Update Query With Two Tables Problem

Sep 24, 2007

I had this working last night after reading a post on this site for help. Today it is not working and I confused. I imported some data from an excel spreadsheet into a new table called tbl_Supplier (field names OrderNo and Supplier). I have another table called tbl_Input with fields Supplier and OrderNo (along with other fields).

Basically I wanted to update all the blank Supplier names in tbl_Input with the Supplier names in the table tbl_Supplier using a match on the OrderNo.

UPDATE tbl_Supplier INNER JOIN tbl_Input ON tbl_Supplier.OrderNo = tbl_Input.OrderNo SET tbl_Input.Supplier = [tbl_Supplier].[Supplier];

There is data in the fields Supplier and OrderNo for the table tbl_Supplier but when I view the results they are all blank. I checked manually (search and find) and the ordernos do exist in both tables.

I thought I had it the wrong way round but if I do it the other way then it takes all the supplier names out of the tbl_supplier as the supplier name in tbl_input are all blank. Any help would be gretly appreciated, I have compacted and repaired the database just in case also.

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Can I Get An Update Query To Not Add Records To Tables Only Update?

Jun 28, 2005

Hi Guys,

I have got a query that updates details from one table2 to table1, "Reference" is the primary key and this is what the query uses to determine which need updating.

It all works great but if table2 contains a record in "Reference" that is not in table1 i just want it to ignore it, currently it just seeems to add them.

Any suggestion guys & gals?

Many thanks

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Update Query Using 3 Tables: Source, Joining, Destination Tables

Apr 19, 2007

I have some experience doing 'Update Query' using two different tables but I'm having a hard time doing an 'Update Query' using 3 tables.

I have my source table TP05XY with the fields 'Mark' 'Date' 'UTM_Edig' and 'UTM_Ndig'. Mark and Date are my primary keys (they together uniquely ID each record). I have my Observations table with the fields 'Mark' 'Date' and 'Obs_ID'. The last table is Locations with 'Obs_ID' 'UTM_E' and 'UTM_N'.

I want to update my fields UTM_E and UTM_N from UTM_Edig and UTM_Ndig. However, to do so, I have to go from my TP05XY table, through Observations table to update Locations table. Table TP05XY is joined to Observations through 'Mark' and 'Date' and Observations table is linked to Locations through 'Obs_ID' field.

I have tried a few options without success ... anyone knows how to do it?



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Forms :: Update Form / Query Without Updating Underlying Tables To Query

Jul 23, 2015

I have a form which will be used as the basis to print a label.

It is bound to a query and when I open the form I pass over a 'where' condition to return 1 record. I then use the query to produce a report/label.

What I want to do is to update the form/query without updating the underlying tables to the query.

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Update Query-two Tables

Dec 20, 2005

Does anyone know how to use an update query however, rather than update the field with a specific value, the field is updated from another tables value of the same field name?

This is the sql I attempted to use however, when I execute the statement i get a enter parameter value when it gets to the Where statement?

Any advise would be greatly appreciated, I'm lost!

Update PendingPolicies
Set PendingPolicies.PolicyStatus = PolicyTable.PolicyStatus
Where PendingPolicies.PolicyNumber=PolicyTable.PolicyNum ber----Iknow there appears to be a space here but there is not in my SQL?

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Update Query Comparing 2 Tables?

Dec 8, 2005

I have such situation:
i have tables [k] and [r] with street and city field.

I would like set on field[dubel] in the second table [r] in the rows where the street and the city are the same for the both tables.
There could be one to many relations. It means many fields in [k] could have the same as in [r]

I've tried with this query but it marks all the fields....

UPDATE r SET dubel=1 where EXISTS ( SELECT r.str, cit
FROM k, r
WHERE (([k].[str]=[r].[str]) AND ([k].[cit]=[r].[cit])));

when i'm using just select part, it gives me good results.....
Can Anyone help ME?

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Update Query Comparing 2 Tables?

Dec 8, 2005

I have such situation:
i have tables [k] and [r] with street and city field.

I would like set on field[dubel] in the second table [r] in the rows where the street and the city are the same for the both tables.
There could be one to many relations. It means many fields in [k] could have the same as in [r]

I've tried with this query but it marks all the fields....

UPDATE r SET dubel=1 where EXISTS ( SELECT r.str, cit
FROM k, r
WHERE (([k].[str]=[r].[str]) AND ([k].[cit]=[r].[cit])));

when i'm using just select part, it gives me good results.....
Can Anyone help ME?

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Queries :: Update Query From 3 Tables

Oct 14, 2014

one of my tables.




Now I have huge data from tbl_bill which contains mix PONumber depends on type. If bill_type is type1 then it will get data from tbl_type1 table and vise versa. the problem is tbl_type1 and tbl_type2 is changing, when someone update this table then the data in tbl_bill will not match to 2 tables.

