Unable To Use Browse Function When Importing Or Exporting Data
Jun 17, 2015
I import/export data from MS Excel. Access will not allow me to use the Browse function to select the directory and/or file to work with. I do not get an error message, just nothing happens.
I'm currently importing a sheet from Excel into Access 2003 using Docmd.TransferSpreadsheet.
This works fine but requires the path of the file in question to be stated as one of the parameters. I have donjhe this and it works but, I would like the user to be able to navigate to the file using the standard open file dialog box.
:o:confused: I'm desperately searching for a way to synchronise different copies of the same access 2003 database i created. I have tried brief case synchronisation, and I have also tried the replication manager that comes with access but they both haven't been much help. My experience with them leads me to believe that they both work best with a LAN or internet connection. I'm seeking a solution that will work without a LAN or internet connection. Something that will copy my tables and other required objects to a folder that i can copy and move to another pc where another copy of the database resides. It should then import the same tables and objects and hence synchronise the copy of the database. I recently saw a visual foxpro database that has the kind of synchronisation solution i'm looking for. I think it works this way;it exports all the tables and necessary objects to a folder that it creates allowing you to copy or move this folder via portable storage device to another computer. It then synchronises by importing the tables and other objects from this folder into the database resident on that computer. I think there might be a way to do this using macro's or VBA but alas my knowledge of these areas of access is very weak. Is there a way to recreate this functionality in access 2003 using VBA code?
Using Access 10 I am unable to turn off the alternate row color function for my report. The icon is on the toolbar, but is grayed out so I am unable to select it.
I've put the following Function together to clear out unwanted bits before exporting as csv. I was just wondering if there's a way of holding the table names together with a total count of each item replaced? I wasn't sure if these were stored and could be returned?
Code: Public Function ClearCommas() On Error GoTo ClearErr Dim db As DAO.Database Dim tb As DAO.TableDef Dim fld As DAO.Field
This actually works, but every time the print preview is closed, it crashes Access. I have researched this particular issue, and some of the solutions I have read and tried lead to "that method is not allowed or supported" errors or Run-Time 438 errors.
I created a table to keep contact information such as address, phone number, and email address of instructors. I also modified the New Instructor Entry form to add an email address, since we usually have this when hired.
The problem arises when no such information exists for an instructor. I have attached a "sample" database with all the important components and "sample" data.
When I choose an instructor in which some contact information exists, the Instructor Contact Entry form performs as expected. On the other hand, if no information for an instructor exists, the information can be entered, even though the Employee Number, Family Name and Given Name fields are blank, contrary to the first case. Not only can the information can be "saved" but no data appears in the table.
How do I have to set this up to get it to work for an instructor not in the table?
I am currently unable to delete any data from my table. When I highlight a row and right-click, the option to delete the record is grayed-out. I have deleted and recreated the table and relationships, saved the database as a new file, and compacted and repaired, but I am still unable to delete anything.
Hi, I'm trying to connect to SQL Server Express from MS Access 2003.
I've created an ODBC data source and tested it within the ODBC Wizard. It successfully connects to the SQL Server database.
From within MS Access, I choose File > Get External Data > Import and I'm presented with a dialogue for choosing the data source. As soon as I choose ODBC from the Files of Type drop-list, the dialogue disappears. No error-message, nothing!
I am working with two forms frmManager and frmMMeasures where based on selection from the combo box of frmManager of the department, position and staff member frmMMeasures is loaded where MUserLoginID and MPositionName is populated based on selection from frmManager. This is what I use to populate the MUserLoginID field for the control source " =[Forms]![frmManagers]![cboStaff] ".
My problem is when I go to the next record on the form those two fields do not change from what was picked up from the form frmManager.
I don't know how to ensure that the correct data is displayed.
it is zip file unable to get the size lower yet minimal amount in database I have 2 tables and one form when I create an query on the form the form then becomes that I cannot enter data in it or edit etc
I have a Union query that is linked into about 10 different excel spreadsheets on our drive and it pulls back only 3 columns of data (Document Number, Date Registered and Date Implemented). I then have another report which refers to the results of this query and does its own thing from thereon.
Here is a sample of the SQL:
SELECT CINT(RIGHT(RT_01000.[Rev-Trac Number],5)) as [Document Number], RT_01000.[CC_RT Issue Date] as [Date Registered], RT_01000.[Actual Delivery Date] as [Date Implemented] FROM RT_01000;
UNION SELECT CINT(RIGHT(CC_RT_01000.[Rev-Trac Number],5)) as [Document Number], CC_RT_01000.[CC_RT Issue Date] as [Date Registered], CC_RT_01000.[Actual Delivery Date] as [Date Implemented] FROM CC_RT_01000;
My Issue:
As it is above, the query will run, but we end up with duplicate numbers in the "Document Number". It only brings back the final 5 digits from each of these files and ignores the differenciating part of the number, the "CC_RT_" or the "RT_". This causes huge issues in the file which then goes onto use these results afterwards.
