Unable To Update Text Box From Combo Box..

Sep 5, 2006

I'm trying to have the user select an item from a combo box which gets its values from a table with multiple columns. Once something is selected in the combo box the form will auto-update the adjacent text box to a value in the same row (different column). The combo box is called 'Media' and the text box is called 'Tape Cost'. When you select a type of tape in the combo box the adjacent text box should populate a value determined by the second column of the table. Instead I'm getting a message that the, "Method or data member is not found" and it highlights the red text below.

Here is the code I'm using:

Private Sub Media_AfterUpdate()
Me.Tape Cost = Media.Column(2)

End Sub

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks!

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Update Text Box From A Combo Box Using VBA

Apr 8, 2005

Hi All,

Thanks so much for your help in advance. I’m working on a Form1 that has a combo box with Row Source coming from a query Just like:


Smith 10011

Smith 10012

Scott 10022

Clark 10015

Clark 10016

Now, I want to be able to update the Item_ID value to text boxes txt_SN1 and txt_SN2 once I click on the combo box and select the name “Smith” then show 10011 in txt_SN1 and 10012 in txt_SN2. I’m not sure if this can be done with record set or just with column values from the query.

Can someone help me with this problem? Your help will be highly appreciated.


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Update Date Text Field From Several Combo Boxes

Oct 29, 2006

I've searched for this everywhere but I haven't yet found a solution, even though I'm sure it should be pretty simple.

I have 2 combo boxes: cboMonth, cboDay
and a text field: txtYear

cboMonth has values: Jan-Dec
cboDay has values: 1-31

After selecting the combo boxes and entering the year, I want the result to be displayed in a text box, with the format of Long Date.

How is this accomplished?

Thanks for any help!

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Text Boxes Auto Fill After Combo Box Update?

Jul 13, 2015

GOAL: select the IC number from the combo box and have 5 text boxes auto fill.

I have a table made for the IC number drop down. The columns represent the fields that need to be auto filled.

Making some kind of query to link the combo box entry to the text boxes? Some VBA where the control source is equal to my query? I have tried changing the text box control source to equal columns from my drop down but that did not work.

NOTE: the blue font in the first image represents the text boxes that need to auto fill when I select the IC number from the drop down. The second image is my table from which my combo box is generated. The acronyms are for the two tests on this form.

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Update Text Boxes Based On Date Selected In A Combo Box

Sep 12, 2006

I have a form that our operators use to do their hourly quality audits on. This is getting to be a huge burden on them because right now, they enter the date, the week ending date, the month every time they have to do an entry, and for me it is a nightmare because they can still enter the wrong information. So, what I was wondering is if there is a way that I can have them select the date from a combo box (easy enough), but from that, have the week ending date and the month fields automatically update as well. Any advice? I would really appreciate it! Thanks so much!!!!

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Unable To Update Form

May 29, 2006


I have a data entry form that is based on four tables which are linked by a field 'fileno'.

I am now trying to enter new records via the form and update the four tables but i'm not permitted to do so. It seems that all the fields are locked for display only.

Can anyone help?



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Unable To Update Fields On Form

Aug 5, 2005

I created a form with a query as it's source. I am able to open the tables themselves and update them, but when I go to a field on the form I'm unable
to update. What could be wrong since I have full update rights to these tables? I've checked the properties and they appear to be set correctly.

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Unable To Update Data In Simple Query

Mar 15, 2007


I just created another query, but with this one I cannot change any of the data. What could be the reason?


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Queries :: Unable To Update Subform After Re-query?

Jun 28, 2013

I have a form that displays an updatable subform. The main form has search fields and a search button that when clicked will reset the record source of the subform and then do a refresh. The problem is that after the search the subform stops becomes locked. Here is the code:-

Me!sbfDepartmentSub.Form.RecordSource = MySQL

I have tried Me.Requery also.

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Forms :: Unable To Update Check Box On Form?

Oct 1, 2014

I have a form which is based on a query which selects information from three different tables. All fields apart from one are locked, all are enabled. The table the field I wish to update is native to the current DB i.e. is not a linked table.

when I activate the form and try to click on the Check box, which is not locked, I get a beep but it does not change state.

I am using Access 2007 on win7 Pro.

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Forms :: Unable To Tab Out Of A Combo Box?

