Having experienced the bloating effect that many others have when embedding OLE pictures into Access, I decided to use a text field and hyperlink instead. I have an Unbound Imagebox on my form and populate using the codes below:-
Image.Visible = True
Image.Class = "Paint"
Image.OLETypeAllowed = acOLELinked
Image.SourceDoc = [Image File] ' This is my Hyperlink text field.
Image.Action = acOLECreateLink
This works fine after the first attempt but on the first attempt I get the following error -
"Run Time Error - 2786, The OLE Server doesn't support linking".
After this everything works fine, it's almost as if something needs initializing on the first go. I tried using Picture Box's instead but some of linked images have very long path names and they can't handle them (in true Access style) so I guess they must be an older control than the Image Box.
Any ideas anyone, this ones been troubling me for ages?
I am running in to a brick wall with this. I have an unbound text box with the control source set to =IIF([text42]=0,0,[text42]/[text44])*100 and in continues to return a #name? error.
I am not sure how to get this expression to work. I have even tried to put =[text42]/[text44] and I still get the #name? error.
I am using an unbound object frame to display an .png image file which is set in vba.
The image is an excel chart saved as a .png
The problem I have however is that the image I save from Excel is great quality, and is pretty tack sharp, but when I display the same file in the unbound object frame in access, it is not nearly as sharp.
I am setting the picture property of the control as:
ubImageUserChart = "c: empmyChart.png"
It displays alright, but is just a bit fuzzy - still quite legible, but it is a complex graph with a lot going on - has regressions and formulas etc on the graph, and they need to be very clear.
BTW - the unbound frame is the same size as the Excel chart which gets saved as a .png file. If I tile the images (Access unbound frame and original file in picassa preview) side by side - they are identical - size, orientation etc.
It is not practical for me to try and do the chart natively in access as it is way to complex. I am using access vba to drive an excel session to do all the statistical yack work and chart rendering, then displaying a png image of the resulting chart in an unbound object frame in access.
Ive got a combo box linked to fields in a form so when I value (tenantID) i selected in the combo box the record appears in the form.
The problem is, I have changed the form name Unbound (it was blank) to TenantID as I want it to appear when the form is opened, however now I cannot select other items from the combo box.
What i'm trying to do is fill several unbound text boxes on a form.
I have an "Employeetbl" with "Employeename" and a "Projecttbl" with "Projectname". what i want to do is have about 10 text boxes from left to right on my form. Then fill these with all the employee names from my "Employeetbl". Underneath this i will have about 10 text boxes from top to bottom and i'd like to fill these with the project name from the "Projecttbl"
I have set up a query to give me details of employees names, the business they work for and where they work.
If I run it without criteria I get all of my records, as you would expect.
However, I want to be able to select parameters from combo boxes and then run a specific report of employees by location. I did have this working by accident a while ago but have changed quite a lot since then.
I have set up an unbound form with three combo boxes - Business, Business Unit and Location. Then a button for preview and print report linking to my report template.
I have refernced the controls in the relevant columns of my query as: [Forms]![FormName]![Control].
When I run the query I get nothing back and I don't understand why.
I have a form with a record source property set to a query which pulls the data by joining two tables. The form also has four navigation buttons (first, previous, next, last) and a ADD record, SAVE record, EDIT record, DELETE record buttons.
I also have a unbound combo box (control source iset to 'empty') in the form's header section and its record source property set to an SQL (SELECT DISTINCTROW tblProjts1.chrProjectName, tblProjts1.intProjectID FROM tblProjts1 ORDER BY tblProjts1.chrProjectName;). It's columns count is 2, bound column is set to 2 and column width is set to 3.1146";0".
In the edit button, I have the code "Me.AllowEdits = True" so that the user can edit the data.
Also, I have the following code on form's "on current" and "after update" events so that it will flip back to allow edit to 'NO' Me.AllowEdits = False
Also, I have the following code on the combo box's 'after update' event. Dim strSearch As String
'Find the record that matches the control Me.Requery Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst strSearch Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark.
My Problem:
When I run the form and select a record from a combo box it populates the fields (all memo data type) in the form with correct linked record, ONLY when my allow edit property is set to 'YES'.
With allow edit set to 'NO', then when a tried to make a selection from a combo box it doesn't allow me to select any record. The combo box seems to be locked up and I can't select any record.
Does anyone come across such a problem with cbo box and 'allow edits' property in the forms.
I'm pretty hopless with VB but I am trying very hard (hours spent on this forum reading code I only slightly get the gist of) to implement a form that takes input from two synchronised unbound combo boxes and then displays records matching the input in a sub-form in datasheet mode. I'm failing at the first part just now: the combo boxes. No doubt I'll fail at the second part too but I'll deal with that when I get this fixed. :)
I was using the northwind DB to learn how to synchronise the combo boxes. I successfully did it by following the instructions and using this code from MS kb article 209595 in the After Update procedure:
Me.Products.RowSource = "SELECT ProductName FROM" & _ " Products WHERE CategoryID = " & Me.Categories & _ " ORDER BY ProductName" Me.Products = Me.Products.ItemData(0)
I then tried to implement this on my database by changing the relevant information to reflect my database info. as shown below, and it does not work. I switched Product references for my Unit references and Category references for my Item references but I don't think I got it right or over-simplified it due to the table structure.
