A team id can appear in either team1 or team2 (depends on how the algorithm to compute who plays who calculates it).
I want to know how many games a team plays, so I wrote 4 queries:
SELECT tbl_Fixtures.team1_id AS team_id, Count(tbl_Fixtures.fixture_id) AS games
FROM tbl_Fixtures
GROUP BY tbl_Fixtures.team1_id;
SELECT tbl_Fixtures.team2_id AS team_id, Count(tbl_Fixtures.fixture_id) AS games
FROM tbl_Fixtures
GROUP BY tbl_Fixtures.team1_id;
FROM qryTeam1Games
FROM qryTeam2games;
SELECT qryAllGames.team_id, Sum(qryAllGames.games) AS SumOfgames
FROM qryAllGames
GROUP BY qryAllGames.team_id;
Unfortunately, if the same team_id and games combination appears in both qryTeams1Games and qryTeams2Games, it doesn't bring 2 records into qryAllGames and the summed number of games is only half of what it should be.
Is this a case where a union query shouldn't be used? Is that how it is supposed to work?
A work around isn't a problem but this did have me stumped for a bit.
I have an application (http://users.tpg.com.au/mr_mod/east.zip) i have been given but forsome reason one of the queries isnt doing what i expect it to do. One of the queries "Count Cams" is supposed to be able to look at a particular job number in the imported items table and count the number of cams, this is then reported in the job data screen on the main form coresponding to a particular customer. Eg customer number 4 has a parts list where there are x number of cams used, but what happens os it counts the total number of cams irrespective of the customer.
Can anyone see the porblem , i have spent several evenings playing and cant seem to fix it.
I'm having a problem with a UNION / UNION ALL query.It seems there is a application crash fault when running the query that MS are aware of and have issued a hot fix. Unfortunately it will take my IT dept some time to check and install the hot fix If they agree to do it at all.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: MSACCESS.EXE Application Version: 12.0.6606.1000
This is for information only - I am not seeking a solution.
I created a Select Query selecting only two memo fields from a single table.
The query works correctly unless you select Unique Values = Yes which results in the error message "The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting less data."
Hi. I have a question prompted by database behaviour that I do not understand.
I have two tables with related records, one being a subset of the other. I have joined the tables in a query with a Left outer join relationship. I have put the query results in a form, and when a User clicks a Yes/No box, a new record is created in the subset table automatically generating an ID number using an Autonumber set to start at chosen integers. However, recently error has occured. When I view the query results some records will not allow me to create a record in the subset table stating "You can not add or change a record because a related record is required in table x", eventhough that very record is the record which the query is displaying. Some records will. The behaviour is erratic and I cannot see what is causing it. Might this be indexing related?
I have a report that when displayed should show information from various forms. On my report design I have 3 subforms, which the report is pulling data from. The strange part is that each record displayed in the report shows the same information over and over 16 total times. I was thinking it was some kind of grouping error.
I am losing records in one table when I delete from another, i.e., I do want to delete records in one, but the related records in the other are also being deleted. This was not happening until I did a recent up date.I created a database in Access 2002 about 8 years ago and my client has been using it successfully ever since. I have occasionally made updates and enhancements. They have over the years upgraded and are now on Office 2010. I'm still using Access 2002.
I recently (3 weeks ago) added a new feature and installed the new code. The database is split, code and data. The new feature was working well, but suddenly they were losing records and they cannot operate until I have it resolved. I spent 2 hours today in their office and could not work out why it was happening.
I have a straight forward client table with names and addresses and some other information. I have another table which links together Clients, Counsellors and Supervisors and works out a room allocation for Therapy sessions. Once the Therapy sessions have been completed, we need to delete the Client, Counsellor, Supervisor + room allocation, but we do not want to delete the Client record in the Client table. The User is offered the opportunity to either archive the client record or not archive it, that's all. The Archive procedure is simply to put a tick in the "Archive" field, not delete the record.
