Update Form Text Box With SQL Result?

Sep 24, 2012

I am creating a form for 3rd-party service contracts, and I have two tables called tblServiceProviders and tblServiceDescriptions. tblServiceProviders has a 1-to-many relationship with tblServiceDescriptions; i.e., each Provider can have multiple Descriptions (real world: product offerings). So for example, ServiceProvider "Acme Corp" might have ServiceDescriptions "AcmeCare", "AcmePremium" and "AcmeInstall". My database is normalized, so tblServiceProviders has an ID field that is related to a field called ProviderID in tblServiceDescriptions.

Each ServiceContract includes, in addition to customer name and some other stuff, one and only one ServiceDescription. The ServiceDescription field in the ServiceContract form is a drop down box called comboSvcDesc and it contains all of the ServiceDescriptions in the database. I also have a non-editable text field on the form called txtSvcProvider.

What I want is to have the name of the ServiceProvider ("AcmeCorp") automatically populate in txtSvcProvider whenever the comboSvcDesc box is changed. So for example, if I change comboSvcDesc box from "WidgetCare" to "AcmeCare", I want txtSvcProvider to change from "WidgetCorp" to "AcmeCorp".My thought is that I should be running a SQL join query to get the related value "AcmeCorp",but I can't figure out how to make this work in VBA.

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Update Field On Separate Table If Result From Form Equals Certain Criteria

Mar 17, 2012

I have a form, which i use to book in products received. What i want to do is if the quantity received is equal to what was ordered then i'd like to update a yes/no field (Order Complete) on a separate table to true.

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Forms :: Result From A Query Being Passed To Text Box On Form

May 6, 2014

I am making a database for my work place where there is telephone counsellors and they need to complete a certain number of supervision hours and a few other categories of hours required for training and several other things. The manager wants to be able to see the total supervision hours and the other categories for a worker when the worker is selected and the date range for the queried time entered.

I have a form that has quite a few items on it. I have two text boxes that allow me to enter a start date and an end date, I have a combo box that allows me to select a worker and I have 3 text boxes that I want to populate with the sum of 3 separate columns in another table when the date is entered and the worker selected so the manager can see, at a glance, how many hours each worker has done on the separate items. Maybe I would need an update button at the bottom that, when clicked, would perform the required calculations.

I have 3 queries that return the required information but I need to get one of the columns from the query results put into each of the 3 text boxes. Basically, when I click on the buttons the right query appears, I just want column 3 (which is a sum column) to get put in the corresponding text box and I want all the boxes to display the sum of their corresponding queries when a date and person is selected.The form is called frmSearch, the 3 queries are called qry_sumisshours, qry_sumisshours and qry_sumtcshours. The 3 text boxes I need to get populated from the queries are called txt_ results_ sv_ hours, txt_results_TCS_hours and txt_results_iss_hours.

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Write A Concatenate Query And Display Result In A Text Box On A Form

Jul 20, 2005

Here's the form I'm trying to Create:

A21: TC: CPT Somebody
G: SGT Someoneelse
D: PVT Noone

A22: TC: SFC Smith
G: SGT Jones
D: PVT Doe

and so on and so forth.

The VEH and POS are just going to be Labels in a form....no prob. Each Soldier's Squad and Team (for mounted Vehicle and Position) are stored in the Personnel Table. The below query is for vehicle A7 (ACTUAL would be the same as TC above). The query works. I just need to know how to get the result to display in a text box. What I'm planning on doing is creating text boxes for each posistion with these small select queries, so when I update the SQD and Team in the Personnel Table it updates on this form. Or is there an easier way to do this?

Dim strSQL as string

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Forms :: Get A Certain Column Of Query Result Pasted To A Text Box When Open Form?

May 7, 2014

How do I get a certain column of a query result pasted to a text box when I open the form?

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Forms :: Attempting To Have Single Query Result Display In Text Box On Form

Jul 3, 2014

I have the need to display the return of my "Sum Query" to display in a text box.

I need the attached below value (40500) in the "SumofQuery" attachment, which updates every 5 minutes to display on the "StatusBoard" attachment text box.

I have been searching for a good 10 hours on how to do this and still cannot find it.

