Two Tables With No Primary Key But A Common Field

Jun 15, 2006

Hi guys,

I am having problem with a query.

I have to tables. One named wire and the other named Input.
As my title says there is not unique ID for the tables to relate.. the only thing to relate is one ID where is not unique for all the rows

In the Wire Table I have 3 rows using the same ID, lets say 123.
In the Input Table I have 1 row using the same ID as above, i.e. 123

I need to select a couple of fields from Wire Table and 1 field from Input Table
The only relationship I have is the ID 123.... since the ID in Wire Table is repeated in 3 rows.... I would like to use the same value from the Input Table to be the same for the 3 rows in the other table.. Below is an example:

Wire Table:

ID Group
123 A
123 B
123 C

Input Table
ID Description
123 Analog

My wanted result would be

Group Description
A Analog
B Analog
C Analog

I tried using the Left join or Join function, but somehow the resulting table has many duplicates of the rows...such as:

Group Description
A Analog
A Analog
A Analog
A Analog
A Analog
B Analog
B Analog
B Analog
B Analog

Any Idea on whats going on and how can i solve this problem????

Thanks in advance. Your Help is much appreciated

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Tables :: Keep Primary Key Consistent As Data Saved In Other Tables Will Use Field

May 1, 2014

i have 4 supplier tables with identical field names but different databases in sql.I want to have them all in one table and only want the information for reference i do not want to edit any of the data.I need to create a new primary key number for the complete table. The data will need to be refreshed as the data comes from MMS Sage looking at company PLsuppliers.

I have tried a linked SQL union view- but this has no primary key.I need to keep the Primary key consistent as the data saved in other tables will use this field.The overall goal is creating a Purchase order system and this list will be my complete supplier list.

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Tables :: Linking Tables With No Common Data And Different Numbers Of Observations?

Apr 15, 2014

I am doing a project where we are collecting home owner data and information on all the dogs in the household. The data for homeowner has an autonumber primary key because no field is unique or has been consistently collected. I am struggling to link the data for the dogs to the owners because an autonumber primary key will not work since not all homes have dogs. I need to have this set up so that people who are not tech savvy can look up each homeowner (or dog) and get the dog (or home owner) information. And to make things even more fun we need up to 15 potential dogs per household each of whom will have 18 different pieces of data collected.

It looks a little like this (and you can see my not matching ID issue):

Homeowner table
ID First Name Last Name...........Total Dogs
1 Max Maximus 5
2 Min Minimus 0
3 Mus Musculus 1

Dogs 1-5 table
ID Date Dog 1 Name Dog 2 Name .......Dog 5 Name
1 (Max's) 4/11/14 Bobby Billy Betty
2 (Mus's) 4/11/14 Jojo

Min will have no dog records at all, just home to link the dog's to the homeowners .

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Tables :: Making Primary Key A Calculated Field

Sep 24, 2012

I am trying to make my primary key in my table a calculated field.

I want the field to be subject + catalog + topic no. The only problem is that there is not always a topic no.

How would I write this expression?

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Tables :: Setting Primary Key On A Calculated Field?

Apr 18, 2013

Is there anyway to set a calculated field as the primary key? Or how to duplicate the value of a calculated field into a new field and set the new field as the primary key?

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Tables :: Setting Primary Keys To More Than One Field In Table / But They Cannot Have Null Values

Nov 30, 2012

Access 2010..One organization that we work with provides us with a block of numbers for each of the two types of contract products we order from them; we do order non-contract stuff from them also.The block of numbers are the same (i.e. 20000 to 30000 this year) for each of the two products. This means that each product can have the number 20000, for example. We call this the Tracking Number. If it is one of these products, we need to select the Contract Number.

For all other one off orders we have with them, we assign our own Tracking Number starting with 00001. This Tracking Number cannot duplicate unless it is one of the aforementioned two products.Both the Tracking Number and Contract Number are in the same table. The user selects the Contract Number from a form (connected to the Contract Number table that has all the details on the contract) and the Contract Number is populated in the same table that has the Tracking Number.Each order must have a Tracking Number (no null)..Not all orders need a Contract Number (null okay).The Tracking Number and Contract Number combination cannot duplicate.I tried setting the primary keys to more than one field in the table, but they cannot have null values.

