Unbound Form And Selection Boxes For Report

Oct 25, 2005

I have set up a query to give me details of employees names, the business they work for and where they work.

If I run it without criteria I get all of my records, as you would expect.

However, I want to be able to select parameters from combo boxes and then run a specific report of employees by location. I did have this working by accident a while ago but have changed quite a lot since then.

I have set up an unbound form with three combo boxes - Business, Business Unit and Location. Then a button for preview and print report linking to my report template.

I have refernced the controls in the relevant columns of my query as: [Forms]![FormName]![Control].

When I run the query I get nothing back and I don't understand why.

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Reports :: Unbound Text Boxes In Report

Feb 5, 2015

I have 10 unbound textboxes with the Tag Name "LoopID" in my report. I have to display the "PatientNumbers" field from the table tblPatient in those text boxes. Below is my code.

When I run the report, I get the error message: Run-time error '2448.' You can't assign value to this object and the code "Ctl.Value = rst!LCANumber" is highlighted.

Private Sub Report_Current()
Dim strSql As String
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim x As Integer
Dim Ctl As Control
strSql = "Select PatientNumber from tblPatient"

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Creating Chart In Report Using Unbound Text Boxes?

Jul 25, 2013

I am having trouble creating a chart within a report. Let me start off by explaing my report.

I have many unbound textboxes on my report that all have the code very similar to this:

" =Count(IIf([Complaints Table]![Month]=1,IIf([Complaints Table]![Decision - Our Favour? (Y/N)]="Y",0))) "

This basically gives a count of for a specific month. There are twelve rows of text boxes and two columns. There is a query applied to the report to input the year, as this is a yearly report.

What I want to do is link a chart to each and every text box to show the data in an easy to view format. But I can't seem to figure it out, and I've had no luck on the web .

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Unbound Combo Boxes And A Form With Allow Edit Set To 'NO'

Oct 29, 2005

Hi folks,

I have a form with a record source property set to a query which pulls the data by joining two tables. The form also has four navigation buttons (first, previous, next, last) and a ADD record, SAVE record, EDIT record, DELETE record buttons.

I also have a unbound combo box (control source iset to 'empty') in the form's header section and its record source property set to an SQL (SELECT DISTINCTROW tblProjts1.chrProjectName, tblProjts1.intProjectID FROM tblProjts1 ORDER BY tblProjts1.chrProjectName;). It's columns count is 2, bound column is set to 2 and column width is set to 3.1146";0".

In the edit button, I have the code "Me.AllowEdits = True" so that the user can edit the data.

Also, I have the following code on form's "on current" and "after update" events so that it will flip back to allow edit to 'NO'
Me.AllowEdits = False

Also, I have the following code on the combo box's 'after update' event.
Dim strSearch As String

strSearch = "[intProjectID] = " & Me![cboProjectID]

'Find the record that matches the control
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst strSearch
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark.

My Problem:

When I run the form and select a record from a combo box it populates the fields (all memo data type) in the form with correct linked record, ONLY when my allow edit property is set to 'YES'.

With allow edit set to 'NO', then when a tried to make a selection from a combo box it doesn't allow me to select any record. The combo box seems to be locked up and I can't select any record.

Does anyone come across such a problem with cbo box and 'allow edits' property in the forms.

Your help is much appreciated.


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Sub Form With All Unbound Text Boxes To Store Record

Dec 3, 2005


As a part of reducing traffic on file server, I am planning to read less record on the form and hence I tried removing forms record source. (Attached sample db)

I kept all unbound textboxes onto the forms and save new record to the table using codes back of the command button. This is working great with main form. But doesn’t with sub form. I tried removing record source of sub form and keeping unbound text boxes to appear record if it exists.

If you enter 1 in InvNum text box on main form, you will find it brings record. I don’t want to show the record on the sub form unless I call it from main form.

How can I use the same trick of unbound text boxes with sub form too?

Please extend your help.

With kind regards,


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Blank Combo Boxes Used For Form Selection

May 23, 2006

Hi All,

Am using a number of combo boxes as selection criteria for a report. The combo boxes are linked to a table, obviously there will be times when no criteria is required and will want to select "ALL" when left blank.

Is there a simple solution ?


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Forms :: Add Record To Table From A Form Using Unbound List And Text Boxes?

