Update A Record When A Certain User Signs In The Db

Dec 12, 2006

The Database is not split. Have 30 some users.
Here is what I am trying to do.

I have Mary, Sam and Bill logged into the database.

When Mary signs in she has no records to update, but when Sam and Bill logs in they have records to update.

How can I get a message just to Sam and Bill, but not to Mary?

I have a qry what records needs to be updated.

Just how would I go about this? I thought I had it when I use the "environ" but that just shows who is logged in. I am sure the form has something, but I haven't found out where.

Can you point me in the right direction?

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Forms :: Save User Name That Update Record For Multiple Yes / No Box

Sep 6, 2014

I am creating a form that has a bunch of yes/no box for daily task. Is there a way for access to record which user selects yes/no.

For example

yes/no box1 - user 1 completed this task
yes/no box2 - user 2 completed this task
and so on

So when i look back i can see which user complete which task. I did a bit of research and saw that i can save a user that update a record. But since this is a daily task, each new record will be a new day.

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How To Get Request Form To Update After User Moves To Next Record

Aug 20, 2012

I have a form with three subforms (Request, Employee Availability, and Employee Assign) in the image below. The user enters the ID in the Assign form (#4) which relates to the request at the top. When the user moves to the next record I want the value of the "Assigned" field at the top to be updated to "yes" for the record with the same ID as enter below.

In the end the following item with disappear when you return to the record: ID #4, Employee ID 109187, and Request ID 2 from the below form. My problem is I not sure how to get the Request form to update after the user moves to the next record.

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Text In Memo Field Is Being Replaced With # Signs

Mar 10, 2006


I have been searching and searching and cannot find any info on this specific problem.

I have a subform that users go into and enter data into the fields. Intermittenly, when a user closes out and then goes back in, the data in one of the fields (always the same field) is missing and has been replaced with ########.

Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated!!



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Forms :: Plus Signs In Calculated Controls / Fields

Jan 30, 2014

Why can't I ever get these to work properly? I want to use them to ignore null fields so that I won't get the punctuation but it isn't working.

Here is what I have but the commas still show up:

=IIf([Status]=1,(+[MailBoxOrPOBox]) & (+", "+([CompanyLocID].[Column](2))) & (+" ,"+([CompanyLocID].[Column](3))),"")

is there a better way than trying to use these + signs??

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Deleted Dollar Signs From Database - How To Put Them Back

Jul 1, 2014

I accidentally (really don't know how I did it) deleted the dollar signs from the entire database that I use daily. I did not set this database up, and don't really know how to much more than enter the data, and do basic stuff. How can I put the dollar signs back on all the forms/queries/reports that I use daily?

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Forms :: Second User Record Changes When First User Selects Record

Jul 31, 2014

I have a database for mutli users which is split. Front end is available separately for 3 users. These users make data entry in the same form from their front end form. This particular form has combo box that retrieves data based on selection in combo box and the use starts filling the data in the subform. Upto this, form is Ok, no problems seen.

But when the second user opens the same form from the split database front end stored in his computer, and once the second user selects another record from the combo box, first user's record also changes immediately to the record of Second user. Both users now have the same record even though the form is separately accessed from front end.

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Forms :: Date Fields Change To Pound Signs

Mar 16, 2015

Just switched from Access 2000 to 2010 and now on many forms and reports where dates are displayed, you see ###### instead. I realize that widening the field fixes this but there are a lot of forms and reports in this database to go through and change all of them.Is there a setting somewhere to have the date fields display properly even if the text doesn't completely fit in the box?

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Multi-User - Can You Assign Which User Created/amended A Record?

Aug 4, 2007

Hi guys,

I've seen different log in forms and tips on multi-user use but can't seem to find info on the following...

We have 6 people at work and I'd like to assign which user updated a form or created a new record...this would be particularly useful on the sales part of the database to track who made a call to a particular customer...

Best ideas anyone?


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General :: Update Record ID To Another Record ID In Same Table And Update Related Records

Aug 22, 2013

I have a table called tblCompanies. When a company acquires another company, I need a method by which the acquired company's CompanyID (PK) can be updated to the new company's CompanyID (PK). I also need to be able to update all related CompanyIDs (FKs) to the new value in related tables.

In cases in which the new company does not have an existing record, there is no problem: the company name simply gets changed to the new company and the existing CompanyID is maintained. I then use an audit table and Track Changes function to keep track of the company name data and a union query to keep the old names in the selection lists.

