Unable To Save Filter As A Query In Access

Feb 9, 2008


Iam new to access need some help to solve this, iam unable to save filtered condition as a query in access. when i click on file > save as option i have only three list i can choose from Form,Report and data access page . I want to save the condition as a query which iam unable to do. Any help in this would be appreciated

Thank u

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Queries :: Unable To Make Crosstab Query To Filter Records From Table

Sep 17, 2013

I am trying to make a crosstab query to filter my records from my table.

Here is the scenario.

I want to make a query that will return me my Rep ID, Rep Name, his Bonus and his GV-Q (another value) based on every month.

Now I make a crosstab query and here is the syntax.

TRANSFORM First([TBL Qualification Data India].[Bonus Rank]) AS [FirstOfBonus Rank]
SELECT [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep #], [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep Name]
FROM [TBL Qualification Data India]
GROUP BY [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep #], [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep Name]
PIVOT [TBL Qualification Data India].Period;

This resulted in a column for Rep Number, one column for Rep Name and columns for all the period of Bonus I am going to have., so there are basically 9 columns for this till this month for each month and bonus value shows as values for all these month (period) columns.

Now in this same syntax, I want to have my Rep GV-Q value as well as his bonus to show in the same query, I read and came to know that it's not possible to directly have two values or two column headings in a crosstab query, I must have to make a new crosstab query and then use a normal select query to display records from these two crosstab queries, so I went ahead and made a new similar but with one value field changed crosstab query and here is the syntax for that.


TRANSFORM First([TBL Qualification Data India].[GV-Q]) AS [FirstOfGV-Q]
SELECT [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep #], [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep Name]
FROM [TBL Qualification Data India]
GROUP BY [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep #], [TBL Qualification Data India].[Rep Name]
PIVOT [TBL Qualification Data India].Period;

Now after this how to make a select query to show the data from these two queries.

I can make a normal query based on these two crosstab queries and manually add all fields and then I would have my result but then after every month I have to manually enter these two extra month details from both crosstab queries to my final query and that's not what I want.

Is there any method to do this by gathering data from these two queries into one and achieve the result I want or if there is any other approach to tackle this.

To explain my database and my need for output, I am attaching few pics to make things easier if I made some mistakes in explaining my problem. It's included in attached zip since I am not able to post images or links.

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Unable To Save Changes

Dec 1, 2014

The Word attachment describes recent problems I have encountered, most significantly, the inability to save changes on certain forms. the questions, listed at the end of the document, are:

a) How can I identify which objects are corrupt other than assuming it is only those that wont save changes?

b) What is the best way to overcome the inability to make form changes on certain forms and reports?

c) How or can I continue to use the Students Extended query with different criteria for different forms, other queries or reports. Can I create (advanced) filter queries and use as a record source for each as needed?

d) Do the messages about the PC making changes or placing the database in states have any bearing and why is that happening?

e) What causes and how can I prevent messages that fields could refer to more than table (see 2, D, vi)?

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Unable To Save Database Properties

Jan 4, 2008

I have two possibly related things that have recently begun happening in nearly all of my databases. (Access 2002, Windows XP)

1. For years I have been using shortcut command lines like the following to open my databases:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp d:databasesPCAMain97sys.mdw m:pcamainpublicaccess2002frontendsvikchamaster setupwheel.mdb /excl

All of my databases use the same mdw file. Up until recently this command line has always prompted me for my login and password. Now, it doesn't. Not only that, but once I'm in the database, if I go to tools-security-workgroup adminstrator, the indication is that I am NOT joined to the PCAMain97sys.mdw workgroup that I requested.INstead I remain joined to whichever workgroup I was in before; it's like hte /wkrgrp command line option now has no effect.

2. From file-database properties, I try to change the title of the database. But I get error "..unable to save the database properties". Web search shows this is probably db corruption, but... on every one of my databases???

OK, upon reading what I just wrote, it seems likely that my mdw file is corrupted....? Any other ideas?

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User Unable To Save Record?

Jan 25, 2007

I have a problem where a user (with what I believe are the proper security settings) cannot save a new record in a form. I have set the securities on the form and the related table and query to allow this user to create new records (Add/Run).

This user is able to access the form and enter the data, but it will not save. I have added a "Save" button to no avail.

When I log on as the administrator, it works fine.

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Reports :: Unable To Save Report As Excel File

Jul 19, 2015

I want to save my report as excel file on the user computer with a click of a button. I have tried this code:

Private Sub Cmd_ReporttoExcel_Click()
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Gastrolog Report", acFormatXLS, "C:UsersXXDocuments" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xls"
End Sub

But it is giving error 2282 - The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.