May 14, 2013

I have a form with 1 unbound listbox as drop down list (entypolst), an unbound text box(entypotxt) and a command button. The list box reads items from a table. I want to change a value (text) on listbox, input a text on textbox so pressing the button add a new record in a table (Table1 fields Category,Product) showing in my form as subform (SFTable1) in datasheet view. For that reason a made the following code:

Private Sub AddBtn_Click()
Dim ans As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control


I take the error msg for 0 items selected in listbox and exit the sub.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter A Report Via Unbound Form

Apr 22, 2014

When I have a value in "WorkCenter" everything works great and graph looks fine. When I leave blank in order to see all records, I get a blank graph.

Here's the code:

Private Sub Open_Downtime_Graph_Click()
Dim strCriteria As String
If IsNull(Me.WorkCenter) Then
strCriteria = "[WorkCenter] Like '*'"

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Calculation Using Two Other Unbound Text Boxes

Jul 25, 2013

I am running in to a brick wall with this. I have an unbound text box with the control source set to =IIF([text42]=0,0,[text42]/[text44])*100 and in continues to return a #name? error.

I am not sure how to get this expression to work. I have even tried to put =[text42]/[text44] and I still get the #name? error.

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Report Sorting From Form Selection

Sep 27, 2004

I am trying to create a form where the user can select which group of data they want (records complete, records due, etc) and also how they want the report sorted (project name, due date, etc.)

I created an option group for the record selection part with a variable named myFilter being equal to the required filter (i.e. myFilter = "(([Assessment Details].[Completion Date]) <= Now())")

I then created a combo box for the record sort part with a variable named myOrder being equal to the required sort (i.e. myOrder = " ORDER BY [Project Description].Deadline")

Finally I created a variable named myCriteria which is equal to myFilter & myOrder. Then I try to open the report with DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , myCriteria.

Now, when I run the form and try to get the report, I get the following error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '((([Assessment Details].[Completion Date]) <= Now()) ORDER BY [Project Description].Deadline)'.

Is there any way to have the user be able to select the sort order and have it pass to the report?

Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Report With Subreport Based On Unbound Form

Apr 14, 2015

I am trying to open a report (rptGMX-IRG) that includes a sub-report (srptRG) based on criteria that is set with two unbound fields on a form (frmGMXbook). This form has two dropdown boxes (cboGMX_No & cboMachSize) and a command button. The first dropdown box includes data located in the main form and the second dropdown includes data that is part of the sub-report.

I can get the report to open properly when I enter data into both fields on frmGMXbook.

However, the problem I am having is the inability to have one or both fields be "Like '*'" and show all associated records.

Here is the code I have on the command button.

Private Sub GMX_Preview_Click()
Dim strCriteria As String
If IsNull(Me.cboGMX_No) Then
strCriteria = "[cboGMX_No] Like '*'"
strCriteria = "[GMX_No] ='" & Me.cboGMX_No.Value & "'"

[Code] ....

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Filter By Selection/Form - Then Report Selected Only

Apr 19, 2005

Hello all.

I would like to place a "Print Report" button on my primary form that allows a Filter By Selection (OR Filter By Form) first, then when selecting the button will view or print my already-created primary report but only for the records that were selected by the filter.

I looked and looked, but am not sure even what to search for in the forum. I know this has to be simple.

Form is called PrimaryForm.
Report is called PrimaryReport.

Thank you.


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Unbound Combo Box Selection To Load Record

Apr 5, 2005

First, just want to say I wish I had found this site a long time ago. Lots of good stuff here :) I don't know a lot about Access, but know it can be a great tool for what I need. So I hope I can find the help I am looking for...

Ok, on my form I have three unbound combobox's that I use to filter the information I want. The first two do not need to be used, meaning that the third combobox will show all the records if the first two are left blank.
With that being said...
I would like the form to show no data until the selection is made in this third combobox. SO, my first question is how do I make the form show no records till this combobox has a selection. And second (at the same time), make that third unbound combobox with the selection load that record to the form fields so they can be viewed or edited??

I'm sure it can be done, but I am lost...
Hope I explained it ok :)
Thanks in advance!!!!!!

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Unbound Image Boxes And OLE Error

Feb 14, 2005

Having experienced the bloating effect that many others have when embedding OLE pictures into Access, I decided to use a text field and hyperlink instead. I have an Unbound Imagebox on my form and populate using the codes below:-

Image.Visible = True
Image.Class = "Paint"
Image.OLETypeAllowed = acOLELinked
Image.SourceDoc = [Image File] ' This is my Hyperlink text field.
Image.Action = acOLECreateLink

This works fine after the first attempt but on the first attempt I get the following error -

"Run Time Error - 2786, The OLE Server doesn't support linking".

