Unsure Of Logical Operators

Dec 6, 2006


Can someone answer me if Like "Red" and Like "Blue" Or Like "Red" is a logical operator?

Thanks for the help

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Unsure How To Do This.....

Sep 1, 2006

I am making a database for a somebody who sends some of his work to subcontractors. He needs to be able to pull a monthly report on the work that his subcontractors have done along with the amount of money owed to them and I don't know how to do this. I know I should make a query but how do I make it so it figures the amount owed for each individual subcontractor?

Thanks in advance


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Supermarket Database... Unsure About Relationships

Mar 31, 2006

Is this relationship correct (see attachment)? When i create an orders query with the fields:-Barcode number (source: orders/products table)Product name (source: products table)Quantity (source: orders/products table)Unit price (source: products table) Total (calculated - [Unit price]*[Quantity] )it does not allow data entry for barcode number and quantity (product name and unit price should appear automatically when barcode no. entered) why is that? and how could i resolve this? attached also is my database to see what i mean... if u have time can u please make the modifications NEEDED and send me the modified one, if not just give me a textual description of what i should do..... (btw it is actually a school canteen system databse, thats why i have customerID field as student administration number or staff initials)please reply soon.. this is urgentthank you

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Two Logical Problems?

Aug 26, 2007


I’m using MS Access 2000 – I’ve been building, using and updating an Access database for a while now, and I’ve been living with two problems that are causing problems to its use.

The first problem appears minor, but relates to the second problem….
I keep the database in my shared documents folder on my PC, so a colleague and I can both use it at the same time.

When we have the same form open – if I click on the “save” icon it comes up with an error “you do not have exclusive access to the database at this time” and the recordset that I am working on cannot be saved. This is causing problems because if I enter fresh data into the form, and then click a command button to run a query against it, it comes back with blank results because it has not been saved to the table yet – so I have to exit out of the form so it saves the data, then go back into the form so the query runs properly.

Are there any settings I can apply so I can save the data to the table without having to exit and re-enter the form again?

The second problem is more difficult and has had me tearing my hair out for a very very very long time – if anyone could help me with this problem I would be indebted to them…

After I’ve entered all the data into my form, I need to export/transfer 4 of the fields to a .csv file.

I would have thought that the logical thing to do would be to have a command button that performs a macro, which it turn;

Saves the data to the table
runs a query which selects the 4 fields I require
then exports the Query’s results to the csv file.

When I’ve tried this, obviously the problem of saving the data remains, but even when I exit out of the form and re-enter so the data has been saved to the table – I can’t get the export to work!

I’ve tried exporting the query manually from the query view, however it comes up with an error stating that “TOO FEW PARAMETERS. EXPECTED 1”
I’ve tried Macros that “Outputs to” and “Transfer Text” – however I can’t get any of them to work. I managed to export a table and save the export procedure, then tried to use this procedure when exporting a query, but again I couldn’t get this to work. I’ve also tried adapting VB codes that have been posted on this forum before, however as I’m not too hot on coding I’m not sure whether I’ve been making mistakes or if there is something wrong with the architecture of my database that is preventing the export from working.

Would anyone be able to take a look at the database for me please? I’ve uploaded it here – http://www.qualitytoolsltd.co.uk/accessdatabase.zip - I’ve deleted everything except for the tables, queries and forms that rely on the export query.

It contains a table (“Orders”) that stores the form’s data, a query (“QuotefromorderstblQuery”) that filters our “Quotes” from our “Orders” (I keep “Quotes” and actual “Orders” in the same table but have a [Quote/Order] field that distinguishes them apart), and a form (“QuoteEntryForm”) that is linked to the query to show our Quotes.

Also included is the query (“exporttocsvquery”) that I am trying to export to a csv file. On the form there is a command button called “Run CSV Query” that runs the query – but I’ve deleted all the various buttons and code that I’ve tried to get it to export to avoid confusion.

Also on the form is a button called “Process Order” – this can be ignored as clicking this just changes the [Quote/Order] status to “Order” and the recordset won’t show on this form anymore.

If anyone could please try and help me understand how to overcome these problems – I would be extremely greatful!

The four fields that I am trying to export are;
[Customer Name],[Customer Address],[Customer Postcode] & [Total Selling Price inc VAT] – I have highlighted them with red text on the form

If I can solve the first problem of saving, what I am trying to achieve is the creation of a Macro, which is programmed to:
1.Saves the data to the “Orders” table
2.Runs the “Exporttocsvquery” using the Order ID as the select criteria , so it shows the current records being displayed on the form as the query’s results.
3.Exports the Query results to a .csv file on my hard drive.
4.Launch a custom application that I’ve programmed to run using the data in the .csv file.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this marathon post. Any help, advice, guidance, anything at all would be appreciated very much indeed.

Thank you again.

Dean Rowe.
deanrowe [at] qualitytoolsltd.co.uk

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#Error And Logical Test

Dec 27, 2006

Is there a way of doing a logical test to see if a filed has a "#Error" instead of a value?

If so what is the expression and syntax?

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Logical Diagram - Plsssss Helpppppp

Jun 4, 2006

hi everyone, this is first post, i have this task and i think i have the solution but im not sure, so plsplsplspsssssssss someone help!!!!
its called class scheduling. below is the physical model. i need to make the logical, i have been told that course and section share a many to many relation as well as section and faculty and also bwee/ faculty and course, thus the creation of the intersection tbl, the OFFERINGS TABLE. i have inserted the foreign keys (FK's) into that table (which are the primary keys for the 3 main tables). what i need to know is that:
1. do i need anymore FK's?
2. wen i make my logical diagram, do i show it like the way i have shown it in the word file? i made it as such that course and section have the PK of the 2 tables and are now FK which allow duplication ie 1 course can have many sections etcc pls helpppppppppppp

Courses table
CourseID (PK)

Sections table
SectionsID (PK)

Faculty table
FacultyID (PK)
FullTime or partime

Offerings table (intersection table)
OfferingID (PK)
CourseID (FK)
SectionID (FK)
FacultyID (FK)

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Continuous Forms & Logical Tests

Oct 5, 2005

I have a continuous form, that displays in the body the results of a number of selections from a previous form.