If not... I have been working on Plan B.... an AfterUpdate on the form (either the form or a field... don't know yet) that looks at a query that only has results if there are duplicate values.

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Tables :: Error - No Unique Index Found For Referenced Field Of Primary Table

Oct 8, 2013

I am trying to create a one-to-many relationship between these two tables. I want to be able to access the 3 fields on the [Processors] table within reports based on [AllItems]. [AllItems] is a listing of account activity where the [AccountNumber] repeats. I have every field set as the "Primary Key" on [AllItems] as that is the only way to avoid importing duplicate data. I am getting the error: "no unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table"

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Matching (find All In Common) Two Tables Of Titles

Aug 12, 2005


I have two tables of titles (DVDs and CDs). Each table has a price associated with each title in an adjacent column. I would like to match the titles between them and compare prices. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. EDS

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Common Data In Two Tables Of Different Size, How Do I Append From One To The Other..?

Jul 23, 2006


Firstly I would like to state that i have very little knowledge of Access databases (my job is not computer related) but I am trying my best to get a few issues sorted...
So here it goes: I have 2 tables, one large table with about 3-4000 rows(horizontal lines), and a smaller table with only about 1000 rows.

The rows in the big table contain Products (name, dates, adresses, phone numbers etc) and every product has a 'Codename' in a column-line (vertical)
of the big table. (there are about 3000-4000 products)
In the small table there exists a similar column-line (vertical) that contains 'Codenames' of the Products listed in the big table, but there are only ~ 1000 'Codenames' not the full 4000 ! The reason for this is that in the small table there exists another column-line(vertical) that for every code listed (in the small table) contains a certain specific "description".

My task is to get all the 1000 "descriptions" from the small table inserted into the Big table accordingly to their proper 'Codename'. This means createing a new column in the big table and: if the codename exists in small-table insert the description in the new column-cell, if the codename doesnt exist in small-table leave new-cell empty...

How do i do this ? :) Im guessing some coding is envolved.. and i have no clue whatsoever....
Thank you,
George P.

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Queries :: How To Query Number Of Records Not Common To Two Tables

Aug 9, 2013

I have two tables, identical in terms of structure (number & names of fields etc.) but different in terms of content (records not necessarily the same, some may be common to both, some may only be present in one or other table)

I want to set up a query to count the number of records which are present in one table (Table A) but not in the other (Table B) using a common identifier field, and put the numerical result in a text box on a form (i.e. use the query as the control source for the text box)

I've managed to come up with the following which provides the list of ID's :


SELECT tblA.CommentId
FROM tblA LEFT JOIN tblB ON tblA.Id = tblB.Id
WHERE tblB.Id Is Null;

Which will come in useful elsewhere but how do I adjust this SQL to only return the number of records? I think I have to use COUNT(*) somehow but I'm not familiar with it and not sure of the syntax?

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Extracting Common Data From Tables To View In A Report

Nov 12, 2012

I have a feedback database with 3 tables, one for complaints, compliments and other. They have the standard common fields such as name, address, date received, nature of enquiry, investigating officer etc etc.A person can have more than one record in the complaints table and that same person could also have 1 one more records in the compliments and others table. What I would like to do is to be able to display the data for that same person that appears in the complaints, compliments and others table in a report using a search facility by either name or address. This will therefore display the number of times that this person has made contact together with dates and the reasons.

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How Do You Find The Most Common Value In A Field

Mar 27, 2008

I am OK with a number field as I can put it in Excel and use =Mode().

But that wont do text such as lastname, suburb etc. I can do suburb by doing postcode but no such equivalent from some others I want to do

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Displaying Data From Two Databases That Have A Common Field

Mar 30, 2005

I'm a complete novice when it comes to dynamic data so forgive my ignorance.
My database contains details of projects in progress. A user can click a link in a list and
display a summary of that project (okay so far - I've done that bit) - in the database though there
are two tables the second one lists project events/comments (title, date, job number and description) - when something interesting
happens during a project we add to the 2nd database a summary of what happened (we made 2nd db because the list
of things happening could be one entry or 50 entries) - the tables are links by the job number.
On the web site I would like that when a user clicks the link to display the info about a project it all also pulls info from
the second db but for the project with the same number.

I've hard coded a similar thing before "select * from tblProducts where category like 'Off Road and Dirt Bikes'" but in
this case instead of hard typing 'Off Road and Dirt Bikes' I'd like it to automatically insert the job number of the project
being looked at from the first database.

