A is £100, so £20 gets split between the individulas who are assigned to that project).

So I want my database to firstly look to see how many indviduals are assigned to a project and then split the money accordingly.

firstly where do i record the individual split amounts and how do i work it out?

to make things a bit more complicated i also need another table with expense claims. this i guess is a One to Many relationship with the individual table. but what i want to do is be able to record the total balance between expenses claimed and the deposits splits mentioned earlier.

all this and it needs to be in a form that makes it easy to input the data.

i have the general layout in my head just cant work out how to go about linking the tables up and how to do the calculations

thanks in advance for any help


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Modules & VBA :: Linking Tables By Auto Inserting A Record Using Current Record

Aug 19, 2013

I have two forms both with separate tables

(1) Register and
(2) Payments.

One of the common denominators between them is the URN which is auto-populated as it is an auto number field. My issue is that when I want to add a new record to the payments table using the forms (I can get to the payments form via the register form), I want to be able to identify the record that I am currently viewing within the register and auto populate the URN field with the same number. This is what I have done so far,

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub AttachPaymentDetails()
Call PerformInsert("tblFinancialBudget", "frmFinancialBudget")
End Sub


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Tables :: Auto Fill Values In New Record With Data From Previous Record

Apr 29, 2015

How to fill values in a new record with data from previous record?

I've total 11 columns in a table and values in 3 4 columns are repeating for few rows before it needs to be changed eventually. I want to fill these rows with values from previous record.

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Reports :: View One Record From Master Table And Many Record From Slave Tables

Dec 23, 2013

I have got problem with ms access report. I want to make a report which is based on

1) first master table
2) first slave table
3) second slave table

I have done some research and decided to do some form with subform. So I have got the view one record from master table and many record from slave tables in one view.

But it turned out that it has become duplicate records. (the relationship are ok - it duplicate master record as many as slave records)

1) how i can do ms access report from multiple tables - one master record with multiple records form slaves tables

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