Update OnHandQty Table Field Based On Qty Field From Another Table / Form
Oct 30, 2012
I have a table called Inventory (table1 - PK=INVID) that contains all inventory ID numbers and descriptions. I have another table called Inventory Transactions (table2 - FK=INVID) that gets updated through a form. When a new transaction is made in table2, I want the transaction amount to get added or subtracted to an OnHandQty field in table1. I tried having table2 (transaction table) as the main form and then table2 as the subform, but I couldn't get table2 to update.
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Aug 2, 2013
I have started work on a database to track the many (several hundred per annum) projects my company undertakes. A 'main' table lists projects, their fees, their key dates, their project numbers, etc. I have created another table for tasks. Each task is assigned to a project (via the project number), and may be 'open' or 'closed'. I have separated the tasks table from the projects table as there may be several different tasks for each project. It is also good to keep a record of the tasks.
I want to prepare a report from the projects table that lists projects IF they have any open tasks.
In my mind, this means 'If a task, with the corresponding project number, is open, put a 'Yes' in the 'Tasks open' field of the Projects table.'
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Mar 3, 2008
Ok. I've got a table named SIPATable and some of the fields contain summed values. Let's say for instance I have a field named "GaDRaw", which represents a raw score. now...I need to update a field called "GaDPer", based upon the value in "GaDRaw". So...If "GaDRaw" <=16, then I would want "GaDPer" to be updated to = 35. Further, if "GaDRaw" = 17. then I want "GaDPer" to = 37. and so on....
I think it's an If Then Else statement, but not sure how or where to place it. Id like it to be as code under a command button, and update the table all at once.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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Jul 25, 2006
I have the following situation.
Table 1:
Primary Key
Secondary key
Table 2:
Primary Key
Secondary Key
This is just an example. The first table is totally populated. The second table does not have the secondary key assigned, but otherwise is populated. In additon, some of the records in Table 2 do not have a matching entry in table 2.
I would like to be able to update table2, populating the Secondary Key field in order to allow me to delete the Primary Key fields. The Primary key was assigned by somone else who created the db, and makes no logical sense, i'm trying to replace it with a key that can be used more easily. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kevin S. Jones
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Mar 15, 2006
I would like to update two fields [Category] and [ProdType] in tblAccum based on a reference table.
The reference table is tblReference and contains the fields [Code], [Category] and [ProdType].
tblReference example of field values:
Code Category ProdType
A Blank Accessory
BS Blank Blank Stock
O Printed Offset
So if the Code field in tblAccum has a value of O then based on the tblReference table the Category value would be Printed and the ProdType value would be Offset.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Nov 16, 2013
I have a table 'table1' which has various field including an ID field and a yes/no field. I then have a form based on a query originally derived from data in the original table. The form provides a list with some ID's with a yes and some with a no.
I'm trying to write a button code to convert all the no's into yes' for those ID's picked out by the query.
I've searched lots of sites and get that I need to set recordsets for both table1 and the forms' query but all my efforts crash or give an error.
I am looking for the right way to say .." for each ID in form set the yes/no field corresponding to the same ID in table1 to yes"
I'd attach my version ....
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Aug 8, 2013
I have a field in a table that is to be concatenated from two other fields, PolPrefix and PolNum. On a form I got it to show the full field 'PolicyNumber' by making the control source =[PolPrefix] & [PolNum].
But this doesn't update the field PolicyNumber in the respective table, and only shows it on the form. How do I get a concatenated field defined by the user into a table so that I can call that field other places in the database?
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Sep 13, 2013
Using Access 2010. Fairly new to automation and macros.I have two tables (tblProductReceived and tblBins) and a form (frmProductReceived).A field in tblBins corresponds to a location the bin is at (named BinLocationID) and the tblProductReceived table tracks product that a specific bin has received.
What I need is for the tblProductReceived field PRLocationID ([tblProductReceived].[PRLocationID]) to be automatically populated with where the bin is at ([tblBins].[BinLocationID]) when selecting a specific bin in the form (frmProductReceived).
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Mar 12, 2013
Below is a sample of the table with the data. I manually added the 1 and 0 to the hc_Year field. However, I would like to create an Update query that will add a 1 to the hc_Year if its the first instance of PIDM & regsYear and add a 0 to the records that are not the first instance.
