Update - Conversion Error

May 22, 2006

I have a text column of alpha-numeric fields and some start P123456, P111111, P222222 etc. I want to remove the P from these fields.

I thought the following update query would do this but gives a type conversion error, regardless if the new column to copy them to is type text or number. Can someone help explain what is wrong.

UPDATE 2006 SET D2 = CLng(RIGHT(D1,LEN(D1-1)))


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Conversion Error

Apr 22, 2006

Its been a long time since i've been in this forum. I have a question about a conversion error i received not sure whats its about

i'm converting from access 97 to 2000. i ran the access 2000 conversion utility and then the following appeared and the conversion error table

Object TypeObject NameError Description
TableMSysObjects-1611: Could not find field 'Description'.

It looks like the database is fine

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Type Conversion Error

Feb 13, 2007

i am importing from excel and i have a column that has account numbers and at some point i have an account like this... 2C1C18100

on the import i get an error.

i set the field to memo, numner or text and still get the same error..

any suggestions?

thanks in advance

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TransferSpreadsheet - Data Conversion Error

Apr 3, 2007

I am importing an Excel file of production data into a table using the TransferSpreadsheet method. Here is a snippet of the code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "tblMPSDATA", _
"" & stFilePath & "", True, ""

Everything works fine except the column which contains 'Material' holds both numeric and alpha-numeric values. For example these are both material numbers: 156952 and 1238707-202. The data in this column is formatted as General. The data type for Material in tblMPSDATA is Text, 18 character length. The alpha-numeric materials are all at the end of the file. When I import, an error table is created listing the alpha-numeric materials with the error 'Type Conversion Failure'. But if I have an alpha-numeric material in the first row of data then everything is imported just fine.

I have set up a nice little popup form with a file path and command button for controlling the process of bringing in this data. I really do not want to have to add special instructions about making sure the Excel data is sorted in a certain manner prior to importing. Any thoughts on why Access is not treating everything in this column as text?


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Modules & VBA :: Conversion Table And Update Query

Dec 4, 2014

I am building an access database to manage a data conversion from multiple legacy systems (62) to a new non access database, and plan on making my Conversion Database reusable and functionally simpler.All data is imported to one common Table structure, with the source system identified against each record.In my legacy systems values are not coded the same ie

Title: Mr Miss Ms Mrs Record Type: Active, Inactive
System A: 1, 2, 3, 4 a , i
System B: a, b, c, d 1 , 2
System C: x, y, z, w ACT, ,INA

This applies to sooo many fields.I want to avoid having a mapping table for each field as I will quickly have an unmanageable number of mapping tables, and complex relationships in Queries..I would like to get to the point where I could have a single value mapping table something as follows

System, Field, Old Value, New Value
System A, title, 1 Mr
System A, title, 2 Miss
System A, title, 3 Ms
System A, title, 4 Mrs
System B, title, a Mr
System B, title, b Miss
System B, title, c Ms
System B, title, d Mrs

And some how call this in VB to go through all fields and records in a table if Old Value is found for a specific "System" and "Field" Change to new value, if noting found on Mapping table keep existing data.

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Type Conversion Failure - I Don't Want To See The Error Message.

Jul 21, 2005

Good afternoon all,

I have a macro that I run. In this macro, I've changed the "SetWarnings" to No. This works since I do not get a "Are you sure..." when I do a makeTable query and the table already exists.

However, I do get a type conversion failure error message.

Does someone know how I click Yes on this without any intervention on my part when the macro is running? Would entering keystrokes in the macro work? I don't think that they will since the next command is not called until the previous has executed ... and I'm getting hung up on the dialog box before the make-table command has finished execution.

I've attached the error message text that I'm seeing.

Thank you for your time and help.

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Queries :: Create Table Conversion Error

Apr 3, 2014

I keep getting conversion errors, even though my field lengths and formats seem to match up. How to pursue a diagnostic for this?

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Queries :: Type Conversion Failure - Error Database

Sep 2, 2014

I am trying to import an Excel spreadsheet into an Access 2007 database. Each time I import, Access creates a 'type conversion failure' error database.

I set up the first field in my .db to be a TEXT field because the Field will have both numeric and text characters. The field name is [estimate number] with numbers such as 656111 or 65611A being imported. All the fields with the numeric and alphabetical combination (i.e. 65611A) are not being imported (which results in the creation of the error db).