However, when the Client, Counsellor, Supervisor + room allocation is deleted, it is also removing the Client record. I do have a relationship between Clients, Counsellor, Supervisor, but it doesn't have "enforce referential integrity", it is just a one-to-one relationship. The odd thing is that when I delete the allocation here at home on my Access 2002 system, it does not delete the Client Record, but it does in their office, using exactly the same code and data.
The Allocation is on a sub form and the way they delete is by highlighting the Allocation and then clicking on the X - Delete button on the Access menu (the program is not very sophisticated, but has worked until now). I have some code in the "on delete" event, but even if I take out all the code and just allow the deletion with the usual Access message "you are about to delete 1 record... " I have seen that the related Client record gets deleted at the same time. it does not happen on my system, only in their office.
Hello, Something weird happened to me - I have a form with continuous subforms and on it are checkboxes. When I click on one specific checkbox, a text box on the parent form becomes visible, where I can add text, which is added directly to the table in the AfterUpdate event. However, the query underlying the subform does not reflect the change, and when I either go to a different record on the parent form, or click on another checkbox in the subform, I get an error message:"This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made. [...]"I can then Save The Record, Copy To Clipboard or Drop Changes.When I drop changes, the text shows up in the query, although my textbox disappears.The one time I selected Save, however, the table got messed up and a foreign key was replaced by what looks like random number [used to be "1", is now "4587525"]. A second foreign key was also changed.Can anybody explain this?And, more importantly, suggest a way to avoid this entire situation? Thank you.
I have just noticed some strange behaviour in access. I hava and asp page which gets two dates which are then used in a sql statement to refresh a page. The end of the statement deals with a between clause like this
WHERE tbl_Movements.date_of_Movement Between #12/03/2007# AND #30/03/2007#
But when I view this in design mode it changes it to
Between #03/12/2007# And #30/03/2007#
Why does it do this and what can I do to resolve it
Hi, i have a form which is acting strange. i press a button that runs a macro and opens a second form based on my PersonID. ( opens the form showing that person only ). it works great for the first 2 table records. after this, i get a blank screen. not even any text boxes. i have a "where" condition which reads on the following macro sequence:-
OpenForm ( MakeYourPayment ) View ( Form ) Filter Name ( ) Where condition (="[PersonID]="PersonID] ) Data Mode ( Edit ) Window ( Normal )
my second form has PersonID field available so as i read it, my where condition should open the form using Person ID from min form to PersonID on the 2nd form.
any help greatly appreciated as there is a lot of work on this form.
slightly related to a previous thread of mine. thanks to boblarson and co, i have created a subform on my main form that is blank. then i press a button and the sourceobject is set to the desired form i want to have visible. i have the following code-
Private sub Button_Click()
me![MainFormSubForm].sourceObject = " Edit Person" ' name of form me![MainFormSubForm].LinkMasterFields = "PersonID" 'field on main form to link from me![MainFormSubForm].LinkChildFlields = "PersonID" ' field on subform to link to
i can get 4 out of 5 forms to link correctly. i have a listbox on my main form that changes the mainform data to show a different person.with the other forms when they are visible, i can click a different person in the listbox and all info changes. form number 5 "Edit Person" doesnt work. when the form is loaded via the above method, it shows 1 record which is the first in the query that the main form is sourced to. when i click another person in the listbox, the subform goes to a (new) record and does not select the person clicked. the main form changes but not the subform.
why does it do this on one form when 4 others work with the code? the same code is method is used.
