Update All Records Displayed From Form Using 1 Textbox

Nov 3, 2005

Hi there,

I have a form which displays data from a combo box in the header of my form.

Each row of the detail from the form contains two values from the database.. one is called case ref and the other is a checkbox for completed.

Here is what I want to do....

1) chose which rows I want to update by selecting the checkbox (I can do this)
2) I have put another text box in the header with a button.. this box captures the case ref (I have done this bit too)
3) When the button is clicked, I want to loop through all the records displayed on the form and update those with the checkbox ticked to the value of the text box header.... now I can update one row, but how do I update all of them????

Help would be much appreciated


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Forms :: Update Unbound Textbox In Main Form From Subform Textbox Afterupdate

Apr 17, 2015

How to update unbound textbox on main form from unbound textbox in subform afterupdate.

that is when amount paid is updated it automatically updates total paid, balance etc.

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#Error! Is Only Displayed Sometimes On Calculated Textbox

Sep 14, 2006

I have a form with loads of calculated textboxes (using expressions).
Some of these also rely on other textboxes that are being calculated when the form loads.
If I load it once, some of the textboxes display #Error! but most don't.
On closing it and reloading it a second time, the textboxes that displayed #Error! the first time now display a correct value and some other textboxes display #Error! instead.

Occasionally, every control works perfectly.

Is this something to do with when the calculation on each control is run and that if the dependent calculations don't finish quickly enough?

If so, is there a way round it?

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General :: Printing Specific Records Displayed In A Form?

Jul 18, 2015

How do I go about printing specific records displayed in a form? I basically just want to add a print button on my form to do this

I have a main form with a button that displays/opens a form

I then want to print the records displayed in the opened form

(See attached pictures)

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Forms :: Send Single Record Displayed On Form Not All Records

Apr 21, 2015

I've created a button on my ACCESS 2010 form that will send a PDF via email. However I only need to send the single record displayed on the form not all records.

The on click command of the button sends the PDF of the report. (I read that this is what should be sent; but still get the same results.)

I don't understand how and where to attach VBA code:

Me.Filter = "RequestsID=" & Forms![OD Reversal Requests]![RequestsID]
Me.FilterOn = True

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Forms :: How To Ensure That Textbox Value Displayed Is Based On Combobox Selection

Nov 4, 2014

I am designing a Web Database with a bound form to a submit table.

On the form, I have a combo box with selections that should influence the value to be displayed in a textbox also on same form.

For instance the combo box for Staff Name contains list of all Staff and I want the textbox to automatically display the level of the staff that was just selected in the combobox.

I know how to get this done using a combobox but my boss insists that the level should be automatically displayed in the textbox once combobox selection is done.

Using the combobox for level, I used the select statement in the RowSource property :

SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));

I am in a dilemma of how to replicate this for the textbox because textbox only has control source and no RowSource where I can put this select statement.

Also, I will still need to bind this textbox to the submit table with the column name "TxtLevel" in the control source

Please see attached sample access db.

Also note that I cannot use action queries or VBA because it is a Web database and not a client database.

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Textbox Won't Update With New Values Of Sub-form !

May 5, 2006

I have a textbox on my main form that calculates the total of a field on the sub-form. It works well and display the correct ammount on the textbox when I load up the form, but if I do changes the values of the sub-form it doesn't update at all ! I need to close and open the form again to see the changes.

How can I update the textbox so it always reflect the values on the sub-form?

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Update Textbox On Continuous Form Detail ??

Mar 2, 2005

Right. I have a textbox say called TextA which is bound to COl A of my table THis table is being shown as continous forms (ie a set of ros in the detail section) and for each row I want to use a VB function to calculate another value from TextA and update the Value attribute of TextB.
I can't for the life of me figure out which event I can use to trigger this function so that EVERY row of the detail section has this function applied to it. I do NOT want to ahve to mouseover or click on etc any fields, I want it all to be calculated when the form has done loading. So far the best I can come up with is OnCurrent, which is no damn use at all - it does the first record and then once loaded the record which has focus.
Please please help - I've got a long night ahead of me and this is due to be finished am tomorrow - argh!

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Forms :: Using Textbox In Form To Update Subform Table

May 2, 2015

I'll simplify this form to a

- textbox
- command button
- subform (showing a table with 4 fields, including an "EntryID" field but just one record)

What I'm trying to accomplish is to enter a value in the textbox (this value will be one of the EntryIDs in the EntryID field), click the command button, and the subform should refresh itself, showing the record from the table (the 4 fields) which has the same EntryID.