The other part of this question is :

This is something similar when I didn't have "PDF add in " in access 2007, when I added PDF add in then option to save file in PDF was available in "output to" action of macro. There is nothing like excel add in. However when I can export the data in excel sheet by Export function in access why don't I have option to save file as excel in "output to " action in macro? I want to have this option so that user can click a button in the form rather than in the top ribbon try to find out how to transfer and save the excel sheet.

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Forms :: Unable To Edit / Save Record - Runtime Error 2107

Apr 30, 2014

My database was working fine. Now, if I have to save or edit a record, I get a message Run time error 2107. The value you entered does not meet the validation rule defined for the field or control. I am able to enter and edit new records in the table. I did not change any validation in form. Then it goes to debug mode and highlighted this code (me.recordsource=Listsql - is highlighted)

Private Sub ListSearch_Click()
Dim dBS As Database
Dim Rst As Recordset
Dim Listsql As String
Set dBS = CurrentDb()
Listsql = "Select * from MasterData where employeeid ='" & [Forms]![MASTERFORM]![ListSearch] & "'"

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Unable To Navigate Between Records - Custom Save Button Not Saving

Jul 22, 2013

I've been working on a database for work for the last few weeks and this forum has been a Godsend many times over, but now I have a problem that I can't find any reference to.

Using Access 2003, I have a form that uses 3 cascading combo boxes in the header to find a unique record, and a command button that brings up the rest of the record into unbound fields in the body of the form.

It works fine for finding records, but whenever I enter/change data on it, the record doesn't save. The navigation buttons at the bottom don't work - the Next/Previous record buttons are disabled, and the First/Last Record buttons do nothing.

Navigation buttons are enabled/activated in the properties.

I tried getting around this by creating a Save Record command button - first using the wizard, then using VBA code DoCmd.RunCommand acSaveRecord as advised by [missinglinq;696351], but this still doesn't save the changes.

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Forms :: Unable To Filter Text In Foreign Key Fields

Mar 8, 2014

In a nutshell, I have a form where the 'Record Source' is a table titled 't_02_0_Assets'. I have several fields in the table that have foreign key references that utilize the Lookup Combo Box display control to allow users to select from a drop down list in the form.

The issue I am having is that I can't filter the text in the foreign key fields (only the ID's ).

My attempted solution was to create a control on the form (text box) and bind it to each of the foreign key ID's using the DLookUp function and then reference this control in the filter code.

My question is... how do I reference this DLookUp textbox in my filter VbCode?

I have attached a '.jpg' image of various aspects of the form including the filter code on the 'On Change' event.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Access Report As PDF And Save To Folder

Jan 10, 2014

I have a few selected reports on an Access 2007 database that users can run. Is there a way for users to view the report, save as a PDF and automatically save a copy to a shared drive by modules/vba coding as an On Click event procedure?

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Access Dont Want To Save Query Changes

Sep 15, 2006

I'm trying to save a change made to a sql statement in an access query but everytime I save it and close the database, when i open it up back again, the query returns back to the old unchange sql statement like it never got saved. I checked the user permissions and they are all checked (no restrictions). Any help would be greatly appreaciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Save As Dialog Box Popup With Filter Set To XLS

Oct 16, 2014

I wish to export a report to excel, but I wish to prompt the user to be able to choose where to save the file at. How can I have the "Save As" dialog box pop up, with the filter set to "*.xls"?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Save A Form Filter To Reapply Later

May 11, 2015

I've taken over the running of the front end of an access database. It's old and antiquated, but is owned by our client and they don't want to move away from it. (it's probably worth pointing out I'm new to VBA, and not a programmer).

Most of what the users want in stored in one table which has a front end form. The users spend a lot of time setting up filters on the form (approx 20 different boxes to filter on).

I've been asked to add in a way of saving these filters so they can be recalled, and I'm wondering if there is an easy way of doing this?

I know that when a filter is set on a form that this creates a temporary query. So my thinking was to somehow save the SQL from the temp query to a new table (user can set a name for the filter from a subform when saving).

I was then hoping I could populate the sub form with a combobox (filtered on the logged in user) and display the appropriate items from the table.

The user could then select an item from the list, press apply, and the form would then be filtered using the previously saved query.

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Unable To Save A Record Because A Record Is Required

Oct 31, 2005

I have a database set thus

Clients (the main form)

ClientsID (PK)
blah blah
Information and Referral (a check box)
blah blah
blah blah

ClientIR (the form that opens up when I & R is checked)

ClientsID (FK to the above form)
Requests (a lookup referencing to IRCategory)

The code is set up so when the I R box is checked, form will open, and unchecking it will delete the I R record of that Client.

The problem is when the IR Box is already open, the request has been selected, I cannot save it as Access says a record is required in the Clients form. There are only two buttons, one goes on to next requests (one client can have more than one requests), other saves and closes.

The Client form is already coded so it will save the Client's record before opening the IR Form, and either button will save the IR record as well.