I don't think I've explained this as well as I could've - but if anyone could help I will be really grateful.

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Forms :: Show Records With One Common Field Value

May 23, 2013

I'm a beginner trying to build a simple database for work. I'm trying to track the performance of bonds from month to month, in this case January-April. Each bond has a serial number called Serial_ID, but we wanted to create a record for each month we own the bond, so we created a primary key combining Serial_ID and start date called Serial_Start_Date. So if we own one bond, its January record would have a primary key of "4553123A 2013-01-01" and February would be "4553123A 2013-02-01". I created a form that allows a user to select one individual month's bond and display that month's return. However, I'm struggling to find a way to create a form that allows me to just select the Serial_ID and display the four month's records. Right now there is only one table in the database.

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Assign Incrementing Number Based On Common Field

Apr 16, 2013

My access database is used to process vehicle trips. Each shift, a vehicle is assigned a docket number (paper based), and on this docket the driver fills out each trip he/she makes. In a shift (thus on a docket) there may be 5 - 15 trips. I want to create an incrementing number for each trip in a new field - can be created as they are processed or after the fact by looping through the resultant data - whatever is easier.

So in simple terms, return all trips for each docket number then number each trip.

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Reports :: Open Multiple Reports With A Common Field

Mar 30, 2014

I have four forms named [Information Form], [Evidence Form], [Subject Form], and [Vehicle Form]. The Final Form is a Tabbed Form named [New Incident]. The tabbed form has four tabs, with each tab displaying one of the forms above. I also have a Print Command Button named [Print All] underneath the tabbed portion of the [New Incident] form.

Also, All of the four forms are set to data entry - yes, so that on open they will be clean and read for new record entry. I need the [Print All] button to do, just that, print everything that has or has not just been entered into the four forms, even if some are printed blank because they were not necessary for this particular report. One thin of note is that each form on the tab has a field for the "Incident Number" which will be the same for all four forms.

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Number In Primary Key Field Gets Increased Each Time When Jump To A New Field?

Dec 15, 2012

Assuming the following table:

Album ID AlbumTitle Song Rating

When I enter data, Album ID increases every time I jump to the next field. For example, when I enter: AlbumTitle, Song, Rating, Album ID is already at 4 and this is just the first record.

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Autonumber-primary Key Across 2 Tables

Feb 1, 2008


I need to create a table with 2 sets of different information both referring to job types. the problem is that i need the autonumber which created the job number to scale together. so both tables have a primary key of "job number" and i want the autonumber to only ever use 1 number in both tables.


job type 1 - autonumbers - 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10
job type 2 - autonumbers - 5,8,11,12

is there anyway of achieving this?

Any help greatly appreciated

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Tables :: Same Primary Key In One-to-one Relationships?

Aug 20, 2013

I have mapped everything out and built it in Access (but haven't entered any data yet). My question relates to structure. The data is based on artifacts, each piece is recorded with an automatically generated primary key in the main table. There are a number of features (type, decoration etc.) that are documented in related tables (included in/linked to the main table with foreign keys). Aside from these (the features I will query on), each piece has a number of characteristics to be recorded (size, colour etc.). Because of form/table size, I have broken the information into three tables (a main table with ID details, a second with Sizing and Dimensions, and a third with Materials etc.).

My question is: Can the main ID primary key from the main ID table also be used as the primary key in the 2 other basic information tables, with these 2 linked to the main table in one-to-one relationships (so it's an auto-number in the main table and an integer in the other two). This to me would be much easier to navigate than to have one long giant table with all these basic details.

I have created a main data entry form with a "navigation form". 5 tabs/pages. Tab/Page 1 = main ID. 2 and 3 are the two broken apart tables mentioned above. 4 and 5 are forms based on related tables that have their own subforms included. Both 4 and 5 are based on tables in which the main ID primary key is entered as a foreign key (in one-to-many relationships with the main table). Since this was done with a navigation form (instead of adding each of the 4 as subforms), will it still allow me to enter all relevant details for one piece into each tab/page, and save it all together automatically (whenever I enter a new piece into the main ID form)? Will the primary key be automatically generated throughout, or do I have to enter it manually in each tab/page?

