Update Button ...

Mar 2, 2005

Is it possible to update a field in a record using a VBA button ?

What i want to do is have a button on a form, which when pressed changes a certain field value from its default "no" to "yes", i am happy with how to do the yes no VBA question box .. but the code on how to udate the field ...

Any suggestions ? :)

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Add Command Button To Update Subform

Sep 27, 2006

hi guys i have a main form with a subform. i have created an add command button to add rows in the subform. (it could only add when the record count is less than 3). here is my code

If Me.SubFormName.Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount >= 3 then
Msgbox " You can only add three"
cancel=true ' cancel event
me.SubFormName.Form.FieldName.SetFocus ' Set the focus to the field
exit sub
End if

i get no errors, However my problem is that it puts the focus on the begginning of the subform, i wanted to go to the end of the subform or new row... right now i have to go mannually until the last row... is there anyway to put the focus on the last row?


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Combo Box Does Not Update When Using Go To Next Record Button?

Jul 25, 2013

I have a ComboBox used to select "Sites". Depending on what site, information in other fields within the form change as expected. However, I also added some buttons on the bottom of the form. Go to Next, Previous, Last, etc.

These update the fields within the form, but do not change the ComboBox field. Is it possible to have a Go to Next record button change a Combobox value? If so, how?

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Button Shows Verify Window Before Update?

May 17, 2006

I would like to have a button on my form that would update a record to a closed status, but I want to have an "Are You Sure?" window pop up first. I did a search on "verify," "verification," "sure," and several others but haven't found what I need. I looked through my Access bible, with no luck.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

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Forms :: Update Records On Button Click?

Jul 3, 2014

I have a form listing out a bunch of clients. There is a button associated with each client that pulls open a new form with additional client information. There is information that is calculated on the backend and stored in the database when a user is inserted or different fields updated (i.e. there are reports that are due different time frames after the clients admission date. I automatically populate the database with those dates once the clients admission date is updated).

The problem I am having is that when I enter a new client or update a current client with new information and then click the button to go to their details page, those auto-populated dates are not populated. I am calling a subroutine that is within a module when the button is clicked. The subroutine works fine at other instances throughout the application so I know there is no issue with the code. I even call it if they click the close button, but before the information is auto-populated, I had to run a Me.Requery on the close button. I think this is because the records are not actually being updated in the database. I even have a DoCmd.Save acForms, "Clients" command before running the Call updateDatabase subroutine, but that doesn't do the trick. I can't run the Me.Requery after the click of the details button because when I do that it always opens the details form to the first ORDER BY record. I think that I need to update the selected record and re-call it in order for this to work.

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Forms :: Update Table Data With A Button

Nov 14, 2013

So, I have a form [frmmembers] which will enable the table [tblmembers] to be updated when a button is pressed. When the button is pressed, it will enable the fields "First Name", "Last Name", and "Password" to be updated.

At the moment, the data changes without pressing the button (as soon as it is entered into the text boxes on the form), which means that a password could be accidentally changed and could prevent the user being able to enter the system (which requires their personal MemberID and Password).

Is there a way of making it so that the data inserted into the text boxes on the form will only change the data in the table after the update button is pressed?

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String On Button To Update Field Values

Jul 9, 2013

I get an error for this code: this is the error, i can firgure out how to have the string not be the textbox, but sub in the texbox name.

myFormstr = Array("F_Value1", "F_Value2", "F_Value3", "F_Value4", "F_Value", "F_Value6", "F_Value7")
For Each mystr In myFormstr
me.cboProduct = Me.mystr
Next mystr

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Running A Update Stock Control Query From A Button

May 20, 2005


I am a relatively new user to access and wondered if you could help me with a stock control problem.

I have created an update query (qryUpdateQuantityinStock) with the below fields:

Update: [QuantityinStock]-Forms!frmCustomerOrder![frmProductOrderLine Subform].Form!Quantity

Criteria: [Forms]![frmCustomerOrder]![frmProductOrderLine Subform].[Form]![ProductNumber]

When the user enters the quantity they require into the orders form I would like to deduct it from the quantityinstock field in the products table.

The above query does work if you add the following code to the beforeupdate event of the orders subform:
If Me.NewRecord Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.openquery "qryupdateQuantityinStock"
DoCmd. Setwarnings True
End If

Although I wanted the query to run from a button (confirm order) on the order form so that the user decides when to deduct the stock.

I cannot put a button onto the orders subfrom where the query should run from and if I place the code on a button on the main orders form it only deducts one order (one product) and not all products on the order.

Can you help me find a way to run the query from a button?