Private Sub Item_AfterUpdate() Me.Units.RowSource = "SELECT Unit FROM" & _ " Units WHERE ItemID = " & Me.Items & _ " ORDER BY Unit" Me.Units = Me.Units.ItemData(0) End Sub
When I compile the code it stops at Me.Items with the error "Method or data member not found". So I assume that I have not referenced the right objects when I modified the code. I thought this was maybe due to the two tables I'm using being in a many-to-many relationship via a junction table, as opposed to the northwind tables which are directly linked by a one-to-many relationship. If this is indeed the case, can anyone help me put this right. I have attached my table structure / relationships in a .jpg to this post.
Any help from all you smart developer dudes would be muchly appreciated.
I am having a little problem with making an audit trail for a form with some unbound text controls on it.
Since .OldValue won't work on unbound text boxes, google suggested that I put the old value in the control's tag property. This is what I came up with:
Code: Dim ctl, tbox As Control Dim strName, strOLD, StrNew, NewTag As String Dim NextOne As Label For Each tbox In Me.Controls If TypeName(tbox) = "TextBox" Then Select Case tbox.Value
[Code] ....
The first loop is supposed to dynamically assign the tag value, with whatever the textbox value is, however it doesn't. I've asterisked out the line i think may be the issue.
I have 10 unbound textboxes with the Tag Name "LoopID" in my report. I have to display the "PatientNumbers" field from the table tblPatient in those text boxes. Below is my code.
When I run the report, I get the error message: Run-time error '2448.' You can't assign value to this object and the code "Ctl.Value = rst!LCANumber" is highlighted.
Private Sub Report_Current() Dim strSql As String Dim dbs As Database Dim rst As Recordset Dim x As Integer Dim Ctl As Control strSql = "Select PatientNumber from tblPatient"
I want people to be able to search, or jump to a record by the PO #
I am hoping to just do it in the form, and by that I mean, the user is on the Purchase Order form and needs to look at a previous Purchase Order for editing, deleting, etc. and to just type it in the text box, hit the search button, and there it is.
2 Forms 1) - Employee Details (source control is "QEmployees Extended") 2) - Employee List (source control is "QEmployees Extended")
in Form "Employee Details" there is field named "HireDate" this field is also found in the table (records) "Employees" and "QEmployees Extended".When Form "Employee Details" is ran the "HireDate" appears as it should in the "HireDate" text box.
What I want to do is add a unbound text box to Form "Employee Details" named "txtYrsEmp" (Years Employed). and perform a calculation that will take the "HireDate" (date) and compare it to "Todays Date" and come up with the number of years employed rounded by 2 and show this result in the unbound text box called "txtYrsEmp"
Now I did a Qurey just to see if I could calculate what I wanted- "QYrsEmp" where in the first column I entered in the Field row (top) Expr1: EmployeeID from table Employee and in the second column I entered in the Field row (top) txtYrsEmp: Round(DateDiff("d"'[HireDate],NOW()/365.25,2))
Now the query returns the exact results I want so I know the calculation is possible at least here in the query.
On a form I'm asking a user to enter dates in 2 different textboxes, say, [text1] and [text2], both formatted to short date. In a third textbox [text3] I need to see the date of the greater of the two, and in a fourth [text4] I need to see the date of [text3] if it falls on a Monday through Friday, or the date of the previous Friday if [text3] falls on Saturday, and the date of the following Monday if [text3] falls on a Sunday.
...a couple quick examples;
If text1 = 2/20/2015 and text2 = 2/27/2015, text3 should evaluate to 2/27/2015, and text4 should evaluate to 2/27/2015 or If text1 = 2/20/2015 and text2 = 2/28/2015, text3 should evaluate to 2/28/2015, and text4 should evaluate to 2/27/2015
My attempts to compare text1 and text2 revolve around an IIF but result in an error...
Entering this into [text3]... IIF([text1]>[text2], [text1], [text2])
results in "#Name?" error, which I interpret as meaning the date from the source cannot be pulled into the formula.In attempt to check the day of week, I used =Weekday([text3],1) which results in a number. I haven't been able to do an IIF on it as it errors with #Name? again.
The layout: I have form1 listed in continuous view. I have about 10 fields being listed. I have unbound text boxes for each field in the form header designated as a filter for each field.
Ideal world: Have each filter update records as you type. But I would also like for a "cascade" effect on the filters as well. Being that I can type in a few letters in FilterField1, and type in a few letters in FilterField2 and it would only display the records where the criteria is met for both filters.
What I'm not looking for: Only applying 1 filter at a time for 1 field. I have this setup now, but would like it to be more versatile allowing several fields to be filtered at once.
As a part of reducing traffic on file server, I am planning to read less record on the form and hence I tried removing forms record source. (Attached sample db)
I kept all unbound textboxes onto the forms and save new record to the table using codes back of the command button. This is working great with main form. But doesn’t with sub form. I tried removing record source of sub form and keeping unbound text boxes to appear record if it exists.
