Unbound Field Problems

Jan 29, 2005

Hi all :)

Consider the following:
I have orders from an order table, a table for delivered items (as customer might not get wat is ordered due to various reasons), a client table and an item table.

My current problem revolves around the packers form, to enter what is delivered in a simple manner. The main form shows a customer and the sub form shows the delivery form. This delivery form shows fields for one customer, and the rows are "per item":
- Item name
- sum Ordered
- packed (unbound)
- delivered (checkbox)
- actual delivered
- Diff (between "sum ordered" and "actual delivered")

My first limitation is that the order numbers are obtained by crosstabbing and various unions and joins, so the rows are not directly updatable. The workflow I vision is:
1. The "packed" field should have a default value of "sum ordered"
2. User verifies or changes the packed field to the number of items being packed
3. User then clicks the "delivered" checkbox and the system inserts a row in the delivered table, refreshes the forrm and the "actual delivered" should be filled in as well as the "delivered" checkbox checked
4. At some point user wants to change delivered item and updates the "packed" field and the system changes the "delivered" checkbox to unchecked)
5 user verifies change of number and checks the "delivered" checkbox and the system updates the delivered record and does a refresh

At first I tried to have the "packed" constrol source to "iif(isNull([actual_delivered]);[sum_ordered];[actual_delivered]". This expression works, but when I try to change the value is says "form is read-only" (when I try to change some other field it says "Th recordset is not updateable"). I then took away the expression and it was updateable, but as soon as the field is updated, all the rows gets the same value.

I thught about setting the "packed" value in an event, but it seems as long as it is unbound, all rows will have the same value (tried on curent). To me it feels like a chicken and egg situation, which usually means something is not done right. I also believe that I can "fake" the checking of the checkbox by using a "mouse down" or "key down" to catch the user's intention and then update the underlaying values and do a refresh. It doesn't feel right, but that's the direction this is taking because of the uneditableness.

Has anybody got an idea of how to mix non-updateable and updatable fields in the same subform and have seperate values in an unboud field? or a bettwe way of doing this?

Thaks :D

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How To Make Unbound Field Auto-populate Conditionally From Another Unbound Field

Jan 30, 2015

To make it simple, I have a list of contact names and their email. I want to have a form with no control source and have 2 simple drop down boxes for their Name and their Email. What I would like to happen is the user choose a name from the drop down in field 1 and then the field below auto-populate their email in field 2. I understand I can use conditional IF/THEN and list out each email, but the contact list is ever changing, so I want to first drop down to link to the TblContacts, have the user pick the name from the list and then have the 2nd field autopopulate from that same TblContacts with their email respective to the Name entered in field 1. My form has two field [Traveler] and [Email]...The tblContacts two fields are [Name] and [Email]

DLookup("[Email]", "tblContact", "[Name] = [frmEmail]![Traveler]")

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Send A Content Of Unbound Field In A Form To A Field In The Table

Feb 26, 2006

in my form I created an unbound field with a requested combination, now how can I put those in a table field.
in other words, how can I send the content of a form's unbound field to a field in the table?

your help is very appreciated.


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Get Value From Unbound Text Field From FORM And Store Value In Bound Field

Nov 5, 2012

I've created a data entry form w/ 7 fields.... [f1], [f2], [f3], [f4], [f5], [f6] are bound to a table. While [f7] is unbound and has Nz function.

Now, the value of [f7] is the summation of [f1] to [f5], i want that what ever value is generated by [f7] will be stored on [f6] in both forms and table...

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Forms :: Unbound Field Value Based On Another Field

Nov 17, 2014

I have a continuous subform that draws information from a table (Calls). This subform shows a variety of fields among them one called "ResolutionDetails".

This field can have various values such as "In process, Completed" Initial contacts", Repairing,..."