Jun 1, 2013

I have a combo box which I use to jump to a certain record in a form in Continuous View. The combo box located in the form header which works fine when the code is attached to the OnChange event. But that works premature when I have not finished typing what I am looking for yet. I tried few events for no avail. I need OnLostFocus but I can not tab out of the combo for the life of me, it works when I click out of the combo box with the mouse but I want to use the Keyboard Tab.

How can I fix this?

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Unable To Update A Field In Record In My Form After Selecting From Comboox.

Apr 25, 2005

Trying to update a field in a record in my form after selecting from a comboox.

This an orders form with a record per row for order items. I select the product from a dropdown list which is populated by a dynamic query from the afterupdate event on another combo. When I do the selection access reports the following error:
Runtime error 3331
to make changes to this field, first save the record

Debug takes me to the line :
Me!product_id = DLookup("product_id", "products_table", myvar)
from :
Private Sub comboProd_description_AfterUpdate()
Dim strFilter As Integer

comboProd_description.Value = comboProd_description.Column(1)

myvar = comboProd_description.Column(0)

Me!product_id = DLookup("product_id", "products_table", myvar)

[end code]

I'm lost as to what to do (no such thing as beginners luck!!). I'm not even sure if the error is from the combo box or from the field that it is trying to update (product_id)

Thx for looking


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Forms :: Unable To Edit Records Using Combo Box

Mar 29, 2013

I have setup a ComboBox on a form, Listed the PK of the table as the control source. Inserted the PK and many other field as the row source. When I go to select a record I get the error "control can not be edited, it's bound to a auto number field, "Asset_ID"

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Queries :: Unable To Select Item From Combo Box

Feb 2, 2015

So I have this form with a combo box which successfully displays a range of items from which I would like to select from - but unfortunately I cannot. I cannot select anything from the combo box.

I have checked the form and table to ensure I have edit rights - which I do.

The form is based on a query - attached is a picture of the relationships within the query.

I assume I have created a non updateable query but this is only an assumption.

I am lost about the best course of action to take. Is there a way to identify the problem?

Do I just cut my loses and recreate the functionality somehow?

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Forms :: Unable To Filter Text In Foreign Key Fields

Mar 8, 2014

In a nutshell, I have a form where the 'Record Source' is a table titled 't_02_0_Assets'. I have several fields in the table that have foreign key references that utilize the Lookup Combo Box display control to allow users to select from a drop down list in the form.

The issue I am having is that I can't filter the text in the foreign key fields (only the ID's ).

My attempted solution was to create a control on the form (text box) and bind it to each of the foreign key ID's using the DLookUp function and then reference this control in the filter code.

My question is... how do I reference this DLookUp textbox in my filter VbCode?

I have attached a '.jpg' image of various aspects of the form including the filter code on the 'On Change' event.

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Queries :: Unable To Find Missing Sequential Numbers In A Text Field

May 5, 2013

I am trying to create a query to find missing sequential numbers in a text field. I am using this specific field as a case number which is designated as two letters, the # sign, two digits indicating the year, a dash, and then a four digit number; For Example: AB#13-1234.

The reason for this query is to tell the user of this database that a specific case number has yet to be entered and needs to be. The case numbers are unique and will never be referenced more than once.

My table name is "MainDataTbl" and the field i'm trying to find the missing case numbers is titled "CaseNumber".

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Queries :: Unable To Convert Text Into Date With Different System Language Settings In MS Access

Jun 6, 2013

I have a table in access database which contains a text field 'EDate' that stores Date value in format (12-Apr-2013). Now I want to run a sql query on that field. User will give an input date. The sql query needs to fetch me all the records from access database whose Edate is less than or equal to the user input date.

I am using DateValue function to convert my text filed Edate into date. My query is something like this:

select * from table_name where DateValue(EDate)<='user_input_date'

I am able to perform above task if the system language settings are 'English'. But if system language settings are different say Turkish, then the query fails.

I searched a lot on web and found that DateTime function compares test data with the system date time format and gives the result. Thus it fails with different language settings.

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Combo Box Performs Query, Update Combo Box With Only Result?

Aug 4, 2006

Here's the deal:

I'm an extreme newbie, I do not know access very well, nor do I know VBA, I do know PHP.

I have a for in access that has 2 user input fields, one for prodid one for shipid. I have a combo box that upon entering data into the previous 2 fields, it does a query against an MsSQL database looking for a record that has both. In any case there will only be 2 outcomes, either 1 record, or null. I would like to have that same combo box automatically use the result as it's value so that users don't have to check the box, because they won't, and so that the rest of my VBA will be able to function properly.