My Plan: (failed)
I thought I could simply update the "5" to an "11" to catch anything named "RT_00001" and also "CC_RT_00001" serperately so I can clearly see which is which without any duplicates. However, I recieve the below error when doing so:
"Data type mismatch in criteria expression".
I've been playing with this for hours and unfortunately many many reports reply on these results being correct. It is also not possible to change the names of the RT and CC_RT files that it links into.
I often have to export data from a table to a .csv (text) format. It is very important that the data remains in the right order. I even add an indexed auto number to ensure this happens. Sometimes, but not always, the data gets out of order. Not completely scrambled but chunks of records just in the wrong place.
Has anyone come across this before or got any idea what causes it?
I am trying to get a form to display certain information based on the data in another box. I have to input some exam results and want to assign a level to them. So, if they score < 13, the result would read "Below Entry 3" if between 13 and 21 "Entry 3" etc If this was a spreadsheet I would use an if function, but I am not sure that I can do this here
It works actually but when i go back to Access i get the following error message
runtime error 424, object is necessary.
Code: Private Sub Befehl1_Click() Dim xlApp As Object 'Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Object 'Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Object 'Excel.Worksheet Dim rstID As DAO.Recordset, tmpStr As String
I am using Access 97 & Excel 97 for this problem. I have a Access query which takes the contents of three tables and exports them to Excel. However, the query has now reach 69000+ records and increases by about 1000+ records ever month. So what I need to do is create as many WORKSHEETS within a single Excel WORKBOOK as necessary to accomodate all of my Access data. I have written a piece of code which will create seperate WORKBOOKS for each 65000+ of records but then what I want to do is code the almagamation of these WORKBOOKS into 1.
In short, after the first WORKBOOK is created I use code to make that the active WORKBOOK and then I want to import into that the other WORKSHEETS in the other WORKBOOKS.
I am using the folowing DIM's:
Dim X As New Excel.Application Dim WkBook As Excel.WorkBook Dim WkSheet As Integer Dim ExcelSheet As Excel.Worksheet
ExcelSheet therefore is the current WORKSHEET within the Excel spreadsheet I want to import into.
Any advice on the command to perform a transfer of WORKSHEET data between Excel WORKBOOKS?
I need to export data from a table in Access to a fixed length record text file and would like to find out how to export a number field into this text file with leading zeros.
The text file requires this 999999.99 and right justify and zero fill. My question is this: how can I zero fill from the table to the txt file? I went through the export wizard and couldn't see how to do it.
Hi, I use the built in tools "Analyze data with excel to export" to export data from froms to excel and it works fine. The only problem is in the form and table I had specified 3 decimals but in excel the data is two decimals and I have to always reformat the cells manually to 3 decimals.
Any way to have this set when exporting even if I have to use VBA code.
When equipment is returned to our company the details are put into an access database, then the same details are filled into a excel sheet to be printed and handed around for other depments to fill in by hand then sign. I have been asked to see if it is possible to alter the database so that the appropriate parts of the excel sheet could be filled in automatically. You can see an example below, its only the sales section that comes from the database the rest is filled in by hand.
Is it possible to setup a query that would ask for say the RER number and serial number to find the correct record then export the data to fill in the right cells; or is it easier for me to try and recreate the excell sheet as an access report and have it filled in that way.
I am trying to export a table from access excel spreadshhet.. but not in the simple traditional way.
I have 140 lines of data, I need a marco to take this single table and 140 lines and create 140 spreadsheets one each line of data appearing on one of the sheets. Id also need the title of the spreadsheet to be in one of the fields in the actual spreadsheet.
I have fronend and backend database. I have all data stored in another database (backend) and that database is password protected. I need to export some selected data into Excel which is created in the same process. Below is the code:
Code: Private Sub ExportLeaversList(strWorkbook As String) On Error GoTo ERR_HANDLER Dim objApp As Object Dim strExcelFileName As String Dim varStatus As String Dim strTempQueryName As String Dim strSelectSQL As String Dim strPnPDatabaseName As String Dim strPnPDatabasePassword As String
I had an existing database with 2329 records entered into it. All of the fields (220ish) were all in one table. Myself and my co-workers wanted to rebuild the database without losing the data. We wrote queries to transfer the data from the original database to the new database and split the data from the original 1 giant table to 9 smaller tables.
The transfer of data worked so I went to start making forms. When I went to add fields from different tables I had to built a relationship, which I did. All of the data that transferred over from the new database is in the form (now multiple forms linked by button) but I can't add new information. I get an error stating, "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table ..." and the table referenced keeps changing.