I had referential intergrity turned on. Turning it off only gave me weird results (I was able to input records, but Access didn't autofill the ClientID in the IR records, and looking at Clients returns a blank IR record)

What am I doing wrong?


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Tables :: Joined Two Tables - Unable To Filter / Lookup On Second Table?

Feb 18, 2013

I have an Access Table with about 28,000 Automobile dealerships across the country shown. I've joined a new/small phone contact table to this to keep up with our phone contacts with the dealership and followup efforts. When I search/filter on the dealership table all is fine. However when I search/filter on the phone contact table with a few test entries, I get nothing at all. I supposed that after joining the tables, I'd be able to do a search on the field named follow up date and find/filter today's date or other dates and locate which dealerships to contact when the correct date arrives. But nothing.

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IFF And LIKE In An Access Query To Filter Results

Aug 28, 2007

My understanding of the LIKE operator seems to be deficient for filtering a query when using the Access query pane. I have a combo box that lists the values to be filtered. One option in the combo box is "No Selection". If "No Selection" is selected, I want the filter turned off, in other words ALL records are shown.

In theory the following code would seem to be correct when placed in the criteria line. It does not work: IIf([forms]![type5frm].[combo2]=24,Like "*",[forms]![type5frm].[combo2])

If the value of COMBO2 =24 (No Selection), then I would like all records to show up, but no records are displayed. The FALSE side of the IIF statement works correctly.

As an experiment I tried LIKE by itself and it displayed all the records: LIKE "*"

Another failed try:IIf([forms]![type5frm].[combo2]=24,[agency]) Like "*",[forms]![type5frm].[combo2]) AGENCY is the fieldname.

A more exotic attempt that failed:IIf([forms]![type5frm].[combo2]=24,Val(Str([agency]) Like "*"),[forms]![type5frm].[combo2])

Any thoughts?

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Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

Below is what I have tried but in vain and it says atmost you can atmost one criteria row in sub query

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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General :: Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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Unable To Access Database Window.

Oct 2, 2004

I have a .mdb that opens up to a form (a splash screen I would assume). However, I can not access the form design view or even get the database window. I thought limiting access to design view was done with .mde, even then you have access to the database window. Any explanation on this or help??


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Microsoft Access Was Unable To Create An MDE Database

Mar 31, 2006

When trying to create an MDE using Access 2002 I get the message

"Microsoft Access was unable to create an MDE database"

The database is split and in Access 2002 format.

Could this be anything to do with References? I say this because I recently downloaded a dll for Redemption to make use of the SafeOutlook Library



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Users Unable To Access New Forms/tables

Aug 1, 2005

I enabled security on an .mdb which included several users that are in the Full Data Users group. After I did this I needed to add a new form to the application, so I logged into the application and added it. However, though the admin group and the Full Permissions group can access it fine, the Full Data Users group cannot. I have double checked all of the settings and have even rebuilt the .mdw file to no avail. Any thoughts?

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Unable To Open Database In Access 2007

Aug 9, 2012

I have created a database in Access 2010 and I am not able to open the same database in Access 2007. I have read somewhere that it is possible to open. I get the message, " Unrecognized database format". In Access options, the default file format is, "Access 2007".

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Unable To Re-link Tables Access 2013

Aug 19, 2015

I have been developing an Access (accdb) in V2013 at home for use in my work environment. Ultimately it will be used by a small number of users in different locations hence my need to split the database into a front end and back-end tables. I have done this many times before in other versions of Access and if the location of the back-end files has been changed when you open the database it prompts you to find the new location and re-link them. Since I am carrying on the development at home/work and then taking the front-end into work/home I need Access to prompt me for the new location. However unless you remove linked tables first Access 2013 will not prompt you for the new location instead it just bypasses that and asks you to open a database so you are stuck in a loop. The database has been designed to open offering users minimal possibility of tinkering so I open holding the 'Shift key' down but this still doesn't prompt me to re-link. Why is the linked table manager not being fired up?

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Unable To Open Multiple Instances Of Access 2003

Dec 20, 2005

Not sure if this is the correct forum but its worth a shot.

When I try to open any database, MS Access will hang if there is already another instance msaccess.exe running. I even tried opening two newly created blank dbs with the same result. Has anyone ever come accross this behavior?

I have tried repairinging/reinstalling/checking and unchecking "Windows in Taskbar option"

Thanks for any help!

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Tables :: Access 2013 - Unable To Link To DBF Files?

Sep 19, 2013

2013 does NOT recognize DBF files, we are trying to find a solid work around to LINK to our DBF files.

There are about 30 DBF files that get updated EVERY week. And there are about 60 employees that LINK to the various DBF files. Importing is not a realistic solution given these circumstances.

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Attach A Report To Access Email

Nov 2, 2014

getting to grips with the code a bit more now, but now I cannot get the report which is generated to attach to the email

running ms access 2010

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