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Modules & VBA :: Opening A Query With Parameters - Data Type Conversion Error

Jun 11, 2013

Here's my Goal: To open a saved query that has a parameter, setting that parameter via a VBA sub.

Here's my Problem: I was getting various errors, but after debugging my program a bit, it comes down to a "Data Type Conversion Error"

Here's my Code:

Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.QueryDefs("qryMY_DATA")
qd.Parameters(0) = Me.txt_ReferenceID
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset("qryMY_DATA", dbDynaset)

'*** Database Variables
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, gq As DAO.QueryDef, prm As DAO.Recordset

I've been all over the forums and tried several different approaches, all to no avail. The Query runs fine in the QDT, but kicks back an error when I try to run it from my sub.

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Update Error

Nov 7, 2006

Can someone look at this update statment i just wrote? It's giving an error.


UPDATE [Upload Trades] LEFT JOIN UploadAccts ON [Upload Trades].CustAcct = UploadAccts.CustodyAccount SET [Upload Trades].Client = [uploadaccts].[client], [Upload Trades].Account = [uploadaccts].[account]
WHERE ((([Upload Trades].Account)<>[uploadaccts].[account]));

Error msg - "Operation must use an updateable query"

Thank you.

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Update Error

Oct 18, 2006

I have two identical tables with one being created by coping the structure of the other. Table A is my primary table. Table B is my new data imported table. I created a Update query with a dlookup to update Table A's address field from Table B. All records fail to append due to type conversions.

Here is the dlookup:
DLookUp("[Address]","Table_B","[ID_number] = " & [ID_number])

I need this to work and I have no idea why I am getting the conversion problem.

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Update Query Error

May 15, 2006

I've been agonizing over this all day! This is the SQL for the query that I built:

UPDATE [Compl P129 A3C] INNER JOIN MasterFundSch ON [Compl P129 A3C].LOANNUMBER = MasterFundSch.[Loan Number] SET MasterFundSch.P129OldInv = [OLDINVNUMBER], MasterFundSch.P129OldCat = [OLDCATNUMBER], MasterFundSch.P129NewInv = [Compl P129 A3C]!NEWINVNUMBER, MasterFundSch.P129NewCat = [Compl P129 A3C]!NEWCATNUMBER, MasterFundSch.P129PrinBal = [PRINBAL], MasterFundSch.P129PrinTran = [Compl P129 A3C]!PRINTRANS, MasterFundSch.P129Diff = [PRINBAL]-[PRINTRANS], MasterFundSch.P129RptDt = [Compl P129 A3C]!RPTDATE, MasterFundSch.P129ActionCd = [Compl P129 A3C]!ACTIONCODE, MasterFundSch.P129DueDt = [Compl P129 A3C]!DUEDATE, MasterFundSch.P129EffDt = [Compl P129 A3C]!EFFDATE, MasterFundSch.[REPUR SUB] = IIf([groupID]="FH",IIf(Month([fund dt])=Month(Now()),IIf(Day([fund Dt])<16,"N","C"),"C"),Null)
WHERE (((MasterFundSch.P129RptDt) Is Null) AND (([Compl P129 A3C].NEWINVNUMBER)=[MasterFundSch]![New Inv]) AND (([Compl P129 A3C].NEWCATNUMBER)=[MasterFundSch]![New Cat]) AND (([Compl P129 A3C].ACTIONCODE)="0000" Or ([Compl P129 A3C].ACTIONCODE)="0820" Or ([Compl P129 A3C].ACTIONCODE)="0077" Or ([Compl P129 A3C].ACTIONCODE)="0078"));

I'm getting records updating that are not one of the four Action Codes that I've assigned.
Help before I go crazy!

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Update Query Gives Error

Feb 20, 2008

Does anyone know why I get the error "Operation must use an updateable query" when I run this query.

UPDATE Food_Table SET Food_Table.Delivery_Size = (SELECT Delivery_Size
FROM Delivery_Table
WHERE ((Delivery_Table.Region=Forms.Formulation_Combo.Re gion_Combo) AND (Delivery_Table.SubRegion=Forms.Formulation_Combo. SubRegion_Combo) AND (Delivery_Table.Segment=Forms.Formulation_Combo.Se gment_Combo) AND (Delivery_Table.Sector=Forms.Formulation_Combo.Sec tor_Combo) AND (Delivery_Table.Product=Forms.Formulation_Combo.Pr oduct_Combo)));

When I run only the sub SELECT query portion all is well, but not in the update query.

