Update Data From A Form

May 18, 2006

How do we update a data from a form into a field?

I have a form call member. In the member form I had created a membership Id combine with several code which can shown in the form. But this is only shown and I need this combine memberID to be update into another field.

Anyone have better idea which I just need to add it into controlsource ?

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Update / Refresh A Form Upon Entering Data In A Popup Box / Form

May 24, 2005

I apologize if this has probably been asked countless times; however, in my search of this forum I could not find something that seemed to work for something so simple.


I have 2 forms. The first form is my main form and the second form is my "popup" form. Both of these forms access the same table. In my main form I have it so people can not enter in a ID so it reduces accidental data entry. Therefore, I created a "popup" box that allows ID entry.

Everything works great except when I close out of the popup form, the newly entered data is not available unless I close the main form and reopen.

Million Dollar Question:

How do I refresh or requery (dunno the correct term usage here) the main form to reflect the addition I made in my popup form. I would like the refresh event to happen when I click the close button on my popup form.


Again, I know this is probably simple, but I cannot find it anywhere or most likely I am blind :cool:

Thank You

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Update The Data To Be In Certain Digit Form?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a series of data that start from 0 to 999. I have to save these data in text form in order to be able to update them to the form I need. I need these data to be in 3 digits vs number form. For instance, if the data is stored as 1, i want it to be updated it to 001. Is there any easy way to update the single digit and double digit numbers to be in the format mentioned above?

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3 Comboxes On Form To Update Subform With Data?

Jun 14, 2006

I have a main form with 3 comboboxes as:
1. Status ("notstarted", "inprogress", "completed")
2. Manager ("john", "jill", "jack")
3. Prioritylevel ("high", "medium", low")

Then on this mainform is a subform with the data.
Now, i want to have it so that when

i select status ("notstarted") on my combobox, it updates/refreshes my subform with that data (afterupdate).
Then, when i select manager ("John") on the second combobox, it shows me data for that manager and where the status is "not started".
Then, when select a third criteria Prirotylevel ("high"), it shows me, the data for that are ("notstarted" and by manager "john" and that has a priortylevel of "high".

i.e. on the afterupdate event (or i can have this driven by a button) of all these 3comboboxes, it should update my subform data with my three or two or one (depending on how many criteria/comboxes options i have selected). I don't even know wehre to begin :(

I don't know how to do this even tho i know what i want. Please help me.

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General :: Update Form With Data From Search Box

Oct 7, 2013

I would like to make a search box and update my form with the person's data from the search box.

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How Do I Update Data Related To A Read-only Query On A Form?

May 22, 2006

Hi all, I'm so tired of looking... please help me!!

I have an Access Data Access Page based on a query which is not updatable.

The query is based on a many-to-many table (e.g. OfficeProducts with foreign keys for OfficeID and ProductID and an Amount field). The query is not updatable as I have included outer joins to the Office and Product tables to get all their records back.

(I'm not sure if I've done this the best way, but need to be able to list all the possible Products for each Office whether they use them or not.)

I want the user to be able to update the Amount field, so e.g. if it is currently set to 50 to be able to change it to 40, or if it is currently null (as there is no record so far for that OfficeProduct) then to insert a record into OfficeProducts with the OfficeID, ProductID and Amount value entered.

I thought this would be straightforward by creating a new textbox in the same section as the current Amount field, calling it NewAmount and letting the user update this, fire an event trigger to either update or insert into the table, and refresh the query and record on the form/DAP so that Amount shows the newly updated/inserted value.

I have been searching for ages... cannot locate either the best event or events to use for this nor the code to enter!! Please please help!!!!!
(This is actually for a charity helping people suffering from emergencies in developing countries, not OfficeProducts, so your spot in heaven will be reserved if you can help ;) Thanks)


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Entering Data In A Form - Update Autonumber On Two Tables?

Jul 19, 2006


My first post is on something that is troubling me. I have a Form acting as the display and entry point for data for a contact list, which is composed of two Tables as follows:

Contact - (text fields including: first name, last name, phone number home, phone number work, etc)

Industry Role - (yes/no tick boxes including: film, photographer, audio engineer, producer, reporter, etc)

The two Tables have a one to one relationship based on the URN field which is an autonumber. My problem is that when someone enters say a name, and then ticks a box, the autonumber will add two entries because it seems to see the first table then the second tables as sequential, and not the same thing. How do i go about making a form that can enter new records the same autonumber for two connected Tables?

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Modules & VBA :: Form Data To Update Based On Combo Box

Sep 4, 2014

I have a form named CustomerForm.I have a query named CustomerQ. On my form I have a combo box named combo6.Combo 6 lists all of the company names from my customer table and includes the autokey field which is hidden.When I click on a value in my combo6 I want the values on my form to then be based on the value from combo6 whereas at the moment I select a value in combo6 and nothing happens other than combo6 now displays a different value. how to refresh/ repopulate the data based on combo6 without having to create more forms and queries.

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I Need To Update Data In A Table With Information From A Calculated Field In A Form

Oct 12, 2006

I've read over and over that calculated data is bad, that's fine with me... but here is my dillema...