I have read through the threads and found lots of information on stock control, although have not yet found anything similar to this problem. I understand that this is not the correct way to do stock control, although my database is for academic purposes and only requires a simple stock control system.

Any help would be greatly appreciated (sorry for the long post!). :)

Many thanks

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Button To Update Field And Insert Date At The Same Time!

Feb 1, 2005

Hi. I have two forms that both look at the same table. One form is for inputting data and the second for is for closing the job. I want to create a button that when clicked automatically changes a field on the input form and also fills in the current date on a field displayed on the closeout form. I then want it exit my two forms and take me back to my switchboard. Can anyone out there help?..Thanks.

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Forms :: Update And Save Button Code Is Getting Error

Aug 24, 2014


Private Sub Save_Click()
If IsNull(cboEmpName) Then
MsgBox "Please Select Employee Name"
End If
If Me.txtNoofDaysWorked.Value = "0" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter No of Worked Days"


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Forms :: Update Date Field With Command Button

Dec 31, 2013

I want to be able to update a date field in my form with a command button based off the date the person picks off a combo box in my header... is this possible?

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Update Date Field With A Form Button Command?

Dec 12, 2012

I am setting up a "to_do" list in access. One of the field is the date the task was last completed. I want a button to update that date to the current date for the record that i am viewing on the form. Below is the code that I am using. When I click on my button, it updates the first record in my to-do table but not the current record displayed in my form.

Private Sub Cmd_Update_Click()
Dim DB As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo Command4_Click_Error
Set DB = CurrentDb

[Code] ....

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How To Add A Command Button To Update Current Record Found

Dec 14, 2012

I am on Access 2007, and know very basic stuffs to create tables, queries, and form search. I have just successfully completed a search form filtered with a combobox. Also I have a built-in subform within the main form to display other results as well. The display results are based on one complex query (relational query). Now I need to add a command button that would take me to another form to update the current record found.Quick on the design:

- When I search a subject in a main form(subject lists in the combobox), it would populate results below in the main form and also subform would populate other results as well.

1. Add a command button so can take me to new form, but would need to have the current record populated.
2. Once updated, then how do I save it?

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Forms :: Possible To Use A Command Button To Update Matching Records In A Form

Jul 7, 2014

Is it possible to use a command button (update) to update matching records in a form (Test)? I have a file (april.xlsx) in which the first column Cytogenetics ID (14-xxxx) is a unique identifier that matches a record in the database. The next column Result (NL-F, NL-M, F-VUS, M-VUS, A-M, A-F) and the date column next to it are what need to be updated in that record. In the database there is a field called Result that needs to be updated with
the text from column 2:

NL-F and NL-M = Normal
VUS-F and VUS-M = Variant of Unknown Sig.
A-M and A-F = Abnormal

There is also a Final TAT Date field in the database that needs to be updated with column 3 in the spreadsheet (Final TAT Date).So basically when there is a match with column 1 in april.txt to a record in the database, the Result field in the database is updated with column 2 of april.txt and the Final TAT Date field in the database is updated with column 3 of april.txt.

Cytogenetics ID Result Final TAT Date
14-0390 Normal 4/11/2014
14-0396 Variant of Unknown Sig 4/18/2014

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Forms :: How To Update Form Fields To Table Through Click Button

May 19, 2013

I have 6 text box on the form which are unbound. Now we enter the entry in these boxes then I have update button on the form to update the record in table. all fields should be clear after update the records in table so I can enter the new entry.

I am using ms access 2007. Is there any liberary to add?

Form fields


Table fields


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Queries :: Update Multiple Table Records With Button Click Event

Oct 29, 2014

I have a table with many records, using a form with an update button click event, I would like to update ALL records where the Item in the table = the Item in the form.

There are 6 checkboxes and 6 text boxes that will need to be updated, but right now I am just trying to test if i can even change one text box to keep it simple. I have tried to start by using this:

Dim mySQL As String
Dim ItemNo As String
Dim SO As String

mySQL = "UPDATE BT200 SET Part = '" & SO & "' WHERE Item = " & ItemNo
DoCmd.RunSQL mySQL

So every time i run this command button, it gives me a prompt "You are about to update 0 row(s)". Nothing gets updated at all, I am clearly missing something vital here.

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General :: Restrict Records To Update Until Save Button Is Pressed On Form

Jul 16, 2012

How to restrict the updation of a record while entering until a save button is pressed on the form ???????? is it possible without the vba ?

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Forms :: Command Button To Unlock And Lock Fields / Edit Button?