I have been asked to simplify this subform by hiding this field and adding another one (not to the table, just to the continuous form) that shows only two possible values: "In Process" or "Completed"

So let's say I create a new unbound field in this continuous form; How can I do so this field checks the value of "ResolutionDetails" and it shows one of the two options? My guess is that I need to give this new field a default value of "In process" and have it change to "Completed" when "ResolutionDetails" value is "Completed"

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#Name In Unbound Field

Oct 19, 2004

I have a form (frmMain) that references a table (tblMain). The table contains five fields (MonInv, TueInv, WedInv, ThuInv, and FriInv).

I have an unbound field (Text2) which calculates the totals of those fields.

Here's the equation in the control source:


My problem is Text2 displays #Name.

Is something wrong with the equation.

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Can't Get Unbound Field To Requery

Mar 15, 2005

I have a form with an unbound control on it. The record source of the control is a DLookup function, which works fine. When updating the table (on which the DLookup Function is based) through different form, my unbound control on the other form that uses the DLookup Function does not refresh.

I have tried requerying the control on the Form's Got Focus, On Activate, and On Current events, with no success. I can get it to requery using OnClick event of the control itself, or the Detail or Header Section of the Form, but I don't want the user to have to click anything for the most recent data to show.

Your help is appreciated! THANKS!


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Unbound Field Calculation

Jul 31, 2007

Below is the code I have written to calculate the arrival and departure times based on the users input on time in the air (tripETE) and on the ground (tripGT). The arrival (txtArrTimeZulu) and departure (txtDepTimeZulu) times are unbound boxes since there is no need to save the information. My problem is when the next leg's ground or air times are entered, it updates the arrival and departure times for all the records to that value; overwritting the previous legs times. What am i missing here? Do i need to open a recordset when opening the form or when entering "TripETE" and "TripGT"?....

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Can't Type In Unbound Text Field

May 27, 2005

happy friday to all! I may just be missing something simple here but not sure what. I have a form with an option group of radio buttons, an unbound label, and an unbound text field.
If radio button A is selected, the the label and the text field become visible. no problem with this.

when they become visible, I want to be able to enter a string into the unbound text box, and use that data to populate a query from. I know how to do this also.

No the problem: when the textbox becomes visible I can't type into it?

Any thoughts?


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Updating Unbound Field On Form

Nov 4, 2005

I have a form with a bound combo box. There is an unbound text box for display purposes only that is supposed to reflect the third column of the combo box for the current record.

I set it's default value at [cmbPartyType].[Column](2) .

It works for the first record. but when I scroll through the records, the box keeps the value that was appropriate for the first record. how can I get it to look at that combo box on every form? Even if I am not update records, just looking at them?

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Linking A Field To A Unbound Form

Oct 16, 2006

i have a form "send mails" which is unbound
it have a combobox field "to" ,i want it to bound to a field "names" in the table "email"

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Reports :: Unbound Field On A Report

Jul 3, 2013

I have two numeric fields which make up what looks like a full decimalised number ie 20.22 - only I am unable to put the decimal point in between the two numbers.

I thought about putting in an unbound object such as a picture of a full-stop but cant get it anchored at the correct angle to make it look convincing in the report.As this is such a huge database I have tried to amend the tables, but it loses vital data ?

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Putting Unbound Query Field Into Report

Jun 11, 2007

Hey guys im really stuck on this one and hope some one can help me out.

I have the following structure:

Table: Products
Product Name

Table: Suppliers
Supplier Name

Table: Prices
Product Name
Supplier Name
Supplier Offer

Query: QrySuppliers
Prices.Product Name
Prices.Supplier Name
Prices.Supplier Offer
Percent Off Trade: IIf(IsNull([Products]![Trade Price Euros]),0,([Products]![Trade Price Euros]-Nz([Prices]![Supplier Price],0))/[Products]![Trade Price Euros])

Because the "Percent Off Trade" field is unbound to a table I cant get the data into a report, instead every time I open the report it asks me for Products!Trade Price Euros :(

I've never tried doing complicated calculations in Access and would reallly appreciate any suggestions you guys could give me.