I have four fields that interact with my calculation in a single form. There is only one table in the database.

AmountF (The stored data in the table) (amount financed)
FC (calculated by =[amountf]*.25) (finance charge)
Amount Paid (used in calculation of total due)
total due (calculated by =[amountf]+[fc]-[amount paid])

The math already works, everything works. I can choose to print the form and it looks great. However, I would like for it to (when I'm done printing the form) somehow save the total due data to the AmountF column in the table. AmountF is in the same line as all the other information, so I would like it to not create a new record just update the old one.

All four of these fields have a text box in the form for themselves.

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How To Update A Field In Subform When Main Form Is Data Entry

Sep 19, 2012

I have a mainform set to data entry to add records to TABLE1. I inserted a subform that shows fields from TABLE2. I have a field in TABLE2, let's say TBL2FLD1(NUMBER). I want to add TBL1FLD2(NUMBER) from TABLE1 in the mainform to TBL2FLD1 and update said field in TABLE2.

My problem is:

(1) I get a #TYPE! error when I try to add the two fields, which I have tried many, many ways (adding them together in the Default Value; creating an unbound field to hold the calculation and then putting that field into the Default Value of TBL2FLD1; ETC), and
(2) I don't know how to get the subform to update TABLE2. It seems like the control gets stuck in the subform. Is there a way to accomplish this without coding it?

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How To Create A Form That Can Update Data Linked To Multiple Tables

Jul 30, 2012

I'm using Access and Excel 2007.... I know how to import an Excel spreadsheet as a table.

I have several supplier price lists in Excel. I want to keep my vendor price lists up to date.

When one of my vendors tell me that a price has changed on a particular item, I figure that I could have a form that I could use to enter the changes.

I believe the form would look like:

Field: "Vendor" (drop down list to choose from. Name of the Supplier price lists) Required.
Field: "OEM" (Key Field found in each table) Required.
Field: "Brand" (Field found in each table) Not required.
Field: "Price" (Field found in each table) Required.

OEM would be the unique key field.

If I enter the Vendor name and then the OEM number it would show if there is already that number in the Vendor price list and I could make changes. Or I could enter new data in that vendor price list.

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Forms :: Timestamp Record After Update Event And Copy Data Into Another Form?

Oct 2, 2014

I have a simple data entry form on which there are about 30 to 40 data fields to be update by users. One of the field is called "Stage" which is a combo box with 2 entries "Formal Case" and "Informal Case" with no default value whien a form is first opened.

Users will normally create a data entry which updates the table and save.

However if in future users open any one existing record and try to change Stage field from Informal to Formal or vice a versa I would then like this action to

1) update a time stamp concatinated with the stage change value in a text field perhaps

2) save/close the form

3) open a new form with all the existing entries(plus changed status of "Stage Field") with a new record ID and new time stamp.

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Access 2010 - Getting Form To Show Update Data To A Table When Two Tables Referenced

Jun 27, 2012

I have a form with two tables referenced. I am using the form only to update one of the tables. I am using the other table to pull a reference field. When I add my second table using the query builder, it makes it to where I can't edit/add in my form. I assume its because of the SQL insert statement, but I don't see this statement and can't find where it is to edit it. How to have the form only update one of the tables, while just using the second table as a reference for a field?

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General :: Saving Data - Update Or Cancel Update Without AddNew Or Edit

Apr 13, 2013

My membership database has worked fine until recently. Now I cannot save inserted data. On attempted saving "Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit" appears.

The problem. relates to 2 tables Member and Addresses. PK in the parent table Member is ID. In the Addresses Table the FK is ID. There is a One to One relation between the tables and Referential Integrity is set. I know 1 to 1 is not good but it worked fine in this small database.

Browsing the all of the existing records is fine.

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Forms :: Update Data From One Table To Another Table Using Form - Access 2010

Dec 16, 2013

How to update data from one table to another table using form.

I have data coming from design team in Database 1 and using form i want search data and assign the job to a person and store it in the database with his name. I have to do this because database from design team is read only.

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Best Way To Update Data

Jul 13, 2005

I have 2 tables:

"LookupDates" which has


and "Staff" which has


The tables are not linked in anyway as the LookupDates table is used for referencing.

What I want to be able to do is add another column to the staff table that shows what contract year they started in.

I have tried DLookUp but I have read that you cant use update queries with DLookup in the way that I want to...

DLookup("[ContractYear]", "LookupDates", "[StartDate] Between [YearStart] And [YearEnd]

If I create a form and cycle through the records I can get the DLookup function to work via VBA but this isn't very practical

Can anyone help with this problem?

P.S. I didn't put this post in the queries forum as I think it falls under the General section.

Thanks for any help

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How To Update Data

Apr 12, 2006

I have an Access file with one data table and several linked (read only) tables from a mainframe database. I run an Append Query to import certain data from the linked tables into my data table. Periodically the data in certain fields in the linked tables will change. I want to refresh my local data to reflect this. So I tried to write an Update Query, but it keeps telling me that "The Operations is not an updatable query". I assume this is because the linked tables are read only even though I am trying to update from the linked tables to my local data table. So I am not trying to modify the read only tables.