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Forms :: Update Subform With Value From Main Form Textbox

Oct 2, 2014

I have a form called CostingForm. This form has a subform called CostingSubform. The subform's data source is a table called Costing Table. The main form has a combobox that has all the "Field names" or headers from the Costing Table that populates with the on open event. I also have a non bound textbox on the main form. What I would like to be able to do is input a value in the textbox, select a field name from the combobox and with an "update" button update the corresponding fields on the subform with the value in the textbox. Is this even possible?

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Update Label Each Time A New Record Is Displayed

Aug 16, 2005

What event would you use to update a label caption relative to a number field in the same form, so that each time a new record is displayed, it goes through my complicated "if" bva code. I want the letter "th", "st", "rd" to display beside a text box relative to the value displayed.
I suppose I could do this in the query. :confused:

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Query Based On Records Displayed

Nov 29, 2005

I have a continuous form based on a query with the criteria as all records where a certain field is null. From this form, the user can fill in values for the null field. I then want to click a button on the first form to open another continuous form showing the same records so the user can go on to do something else. The problem I have though, is that if I base the second form on the same query as the first form, any records where the user has filled in a value for the previously empty field will now not be included in the query results. Is there a simple way of doing this?

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Need Help Limiting Displayed Records In A Query

Apr 24, 2008

Hello again my forum o' saviours, Current filter: WHERE (Assignments.[AcademicYear]) Like ([Please Enter Academic Year])AcademicYear is a field in the Assignments table (duh). In this same query, I have a couple fields (equations and if/thens built on the assignments table) that will need to be used as further filters. I thought something like WHERE ((Assignments.[AcademicYear]) Like ([Please Enter Academic Year]) )& (len([groupwinterbox])+len([groupspringbox])+len([groupfallbox]) > 3) would work, but I keep getting pop-ups asking what the values of the three query-based calculations are. Where did this noob screw up?

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Possible To Limit Records Displayed In A Subform

Oct 19, 2011

Is it possible to hide previously added records which have been added to a subform? For example a user adds their selections and closes the database. They then re-open the database and rather than displaying their previous selection - its blank ready to start again?

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Populate A Field For Several New Records With Date Entered In Textbox On A Form?

Jun 23, 2015

I have a form with a text box where the user enters a date and then clicks a button titled "Add." I've added an on-click event to the Add button that runs an append query that adds several records to a table [tblTracking]. I have a field in tblTracking called EndDate. I want the date that's entered into the text box by the user to be populated into all the new records added to the tblTracking when the append query is run. Currently, all fields in tblTracking are populated when the append query is run, except the EndDate field.

Is this possible? If so, how?

I've experimented with adding a separate on-click event that adds a record to a separate table containing only the date entered in the textbox and an auto-populated ID field. I thought there might be a way to utilize the ID field to pull the associated EndDate into the Tracking table, but I can't figure that out, either, since I don't know how to tell it to look at the date field in the last record of the table. That sounds unsafe anyway.

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Changing The Order Records Are Displayed In A Subform

Feb 27, 2006

Hi everyone. I need help on this one

I have a form with a subform. The subform is basically the sale history of the item on the main form (The main form shows a record and then the subform reports its history). This all works fantastic, except that on the subform, every time a new record is entered, it goes to the bottom of the previous one, so after a while, if I want to enter more history into the subform, I have to scroll down through all the older ones to get to the more recent ones.

How can I do it so that in the subform the most recent entry is always at the top and each time a new record is entered, the older ones move down one. This way the most recent records are always on display and older ones move down as they become less important. Likewise, the empty record used to enter data is also at the top!


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Forms :: Bringing Entered Data From One Textbox On Form To Textbox On Another Form

May 17, 2013

I currently have two froms, "add record" and "add record cont." The reason I have two seperate forms is because when clients create a new record information needs to be saved to two different tables and when creating one from with fields from both tables I ran into many problems. The two tables are named : tblMain, tblFileLoc Currently there is a textbox on both forms named "fileID" the FileID in the first form is from tblMain and is the primary key for that table, the FileID on the second form "Add Record Cont." is just a normal field. When clients enter in the new FileID in the first form "Add Record" and then move onto the next form "Add Record Cont." i need access to bring the entered FileID from the first form and Fill it in the FileID field in the second form. Currently I have tried making the control source for the textbox on the second form = the textbox on the first form but it brought up an error.