PIDM | regsYear | hc_Year
52 | 2009 | 1
52 | 2010 | 1
201 | 2007 | 1
201 | 2007 | 0
201 | 2007 | 0
201 | 2008 | 1
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Jan 14, 2013
I have two tables, one called 'Company' and one called 'Person'. Both tables have several fields, but they both have the same primary key, i.e. 'Naam'.
When I type in a name in the 'Person' table, I'd like the 'Company' table to automatically display the name too. So for example if I type in 'John Doe' in the person table, I want to be able to switch to the 'Company' table and have the same name displayed there, automatically.
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Aug 5, 2014
I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)
I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"
I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query
For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query
So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.
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Aug 17, 2006
I thank you in advance for considering this inquiry.
From within a Form.field (based on a master table query), I desire to trigger two events; one before update and one after update.
This function will serve to document specific form.field value changes to a "log" table for review prior to being committed back to the master table.
What I'm looking for are functions, which I can use in a Macro or VBA code to facilitate a field read and copy before change and a read and copy after change triggering.
I'm sure this is absurdly simple.
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Feb 19, 2006
hi there
I am having some difficulty with using Access (aren't we all?) ;-(
I have a table with a the following fields: START_DATE, END_DATE, RENTAL_PERIOD, DAILY_COST & TOTAL_COST.
What I am tring to achieve is that when someone fills in the START_DATE, END_DATE & DAILY_COST fields (which update the table behind the form) that the form will take the END from the START and put the result into the RENTAL_PERIOD field and then multiply this by the DAILY_COST value to automatically fill in and display the TOTAL_COST field.
It must be simple but I just can't get it to work and it's stopping me from sleeping :mad: I have found myself doing Access in my dreams which is not good!!
Any tips much appreciated - Thanks
PS I have written 2 queries which will calculate this for me but dont seem to be able to action the queries from within the form (if that helps!)
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Apr 6, 2006
i have a form, which is based on query from multiple tables.. in this form i want to add a unbound textbox in the detail section.. whenever a user leaves this records, the system should insert a record in another table with values from this record including this field... how to do this?
the record is from a query where as the field is unbound, still we need to insert the values from record and this field at the same time into another table..
example: i have item master and item production table.... from joining these table i get a query which will give me item A and prod qty .. when i use this query as form datasource, the detail section has these two fields.. now i want to have an unbound field budget.. so i have the followig in detail sectin
item A production qty budget qty
when users enter values in budgetqty field and moves to next recod,, the system should insert into another table xyz values (itemA, production qty, budget Qty)
how to do this..which event will be good.
urgent reply is expected.
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Dec 2, 2014
I am working on a shared database. There are two tables in the database.Table1 have all the employee personal information like employee ID, name, nationality, date of birth etc whereas Table2 have the salary information like Basic, HRA etc. The two tables are joined by Employee_ID field.
I have created two forms, Form1 is only based on Table1 whereas Form2 have fields from both Table1 & Table2. The issue is that if I use to enter the data using Form1, the employee_ID is not automatically updated in table2. On the other side If i use to enter a data by using Form2 then everything is working fine. Is there a way to update a field value which is not in form?
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Feb 28, 2013
Within my table if Field 1 has an answer of Self (from drop down), then, I would like Fields 6-12 to auto populate; however, if Field 1 does not have an answer of Self, then leave Fields 6-12 blank.
I am not quite sure how to lay this out. I am using Access 2010.
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May 27, 2013
I have a table form (I want to have many records available in the screen)
I want to disable fields based on a value of another (main) field.
The fields are check boxes, so the automate formatting is not available.
I use the VBA code below:
Select Case name1
Case "POINT"
Me.sf1.Enabled = False:
Me.sf2.Enabled = False
Case Else
Me.sf3.Enabled = False
End Select
but the fields become disable to all records, not only to the records under the right condition. Why?
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Mar 28, 2014
In my Access2000 db, I have a table, on which many different queries are based. Many forms are based on those queries. I want to delete some redundant fields from the table. I tried deleting one, but I found I could no longer open any of the associated queries and forms. Is there a simple way to delete table fields so that it doesn't stop me from opening associated queries and forms? (There are hundreds of them, and I have a lot of table fields that I want to delete).
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Oct 12, 2006
I've read over and over that calculated data is bad, that's fine with me... but here is my dillema...