This outputs smth SELECT Proj_Name & '-' & Proj_ID as Emp_Pr from Emp_Prj where trim(Proj_Name) like trim('Dot') ------ But not this...why ??? I am using ms access SELECT Proj_Name & '-' & Proj_ID as Emp_Pr from Emp_Prj where trim(Proj_Name) like trim('%Dot%')
After working great for 12 months my db has suddenly stopped working tonight! after opening on to the first form and clicking off any field I get "Invalid Data Format" error message pop up and transfered to the code windows. Access then tells me it does not recognise the code and shuts down !!! Has anyone got any ideas PLEASE, this is a disaster
i have an Address textbox that has key behaviour as - new line in field. this allows me to put the complete address in one box, post code is another textbox. this is fine if i want to create window envelopes but - if i want the address to look as one long line in a report it wont work since the address in the form takes up two lines -- only the first line shows in the address column of the table - hence only one row shows in the report that derives from that table SO =[Address]&" "&[PostCode] placed in the Source Code of the address only shows the first line plus post code . if i make the box deeper then it will show - but only as a second line - i want it all to be one line can i get out of this and still keep the -new line in field- behaviour? thanks in anticipation
I am using a form with 3 combo boxes name, weight and grade. The combo boxes are cascading:
A name is selected in the first combo box, since each name has different weights attached to it only the weights associated with that name are selected when the weight combo box is clicked. In a similar vein, there are only certian grades associated with a certain weight.
The effect is to filter the results so that an invalid entry cannot occur.
My problem is that once an entry is made and I select a new name for the next entry, the weight and grade boxes remain with the same values instead of updating to new values. Updating of the boxes does not appear to be working.
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this problem?
Why does my sub form which is contained in a Tab, not display unless a certain field is populated with something? It's not a required field. Infact it is one of two identical fields... a relationship and a lookup to another table. It doesn't matter if the second one if filled in or not. Just this one. The record is in the database, I choose from a drop down in the header... and the subform then requeries and displays the information. However, unless this 1 field is filled in.. the subform remains blank. It is getting on my nerves!!
I'm trying to run a UNION query that joins five queries through a MS WorkSpace into a DAO.recordset in VB. I'm pulling the data from a SQL Server Database through VB in Access. I'm attempting to open a recordset with a query passed to it as a string. The query is below. For some reason, I'm receiving a message: "MS Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query. Runtime Error 3078".
Here's what's puzzling. When I run a single query without any UNION statement, the code finds the table and runs fine without error, but anytime I join two or more queries with a UNION statement in the VB, it gives me the error.
I've executed the same UNION query in both Access Query Builder and SQL Server's Query Analyzer and they work fine in both environments. It's only when I call the query from a DAO.Recodset with VB that it causes this problem. The following is a sample of the UNION query joining two of the five queries. Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem? The following query executes in about 5 seconds so I don't think there's a "time-out" issue. I'm thinking that the UNION statement may be the culprit. Maybe there's another way to approach joining these separate queries? Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
SELECT SalespersonID, Sum([SlsPrice]-[RtnPrice]-[SlsDiscnt]+[RtnDiscnt]) AS fldPrice FROM MyTable WHERE (((Source)='d') AND ((DistrictID)='01') AND ((CategoryID) = 'HCPROD') AND ((BrandID)<>'CSS')) AND (((BrandID)<>'1356')) AND (((BrandID)<>'1400')) AND (((BrandID)<>'1551')) AND (((BrandID)<>'555')) AND (((BrandID)<>'66')) AND (TransDate >= 07/01/2005) AND (TransDate <= 07/31/2005) GROUP BY SalespersonID UNION SELECT SalespersonID, Sum([SlsPrice]-[RtnPrice]-[SlsDiscnt]+[RtnDiscnt]) AS fldPrice FROM MyTable WHERE (((Source)='d') AND ((DistrictID)='01') AND ((ProductID) = '0029800')) AND (TransDate >= 07/01/2005) AND (TransDate <= 07/31/2005) GROUP BY SalespersonID
Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "pw", "", dbUseJet) Set db = wrkJet.OpenDatabase("DW", _ dbDriverNoPrompt, True, _ "ODBC;DATABASE=DW;DSN=DW2") 'Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
I am hoping someone might be so kind as to help me with a search form I am working on. I have included a test database that has the form. The form has a search box that works dynamically to show results based upon a string search as typed into the search box. The problem is: if I type any spaces beyond the last digit of what I am searching for it no longer displays the intended result.