After this everything works fine, it's almost as if something needs initializing on the first go. I tried using Picture Box's instead but some of linked images have very long path names and they can't handle them (in true Access style) so I guess they must be an older control than the Image Box.

Any ideas anyone, this ones been troubling me for ages?

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Unbound Or Named Combo Boxes

Mar 19, 2006

Ive got a combo box linked to fields in a form so when I value (tenantID) i selected in the combo box the record appears in the form.

The problem is, I have changed the form name Unbound (it was blank) to TenantID as I want it to appear when the form is opened, however now I cannot select other items from the combo box.

Help !! xx

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Filling Unbound Text Boxes

Jun 1, 2006

What i'm trying to do is fill several unbound text boxes on a form.

I have an "Employeetbl" with "Employeename" and a "Projecttbl" with "Projectname". what i want to do is have about 10 text boxes from left to right on my form. Then fill these with all the employee names from my "Employeetbl".
Underneath this i will have about 10 text boxes from top to bottom and i'd like to fill these with the project name from the "Projecttbl"

anyone have any idea?


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Problem Synchronising Unbound Combo Boxes

Jan 27, 2006

I'm pretty hopless with VB but I am trying very hard (hours spent on this forum reading code I only slightly get the gist of) to implement a form that takes input from two synchronised unbound combo boxes and then displays records matching the input in a sub-form in datasheet mode. I'm failing at the first part just now: the combo boxes. No doubt I'll fail at the second part too but I'll deal with that when I get this fixed. :)

I was using the northwind DB to learn how to synchronise the combo boxes. I successfully did it by following the instructions and using this code from MS kb article 209595 in the After Update procedure:

Me.Products.RowSource = "SELECT ProductName FROM" & _
" Products WHERE CategoryID = " & Me.Categories & _
" ORDER BY ProductName"
Me.Products = Me.Products.ItemData(0)

I then tried to implement this on my database by changing the relevant information to reflect my database info. as shown below, and it does not work. I switched Product references for my Unit references and Category references for my Item references but I don't think I got it right or over-simplified it due to the table structure.

Private Sub Item_AfterUpdate()
Me.Units.RowSource = "SELECT Unit FROM" & _
" Units WHERE ItemID = " & Me.Items & _
" ORDER BY Unit"
Me.Units = Me.Units.ItemData(0)
End Sub

When I compile the code it stops at Me.Items with the error "Method or data member not found". So I assume that I have not referenced the right objects when I modified the code. I thought this was maybe due to the two tables I'm using being in a many-to-many relationship via a junction table, as opposed to the northwind tables which are directly linked by a one-to-many relationship. If this is indeed the case, can anyone help me put this right. I have attached my table structure / relationships in a .jpg to this post.

Any help from all you smart developer dudes would be muchly appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Set Tag Property For Unbound Text Boxes

May 14, 2015

I am having a little problem with making an audit trail for a form with some unbound text controls on it.

Since .OldValue won't work on unbound text boxes, google suggested that I put the old value in the control's tag property. This is what I came up with:

Dim ctl, tbox As Control
Dim strName, strOLD, StrNew, NewTag As String
Dim NextOne As Label
For Each tbox In Me.Controls
If TypeName(tbox) = "TextBox" Then
Select Case tbox.Value

[Code] ....

The first loop is supposed to dynamically assign the tag value, with whatever the textbox value is, however it doesn't. I've asterisked out the line i think may be the issue.

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Forms :: Searching With Unbound Text Boxes

Jun 17, 2014

I want people to be able to search, or jump to a record by the PO #

I am hoping to just do it in the form, and by that I mean, the user is on the Purchase Order form and needs to look at a previous Purchase Order for editing, deleting, etc. and to just type it in the text box, hit the search button, and there it is.

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Forms :: Using Unbound Text Boxes And Calculation

Nov 12, 2014

Got a database that is working great

1 table - Employees
2 Queries
1) - QEmployees Extended
2) - QyrsEmp

2 Forms
1) - Employee Details (source control is "QEmployees Extended")
2) - Employee List (source control is "QEmployees Extended")

in Form "Employee Details" there is field named "HireDate" this field is also found in the table (records) "Employees" and "QEmployees Extended".When Form "Employee Details" is ran the "HireDate" appears as it should in the "HireDate" text box.