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Expression After Update Error????

Mar 31, 2006

I am trying to get some of my colleagues to open a database I have created. They keep getting an error message on some of my forms:

"The expression after update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error – can’t find project or library
Expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user defined function, or event procedure
There may have been an error evaluating an event, function or macro."

What does this mean? I'm assuming it has osmething to do with the code I have in AfterUpdate events but these are only requerys for cascading combos. Example:

Private Sub cboBusiness_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Where do I need to look to sort this? It works fine on my PC, but nobody elses.

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Error In UPDATE Statement

Aug 24, 2005

Hi everyone,
I keep getting this error whenever i try to run the ASPcode. Can anyone please help me

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

I have two tables data1 and data2 in the same access database (data.mdb)

here is the query

strDBPath = Server.MapPath("data.mdb")
Set cnnSimple = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnSimple.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";"

Set rstSimple = cnnSimple.Execute("SELECT sponser2 FROM data2")

Do While Not rstSimple.EOF
set tamt = cnnsimple.Execute("SELECT SUM(amount1) FROM data1 WHERE sponser1='"&spo&"' ")
Set rstSimple1 = cnnSimple.Execute("UPDATE data2 SET amount2= "&tamt(0)&" WHERE sponser2='"&spo&"' ")

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Error In Update Synatx

Aug 25, 2006

I'm getting an error when I try to run an update query on my form. I was hoping someone would be able to give me a hand.

Here is my error:

Code:Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'Syntax error in UPDATE statement./purchasing/admin/editor.asp, line 185

Here is the query I am trying to run:

Code:sql="UPDATE [General] SET " sql=sql & "fldName='" & Request.Form("fldName") & "'," sql=sql & "fldPhone='" & Request.Form("fldPhone") & "'," sql=sql & "fldDateSub='" & Request.Form("fldDateSub") & "'," sql=sql & "fldTimeSub='" & Request.Form("fldTimeSub") & "'," sql=sql & "fldDepartment='" & Request.Form("fldDepartment") & "'," sql=sql & "fldQuantity='" & Request.Form("fldQuantity") & "'," sql=sql & "fldDescription='" & strfdesc & "'," sql=sql & "fldStatus='" & Request.Form("fldStatus") & "',"if request.form("fldStatus")="Closed" then sql=sql & "fldTimeClosed='" & XTimeClosed & "'," sql=sql & "fldDateClosed='" & XDateClosed & "',"else sql=sql & "fldTimeClosed='" & Request.Form("fldTimeClosed") & "'," sql=sql & "fldDateClosed='" & Request.Form("fldDateClosed") & "',"end ifif Request.form("fldPrevious")="None" AND Request.Form("fldResolution")<>"None" then sql=sql & "fldResolution='" & XDateClosed & ":" & XTimeClosed & " - " & strfreso & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "',"else if request.form("fldResolution")="None" thenif request.form("fldPrevious")="None" then sql=sql & "fldResolution='" & strfreso & "',"elsesql=sql & "fldResolution='" & strfprev & "',"end ifelsesql=sql & "fldResolution='" & strfprev & XDateClosed & ":" & XTimeClosed & " - " & strfreso & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "',"end ifend if sql=sql & "fldIP='" & Request.Form("fldIP") & "'," sql=sql & "fldPoNumb='" & Request.Form("fldPoNumb") & "'," sql=sql & "fldSent='" & Request.Form("fldSent") & "'," sql=sql & "fldFillDate='" & Request.Form("fldFillDate") & "'," sql=sql & "fldSignat='" & Request.Form("fldSignat") & "'," sql=sql & " WHERE fldTicketID=" & cidresponse.write(sql) conn.execute sql if err<>0 then response.write("No update permissions!") else response.write("Record " & cid & " was updated!") Response.Buffer = True MYMESSAGE = Server.URLEncode("Ticket updated...please wait while you are directed back to the Ticket List...") Response.Redirect ("delay.asp?DELAY_TIME=5&DELAY_MESSAGE=" & MYMESSAGE & "&REDIRECT_URL=http://intranet/tickets/admin/viewer.asp") end if end ifconn.close%>

