Update Query To Choose Criteria

Mar 2, 2007

Hello, i was wondering if you could help.
I want to run an update query, taht updates prices in a table. But i would like to be able to choose the criteria when the query runs, for example a message box appears, that will allow me to enter a certain amount for the prices to change by. Could someone guide me on how to do this? thankyou, its much appreciated

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Is It Possible To Choose No Criteria On A User-defined Criteria Form?

Sep 15, 2005

I created a form that allows the user to choose the criteria that they want to see on a report using =Forms!formname!controlname in my query. It works great but I want to also allow the user to choose nothing and return all records instead of limiting them to choose just one type of record. Is this possible? Before I created the form my query had the [Enter parameter] on one criteria line and [Enter parameter] Is Null on the next criteria line and that was working great for my use but I need to create a simple form for other users.

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Using IIF Criteria To Choose Between Two Different Like Selects

Aug 26, 2014

I am setting up an Access database for a small school. The database contains a record per person. When we get a duplicate lastname field we set a family_id field to lastname followed by a number.

So for example the first Smith family needs to family_id. But the second Smith family gets a family_id of smith1. To select an ordered list of Families I need a query that will use the family_id if it is set and if not use the the lastname to collect family members.

My query uses a presorted table, CurStuByGrdTbl , of current students to produce the families directory by grade and alphabetized.

The WellSchoolCommunityAll table is the entire database. So if the student entry has a valid family_id, matching pattern "*#" then

I perform a Like with family.id otherwise I perform a Like with lastname.

This query gets me nothing, no records.

IIf(([CurStuByGrdTbl].[family_id]="*#"),[CurStuByGrdTbl].[family_id] Like [WellSchoolCommunityAll].[family_id],[CurStuByGrdTbl].[lastname] Like [WellSchoolCommunityAll].[lastname])

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How To Choose Field Based On Criteria

Jun 1, 2007


I am building a database that calculates freight costs for shipments.

I have one table that has order data with fields such as [Order Number], [Origin], [Destination], [Service Level], [Weight].

The service level is one of 4 values: PRE 9, PRE 12, NEXT DAY, NEXT DAY +1.

The origin and destination use country codes such as BE, AT, CZ, PL for Belgium, Austria, Czech, and Poland respectively.

I also have rate sheets from carriers such as DHL and UPS and they provide their rates in the following format (numbers are made-up as real rates are confidential): [Origin], [Destination], [Service Level], [0 to 0.5 kg], [0.5 to 1.0kg], [1.0 to 1.5kg], [1.5 to 2.0kg], etc all the way up to 30kg. The rate is then in the appropriate column and the row gives the origin-destination-service level combination.

(sample freight rate table uploaded as zipped excel sheet in attachment)

I need to return the rate from the appropriate row based on the [Origin], [Destination] and [Service Level] fields (easy enough), which is easy enough.

The hard part is selecting the correct field to return. I tried usign a Choose expression but Access rejected it saying it was too complex (maybe because too many choices?).

So I'm stuck. And working towards a deadline... :-)

Can anyone help please?

Many thanks,

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Check Box Allowing User To Choose Records To Update

Mar 8, 2005

I need to have a query-based form open and allow users to check off (or otherwise indicate) which records they want to update.

I tried having a check box on a continuous form, but when you check one, you check them all. I did a search on this, and saw that if you make the check-box bound, then that will work. But I don't know what to bind it to. I don't want to add another field to an already large and complex table, and I don't know where to put it if not in main table.

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Using Criteria To Update Fields In A Update Query

Nov 29, 2006

Ok, i have a question about update queries.I have two tables (I'll call table 1 and table two for simplicity) and an update query. I want to get some data from table one to table two (via an update query). But in table two there is a field that isn't in table one but i want to add a value to that field via the query.My question is, can i manually put into the query what data to add to a field instead of/aswell as using data from other tables.I hope you understood my questions.Cheers

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Update Query Criteria

Jan 28, 2008

All -

I have an update query built that checks to see if a date is entered for when a document is mailed as well as a date for when that document was received.

I'm trying to setup this query to check and ensure that if multiple documents (Form8) were mailed that each one was marked as having a received date before the Update query add's a "Graduated" mark to the student. Screenshots are attached.

Anyone have any idea on how I can set this up?

Basically the tblFormEight can have multiple entries assocaited with each EnrollmentID (aka Student enrolled in a class) which represents multiple Form's set out in the mail. I don't want this Update query to run unless all entries for each EnrollmentID have Received Dates.


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Date Criteria In Update Query

Mar 31, 2006

What I want to do is from several records find the Max() date and update that one record with my stuff. However, I get an error message cannot use aggregate in update query or something to do that effect. Is there a way to get around this?