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New At Access: Update Simlar Text Fields In One Form Based On Another Form

Jun 13, 2006

I am very new at Microsoft Access. I have two forms, A and B, that are filled out by two different users. Form A gets filled out first than form B gets filled out. Each has a name box as well as a birthdate box and a few other similar text fields. However, each form also has a few distinctive fields. I was wondering how I could input the common information in Form A to Form B so the user of Form B does not have to spend time retyping the name and birthdates again. In other words, I want to synchronize the similar records between the two forms. I would like the values to appear in a table as well. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with the visual basic code. Thank You.

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Update Query Based On Another Queries Result

May 14, 2007

I currently have the sql below...
UPDATE tbl_Node_List INNER JOIN qryUpdate_P1 ON tbl_Node_List.Zip = qryUpdate_P1.[Zip Code] SET tbl_Node_List.[Date Sent] = (SELECT [MinOfAudit Date] FROM qryUpdate_P1), tbl_Node_List.[Date Recv'd] = (SELECT [MaxOfAudit Date] FROM qryUpdate_P1)
WHERE (((tbl_Node_List.Zip)="35243"));

but I get an err.msg stating the operation must use an updateable query.

What I am trying to do is update my dates in 'tableA' with the max and min values stored in 'tableB'. I have read some of the posts but still can't quite get it. As always all help is appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Field With Calculated Result

Mar 19, 2014

I am trying to update a field with the result of what is in the field plus the contents of a unbound form field.

So if crm_order_det.Qty contained the number 5 and the form field (labelled qty) contained 7 I would like the field crm_order_det.Qty to end up with 12.

The code I am using

sql = " Update crm_order_det SET [Qty] = (" & _
frm!Qty + crm_order_det.Qty & ") where crm_order_det.part = '" & frm![SearchResults] & _
"' and order_id = " & frm![order_id] & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL sql

However I get the following error

Run-time error '424': Object required.

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Query Result To Text Box

Jan 5, 2006

I have a query with 2 fields, when it is run it returns a result based upon the result of the set criteria.

Can you get this value to be displayed in a text box after a button is pressed.


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Modules & VBA :: Update Text Box From Entered Value Of Previous Form

Sep 17, 2013

I have a log in screen called frmLogIn and on there i have Unbound Combo Box cboUser and Unbound Text Box txtPWord. I also have cmdOK.

IF the user sucesfully enters his password it takes him to frmMainMenu.

On that form i have a lable called lblYouAreCurrentlyLoggedInAs and a unbound text box called txtUserName.

How do i update that txtUserName to whatever was entered in the previous form's cboUser.

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Text Box Show Result Of Query?

Aug 6, 2014

I have a form with combo boxes, each combo box further limits the criteria of a query as selections are made. I have a Me.Requery code for each combo box. - This is working great.

Once all of the selections are complete, I need the result of that query to show in a text box. - There will always be only one result.

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Queries :: Field Is Empty - Query To Update Table But No Result

Feb 26, 2015

I have a created a query which I want to update a table. The field is called DTP. I have the Workingdays2 module in place as well as the Holidays Table. The dates (date only) are called Time in and Transaction date. I want the table to update records only if the entry in Completed is Yes. I have attached screenshot of what I have in query. I am no good whatsoever at VBA so I used the Query design view. It shows how many records will be updated (which is a valid number) and shows me which field will be updated. However when I run the query and then opend the Table the DTP field is empty.

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Unbound Text Field In Continuous Form: Update One Record, They All Get The Same Value

Feb 20, 2006


I want to show some text from another table based on the values of the bound fields in each record of a continuous form. I thought it would be easy, but I can't get it to work.

I step through the records in the bound recordset and use some of the values to query another table. Then I use the value from the query to populate the unbound text field.

It works fine for each record. But every time the unbound field is updated, all the records in the continuous form are updated.

I'm stuck on this one. It's probably something simple to fix - if you know what to do!

Do you have any suggestions?


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Forms :: Text Box In Form To Update Report Label Caption?

Oct 2, 2013

I have a text box in a form, in which users enter updates. I would like that text to become the caption on a label in a printable report. How would I write the VBA to do this?