I tried to attatch the database but its 508kb so if anyone has a spare second and wants to check it out heres the link http://www.jeron.co.uk/Products.zip

once again thanks!

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Saving Previous Unbound Field Values

Oct 5, 2005


i have a form (A) with some unbound combo boxes which generate a subform (continuous) recordsource and the records output

after i filter the subform, i click on a subform record and open another form (B), and close form (A)

i do a bit of editing on form (B), then i click a button to go back to form (A).

is it possible to open the form (A), with the unbound combo boxes values at the same value as when form (A) was last closed, and as such the subform records output as per when the parent form (a) closed

if this is possible i can then have a button on form (B), to go to the next or previous record on the form (A) subform

apologies if this sounds confusing, many thanks in advance

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Forms :: Replace A Form In Unbound Field

May 13, 2015

I have a form with a navigational control which loads in the unbound area a form according to the navigational btn, this form has a list of records in datasheet view, when clicking on a specific records it opens a form with the specific record selected, I would, once double clicked on the record, the form to open within the same unbound window.

To be more precise, from the attachment, when the frmMain is open and the user double clicks on the IATACode the navigation target under the Tab Airport closes the form "frmQueryAirport" and opens "frmAirport", once the user closes the window with the appropriate Exit Btn, the "frmQueryAirport" reopens.

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Forms :: Sum Unbound Field In Continuous Form?

Dec 17, 2014

I have a continuous form with a number of unbound fields and bound fields. However, I would like to sum an unbound fields (Text28). Text28 is an unbound calculated field based on another calculated unbound field (Text22). I would like to sum Text28 in the footer or somewhere in the form.

Here are the codes for my field:

Text28 = iff([Text22>0], [Text22], [Text20] --- This works
Text29 =sum(iff([Text22>0], [Text22], [Text20]) --- this is not working

and it did not work.

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Queries :: Using Unbound Field As Query Criteria

Dec 13, 2013

I have a value in an unbound field on a Form, which is 1234 OR 765 OR 356.

In the QBE criteria grid, I used builder to reference this form:


The column this is in is for the ID field, which is a number.

However, it is not filtering the data correctly. If I copy the above text and paste it into the QBE grid, then it will work. But when I reference it, it fails. If I change the value to just a number on my unbound field, it works. So the issue seems to be that its bringing across the text as a string and so perhaps effectively puts quotes around it when referencing it.

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Forms :: Enter Parameter Value On Unbound Field

Nov 27, 2013

I'm using Access 2013.

My scenario is: I have a Form to add Job Logs. This form has a cascading combo box with Clients filtering Projects. However, the Clients Combo Box is unbound, Projects is bound to the ClientProjects ID. I had to do this instead of have a key for both Clients and Projects in my Job Logs table due to the fact that Clients and Projects have a many-to-many relationship.

For Adding Job Logs this is fine.

My Problem: I have separate forms for viewing and editing Job Logs, and naturally, because Clients has no binding, every time I run these forms Access brings up the 'Enter Parameter Value' Message Box. I have tried a VB script to assign the Client ID based on the ClientProject ID value stored in the Projects combobox, on Form Load, however it still asks me to enter the Parameter Value and just writes the code in the combobox. Here's the Script:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.SelectClient = "SELECT Client ID, Client Name " & _
"FROM Client Projects Query " & _
"WHERE ClientProjectID = " & Me.SelectProject.Value
End Sub

Also, the Projects Combobox is also empty.

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Forms :: Using Unbound Field On The Form To Be Parameter

Apr 3, 2013

I have set up a Parameter query which works, and use this on a form.

What I am having a problem with is using an unbound field on the form to be the parameter.

For example in the Empty feild/box on the form I would type SMITH, and this on a click of a button next to it would run the parameter query as a subform.