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Ask - Update Query With Criteria Numeric

Apr 15, 2008

hi all,
I'm newbie here. please forgive me if I make mistake / wrong "room"

here what I need. I want to make update query in access 2000/2003. let say I want to update field "COST" to "0", which have condition field "ID" is 070.... (070. and something). the matter is type of field ID is numeric not string, so I can't use LIKE function. any suggest what I can do without change data type for field "ID" for permanent (I mean, if we can change data type for temporary with code, and turn it back with code too, that's no problem). I don't care, either use macro or update query (if update query can't do this task).
thanks before

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Update Query Same Field Multiple Criteria

Jan 12, 2007


Was wondering if there is a way without building individual update queries, to update info in one field that has multiple criteria ?

Basically I need to change/update daily multiple ID numbers to new ID numbers, long story on why this needs to be done but for now I need to do it this way.

Example: 12345 update to ABCDE, 6789 update to FGHI, etc. These ID's are all within the same field in the table.

It works fine running each ID one at a time but was wondering if it is possible to do all these updates within one query or code ?

Thanks for any assistance

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Buttons On Form To Update Query Criteria

Mar 20, 2015

I am developing a Task database.

Table: TaskT
Fields include; Description, Action, DueDate, Priority, Precinct, Recurring and Employee.
Query: TaskQ
Form: TaskF and TasklistF

The forms are fed by the TaskQ query.I have sort and filter on all fields except date field which i would like to have 3 buttons which will dynamically update the criteria in the TaskQ DueDate field. Is that possible or the way to do it??

The buttons would include 'Due today' 'Overdue' 'Next 7 days' and they update the criteria in the TaskQ query and hence filter with the following;

Between Date () And Date()+6

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How To Set Field / Table And Criteria In Update Query

Jan 10, 2013

I have a form that run a query to select all the students taught by a given faculty member. Once the records are loaded, the faculty enters attendance data, selects a date from a combo box and hits a save button.I change my relationship and now need to be able to store the key for the field in the combobox and not the text.

How do I set the field, table and criteria in the update query to do this. The UD query uses the FacultyStudents query as its record source. Currently the FacultyStudents querry does not have the Key or the date fields since the date is selected by the faculty once their records are loaded. As I see it there is now way to make a join, so I think I either need VBA or SQL, which I am not very good (really bad) at wriitng. Can the necessary Sql be written in the query design view?

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Queries :: Update Query Same Field Multiple Criteria?

Apr 21, 2013

I need to update the periodtype field in my table depending on different values in the field Formtype- I am looking to do this without having to use VBA. I have the following fields in a table - I want to update the value of the field Period_type as follows -

When Formtype is 10-Q, update Periodtype to "Quarterly"

When Formtype is 10-K, update Periodtype to "Annual"

The current value of Periodtype for both formtypes is "Semiannual"

Can I do this using only update query?

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Forms :: Update Query Not Pulling Criteria From Form

Jul 17, 2013

I'm trying to update a record in a table, from a query that is run as part of an event from a command button on a form.

I have a table called 'Assets', a table called 'Disposals', and a form called 'Disposal Entry'. I would like the user to select an Asset ID from a combobox on the form, then when the button is clicked it adds a record to the 'Disposals' table, and updates the Status for that specific Asset in the 'Assets' table to "Disposed".

It adds to the Disposal table fine, but I can't get it to update the Asset table.

My query looks like:
Field: Status Asset ID
Table: Assets Assets
Update To: "Disposed"
Criteria: [Forms]![Disposals Entry]![Asset ID]

I've checked the spelling and everything looks ok.

The [Asset ID] control on the form is bound to the Assets table. If I edit the control and clear out what is in Control Source, then it updates the table and works fine.

However, I want to keep it bound as I have a subform on my home page showing the latest disposals.

How I can get the query to use the Asset ID on the form as the Criteria?

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Queries :: Update Query Using Matching Criteria From 2 Tables

Oct 18, 2013

I have 2 tables that must be involved in this query. Both have the same fields; one is a temporary table created from an Excel import which will be deleted later, the other is the permanent table.

tblStoreProducts is the permanent table. It has a 2-field Unique index; there can only be 1 of any ProductKey for a StoreKey (there can be multiple ProductKeys within a StoreKey, and multiple StoreKeys for each product, but there can only be 1 entry for each unique combination of ProductKey/StoreKey).

tblImportToStoreProducts is the temporary table. It holds all of the ProductKeys for one StoreKey.

My query needs to identify any ProductKey in the tblStoreProducts that does not exist in the tblImportToStoreProducts for that StoreKey, and then it must set the MaxUnits field to 0.

Basically, the temporary table is this years' inventory for a particular store. If a product was in that store last year but it isn't there this year, the quantity must be set to 0 because the ultimate aim is reporting hazardous materials.

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Use 1 Form And Choose From Which Query

Jun 2, 2005

I have a requirement to filter some queries periodically on the date field.
What I want to do is create a form that lets you choose which query to use and filter and not create alot of single forms.
The filter will be only be applied whilst the form is open.



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Queries :: Balance Update Query - Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Jul 25, 2013

I have an update query for tGLCashAccount where it adds a value from another table with the BeginningBalance to arrive at CurrentBalance.