Now, i need an update query where I can update all records of tbl_bill to match with tbl_type1 and tbl_type2 PONumber.

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Queries :: Update Query Using 3 Tables?

Sep 1, 2014

Can't figure the SQL to UPDATE a table (tblAccomResv) with columns: AccomID and DtBooked. It will be an empty table.

I need to populate it with one record for each record in tblAccomodations (ID) by each record in tblEventDts (EventDts).

Room1 Dt 1
Room1 Dt 2
Room2 Dt 1
Room2 Dt 2

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Update Query Covering Multiple Tables

Jan 25, 2006

Hello everyone! I am constantly have to change a field, called Product_Code, that resides on multiple tables. To change the field I have to run a series of 9 update queries. I'm looking for a way for all these updates to occur at the press of one button on a form. So I would set my criteria using fields on the form that correspond to the appropriate fields on the query and when I press the button all the updates would occur. My question is what is the best way to go about programming this form and is a form my best option to accomplish my goal. I hope I have explained this thoroughly enough...if not I am more than willing to answer any and all questions in order to get this task automated. Thanks everyone.

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Query Based Forms Won't Update Tables!

Dec 6, 2005

I have a form which is based on a select query that brings together 2 related (one to many)tables. When I keyin data to the form it does not update the corresponing table.

Is it possible for a table to be updated in such a way, or do I have to create a form based solely on the table(s) without using a query?

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Update Query Based On Lookup Tables Values

May 30, 2005

Hi, not sure if this is possible or the most economical approach but here goes:

I have a lookup table (tblHolidays) with a list of holiday dates (fieldname "HolidayDate") in it.

I need an update query that can check all "StartDate" values on a table called "tblMasterLog" and where this date matches the ones on "tblHolidays", will add 1 day to the "StartDate" and then keep repeating until there are no more dates to change.

Can this be done?!

Thanks in advance

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Queries :: Update Query Using Matching Criteria From 2 Tables

Oct 18, 2013

I have 2 tables that must be involved in this query. Both have the same fields; one is a temporary table created from an Excel import which will be deleted later, the other is the permanent table.

tblStoreProducts is the permanent table. It has a 2-field Unique index; there can only be 1 of any ProductKey for a StoreKey (there can be multiple ProductKeys within a StoreKey, and multiple StoreKeys for each product, but there can only be 1 entry for each unique combination of ProductKey/StoreKey).

tblImportToStoreProducts is the temporary table. It holds all of the ProductKeys for one StoreKey.

My query needs to identify any ProductKey in the tblStoreProducts that does not exist in the tblImportToStoreProducts for that StoreKey, and then it must set the MaxUnits field to 0.

Basically, the temporary table is this years' inventory for a particular store. If a product was in that store last year but it isn't there this year, the quantity must be set to 0 because the ultimate aim is reporting hazardous materials.

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Update Tables With Missing Data Without Using Unmatched Query?

Aug 13, 2013

I have an access database with several linked tables (linked to MySQL database) and several local tables. The theory is that if there's ever a connection issue, the device connected to the computer will continue logging data to the local tables. Once a connection is re-established, the linked tables should be updated with all the missing records which appear on the local tables.

I found several possibilities which I outlined below, but I've been asked to investigate whether there's a built in function in access that does this for you and use the other options as a last resort. Does access have any program feature that updates one table with missing data from another table, or will I have to write VBA code to do that? Options I've discovered:

1) Write unmatched query and insert missing data into table.

2) Create a linked table on MySQL that will link to the local tables on access, then compare the records there.The boss isn't happy with those options because he wants to keep the amount of code we add to a minimum. Ultimately, we hope that a program feature that does this is built in to access. If not, I have no problem adding code to do this instead.

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Queries :: Append Query - Automatically Update Tables Depending On Value Of Yes / No Field

Feb 25, 2014

I am giving two tables and I need to create a macro that automatically updates these tables depending on the value of a Yes/No field. If it's No, it's in the 1st table TableOne, if it's Yes it automatically updates to TableTwo.

So, the best way I saw to go about is to set up an append query and then create a macro that runs it

So my tables have the values FirstName, LastName and isValid (more but keeping it short)

So for my append query, I put TableTwo in the pop up I get. Then, where it asks for the field I put it

Criteria:[TableOne].[isValid] = 1

I do this for all (it was autocompleted except the Criteria field). I tried to keep Criteria with data only for isValid but that didn't work. I wrote it for all the field names, still didn't work. Whenever I click run it says it'll append 0 rows.

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Tables :: Update ODBC Linked Tables On MS Access?

Apr 30, 2015

How to Update ODBC linked tables on ms access?

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Tables :: Update Data In Related Tables?

Oct 22, 2014

I have to make a Costing System but for that I need to enter our Expense details in database according to Fiscal year and months.