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Update RecordS In Form

Jan 7, 2006

i have 2 tables and 2 forms

2 tables as under

1 table = personal (All Personal Info)
2 table = professional ( All Professional Skills of the person in personal)

2 forms as under

1 form = personal ( Here i put all Personal Infor of Person)
2 form = Professional ( here when i select name of the person from DropDown Box entered in Personal table it shows his nic no. automatically in next field, now here is problem if person is already added and i select his name from the drop down list his info from professional table shld be displayed also. so i can make changes in it and if there is no information added in professional table of that person then we can add them easily and like that we can easily navigate through record buy just selecting name of person from the drop downloa list)

NOTE: Sample Database is added if anyone can make changes in it.....

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Forms :: Determine Which Form Is Displayed After Current Form Is Closed

May 1, 2014

I have a series of forms that become current in a certain order. For example a menu form comes up. This is followed by a search form where the user gives search parameters. Then appears the results list. If the user wants a detail form comes after that, etc. Now when the user closes the last form I want the form before that one to show up and when he closes that one the one before that and so on. That is I am going to use the close button to go back to the previous step. How can I do this.

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Forms :: Date Form Textbox To Textbox?

Jan 24, 2015

I have a database for billing. In my database, I have a form that consists of a main form "Order" and 2 subforms "OrderDetails" and "Customer" OrderDetails are to enter the products to be connected to the Order. All function super, but I want to have some information from one of the forms "copied" over to on of the others.

Here is what I would like

In the subform "OrderDetails" I have made a textbox that summarize all prices to a total, his tekstbox i called "Tekst31". I would like the amount in this textbox to appear in a field "Bel�b" in the main form "Order".

I have tried some different commands, but nothing has worked, also I have made a query which dose the same ting as the tekstboks, as the information in that tekstbox it not stored anywhere.

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Expr Displayed In Form?

Sep 8, 2006

I have successfully used an Expr code in my query to get the calculated result that I need. My problem is I can't seem to display the results on a form. I get the error "Name?"

When I try to find the query on data control which I used, it does nothing but shows me the fields from my table. How can I get a query expr column to display in my form?

the name of the query is "together" and the column's name is "everyone"

Can someone please point me in the right direction

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Forms :: How Form Is Displayed

Jul 31, 2013

i want to make it equal to my forms adjusted width but i don't know how to do that. Also i thought it would look like a form enwrapped within a rectangle or a square yet its gluded onto Access with no border

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General :: Form To Update Records Within A Table

Jan 9, 2014

Still working on the registration and badge print system for their upcoming exhbition the company I do a bit of work for. Managed to solve most of my problems but have got stuck here.

Basically each of the badges have a barcode (code 39) on them which is in the following format...

(*'s required for the barcode to work, the numbers are the badge number and the $M is the enter command (i think))

Basically we need a form that allows us to scan the barcode (the number of the barcode is the Primary Key in the tbl_Attendees), and for this to update the "Attended" (Yes/No) field to yes. This bit I can do with a simple update query, but we need some form of confirmation, something simple like a line of text showing up on the form saying

"Joe Bloggs of Leeds registered as Attended".

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#deleted Displayed In Fields On Form

Aug 12, 2005

Some of my collegues have been experiencing this problem with a very simple database i knocked up for them. First off some background. I have a main form (frmproperty) with 3 subforms linked to it(frmroomdata, frmlocation and frmsample). by a property code. Two of these subforms are linked (frmlocation and frmsample) these are linked by location code which is an autonumber.

These are laid out so that you fill in room data first, then location data then finally sample data. However after the location data has been filled out and a user attempts to move to the first combobox on the sample subform a message pops up saying that another user has altered the database and would you like to save changes (Impossible as they are using the database on a local drive). After this happens they reopen the form and in all the frmsample fields is "#deleted"

This doesn't happen every time...infact over the last 2 days i have been entering data myself to try and get this error with no luck. Has anyone else come across this and know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance
Matt Collins

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Forms :: Incorrect Name Of Form Displayed

May 6, 2014

I saved my form with a particular name and I have used that name all throughout my code and it still works fine. But when I open that form, the name I see on the top of the form is not that name at all. It's actually some value I gave a combo box a while ago.

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Getting ID Of Current Record Displayed On A Form

Jun 14, 2012

I am having trouble getting the ID of the current record displayed on a form. The code I have written is this:

Dim ProjID As Long
ProjID = Forms![ProjectDetailsAll].CurrentRecord

The problem is that this code returns the record number relative to other records (so, this record is number 2634 of 2634). However, I am trying to get the ID of the record, which is an autonumber and is not the same as the record's order amongst other records. There have been record deletions ahead of this record, so the ID might be 3096 even though CurrentRecord tells me that this record is number 2634. Is there another way of writing this to get what I need?

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