Assuming I am correct, what is the best way to accomplish my need to update certain fields in my data table with the information on the linked tables?

Thanks for your help.


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Update Data

Jul 15, 2006

I have a query to calculate YTD donations. I group on the customer ID where the date is within the current year and sum on the dollar amount.

Since this is not an updatable query, how can I update another table with this calculated dollar amount?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Update Criteria Data ONLY

Jun 22, 2005

Hi all,

I've tried searching the forum, but no luck.

I have a Field say Field1, with data like this:


Where the field contains "AB", I want to replace the data with say "AB - Alpha Beta". But I do not want to change any of the other data. So the outcome should look like:

AB - Alpha Beta, AC
AB - Alpha Beta
AB - Alpha Beta, AD
AA, AB - Alpha Beta

I'd then go on to change AC to say "AC - Alpha Charlie".

All help appreciated,


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Update And Append New Data

Apr 8, 2008

I have a table that I need to update existing data and append new data. All of the new data is in the same file. Is there a way I can update and append at the same time?

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Data Wont Update

Jan 12, 2006

Forgive me if this has been posted else where - but i am new to forums so ill try to pick it up quickly ok.

I gave an access 97 'menu' form called projects. When i click on the projects button, it opens up my projects form, and everything is fine and works ok.

On this projects form, I have a drop down showing all my contacts, so that i may select one to associate that person with that project on my projects form.

Here is the 64k question... if the contact is not in my drop down, i can click a button called edit, and it opens my contacts form where I can add a new contact. When I close the contacts form down, the projects form is now visible again. However my drop down menu does not show the new contact added. I even added a refresh button and still no joy.

Any suggestions - would be very much appreciated.


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Lookup And Update Data????HELP

Feb 24, 2007

i want to update data fields (time fields) in a table based on a number input by user (so it will search for record in table using the number and then update the relevant fields)....How can i do this am quiete confused there PLEASE DO HELP

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Update Table With New Data Only

Feb 6, 2015

I've got one table, let's call it "data", that has a set of data with a Measure Name, and the corresponding monthly data in columns. For example:

Measure Name Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014
Calls Answered 10 15 25

I have a function that takes the data from the above format, and puts it in the following format:

Measure Name Period Score
Calls Answered Jan 2014 10
Calls Answered Feb 2014 15
Calls Answered Mar 2014 25

Here's the function I'm using (I've left out a lot of the fields I'm really using just to make the example easier.

Function TransposeSLA()
Dim rsMySet As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim i As Integer
'Open the original matrix-style dataset
Set rsMySet = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SLA_Data")

[Code] .....

The function above puts the data in a new table called "Transposed" in the format I need. The user accomplishes this by clicking a "button" on a form. The button also deletes the existing table / records from Transposed. I now need to change it so that only NEW data from the "data" table is transposed by the function INTO the table "Transposed". The reason for this is that my client decided they want to do some additional data entry in the transposed table. As it is right now, they can't, because the table is deleted each time they click the button on the form to add new data.

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MS Access Data Update

Feb 17, 2012

I have a database it contains data more than 4 million line items but while i try to run macro or any query the database reaches the maximum limit of 2 gb , then the particular query not functioning and then i need to compact and repair. After compact and repair also the same issue is continuing.

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Change Primary Key And Update Data?

Jul 25, 2007


Firstly, I am very much self-taught on access, so there are several gaping holes in my knowledge, and my database structure is probably not wonderful! I have been learning as I go along, so in the initial stages I have built in several problems which I am now discovering!

My db is designed to track suggestions - i have a table where the idea, progress etc is stored [tblIdeasBank]. This contains an 'originator' (person's name) which is linked to a second table, where the names are stored [tblPeople].

Originally I set up tblPeople with the Primary Key as FullName (e.g. Joe Bloggs) (guaranteed to be unique with the small number of people that would be involved), and a second field called InitialLastName (e.g. J Bloggs). It is this second field that is stored in the tblIdeasBank. Data verification came from the user having to select a name from a drop down box, so there is no actual 'relationship' between the tables. (Didn't realise how useful they were at the time!)

The db has been so successful :confused: that it is now going to be rolled out across the company, which gives me two problems. To populate all the names, I need to import them from Excel, where I will have FirstName and LastName. I have now realised that it would be more sensible to just store these, and create InitialLastName where needed. Also, I may well have duplicate names, so I need to create a unique ID, and a proper relationship. (Yes, I know I should have done that in the first place).

So, I have:

.FullName (Primary Key)

.Originator (stored as InitialLastName)

And I would like:

.PersonID (Primary Key)

.IdeaID (Primary Key)
.Originator (stored as PersonID)

With a One-Many relationship from PersonID to Originator

Any ideas how I would go about doing this and changing the Originator for each idea from InitialLastName to the relevant PersonID number, without corrupting the data?

I have searched through Google and various groups, but cannot find a useful answer, so any pointers gratefully appreciated!



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Different Data Type In An Update Query

Jun 9, 2005

I want to say update set field1 = field2

But field1's data type is Number and Field2 is Text. (Field1 is fed by a lookup table). Am I doomed to go through the 700 or so by hand, gurus, please?

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