In the header I have a message that I want to either shown or hide depending on the result of the following code in the "On Current” event;

Private Sub Form_Current()

If Text29.Value = 0 Then
Label32.Visible = False

End If

End Sub

The default form Label32 is for it to be visible. Text29 is unbound and derives it's value from "=Min([WareHouseID])-Max([warehouseid])" no problem there.

The problem is that test does not perform as I expect it to. I have tried all sort of combinations and permutations but can not get it to respond correctly. It seems to think that Text29.Value is equal to zero regardless of the result it is showing

I'm guessing that there is something about continuous forms I have not yet learned :(

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Operators In IIF Statements

Sep 7, 2005

Is it possible to have operators (<, >, <=, >=) in an IIF statement like this:

iif([field a] is null, > [field b], < [field c])

This is in the criteria for a currency field.

I have been trying different combinations without any luck for the last couple of hours or so. :confused: :confused:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Problem With Operators

Nov 7, 2005


I'm gonna try to explain my problem.

In fact, I have a form where I have a list where the user can select the following signs :

<, >, >=, <=, = (greater than, less than etc...)

Also, the user has the possibility to set the value that will be go with the operator above.

I tried the following expression in the query :

=[Forms]![Open_Form]![Sign CL AMT] & [Forms]![Open_Form]![CL_Amt]

the sign CL Amt is > and the CL AMt is 500'000 and I want to have >500000 in the criteria of the query in order to have only the amount above 500'000.

But is does not work.

I get the message : "The expression is typed incorectly or is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables"
If some one has a solution would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



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Comparison Operators.

Apr 27, 2006

I'm having difficulty coming up with a way to exlcuded a group of dates from my Query. I am trying to have a set of dates come up without the dates, between 7/1/2006 and 7/31/2006.

I've tried <> Between #7/1/2006# And #7/31/2006#, and a few others with quotes and such. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Binary Operators In Access 97

Jan 6, 2006

I am trying to store binary values (as decimal long integers) and then use bitwise comparisons to update the values. MS help suggest that the standard logical operators (And or etc) can do bitwise comparison as opposed to comparing boolean logical values for expressions; but I have found no way of making this work.

Is this possible? Any ideas. Doing it mechanically, by splitting the decimal into the relevant parts for any bit is very tedious!


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Calculated Field With Appropriate Operators?

Jul 2, 2014

Ihow to formulate a calculated field properly that would look for records that has at least 'annual report' in a specific field.

For example, a record with a field ([DocumentType]) with "2013 annual report", another record with a field ([DocumentType]) with "2012 annual report" and then I would like to count in those records and exclude the other records.

Here is the formula I wrote:

Report: IIf([TABLE]![DocumentType]<>"Annual Report",[TABLE]![Name],"")

Maybe I am using the wrong operator or something....?

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Access 2003 Expression Operators

Nov 7, 2007

I am currently learning the Totals in Access 2003, using the Group By and it's drop down menu which has all the Min,Max,Sum Count etc Expressions.

I have a table of which I need to create a query, the table contains info with Mechanics names and jobs that they have done, often a mechanics name appears more than once in the table.

Which Expression do I use to query the number of mechanics in the table? When I use the Count the query contains all of the mechanics names including the the ones whose names appear more than once! :confused:

Any help would be gratefully appreciated I look forward to any replies thank you.


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Data Succession-passing Db Tables To New Operators

Feb 23, 2006

I am preparing a database application that will be used by one person in an organization. Frequently , (every year or two) the program will be given to another (usually a laptop) user in the organization as that person assumes the task of the program’s operation and responsibilities.

I would like the user to load the program from the installation CD (made with Wise Installation System and SageKey softwares) on each computer each time there is a brand new user and each time a subsequent user takes over. However, each successive user needs to have the data files passed from the last user.

At face value it seems that having a front end/back end arrangement might be the most desirable. Can anyone jump start me on the best way to accomplish this process to EZ data transfer?

Thanks in advance to all,


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Queries :: IIF Statement With Comparison Operators In True And False Parts

Oct 2, 2014

I have a report where my customer wants to be able to input a value and then be able to select whether the report shows values above or below that value. I have a combo box that has 2 values (1=Less than or equal to, 2=greater than or equal to). There is a text box where he inputs the rate to compare against (e.g. $75). When he hits submit, the application stores the values of the combo box and text box into global variable and then I have a public function that can be used to retrieve the values. GetHRate() gets the value to compare against and GetHRateCompare() gets the value to indicate <=(1) or >=(2).

In my query for criteria for rate I have this expression:
IIf(GetHRateCompare()=1,"'<=",">=") & GetHrate()

I've tried every combination of double quotes, single quotes, no quotes moving the GetHRate inside the IIf statement and nothing seems to work.

If I just hardcode <=GetHrate() into the criteria it works perfect but that does not achieve my goal of letting him select over/under at run time. Here's the full query:

SELECT qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.ServiceName, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.ScheduleID, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.SumOfTotalTim e, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.PropertyID, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.PropertyName, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.MonthCount, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.AverageTime,

[Code] ....

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