The problem is when both companies already have existing records in the table.

So, let's say I have records for Company A and Company B. Company A merges with Company B and Company B is now the main record. What is the best, simplest and easiest way to update the CompanyID (PK) from A to B and change the CompanyID (FK) to the new value in all related tables?

I am envisioning a pop-up form that directs the user to select the new company and then an update query happens behind the scenes... but exactly how does the criteria for the update query get selected and how do all the related tables get updated? My vba skills are pretty basic, will I need extensive coding to do something like this?

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Update Table By Only One User

May 24, 2005

I have a split DB accessed and updated by several Users. How can I limit the update of one table to only one User, administrator if you will. :confused:

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Error: Could Not Update; Currently Lock By User

Jan 17, 2008

Hi All,

I am running a access db within a company with about 40 users. I have split the db for multiple users. The only way I have found to fix this problem is to ask the user to close it and reopen it but this is just a quick fix.

Is this cause by our Microsoft servers or is it cause by access. Any help would be great :D

Here is the complet error msg

Could not update; currently locked by user "Admin" on machine 'XXXXXX'

please note that the user is not logged on as "Admin" but as normally user without admin rights.

Thanks in advance.


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Update Query For Capturing Log Out Time Of User

May 18, 2006

I have done some searching to find a method for logging & timestamping when users log in and out. I have no problems with capturing the Log IN information my problem lies with the log out portion where I am trying to use a Update query to update when the user logs out of the database:

I can get the update query to do what I want, but for some reason it is creating a duplicate record (exactly the same as the last record updated)

Here is the code I am using:

UPDATE LogInTable SET LogInTable.LogOutTime = Time()
WHERE (((LogInTable.LogOutTime) Is Null) AND ((LogInTable.UserName)=LogUserName()));

Basically I am trying to tell the Query to ONLY update records where the "LogOutTime" is Null AND where the UserName field in the table = the username of the person trying to run the update query.

Please help I can't figure out how to prevent these duplicates. :(

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Deploying DB To Users! (mde, Self Installation, Update User Version)

Feb 8, 2006

I have a db with more than 100 forms, reports - objects. My backend tables are linked sybase tables. What is the best way to hand this over to the users?

1. I want to create a mde version (which is not working, here's my problem :mad: Failure In Creating MDE File (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=94465)
2. I want a way to send this application to the user, in order that is installs on their desktop or a location i specify on the user's drive. I have no clue how to accomplish this, but i know that when i download some applications they do end up on my desktop :rolleyes: , so they must have done it somehow. Please help?
3. I want to have a master mdb hidden on the network somewhere, and when i make changes to that (e.g. my form or reports). And the next time the user goes into the version installed on their drive, it checks for the last version of the front end, and if that's not it, it erases the old one they have and installs my new version for them automatically. I know this can be done. Can you help me?

I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me please in any way. Advice, links, tutorial, whatever. Many blessings will come to you!

Ghudson! Before you attack me, i've done a search on the forum and though i've seen some posts, i can't seem to find one best for my means :) Thanks!

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Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only - User Rights?!

May 7, 2007

Hi together.

I have a problem getting this error message "Cannot update. Database or object is read-only" in my Access form application.

The funny thing is, when i run this program under a Administrator account, it's working...but its not working with the User account.

Of course the User hast permission to this folder, it's just a folder on the "C:" drive.

Is there a special right i have to modify that the user can work on it?



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Getting User Input For Field And Table On Update Query

Jun 5, 2006

Is there an easy way to get user input like the parameter value box in an update query, where you want the user to specify the table name and field name to run the query on?

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Check Box Allowing User To Choose Records To Update

Mar 8, 2005

I need to have a query-based form open and allow users to check off (or otherwise indicate) which records they want to update.

I tried having a check box on a continuous form, but when you check one, you check them all. I did a search on this, and saw that if you make the check-box bound, then that will work. But I don't know what to bind it to. I don't want to add another field to an already large and complex table, and I don't know where to put it if not in main table.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Recordset Based On User Input Box

Oct 13, 2014

I have a form in my front end database that is supposed to allow a user to search for a record based on account number and then make changes to the that record and for it to save in the back end database. I have the search function working where it populates different input boxes on the form with what is stored in the back end database but I cannot get the update function to work. I have tried to assign each input box with a variable and then run an Update SQL function to update each of the fields but the updates are not storing. Any example of a successful update statement that uses VBA variables in it or a way to update a specific record via a recordset type function?