I am using this code from a working editor that I made and cannot seem to figure out why it won't work now. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Sql Update Statement Error

Aug 25, 2006

im trying to update to the database with the following sql statements:

FUNCTION fixQuotes( theString )
fixQuotes = REPLACE( theString, "'", "''" )

sql #1
sqlstring = "update Asset set AssetID='"&fixQuotes( assetid )&"', AssetLabel='"&fixQuotes( assetlabel )&"', WarrantStart='"&fixQuotes( warrantystart )&"', Engrave='"&fixQuotes( engrave )&"', Status='"&fixQuotes( status1 )&"', Make='"&fixQuotes( make )&"', Model='"&fixQuotes( model )&"', AssetCategory='"&fixQuotes( assetcategory )&"' where AssetID='"&assetid&"' "

sql #2
sqlstring = "update Asset set " &_
"AssetID=' " & fixQuotes( assetid ) & "'," &_
"AssetLabel=' " & fixQuotes( assetlabel ) & "'," &_
"WarrantStart=' " & fixQuotes( warrantystart ) & "'," &_
"Engrave=' " & fixQuotes( engrave ) & "'," &_
"Status=' " & fixQuotes( status1 ) & "'," &_
"Make=' " & fixQuotes( make ) & "'," &_
"Model=' " & fixQuotes( model ) & "'," &_
"AssetCategory=' " & fixQuotes( assetcategory ) & "' where " &_
"AssetID=" & AssetID

ive tried both @ different times but they dont work. the adodb connection's open

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Update Syntax Error

Nov 3, 2006

Obviously a common problem, but my code seems to fit all the correct syntax. I don't understand why it doesn't work...

Code:content_id = request.form("content_id")text = request.form("text")Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")DSNName = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ="DSNName = DSNName & Server.MapPath("../../db/axis_content.mdb")Conn.Open DSNNamesql = " UPDATE content SET "sql = sql & " text='" & fcol(text, "a") & "'"sql = sql & " WHERE content_id= " & fcol(content_id, "n")function fcol(indata, typeofdata)indata = trim(indata)if len(indata) = 0 thenfcol = "Null"exit functionend ifselect case typeofdata'a is for words'case "a" fcol = "'" & tsq(indata) & "'"'n is for numbers'case "n" fcol = indata'd is for dates'case "d" fcol = "#" & indata & "#"end selectend function'tsq = two single quotes'function tsq(indata)'replace 1 single quote with 2 single quotes and pass back'tsq = replace(indata, "'", "''")end function
FYI: the content table contains a content_id, section, page, and text

I have been struggling with this for the past week (no joke). Thanks in advance for your help.

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Update Querry Error!!

Nov 8, 2006

I am using this update querry..

UPDATE DISTINCTROW indicateur set libelle_court='% revues tenues / revues prévues sur projet', description='',cle_tri='',id_priodicite=1,calcule= '0',resitute='0',origine='',seuil_min=9,52,seuil_m ax=1 WHERE id=2;

This gives me an error...I found out that if I put 9,00 (this is the symbolic representation of 9.00 in French system) then it works fine. It does not take any thing after the decimal...

Can anyone please help rectify this..??

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Update Query Error

May 25, 2007

I am trying to update a hyperlink field with data of textfield of form.

\ driveNTPC SIPATDMSSDocumentsP-159

but instead of this server path, it is giving

file:c/\ driveNTPC SIPATDMSSDocumentsP-159

Please help

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Error 3218 Could Not Update; Currently Locked.

Apr 12, 2006

I have a database with 10 users accessing it.
Even though the database is in share mode they get this message "Error 3218 Could not update; currently locked." when they are trying to write a new record.

Any ideas how to fix the problem?

thank you in advace!

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Printing Error After Windows SP2 Update

Dec 18, 2006

Out IT department updated to SP2 this weekend and about half of my reports are no longer working. I cannot view, print or go into design mode. The error I am receiving is this:

There was a problem retrieving printer information for this object. The object may have been sent to a printer that is unavailable.

As soon as I change my default printer to a different one everything works normally. After talking to our IT department I received the helpful reply:

"Not at this time . This would take a lot of research to see why some reports print vs this one that will not."