If you enter 1 in InvNum text box on main form, you will find it brings record. I don’t want to show the record on the sub form unless I call it from main form.
How can I use the same trick of unbound text boxes with sub form too?
I have a form that utilizes a combo box called cboProgAddr (for Program Address). The cbox has 5 columns each of which fills in an adjacent text box. Since I needed the option of making corrections to these text boxes once they were filled in I need to set them up as unbound via the following code in the After Update event of cboProgAddr:
Private Sub cboProgAddr_AfterUpdate() Me!txtProgStreet.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(1) Me!txtLocStreet.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(1) Me!txtProgCitySt.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(2) Me!txtLocCitySt.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(2) Me!txtProgZip.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(3) Me!txtLocZip.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(3) End Sub
As you can see it puts each field of data into two separate text boxes. Here's the issue: If I have to go back to the form after the original data entry the following boxes are blank...
txtProgStreet txtProgCitySt txtProgZip
while the following retain the orginal data...
txtLocStreet txtLocCitySt txtLocProgZip
The original cboProgAddr maintains its original data. All six fields above are stored in the same table as text field. I'd like all the boxes to maintain the data from the original input.
I'm totally baffled why this is so. I've attached images of the combo box control functions if that helps.
I have 3 values in unbound text boxes and a 4th text box that is calculating the sum of the first three text boxes, i need the result of the calculation to be stored in the field "Total Cost" that is also on this form.
I have a report that selects and shows records where a specified date field is within the range of 2 dates that the user enters.I created 2 unbound textboxes on the report with a Shortdate format and InputMask 0000-00-00;0;_.When user enter correct dates, then everything works fine: selection is properly done, the right records show up.But I have 2 problems:
1-the input mask is not working: the user can input anything! 2-the 2 unbound textboxes do not show the dates entered by the user.
It seems the value entered bu user does not go straight into the unbound textbox. How do I either intercept the value entered by the user directly into the unbound textbox or via a variable?
I have a form setup that has 5 combo boxes where a user will select one item from each combo box. Each combo box is from a differant table. Once this is done I want to be able to append or update the results into a new table I created. My problem is I don't know how to submit the data from the combo boxes to the new table. Can anyone help me with this?
I'm developing a form to link a clause to one of a selection of internal documents from drop down boxes (of which there are a lot and hence looking for ways to make it more manageable to find).Now the setup of the internal documents is unfortunately beyond my control (separate SharePoint Libraries, inconsistent fields, you name it they've picked the worst way to do it :P).
I figure the best way to do this is to set up some unbound controls - two drop down (to narrow down location/department), two text boxes (doc code and name) with the idea that it will limit the selection to anything 'like' what is typed in.What I would like is either: How to set the RowSource criteria to only apply if the relevant control is not blank (i.e. if all the boxes are blank, all docs will show; if 'Sales' is selected in department and the user types 'Sales Order Entry' only the Sales Documents relating to order entry will appear)How to add criteria to the RowSource of a dropdown box via VBA (I've created the relevant 'If then ... else' statements but not sure how to add rowsource criteria in VBA)
I have a form that contains a combo box (cboEmployeeName) that pulls data from a query and populates three text boxes (Work Area, Last Name, First Name), This part works fine. Because the text boxes are being populated by the Combo box, they are not bound to the record source tblTrainingSchedule). I need the info that is in the text boxes to populate the respective fields in the record source.
I tested by adding "=tblTrainingSchedule!WorkArea=[cboEmployeeName].Column(3)" (column 3 is the work area) to the "after update" control but it does not populate the data.
This basically gives a count of for a specific month. There are twelve rows of text boxes and two columns. There is a query applied to the report to input the year, as this is a yearly report.
What I want to do is link a chart to each and every text box to show the data in an easy to view format. But I can't seem to figure it out, and I've had no luck on the web .
I have two unbound text boxes and a search button adjacent each that allows me to search for a user via two methods:
1) Payroll ID 2) Surname
They have the following code:
Code: Private Sub txtPayrollIDSearch_AfterUpdate() Dim sWHERE As String sWHERE = "[PayrollID] = " & Me.txtPayrollIDSearch sWHERE = "[PayrollID] = '" & Me.txtPayrollIDSearch & "'"
Then minor differences between the above and the Surname search.I have two questions:
1) How do I make the search more friendly by allowing it to find partial matches, i.e., a user has a surname of 'Smith' but I want to search for 'Smi'?
2) How can I display further error messages if there aren't any matches?
On one of my PC's at home I thought I would give Office 2007 a go. It ran so slow and bogged down that I un-installed it and re-installed Office XP
Now when opening a db with an image the attached error message appears. The Db opened OK previously, and works on my other PC's, so I presume it is an office installation error.
I am getting a Run-time error (2220)-Microsoft Office Access can't open the file (then state path) on a form when a user attmpts to add an image and "Cancels" out of the file dialog box. I do not have any problems if the user continues to add the image.