Here's what it looks like in design view:

Field: CurrentBalance
Table: tGLCashAcct
Update to: [tMakeNewCashBal].[TotalPrice]+[tGLCashAcct].[BeginningBalance]

Here is SQL code:
UPDATE tGLCashAcct, tMakeNewCashBal SET tGLCashAcct.CurrentBalance = [tMakeNewCashBal].[TotalPrice]+[tGLCashAcct].[BeginningBalance]
WHERE (((tGLCashAcct.GLCashAcctID)="102"));

I get the error: data type mismatch in criteria expression when I run it.

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Parameter Query - Using Choose Function

Aug 24, 2005

I need to allow a user to select criteria as part of a query.

Running the query manually I would type in either:

"Core Stock"
<>"Core Stock"

in the criteria field of the column.

I tried using the following parameter in the design grid:

Choose([Select 1: Core Stock 2: Not Core Stock : ],"Core Stock",<>"Core Stock")

The "Core Stock" option works but the <>"Core Stock" returns no records.

I would prefer not to use a form if possible . Any ideas ?


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Choose Table In Parameter Query

Oct 23, 2005


I would like to set up a query that uses two tables. One of the tables, the 'main table', wil be used every time the query is run. Each time a new record is created in the main table a 'new table' is created containing a subset of data - the name of this table uses a ref ID from the main table. I would like to be able to select which 'new table' to use in the query as part of a parameter query.

eg. Main table record 1 has a field JID of J0001 and a corresponding 'new table' titled J0001. record 2 in main table has JID J0002 and creates a 'new table' J0002 etc

so I would like to set the query up such that when a record is chosen in 'main table' the query knows the name of the 'new table' corresponds to the JID of the record in 'main table' ....

Have seen the same question asked but no answer - is this possible ?

any pointers appreciated..

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How Can I Have A Listbox Let Users Choose What Query To Run?

Jan 6, 2008

I want to have users be able to choose query "x" "y" or "z" from a listbox. Upon selection of query "x" "y" or "z" from the listbox, I want the query to run? I want to run this query from form "RunQueries" Does anyone know how I can do this? Thank you in advance for any suggestions, I appreciate all the help I can get

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Queries :: Using Choose Function In Query

Sep 28, 2013

I have an option group that lists a variety of categories which I want to query on.

I know that the option group only returns values.

In the Option Group, On Time = 1, Over Due =2 ,,,,

I am using a Choose function in my query. That is working fine. But ... I would like to have a last choice called "All" such that when selected all data is shown (i.e., On Time, Over Due, ....).

I am using the following:

Choose ([optiongrpStatus],"On Time", "Over Due", .... ,???) as my query criteria.

Have not figured what I can put in the last choice to get all data.

Tried "Is Not Null", tried "On Time or Over Due" - know these don't make sense -just wanted to try.

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Can I Dynamically Choose Which Fields Are Being Selected In A Query?

Jun 6, 2007

Is it possible to have a form designate which FIELDS to include in a selection query? I know that I can determine criteria and such, but i want the user to be able to generate a report based on the query select a, b, c from blah, or if they wish, just select a, b from blah...

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Update Criteria Data ONLY

Jun 22, 2005

Hi all,

I've tried searching the forum, but no luck.

I have a Field say Field1, with data like this:


Where the field contains "AB", I want to replace the data with say "AB - Alpha Beta". But I do not want to change any of the other data. So the outcome should look like:

AB - Alpha Beta, AC
AB - Alpha Beta
AB - Alpha Beta, AD
AA, AB - Alpha Beta

I'd then go on to change AC to say "AC - Alpha Charlie".

All help appreciated,


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Another Update Criteria Scenario

Jan 28, 2008

All -

I have another update query that is basically looking at all of the Enrollment ID's that are associated with a ClassID. If each EnrollmendID has a Graduation date and the Graduated check = yes, then I want to place the current date in the Closed Date field for the Class.

I can get a select Query that shows all of the classes and all of the EnrollmentID's but I'm not sure how to tell the query, "For Each ClassID, If All EnrollmentID's have a Graduated Date and Graduated = Yes, Then Class Closed Date = Date()"

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Setting Query Criteria To Be 'blank' Depending On The Criteria Of A Combo Box

Oct 21, 2006

I have set up a database that stores actions (i.e jobs). In the table; two of the fields are...'required completion date' and 'actual completion date'. I wish to lookup, by using a query, all of the open actions (those which havent yet been complete (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null)) and then later on all those which are overdue (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null And the 'required completion date' <today....this being the criteria for an overdue action).

However, I have used a form which has a combo box which contains the values open and overdue. When a selection has been made I want a form to display with the results depending on the selection that has been made. I am capable of creating a form based on a query, but am unsure of how to construct the query with the correct criteria based on the option that is selected from the form.

Any help would gratefully be appreciated. Thanks

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Forms :: After Update Checkbox With Text Appear If Criteria Met

Jan 31, 2014

Is it possible in Access 2010 to have an after update that if a criteria text is met, then a checkbox with the text "completed" appears next to it?

Private Sub Text45 ()
If Me.Text45 = "Test" THEN ...

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