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Forms :: Update Table If User Add New Data In Combo Box Field

Jan 9, 2014

I have a combo box that get its values from another table the problem i am having is when a user don't see the info they have in the combo box then enter the new data into the combo box field but it don't update my table with the entered values. How can i fix this to update my table if the user add new data in the combo box field.

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Modules & VBA :: Use Different Column Based On User Input To Update Data

Jun 29, 2015

I'm attempting to build an import module so that my users can take data from different walks of life and import it into my tables. I'm doing this by setting up a module and allowing the user to specify which column data will come from when importing data. So lets say I have a field that is CustomerID in my table and user one pulls data from 1 place and in his excel or csv file, customerid is in field 1. Another user does the same thing and its in field 2.

How can i make some form of a loop that when I'm attempting to update data, i pull the correct column?

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblImportTable"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
With rst
Do While .EOF = False
If IsNull(DLookup("DefaultValue", "dbo_tblImportTemplateDetails", "Template_ID=" & Forms!frmImport!TemplateName & " AND FieldName='CustomerID'")) Then


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Modules & VBA :: Update A Table With Dates Based On User Input

Dec 30, 2014

I am new to VBA and I'm trying to write a query that will update a table with dates based on user input. For example a user will run data each Monday and that date will be day01. The date table has 28 days total and I need each day row to update with the next date i.e. day01 is 12/30, day02 is 12/31, day03 is 1/01 etc..I am having issues just running the update the query. I get a too few parameters error message on the strsql statement. There are only two columns in the table, order_day(date column) and date_value(text). I want to update order_day. I also need creating a loop so it knows to go back and add days to the other values.

Here is what I have:

Sub Update_Dates()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim lmsg As String
Dim transactiondate As Date
Dim strsql As String

[Code] ....

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Queries :: How To Update Combo Box Values Based On User Selection

Sep 25, 2014

I have a combo box which gets its values from sql server using a query which is called "get_query_reason", which works fine. Now I want to update combo box values based on a user selection, st string. Have written the code, but does not work:

Dim qDef As QueryDef
Dim Query As String
Dim st As String
Dim rs As Recordset
st = "SOV"
Set qDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("get_query_reason")


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Modules & VBA :: Multi User Environment / Find First Method And Update

Aug 21, 2014

I have a problem in multi user enviroment, with finding and locking a record in database.When one user finds, blocks and edit record ... another user in the same time can find the same record and overwrite it (User and Status values). It is just like he didn't see the changes making by another user.Each user have a copy of the front-end, back-end is on the shared disk.Here is the code to find new record:

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblTable1", dbOpenDynaset)
rs.FindFirst "[Status]='New' And [User] Is Null"
rs.LockEdits = True
rs![User] = username
rs![Status] = "Assigned"

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Modules & VBA :: Running Update Query On Record And Have Form Show Updated Record

Jan 26, 2015

i want to be able to create an On Click Event when pushing a command button that will run an Update query to update a record and after it has been updated that specific record will pop up on a Form and be displayed. i know a different way is to run the Update query and then have it displayed in a Select query but i want it to be displayed on a Form instead. is it possible?

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Dynamically Update Field Of A Current Record Based On Previous Record

Apr 30, 2007

I need a way to dynamically store a particular value in "field_2" of the CURRENT record depending on whether or not the value of "field_1" of the CURRENT record is identical to the value of "field_1" of the PREVIOUS record within the same table. The table is sorted on "field_1".

So, if the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is also "ABC", then store a value of "PPP" in "field_2" of the current record. IF on the other hand, the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is "XYZ", then store a value of "WWW" in "field_2" of the current record.

I have a report that will use these results to count only the number of records that have a "WWW" in "field_2".

Is this doable, maybe in a query somehow?

I should add that whatever the solution, it needs to be compatible with Access 2000.

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Queries :: Expression Field - Update User Inputted Date On A Form

Apr 10, 2014

I created a query with one expression field that updates a user inputted date field on a form. The expression adds a certain amount of time to the field (usually six months) so I know when the next inspection should take place. Everything works great except when I put a parameter in the expression field. It will not return the property dates. If I simply remove the expression, and input the date manually, it works just fine. Am I not allowed to use date parameter with an expression? It returns every date within the correct month, but will give me future years as well.

The expression is - NextInspectionDate: DateAdd("m",12/[InspectionFrequency],[LastInspectionDate])

The parameter is - Between [Forms]![Preventative Maintenance Dates]![Sta

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