After about three minutes of checking all of the affected reports are pointing to one printer. I found a way to manually fix an individual report by opening it up with a new printer set as default, saving the report and then changing the default back to the original printer. The problem is volume, this appears to be affecting about 50 or so reports.

It seems like a driver or network issue, these are network printers, but I do no have the access rights to try and fix this.

Any thoughts?

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Error: Could Not Update; Currently Lock By User

Jan 17, 2008

Hi All,

I am running a access db within a company with about 40 users. I have split the db for multiple users. The only way I have found to fix this problem is to ask the user to close it and reopen it but this is just a quick fix.

Is this cause by our Microsoft servers or is it cause by access. Any help would be great :D

Here is the complet error msg

Could not update; currently locked by user "Admin" on machine 'XXXXXX'

please note that the user is not logged on as "Admin" but as normally user without admin rights.

Thanks in advance.


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Update Query Error Message

Jul 18, 2006

Trying to create a query that will look up a barcode and subtract 1 from the currnet stock levels, i have the exact same sql statement for the adding of stock part from the -1 to a +1 the relised i may need a gap between the "-" and the 1 but it still comes up with the message. Anyone got an idea how i can make this work??

UPDATE table1 SET table1.quantity = "quantity - 1"
WHERE (((table1.barcode)=[Barcode please]));

Microsoft office access didn't update 1 field due to a type conversion failure, 0 record(s) due to key violation, 0 records due to lock violaation and 0 records due to validation rule violations

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Syntax Error In UPDATE Statement..

Jun 27, 2005


Hopefully this is an easy one! but for the life of me i can't see what im doing wrong , help is appreciated.

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/diary_editE.asp, line 272

SQL = "UPDATE diary SET dte =" & Request.Form("dte") & ", " &_
" eTime= '"& ChkStr(Request.Form("tim")) & "', " & _
" eEnd= '"& ChkStr(Request.Form("endt")) & "', " & _
" text_field = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("title")) & "', " & _
" eLocation = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("locat")) & "', " & _
" eContact = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("conta")) & "', " & _
" eSpeak = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("speak")) & "', " & _
" eAudiin = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("audi")) & "', " & _
" eAudiex = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("aude")) & "', " & _
" eVisitors = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("evisit")) & "', " & _
" ePromo = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("prom")) & "', " & _
" details = '" & ChkStr(Request.Form("details")) & "', category = " & Request.Form("cat") & _
" WHERE id = " & Request.Form("ID")

my_conn.Execute SQL

If anymore info is required please tell me, but basically i can insert into the database no problems , but when it comes to updating what is in there i recieve the above error

Thanks in advance

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Error 3464 With An UPDATE Query Statement

Jun 1, 2005

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to execute an update query by using the DoCmd.RunSQL. Here is my statement:

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE T_Facturation SET TotalQuantiteDiesel = TotalQuantiteDiesel + " & Me.TxtQuantiteDiesel.Value & ", " & _
"TotalInst = TotalInst + " & Me.TxtInst.Value & ", TotalDemo = TotalDemo + " & Me.TxtDemo.Value & ", " & _
"TotalCoutDiesel = TotalCoutDiesel + " & Me.TxtCoutDiesel.Value & ", TotalLocationHQ = TotalLocationHQ + " & Me.TxtLocationHQ.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTempsHQ = TotalTempsHQ + " & Me.TxtTempHQ.Value & ", TotalLocation = TotalLocation + " & Me.TxtLocation.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransfo = TotalTransfo + " & Me.TxtTransfo.Value & ", TotalAutreDep = TotalAutreDep + " & Me.TxtAutresDep.Value & ", " & _
"TotalCable = TotalCable + " & Me.TxtCable.Value & ", TotalElectricien = TotalElectricien + " & Me.TxtElectricien.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTempExt = TotalTempExt + " & Me.TxtTempsExt.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransportGeneratrice = TotalTransportGeneratrice + " & Me.TxtTransportGeneratrice.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransportTransfo = TotalTransportTransfo + " & Me.TxtTransportTransfo.Value & " WHERE NoAutoInstallation = '" & Me.TxtNoAutoInstallation.Value & "';"

My problem is that when I execute this code, I got the error:
Run-time error '3464': Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

I tried to change my query statement, but I cannot find my error. I'm using Access 2003. I'm really lost.

Can someone help me please!

Thanks a lot

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