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Tables :: Looking Up Data Using A Primary Key

Mar 13, 2014

My Access 2010 skill level is intermediate.I have a table with 4 fields.

EmployeeID (Primary Key)

The problem I have is that in the Supervisor field, it identifies the supervisor by his/her EmployeeID. I would like to create a query or merge tables so that the SupervisorID can look for a matching value in the EmployeeID field and return the last name/first name.

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Tables :: Primary Key Can't Contain Null Value

Aug 28, 2013

I am importing data from excel and I want to put a primary key on a column but it doesnt let me saying "primary key cant contain a Null value", coz I have a "NO" or "O" value. But i dont understand why is it a problem as I have specified the field as text not number.Also is it necessary for the table to have a key ?

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Tables :: Composite Primary Key

Jun 2, 2013

Composite Primary Key in Ms Access 2010. I shall try and explain my tables in detail. So my first table is "Client Database" where the field "Buyer" is primary key. This is connected to my next table "Project Database" which has fields such as Work Order #, PO #, PO Date , Buyer etc where Work Order # is the primary key. Finally "Projects Database" is connected to Order information. Now the problem is until now, I always had 1 PO # for each Work Order #. However now I am facing a situation where my client has clubbed multiple PO #'s for the same Work Order #. I need to trigger the Primary Key Violation only if both the Work Order # and the PO # are the same.

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Newbie Help! Primary Key Not Carrying Through Tables

Aug 1, 2005

I have constructed a DB for work to record accidents, however I am running into problems. On each form I have a button that Saves the data closes the current form and opens the next form, depending on what data was entered. I have this ruuning fine using this code,

Private Sub SaveRecord_Click()

Dim NextForm As String

If Me.Status = "Pupil / Child" Then
NextForm = "StudentDetail"
NextForm = "EmployerDetails"
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm NextForm
End Sub

Private Sub SaveRecord_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

Dim NextForm As String

If Me.Status = "Pupil / Child" Then
NextForm = "StudentDetail"
NextForm = "EmployerDetails"
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm NextForm

End Sub

The primary key of this form is "PersonKey" and the two forms taht could open, each have"PErsonKey" as a foriegn key. However the key does not get brought across into the next form and the save function does not appear to work on all forms... :confused:

I put another button on this form using the control button wizard, and it gave me this code,

Private Sub Command23_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command23_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command23_Click

End Sub

However when I run this from the form, it tells me that the "PersonKey" field needs a value.... :confused:

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Linking Tables Using AutoNumber Primary Key

Mar 13, 2006

I have three tables.

EAch has a field called ID that is an Autonumber that is the primary key.

When I enter data via a form each record has a different ID across the three tables.

Does this mean they are not linking up correctly?

I have attached my databaset if that helps.


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Tables :: Joint Table Primary Key

Sep 16, 2013

In a many-to-many relation, one create joint table and use two columns of both ID's in a Composite way. This what the text books recommend.I had a Form/subform to view the relation between the two table. I tried to add to the subform a new relation Access did not allow me to do it. I can go to the joint table in datasheet view and ADD to my heart content observing the unique condition.

If I change the design of the joint table to auto as PK and the two ID's with no PK in either, I can update from the subform .WHY the Composite Keys do not allow me to update the joint table by adding new records in the subform ???

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Tables :: Two Part Primary Key With One Null Value

Jun 25, 2013

I have just inherited a database that currently has no primary key set up. I wanted to add a two part primary key, but have run into a couple problems. The purpose of the database is to keep track of parts that have come back for repair. I wanted to set the key up to be a combination of the call number and the part serial number. I should always have a serial number, but the serial number can be in the table more than once, as it could have needed repaired more than once. I will normally have a call number for each record.

However, the call number could be repeated more than once, if more than one part came in on the call. The combination between call number and serial number should always be unique (each time a part comes in, it should be on a different call). My problem is arising, when a part is just pulled off the shelf of the factory and sent in for an upgrade. In a case like that, there is no call number. However, a serial number will never come in more than once without a call number.

So the combination of call number and serial number should still remain unique. When I try to set this up in the database, it tells me that the primary key cannot contain a null value (referring to the times that a serial number comes in without a call number). I want to get this set up so that the people entering data in the database will not be able to enter the call number, serial number combination more than once. How can I do this if one part of the primary key can be null?

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