For example; there is a field called - serial - in the test databse you will see a value in that field of 319-04. If I type 319-04 it shows that record only. However if I key in any additional spaces after the 319-04 it will not show the result.
This is just a problem because I am trying to input the data using a scanner. I have found that if I scan the barcode with the serial# it seems to include two spaces after the scan. I don't know why that is...but rather than worry about that I would just like to try and get the form to display the record even if there are spaces after the last digit entered.
I have tried to run for a particular week which should have 3 expense entries but only 2 have been picked up.
I think this is because both Adhoc_ Pay_Amount_2 and 3 have a value of 6 and the UNION operation will not return duplicate records. I have amended to UNION ALL but all entries are duplicated. Can anyone help?
SELECT dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Employer_Ref, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Personnel_Ref, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Department, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Tax_Yr_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Period_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Session_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Code_1, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Description_1, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Pay_Amount_1, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Timesheet_Number FROM dbo_Valid_Timesheets WHERE (((dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Pay_Amount_1)<>0)); UNION ALL SELECT dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Employer_Ref, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Personnel_Ref, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Department, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Tax_Yr_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Period_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Session_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Code_2, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Description_2, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Pay_Amount_2, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Timesheet_Number FROM dbo_Valid_Timesheets WHERE (((dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Pay_Amount_2)<>0)); UNION ALL SELECT dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Employer_Ref, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Personnel_Ref, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Department, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Tax_Yr_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Period_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Session_Proc_By_Payroll, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Code_3, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Description_3, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Pay_Amount_3, dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Timesheet_Number FROM dbo_Valid_Timesheets WHERE (((dbo_Valid_Timesheets.Adhoc_Pay_Amount_3)<>0));
UNION ALL SELECT dbo_EE_Payment_History.Employer_Ref, dbo_EE_Payment_History.Personnel_Ref, dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Department, dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Year, dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Period, dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Session, dbo_EE_Payment_History.Payment_Ref, dbo_EE_Payment_History.Type, Val([Payment_Value]) AS [Value], "" AS Timesheet FROM dbo_EE_Payment_History INNER JOIN dbo_Payslip_Static_Data ON (dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Session = dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Session_Number) AND (dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Period = dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Period_Number) AND (dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Year = dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Tax_Year) AND (dbo_EE_Payment_History.Personnel_Ref = dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Personnel_Ref) AND (dbo_EE_Payment_History.Employer_Ref = dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Employer_Ref) WHERE (((dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Year)=[Forms]![Misc]![year]) AND ((dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Period)=[Forms]![Misc]![period]) AND ((dbo_EE_Payment_History.Tax_Session)=[Forms]![Misc]![session]) AND ((dbo_EE_Payment_History.Payment_Ref)=777));
UNION ALL SELECT dbo_EE_Payments.Employer_Ref, dbo_EE_Payments.Personnel_Ref, dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Department, [Forms]![Misc]![year] AS Tax_Year, [Forms]![Misc]![period] AS Tax_Period, [Forms]![Misc]![session] AS Tax_Session, dbo_EE_Payments.Payment_Ref, dbo_EE_Payments.X_Type, Val([Calculated_Value]) AS [Value], "" AS Timesheet FROM dbo_EE_Payments INNER JOIN dbo_Payslip_Static_Data ON (dbo_EE_Payments.Personnel_Ref = dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Personnel_Ref) AND (dbo_EE_Payments.Employer_Ref = dbo_Payslip_Static_Data.Employer_Ref) WHERE (((dbo_EE_Payments.Payment_Ref)=777));
OK, so I am UNIONing two tables using UNION ALL. It works fine. The resultant table has 192 records (63 + 129).
If a use just UNION or UNION DISTINCT I get 184 records. I'm pretty sure that is telling me that 8 records (192 - 184) exist in both tables.
