URGENT!!! Time Registry On User Entry

Nov 21, 2006

Hi I'm a newbie in access, i've read almos all of the threads posted

my problem is that I need to register times

for example
I ask for user number (this is an exlcusive number)
and by the time User clicks on Accept i need acces to record this time

user 19394 time 7:35 am (for example)

can this be done in access??

and another i need acces to display a pop-up message like

"User 19394 Jhon Smith
is this correct?"

can you help me

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Urgent: Determining SQL Server User Name & Group From Access

Oct 17, 2005

I have designed an application in Access with an SQL backend.

How do I determine the user logged into SQL from within my Access application.

Specifically what stored procedures can i use to determine
1. The user name
2. The user's group(s)

of the currently logged-in user.

I would appreciate any other techniques for solving this problem



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Queries :: Employee Time In And Time Out Entry

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to create an Access database where I can let the employees enter their time-in and time-out, at the end of their shift. I already created this function working, but running into another issue. Everyday, employees need to enter a break. Sometimes they take a break and sometimes they don't, if they work shorter hours. Thus, the break is not a default 30min and has to be enterd by the employee.

Below is the code I have to calculate the total hour:

txtCalcTime has the below code in control source:
=Int([CalcTime]/60) & ":" & Int([CalcTime] Mod 60)

Control source for this form "FrmTimes" property, in which Txtcalctime resides:

"QryTimes" query has the code below:
SELECT TimeID, TimeIn, TimeOut, Brake, DateID, DateDiff("n",[TimeIn],[TimeOut]) AS CalcTime
FROM EmpTimes;

This shows the total number of hours worked. But how can I make it to substract the break time entered by the employee in "txtbreak" on FrmTimes

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Creating Recordset With Only One Entry Per User

Nov 25, 2005


i am trying to write a query to produce a descending recordset of photo_id but only one from each user e.g

if these are the top records

photo_id 150 m_name dave
photo_id 149 m_name dave
photo_id 148 m_name dave
photo_id 147 m_name john
photo_id 146 m_name john
photo_id 145 m_name fred

i want the query to produce this

photo_id 150 m_name dave
photo_id 147 m_name john
photo_id 145 m_name fred

and so on, there are other fields also but that gives you the idea i hope.
what i have come up with is this


this gives me the records i want in the correct order but it gives multiple instances of each M_Name instead of just one record for each M_Name

i hope i have explained this clearly enough



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User Friendly Data Entry

Jun 29, 2006

Please Exuse the question I am about to ask. I am a bit rusty with Access and cant remember how to do the following. I have tried and tried to work it out and tried various help searches but cant get the answer I'm looking for.

What I need to do is create a data entry form, very simple! However I want the user to be prompted to enter a project name and number in order to find the project that i want the new data to be entered under. Then it will need to create a new record in that project ready for new data to be entered from the data entry form.

I hope it is clear what I need to do

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User Must Save On Form Or No Entry

Feb 3, 2005


Can someone please tell me how to make it so that a user must save on a form or there is nothing entered into the table? As it stands anyone who views the form creates a new record.

Thanks in advance!

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Capturing User Name From Form Field Entry

Feb 6, 2007

In this db, the users select their name from a dropdown in an auto-open form, but with no password. I want to capture this value for use as the default value in a field on another form, but with the first form closed. I have seen the ENVIRON(Username) function referred to many times on here, but I need to capture the entered value, not the Windows or network login.

Is this possible without leaving the form open? I suppose I could just set its Visible to False when they enter their name, but I try not to have any more windows open than are necessary.

THANKS for your help!!

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Time Entry Validation

Mar 3, 2005

I am trying to validate a time entry in a form, where the time is part of a Date/Time field. What I am trying to ensure is that the time entered is in working hours (in this case 0900 - 1700). I want to raise an error message.

Thus: 20/02/2005 08:30:45 is not OK, while 20/02/2005 09:03:45 is.

Can anyone help me on this?

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Short Time Entry

Jan 5, 2008

I'm trying to refine another of my time entries. To enter a Short time (eg 10:35), I have to type in the four digits AND the semi-colon in the middle.

I would like to be able to enter only the four digits with Access making it into the correct format.

I have achieved a similar effect in Excel using code like

TimeVal = Left(Value, 2) & ":" & Right(Value, 2)

I tried writing something similar in the Before_Update Event, but it was rejected!! Any ideas? - Thanks, Andrew.