I need a table for Fixed expenses and one for Variable Expenses and then I need one or more Forms to update data in those tables. Now I've created a table with Fixed Expenses. I have to update Year and Amount in that. Now it is only letting me one entry per Expense.

I want multiple entries for one Expense say 'Advertising' for different years. I'm thinking may be I need to make more than one Table, may be one for Expenses with ExpenseID and other for Years with Year and YearID and the third one for Amount with columns Amount, Method of Payment, Date and Notes. I did tried this but I think I'm not creating proper relation may be because its only updating for one year.

I'm using Access 2003.

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Using Criteria To Update Fields In A Update Query

Nov 29, 2006

Ok, i have a question about update queries.I have two tables (I'll call table 1 and table two for simplicity) and an update query. I want to get some data from table one to table two (via an update query). But in table two there is a field that isn't in table one but i want to add a value to that field via the query.My question is, can i manually put into the query what data to add to a field instead of/aswell as using data from other tables.I hope you understood my questions.Cheers

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Update Tables

Aug 9, 2006

I have a client who wants to work from home on two tables in the database. What would be the best way to update his changes to the live database at his work? He is planning on doing changes for a few days at a time before updating the two tables at work.
Thanks for any help.

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Update Query Won't Update In Access 97

Feb 10, 2008

I am trying to remove random characters from a field. The field [assycode] contains a string similar to say, FGEJBF1 or ABFGYRUKC I want to remove any occurrence of "F1" normally at the end of the string but not always at the end. I used: Like "*f1*" to find the correct records, that worked fine, I then used [Assycode]-" f1" in the update to box, It wants to update 146 records I click ok then it says It couldn't due to a type conversion error. Just messing around I tried adding "F1" to these records using [Assycode]+" f1" and it worked fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance


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Using Update Query To Update Values

Oct 3, 2007

I have a database where two tables contain information that I need to update based on the 4 right most digits of a field. There are only 11 values that will need to be updated out of a large list of values. I'm not quite sure how to set up the update query so that I can do this.

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Update Linked Tables

Jan 25, 2007

I've been creating a new Access application and I've run into an issue. The form I created has 2 subforms on it. The data is stored on 3 different tables related by the RMAID. The data gathered from this form needs to go into our MRP application. I have linked the necessary MRP tables to my access application. How do I get the date from the form to the tables in our MRP application? The data needs to go to 3 tables from the MRP application. Do I create an append query that's run after the user completes entering the data on the form? Thanks for any help

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How To Update/merge Two Tables?

Apr 10, 2005


I have two tables as follows:


projectid capital
1 200
2 200
3 300
4 400


projectid capital
1 100
2 200
3 300

I want to create tableC that is a merge of tableA over tableB as follows:

projectid capital
1 200
2 200
3 300
4 400

Can someone tell me how I can get this done please?

I have been struggling with query syntax on this for about 2 days now not knowing how to get this done. Thanks for responding.

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Update Two Tables With One Form?

Aug 27, 2004

I have two tables "Clients" and "F/S tracking". The one commone field between
the two is "Client Name". What I want to do is have one form that is used for data
entry, that will update both tables with the "Client Name".

Is that possible? and if so how? I have had no luck with it yet.


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Update Two Tables From One Form

Oct 5, 2005

I am in the process of developing a program for work. I am stuck on a form that I have developed to enter information on an injury report.

This is what I would like to do but stuck on how to get it completed. I have attached a stripped down version of my DB.

Injuries are entered in the "frmAccidentInvestigations." Once you have entered the employees information the form would automatically check to see if this employee is already in the "tblPersonnel." If the employee is already entered into the tblPersonnel you would continue with entering the information without any further prompts. This information is saved in the tblAccident.

If you are adding a new employee that is not in the "tblPersonnel" then a pop up window would open asking if you would like to add this record. If you hit "yes" it automatically saves the employee information into the "tblPersonnel" and the tblAccidents. This would allow you to check to see if you may have made a typo in the record. If you hit "No" then it continues with the Accident report.

The tblAccidents is filled with all of the injuries and you may have multiple records (Primary Key is the associate#). The tblPersonnel contains all of the information for employees and there are no duplicate records.

I have removed the information on the injury report to reduce the size of the attachment. The original DB has approximately 30 text boxes that you would have to enter information into.

Well this is one of my last bugs that I need to finish my DB and would appreciate any help you might provide.

Thanks in advance.

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Tables :: Using Fields To Update Others?

Jan 9, 2013

I want to update fields B and C in a table based upon another field (A) in the same table but I want:Field B to update when the original field A is changed in the table (I have managed to get this working in the form but I am trying to get the fields in the table to do the same as sometimes we batch update via the tables and this doesn't seem to work so we have to go into each record individually in form view to update the fields) Field C to only use part of the original field. where to start on this?

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