Can anyone assist?


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Forms :: Fill Text Box Based On Combo Box (not Using Columns In Combo Box)

May 21, 2014

I'm looking for a way to have a text box auto fill based on the selection of a combo box on the same form. I cannot use the method i find all over the internet of using multiple columns in the combo box and basing the text box on that because the combo box already has multiple columns being used to determine its own possibilities and other combo box possibilities.

I would really just like the text box to work like this, but im still kinda inexperienced in VBA...

If combo box is "F004-001", then text box is "237"
If combo box is "F004-003", then text box is "280"

I know how to add in an "after update" thing, but i do not know how to do If/then statements.

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Forms :: One Combo Box Based On Another Combo Box And Text Box Uses

Jun 4, 2013

I have been creating a form, based on only one table. Here I am displaying data as text boxes and subfrom from the same table. At the beginning, I was interested in controlling the display of the data according to the combo box (in this case is the PO number). Now, I would like to add another combox box which is the year (I have a column with the date, and also I have a column that shows only the years digits in my table) Also, I have a subform that display the data from the same table specifics records that I want. It means that I want to pick the year first, and then in the combox box of po number shows only option of that year, and hence the text boxes and subforms change accordingly to the two combox boxes.

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Text Box Printing Combo Box ID Instead Of Text Value

Jul 22, 2014

I am trying to print on report the value of combo box which is based on the query

SELECT qryDept.DeptID, qryDept.Department
FROM qryDept;
with formula

But my problem is its printing ID of the combo box instead of text value which is name of the dept. say HR

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Combo Box Update

Jun 20, 2005

Hi All,

I have a combo box on my form that is retrieving its list of values from a table. After I choose a value I want to write it to another table's field. I can get this to work where it is writing to the other table's field, but when I open the form to see the field of where the information is supposed to be writen to it is not refreshing. What property on the combo box should I used to ensure that the field of the other table is instaneously updated when the combo box's value is chosen.


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Combo Box - Before/After Update

Jul 12, 2005

Hey All

I have a following problem - the user selects value from a combo box (cmbPrio), if there was already a value in there, new value get added, and no further action is made.
If there was no value, value is added, AND in txtDueDate date gets added (if user selected High - todays date + 5 days, if low - todays date + 10 days)

I was thinking of doing it the following way, but it doesn't work --
Value XX is not saving the data. Should it be maybe done for a different event ? And I also don't get the correct date...

Before Update
If isNull(cmbPrio) then XX = 2

After Update
If XX = 2
If cmbPriory.text = "High" then txtDueDate = Now + 5
If cmbPriory.text = "Low" then txtDueDate = Now + 10
End If

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Combo Box Update

Dec 9, 2006

I have a form that displays a list of users and there programs in a sub form, I would like a combo box instead of the user ID number so that I can press on it and all the user ID's will appear, then I can select it and there details will apear. Can this be done?

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Update Unbound Combo Box

Apr 21, 2006

I said I was a dummy, but here goes.

I am designing a customer information form, the form has an unbound combo box showing customer names and when clicked opens the customer record.

My problem is when I enter a new record, I have a button that saves current and opens new, but when I am in the new record, the customer I just added previously is not showing up on the unbound control, only when I close the form completely and re-open it.

Is there a code to update the unbound combo box when you click to go to new record.

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Recordset Update From Combo

Jul 17, 2006

I want to update a field (field1) in each record of a recordset (qryUpdate)

I got the following code (in green) working fine - so far so good. I actually need to update the field from a selection from an unbound combo box. This looks up a table with two fields Period ID (autonumber PK) and a text field called Quarter. I've tried various combinations including the code in red and code such as
"rst![field1] = Me.cboPeriod"
"rst![field1] = Me.cboPeriod.Column(0).value" etc

but can't get it to work. It has to be something simple but I can't see it.

Private Sub cboPeriod_AfterUpdate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryUpdate")
Do Until rst.EOF

If IsNull(rst![field1]) Then
rst![field1] = 5
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cboPeriod_AfterUpdate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryUpdate")

Do Until rst.EOF

If IsNull(rst![field1]) Then
[rst![field1] = Me.cboPeriod.Column(0)
End If



End Sub

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