How do I query to find out what those 8 records are?? I'm trying to use an INTERSECT in MS Access, but it doesn't want to work. Here is my original query:
select * from qryMOE_Active_All UNION ALL select * from qryMOE_Closed_All;
I am a basic access user so please forgive my ignorance. I have created a union query of three tables. There is one field from the third table that I would like to have in the final table but this field does not exist in the first table. If I put "none" in the first SELECT line, then it queries correctly but the field name on the table is "Expr1006". If I put "Field 2" or [Field 2] in that same space of the first SELECT line, then it asks me for a parameter value and whatever I enter it fills in all the cells of that field with that value. I just don't know that language very well or even if you can add a new field into the first SELECT table. Thank you for any thoughts
Ex: SELECT [Field 1], [Field 2], "none", [Field 3] FROm [Table 1] UNION SELECT [Field 1], "none", [Field 2], [Field 3] FROM [Table 2]
Hello All, I need help with an Union All Query. It is ignoring the second select statement. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
I think it is my where clause IN function. But I do not know how to fix it. any help would be great!!!! Thanks in advanced, Kerrie
Okay, people. I am getting married in a few days and my mind is on other things. Consequently, I can't get my head around this one.
I have two queries, Query1 and Query2. Both have a different number of fields but they have the field "IA Code" in common.
I want to create a new query containing all rows from Query1 and all rows from Query2. Where the [IA Code] matches, I'd like the information to be displayed in one row.
I think I need to use Union somewhere along the lines, but I can't work it out.
I have 2 tables with employee details in it. There is no natural link between the 2. I wish to write a query that will sum up the total pay for both tables.
I've had a look through the forum and it seems that a Union query is probably best.
I haven't worked with Unions before, so I did 2 sub queries to total the pay in both table and then union the 2 queries. I did this because there are some date parameters that I query each table by so I do this in the sub queries.
This works but I get 2 outputs in the result, the total pay from each table. I wanted to have just one output, which is the sum of all pay.
Can anyone help please.
SQL: SELECT QrySub_TotalPay1.TotalPay 'sub query that sums up table 1 FROM QrySub_TotalPay1 UNION SELECT QrySub_TotalPay2.TotalPay 'sub query that sums up table 2 FROM QrySub_TotalPay2;
I have 2 tables and I m trying to get sum of qty for each product I tried union qurey following way but doesn't work.
Product_Master table has primary key set up on productcode. I need to pick up OpeningBal along with ProductName and ProductCode from this table.
T_PurInvFoot table contains multiple records of the similar ProductCode. I want to make sum of these PurQty data and add it with OpeningBal data from Product_master table and present it in one line.
The avalable quanities are in 2 diff. tables are here.
So total it should be 15 when it produce records. But it show only 10 records from below query.
SELECT Product_Master.ProductCode, Product_Master.ProductName,Sum(Product_Master.Open ingBal) as Stock From Product_Master INNER JOIN T_PurInvFoot ON T_PurInvFoot.ProductCode=Product_Master.ProductCod e Group By Product_Master.ProductCode,Product_Master.ProductN ame
UNION Select T_PurInvFoot.ProductCode, T_PurInvFoot.ProductName, sum(T_PurInvFoot.PurQty) as Stock From T_PurInvFoot INNER JOIN Product_Master ON T_PurInvFoot.ProductCode=Product_Master.ProductCod e Group By T_PurInvFoot.ProductCode,T_PurInvFoot.ProductName ORDER BY Product_Master.ProductCode;
Can somebody advice me how to do it.
I need to add 3rd table here in future to get sum of the qty of the similar ProductCode so how to the query would be?
One more thing, can we do it in VBA and set the RecordSource to a form or report ?
What I am trying to do is if the field (CAR) or (PAR) or (Incident) is checked in this table (Inventory Worksheet) then show it. I not sure how to use the union query to accomplish this.