What I want to do is add a unbound text box to Form "Employee Details" named "txtYrsEmp" (Years Employed). and perform a calculation that will take the "HireDate" (date) and compare it to "Todays Date" and come up with the number of years employed rounded by 2 and show this result in the unbound text box called "txtYrsEmp"

Now I did a Qurey just to see if I could calculate what I wanted- "QYrsEmp" where in the first column I entered in the Field row (top) Expr1: EmployeeID from table Employee and in the second column I entered in the Field row (top) txtYrsEmp: Round(DateDiff("d"'[HireDate],NOW()/365.25,2))

Now the query returns the exact results I want so I know the calculation is possible at least here in the query.

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Forms :: Clearing Unbound Text Boxes

Jul 2, 2013

I have a form that has some unbound text boxes in it, when I switch to a new record I want the unbound text boxes to clear.

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Compare Dates In 2 Unbound Text Boxes

Feb 20, 2015

On a form I'm asking a user to enter dates in 2 different textboxes, say, [text1] and [text2], both formatted to short date. In a third textbox [text3] I need to see the date of the greater of the two, and in a fourth [text4] I need to see the date of [text3] if it falls on a Monday through Friday, or the date of the previous Friday if [text3] falls on Saturday, and the date of the following Monday if [text3] falls on a Sunday.

...a couple quick examples;

If text1 = 2/20/2015 and text2 = 2/27/2015, text3 should evaluate to 2/27/2015, and text4 should evaluate to 2/27/2015
If text1 = 2/20/2015 and text2 = 2/28/2015, text3 should evaluate to 2/28/2015, and text4 should evaluate to 2/27/2015

My attempts to compare text1 and text2 revolve around an IIF but result in an error...

Entering this into [text3]... IIF([text1]>[text2], [text1], [text2])

results in "#Name?" error, which I interpret as meaning the date from the source cannot be pulled into the formula.In attempt to check the day of week, I used =Weekday([text3],1) which results in a number. I haven't been able to do an IIF on it as it errors with #Name? again.

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Multiple Filter With Unbound Text Boxes

May 21, 2015

The layout: I have form1 listed in continuous view. I have about 10 fields being listed. I have unbound text boxes for each field in the form header designated as a filter for each field.

Ideal world: Have each filter update records as you type. But I would also like for a "cascade" effect on the filters as well. Being that I can type in a few letters in FilterField1, and type in a few letters in FilterField2 and it would only display the records where the criteria is met for both filters.

What I'm not looking for: Only applying 1 filter at a time for 1 field. I have this setup now, but would like it to be more versatile allowing several fields to be filtered at once.

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Textbox To Display Memo Field Based On Listbox Record Selection

Apr 21, 2014

My table:

- HeatTreatmentID - PK
- HeatTreatmentDesc - Text
- HeatTreatmentDetails - Memo

My form has a listbox (lstHeatTreatments - Multi-Select disabled) that displays Heat Treatment descriptions and an unbound textbox (txtHTDetails) that I would like to have display the corresponding memo field when a description is selected from the listbox.

This is my code so far:

Private Sub lstHeatTreatments_AfterUpdate()
Dim myConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim myRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim mySQL As String
Dim selectedRequirementKey As Long
Set myConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = myConnection


When I run the code I get an error:


Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)':

The Value you entered isn't valid for this field

When I debug, it highlights:


Me.txtHTDetails = myRecordSet.Fields

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Data Disappearing From Unbound Text Boxes Upon Edit.

Jan 12, 2006


I have a form that utilizes a combo box called cboProgAddr (for Program Address). The cbox has 5 columns each of which fills in an adjacent text box. Since I needed the option of making corrections to these text boxes once they were filled in I need to set them up as unbound via the following code in the After Update event of cboProgAddr:

Private Sub cboProgAddr_AfterUpdate()
Me!txtProgStreet.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(1)
Me!txtLocStreet.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(1)
Me!txtProgCitySt.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(2)
Me!txtLocCitySt.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(2)
Me!txtProgZip.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(3)
Me!txtLocZip.Value = Me!cboProgAddr.Column(3)
End Sub

As you can see it puts each field of data into two separate text boxes. Here's the issue: If I have to go back to the form after the original data entry the following boxes are blank...


while the following retain the orginal data...


The original cboProgAddr maintains its original data. All six fields above are stored in the same table as text field. I'd like all the boxes to maintain the data from the original input.

I'm totally baffled why this is so. I've attached images of the combo box control functions if that helps.


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Problem Storing A Value Calculated By Unbound Text Boxes

Mar 6, 2006

I have 3 values in unbound text boxes and a 4th text box that is calculating the sum of the first three text boxes, i need the result of the calculation to be stored in the field "Total Cost" that is also on this form.

Any ideas

Cheers Mikk

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