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Simplify Entry Of Date/time

Jun 29, 2006

Hi, hope someone has an idea of where to start on this.

Our company offers projects to multiple contractors and we have to enter when we spoke to them and their response. I put a textbox with default of Now(), thinking these would be recorded in real time and it would be no effort at all. But the offers are frequently entered days later, and keying in dozens of specific dates/times in the long format is very irritating for users.

Does anyone know of something similar to the DatePicker or calendar popups that will let you use arrows or comboboxes or something to quickly enter a time? We record date, hour & minute (no seconds) because it updates the contractor's order on the rotation list (i.e., next call is made to the contractor who has been waiting the longest for an offer). No ActiveX please, we're in secured network environment.

Thanks in advance.

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Read Registry

Jan 4, 2006

Happy New Year All,

I know that I've done this sometime or another, but does anyone have a
code snippet for reading a Registry entry? Also, what reference?


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Updating DB Only When User Clicks Save (and Not When Entry Fields Are Edited)

Oct 20, 2005


I want to only save changes made to the DB row when the user clicks the Save button I created. I have some text boxes which currently are bound to different columns in the given row (ex: name, address).

Right now, changes are updated automatically when the form is closed or when focus moves to a different tab page.

Is there any simple way to do this? Currently all form input objects are bound to their respective columns (ex: name, address). Should they be bound, or should I just perform a query when the form opens to find the specified item then load the different fields into the proper text boxes.

Also, when I TAB through all my input boxes and the TAB focuses on my Tab Conrol Object the text boxes are automatically updated with the next item n the DB (next row). How can I prevent this?


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Forms :: Prevent User Navigating From A Field If Entry Is Invalid

Mar 5, 2013

I need to ensure that the data entered into a field on a form is correct. The field contains an email address and I have a function to check if the format is correct.

If the format is incorrect I need the cursor to return to the field in that record. The form is continuous.

What event should I use?

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Open Tab Control For Data Entry When No Records In Table For User?

Nov 29, 2014

I am trying to open TabCtl86 forms in AddData mode if there are no records in a table for a user chosen form cboClientSearch. The tab control has three pages on it. At the moment I am getting an error saying "the form named '0' is either misspelled or doesn't exist".

I am using this at the moment; DoCmd.OpenForm Controls!TabCtl86, acFormDS, , , acFormAdd, acDialog

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Military Time - No Colon Separator For Key Entry

Mar 15, 2014

We have a new contractual requirement to track all time spent on Military contracts and report it to our Prime Contractor annually.

I am trying to put into Access 2010, basically the same functionality that I have built into Excel time sheets for years; that is simple entry of time in military time using 3 or 4 keystrokes depending on the time of day.

I have a table which records an employee's employee number and job that he or she is working on. I have formatted fields to short for Start Time and Stop Time, and I have a Calculated field also formatted short for elapsed time, however I need to have it simplified to where there is no colon separator on key entry in the form to 700 for 0700 hrs military and 1317 for 1:17 PM.

I will be using this database on several computers, but only a couple that will be used for time entry.

The Excel spreadsheets work well, but I have found them cumbersome trying to dump all the information into a Master spreadsheet from several different individual spreadsheets and I am using Access as our ERP so it will save time if I just add a simple form to track time from there putting it in the hands of the Repairmen and save someone from data entry late.

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Options Table Or Registry

Apr 27, 2007

I'm curious about everyone's opinion of creating an Options table to keep track of things like defaults vs. using the system registry.

Example: For a montly report, I'd like to remember the previous end-date the user picked and use previous end-date+1 as the starting date the next time the user runs the report to make it easier on the user.



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Prevent User From Skipping Records In Continuous Form During Data Entry

Nov 21, 2006

I have a main form with several continuous subforms. Each subform consists of several listbox controls. I would like to require the user to select an item from the listbox before being allowed to move to the next record in the subform, and upon reaching the last record in that continuous subform, to require an entry there in order to move to the first record in the next cont. subform.

As an added bonus, it would be nice, though not necessary, to automatically jump the focus from one record to the next after data is entered. But my basic goal is to avoid skipping records.

Caveat: I cannot use the "required" option in the field to which the control is bound because that field has a default value previously entered using an append query. (The default value basically means "not yet entered" and is not one of the options in the listbox. I am using this because this field is a foreign key in the table, thus it must have a value in order to have a record with which to populate the subform.)

My apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere, but I've searched and, while I found a few related threads, they don't quite answer my question. Here they are for reference:


Thanks for any help! Also, if you are going to recommend VB code, could you be specific about how and where I should use it? I'm not afraid of code, but I'm definitely new to it...

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Modules & VBA :: Save User Entry As Part Of Hyperlink Then Display In Subform

Nov 21, 2014

I have a form with multiple textboxes and comboboxes that allow for user entry, and a subform displaying a table, where the entries from the form are saved and can be retrieved. It's basically a way of creating new task entries and editing existing ones from a single interface.

One of the fields is an "issue number" of sorts, which is a 5-digit code that identifies the task. We have a website where details of each task are stored, and the URL format is akin to this: [URL] ....

The functionality that I'm hoping for is that when the user saves the record, it will be saved as the full link address, by concatenating the static first portion of the address and the code entered by the user. However, I need the table to still only display the code, not the whole link address, and will follow the full address when clicked in the subform table.

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Get Data Entry Form To Add New Record After First Time

Aug 6, 2013

I've got a data entry form bound to one table. The form has four buttons:

- Clear Fields
- Cancel
- Save and exit
- Save and add another (which should save the user input to the subform/table, clear the input fields, and allow the user to add another record)

I can't quite seem to get the "Save and add another" button to work. When I put some information in the input fields and click the button, it saves it to the subform/table perfectly, but when I try to do it again, it just edits the last record (the one just created).

How can I get that button to place the information from the input fields in a new record every time?

The _Click event for the button looks like this:

If Len(Me.field1 & Me.field2 & Me.field3) > 0 Then
End If

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Jet DSN Error - Unable To Open Registry Key

Oct 22, 2004

I got this message after I install the "SMTPSVG.DLL" that i got from http://www.serverobjects.com/comp/Aspmail3.htm
What should I do?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x8d8 Thread 0x994 DBC 0x240303c Jet'.

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Tables :: Auditory Registry Of Historic Changes

May 14, 2013

I want to know if possible how to define the structure or function that when you have a table "customers" and yoy (f.instance) change the address, you can save, modify the actual value but conserve the historical value.

Previously I am reading on how to create a Form that permit to obtain all the data required (not to complete) but to consult and if u want to modify.

I think this form could be easy but I want to create the register of the modification so that if any problem I can check the person who changed the data when and what items.

I think this is complex but I want to try....

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Forms :: Password Validation - Message Pop Up With Specific Error User Has Made On Entry

Jan 6, 2014

I am looking at the public function routine, that validates the password entry. I want to know how i can make a message pop up with the specific error the user has made on entry.

Public Function ValidatePwd(varPassword As Variant) As Boolean
Dim blnValid As Boolean
Dim blnValidCriteria As Boolean
Dim intChar As Integer

blnValid = Len("" & varPassword) >= 4 And Len("" & varPassword) <= 12

[Code] ....

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Check Book Registry Table Design

May 2, 2005

Hi all, Im updating my current checkbook registry database. Just want to be sure that table look ok to everyone before starting the coding process. This will be a multi user - multi account program. I have attached the relations diagram.
Please give me some suggestions as to what fields i might need to add.

Also check to relations.

Thanks a bunch.

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General :: Adding Registry Key With Packaging Wizard

Nov 15, 2012

When using the runtime version, there is an issue with trusted locations. The only way around this, it seems is to edit (add) the registry key,My research tells me the key to be added is:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0A ccessSecurityTrusted Locations]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0A ccessSecurityTrusted LocationsLocation(n)]
"Description"="The description"
"Date"="01.01.2007 12:00"

If I use the Packing Wizard with Access 2007 to prepare an installation disk, there is the option for Additional Registry Keys, which looks promising, however, I am unsure how to proceed. You are asked: Root, Key, Name and Value. There are 4 options for Root: Default root, Current user, All users, Classes root.

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Enable Macros In Access Via Registry Settings

Sep 22, 2011

I need to enable macros in MS Access.

I don't have Trust Center.

How can I do this via registry settings?

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More Than One User At A Time?

Feb 5, 2008

Okay, i need to know if there is a way so that more than one person can be in an access database at one time. Both need to be able to edit, add, delete, etc. within the database.

Is this possible? :confused:

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