I have four fields that interact with my calculation in a single form. There is only one table in the database.
AmountF (The stored data in the table) (amount financed)
FC (calculated by =[amountf]*.25) (finance charge)
Amount Paid (used in calculation of total due)
total due (calculated by =[amountf]+[fc]-[amount paid])
The math already works, everything works. I can choose to print the form and it looks great. However, I would like for it to (when I'm done printing the form) somehow save the total due data to the AmountF column in the table. AmountF is in the same line as all the other information, so I would like it to not create a new record just update the old one.
All four of these fields have a text box in the form for themselves.
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Mar 4, 2008
I'm creating a database that keeps a track of questions and scores.
The questions in the database need to be dynamic and are changed frequently.
I have a scorecard table which keeps a record of scores and the applicable question at the time the record was saved. I need to do this because in 6 months time we may want to provide feedback. As the question may have changed we need to be able to refer back to what the question was.
I want the question field in my scorecard table to populate with the value in my question table.
I have tried a number of things including setting the question field in the scorecard table to a lookup based on the following query:
FROM tblQ1;
This works however only as a list or combo box. I don't want the user to have to select the question. I want it to auto populate, is this possible?
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Jun 18, 2014
Table1 contain Two fields (3Months) and (6Months)
Table2 contain Two fields (3Months) and (6Months)
the table 2 is the source of a form that will let the user change the numbers. table 1 should change Date1 and Date2 Fields based on the two fields (3months) and (6months) if i want to make a lookup wizard it should be changed manually and if i make a calculated field i can't find other tables in the expression builder
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Dec 5, 2012
I have a main table which is autonumbered on unitid, I have another table which is linked via the unitid which holds items purchased for the main table, so the second table is a subform of the suppliers and will have multiple entries of the same unitid. What I would like to do is when an item is entered into the second table, check the main table to see if it exists, if it does populate the unitid field with the unitid from the main table, and if not exist create a new record in the main table with the next unitid number.
This in essence is what I want, bearing in mind that the tblinvoices is a subform and the tblmain is not open.
If ([tblinvoices]![Unit] = [tblmain]![Unit]) Then
[tblinvoices]![UnitID] = [tblinvoices]![UnitID]
End If
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Jul 22, 2014
Please see attachments.
POST.zip (384.0 KB)
database.zip (58.8 KB)
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Dec 4, 2013
How to do an UPDATE using VBA on a form to update a specific record on the table using an unbound field on the form to filter the update.
Every time the code runs, it tells me: Run-time error '3144': Syntax error in UPDATE statement and takes me to the "CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError" line at the end of my sample below.
Here's my code:
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCriteria As String
strSQL = ""
strSQL = strSQL & " UPDATE [tblTicket] SET"
strSQL = strSQL & " ([UpdatedBy], [AssignedTo], [Requestor], [Dept])"
strSQL = strSQL & " Values"
strSQL = strSQL & " ('" & unbEnteredBy & "','" & cmbAssignedTo & "','" & cmbRequestor & "','" & cmbDepartment & "')"
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [tblTicket]![DateTimeOpened] = #" & FORMS!frmTicketTracker.unbDateTimeOpened & "#;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
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Mar 17, 2012
I have a form, which i use to book in products received. What i want to do is if the quantity received is equal to what was ordered then i'd like to update a yes/no field (Order Complete) on a separate table to true.
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Nov 7, 2013
I have an "order details" table that needs to populate a field called "Voucher" with data from another table called "codes". The "codes" table also has a true/false field called "allocated" because once allocated the code cannot be re-used.
I am trying to work out how to automatically allocate the next unallocated code in the "codes" table to each record in the "order details" table when that order details record has a DiscountID of "92".
Order Details Table Fields and conditions/criteria:
ID - primary key
DiscountID - only when the DiscountID = 92
Voucher - only populated when Discount ID = 92
Codes table Fields and conditions/criteria:
ID - primary key
code = text field with a code like "einstein01", "einstein02"
Allocated = False
Is there a way to put the next available code into the order details record then mark that code as allocated in the codes table. Then, move on to the next order details record that has a discountID = 92, input the next unallocated code and mark that code etc. etc.
Ideally, I would like to do this to happen via an event when the Order forms button "Close" is clicked.
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