Feb 19, 2014

I have created a web-database (? - There are globes over all the forms and tables icons) based on the Issues & Tasks template. This means that most of the data is entered and seen on the "Main" form, which has two tabs - Open Issues and Closed Issues. I have created a form that allows people at my work to input the necessary data and save it, so that it will show up on one of the two tabs. However, once a record has been created, I want to be initially locked if the ID/PK is clicked, so that data can't be changed or entered inadvertently.

SO, I changed the code so that when the ID/PK for a record is clicked, it brings up a different form, but one that looks exactly like the one that is brought up when entering a new form, but I locked all of the fields so that the information cannot be changed. It seems from what I have read that I can create a button on this form so that when clicked, it unlocks the fields on the form so that they can be changed, and then when clicked again it will lock the fields again. Is this true? If so, how can I do it? Or is there something similar I can do? I have seen codes that I could copy and paste, but I cannot figure out the place to copy and paste codes in Access 2010.

I have changed the Form properties so that Data Entry and all the "Allows" are set to No...

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Difference Between A Command Button And A 'label' Button

Aug 12, 2005

Hi, I have got a small problem and maybe someone could advise me.
I am creating a customised command button from a label button. The new button works fine but I can't apply the 'requery' function to it, if i do an error occures and i am being prompt to save the data first???? :confused: :

Private Sub Labelsearch_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Me.Labelsearch.SpecialEffect = 2
Me.Labelsearch.BackColor = 255
Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 10092543
Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = True
Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True
End Sub

Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 255
Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = False
Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True
End Sub

Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Come back to initial state when button release'
Me.Labelsearch.SpecialEffect = 1
Me.Labelsearch.BackColor = 16373685
Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 8388608
Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = False
Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True

If I create a command button with the wizard and assign the code :
me!itemquery.Requeryto the on_click event my form is working fine.
Why is his code is not working if I assign it to a label? :o

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General :: Saving Data - Update Or Cancel Update Without AddNew Or Edit

Apr 13, 2013

My membership database has worked fine until recently. Now I cannot save inserted data. On attempted saving "Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit" appears.

The problem. relates to 2 tables Member and Addresses. PK in the parent table Member is ID. In the Addresses Table the FK is ID. There is a One to One relation between the tables and Referential Integrity is set. I know 1 to 1 is not good but it worked fine in this small database.

Browsing the all of the existing records is fine.

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Can I Get An Update Query To Not Add Records To Tables Only Update?

Jun 28, 2005

Hi Guys,

I have got a query that updates details from one table2 to table1, "Reference" is the primary key and this is what the query uses to determine which need updating.

It all works great but if table2 contains a record in "Reference" that is not in table1 i just want it to ignore it, currently it just seeems to add them.

Any suggestion guys & gals?

Many thanks

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Using Criteria To Update Fields In A Update Query

Nov 29, 2006

Ok, i have a question about update queries.I have two tables (I'll call table 1 and table two for simplicity) and an update query. I want to get some data from table one to table two (via an update query). But in table two there is a field that isn't in table one but i want to add a value to that field via the query.My question is, can i manually put into the query what data to add to a field instead of/aswell as using data from other tables.I hope you understood my questions.Cheers

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General :: Update Or Cancel Update Without Add New Or Edit

Nov 3, 2013

I get an error "update or cancel update without add new or edit" which seems to point to this code.I am using MS Access 2010.


Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
'Store when record was last modified and by who.
'Initially stores when the record was entered.
If Me.NewRecord = True Then Exit Sub 'Exit if new record
Me.DateLastModified.Value = Now()
Me.LastModifiedBy.Value = getUser()
End Sub

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Update Queries Update Message

Mar 30, 2006

I am trying to stop access displaying the "You are about Update 1 Record" etc message when i run an update query. I know i can do this in Tools/Options screen but the problem is that the database is going to be used by multiple users, and rather than changing each persons Action query option I was wondering whether there is something i can put in to the code Globally to halt the message.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Update Query Won't Update In Access 97

Feb 10, 2008

I am trying to remove random characters from a field. The field [assycode] contains a string similar to say, FGEJBF1 or ABFGYRUKC I want to remove any occurrence of "F1" normally at the end of the string but not always at the end. I used: Like "*f1*" to find the correct records, that worked fine, I then used [Assycode]-" f1" in the update to box, It wants to update 146 records I click ok then it says It couldn't due to a type conversion error. Just messing around I tried adding "F1" to these records using [Assycode]+" f1" and it worked fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance


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Using Update Query To Update Values

Oct 3, 2007

I have a database where two tables contain information that I need to update based on the 4 right most digits of a field. There are only 11 values that will need to be updated out of a large list of values. I'm not quite sure how to set up the update query so that I can do this.

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