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Forms :: Using Unbound Combo Box To Pre-populate Field

Sep 17, 2013

I am using an unbound combo box to pre populate my field

Example: on my form if I select a post code prefix AB1 it is returning a value 2AB the second half field of the form.

The form works for me however it does not return any value for the second half on my table.

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First Record In Table To Appear In Unbound Text Field On Form?

Feb 20, 2006

Hi All,

I hope someone can help me.

I have a table here tblTemp with a field client. This table can have from 1 to 100 records at times as it keeps getting cleared for the purpose of this exercise.

I also have a form frmLabel1Data with an unbound text box txtclient.

I was hoping to get the first record of the table into this text box upon opening the form.

I tried creating a query which gave me the following sql;

SELECT First(tblTemp.client) AS FirstOfclient FROM tblTemp;

I also tried placing it in this code with no luck

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)


SQL = "SELECT First(tblTemp.client) AS FirstOfclient FROM tblTemp;"
MsgBox SQL

End Sub

Does anyone know why I cannot see the same result as when I open the query it gives me my client name but the code above does not????

Any help is appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Insert Unbound Field Values Into A Table?

Mar 11, 2015

I am working on a timesheet application which allows users to insert multiple timesheet entries in a grid style format. the first row is visible and to add another row users click on a command button which makes the next row of fields available and ready to fill in and so on and so forth. I need the fields to be unbound and then when the user clicks on a save button for example then it inserts those values into the relevant table. Table name is tbltimesheet, field names are id, companyname, project, activitydate, activityhours, activitynotes, username, userid

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Forms :: Write Unbound Form Field To Table

Apr 22, 2015

I have a form which has an unbound text field which is a calculated filed showing a date which is x months after a separate field on the form.

I need to write this field back to a table in the database when an "add" command button is clicked.

The table is called Assets
The form is called Assets List
The text field on the form is called txtWED and needs to be written back to the table "Assets" in the field "Warranty_End_Date"

If possible can I add this as an expression on an "add" command button?

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Allow Multiple Values In Unbound Field For Query Parameters

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to find a way to allow the user to enter multiple numbers in an unbound box that I will pass to a query as parameters. I already have it set up to pas the parameters from the form but if i try to do more than one number it doesn't work.

I have tried:

1306 or 1307 or 1308
1306, 1307, 1308
"1306 or 1307 or 1308"

I was reading somewhere that when the value is picked up from the form it is not like you are typing it right in the criteria box of the query.

So are there any other options here? Is there a way to enter all the number in a box and then use vba to create an array and then pass that to the query?

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Unbound Text Field In Continuous Form: Update One Record, They All Get The Same Value

Feb 20, 2006


I want to show some text from another table based on the values of the bound fields in each record of a continuous form. I thought it would be easy, but I can't get it to work.

I step through the records in the bound recordset and use some of the values to query another table. Then I use the value from the query to populate the unbound text field.

It works fine for each record. But every time the unbound field is updated, all the records in the continuous form are updated.

I'm stuck on this one. It's probably something simple to fix - if you know what to do!

Do you have any suggestions?


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Forms :: Unbound Calculated Field - Show Results As Currency

Oct 16, 2014

I have an unbound calculated field [Txt1] that I would like to show the result as currency. The fields in the calculation are:

[CR] number, currency
[Commission1] general number, two decimal places
[Commission2] general number, two decimal places

The calculation is: CR15W * (1 - Commission1) * (1 - Commission2)
If I just set the field to currency it works fine. But I want the field to show the following:
"Some Text" & " " & Format(Calculation, "Currency")

When I tried to include the format it to currency I get type mismatch, run time error 13.

So I thought that perhaps I should try the following just to see where my error starts and I get the same error message when I use:

Dim Val1 As String
Val1 = CR15W * (1 - Commission1) * (1 - Commission2)
Txt1 = Format(Val1, "Currency")

Everything I have read says the formula is:

Format([Calculation], "Currency")

Is correct. So why won't it work for me?

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