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Combobox To Display Result In A Text Field

Apr 12, 2006

Hi All, I hope someone can help with this, I have 2 tables, 1 main table that holds all my part data ( ie part num, description, etc) and a second table with vendor info. On my Form I have all my fields that display the record. I placed a combo box on my form that I need the user to be able to select a vendor, which is working but I need the form to show the vendors part number in a field. The main table has a manufactures part number, and I have 3 fields that have my 3 vendors part numbers for that part in it. I have the combo box so that it shows the vendor name but how do I get it to look at a certain field for the vendor part number. Im still really new to Access and am clueless any help would be greatly appreciated. I know I have not explained this every well so I am attaching a sample of the DB so you can see that I have Thanks again

Thanks everyone..

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Populate Text Boxes From A Query Result

Feb 17, 2006

I hope someone can help me here..

I have a form with ID, town and address on it.
I want to beable to type in an ID, press enter then if the ID exists in a query then populate the town and address text boxes with the correct info..

If the ID doesn't exist, then open another form so the user can choose the site from the list..

At the moment I think I am going about it the wrong way :

Private Sub ID_AfterUpdate()

intResult = DCount("*", "Q_findsite", "")

If intResult = 0 Then

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "Sites_listbox"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, ,

End If

If intResult = 1 Then

Dim rst

Set rst = CurrentDb.openrecordset("Select town,address FROM Q_findsite ")

[Forms]![AddFault]![Town] = rst.Fields(0)

[Forms]![AddFault]![Address] = rst.Fields(1)
End If

End Sub

the Q_findsite query is expecting a parameter for ID = [forms]![addfault]![ID]

Is there an easier way of doing this ?
thanking you in advance.

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How I Can Take Text And No Number In Result That Arises From A Combo-box Into A Searc

Jun 11, 2007

How I can take text and no number in result that arises from a combo-box into a search form?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Show Query Result In Text Boxes

Jun 25, 2013

I have query that creates table with 2 records each with 2 columns (2x2) and they do not have indexed ID,and query is related to combo box in other form so results are not always same but it is always (2x2) and value types are always same,

So how to show those results in text box in form,lets say 4 text boxes ,every value in one text box, i assume that i need to use DLookup() but i was able only to show first record,did not know what criteria put to go to second record.

When i select that query and create report i get what i want but i cant copy those text boxes to form that i want.

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General :: Can Result Of Combobox Be Used In Text In AfterUpdate Event

Sep 4, 2013

Can the result of a combo-box be used in text in an AfterUpdate event?

Example, the combo-box (Result) can be negative or positive. If it is negative a textbox is populated with the test is (combo-box here)?

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Table And Its Query Reflect Combo Box ID Equivalent Not Text Result

Mar 10, 2014

Whats the best way to show the text result of a combo box selection when displaying the information through a query? I notice the table is also reflecting only the numerical ID result of the selection so I'm not sure how to take this result and display it as a text result to the user.

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Forms :: How To Save Result Of DLookup Function (used In Unbound Text Box) In A Table

Oct 17, 2014

I have a form based on query. On form i am retrieving data from another table using DLookup in a unbound text box. So I want to save the result of DLookup function in another field/table on same form.

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Queries :: DCount Function Returns Correct Result But Datatype Is Text

Feb 4, 2015

I am using the dcount function as the example I display below. The problem is that it returns the correct result (i.e. 59) but the data type is text (59 is on the left side) . I need this to be number.

=DCount("[OrderID]", "Orders", "[ShipRegion] = 'CA'")

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Queries :: Conditional Query To Post Result In Field And Filter Result Records?

Mar 5, 2014

I am working with Access 2010, on vista. What I have is a query made up of two tables, one product the other inventory. (see below) query.jpg

In the product table i have a field called "minimum reorder level". In the inventory table i have two fields one called "number in stock" and "number on order". What i want to happen is "number on order" to be filtered by the result, if the "number in stock", is less than "minimum reorder level", if it is, have the result placed in the "number on order" field. EG. if the "number in stock" = 2 and the "minimum reorder level" = 5 then 3 would be placed in the field "number on order" and only the second record from the query would be visible (see below) Query result.jpg The result of this would mean that the field "number on order" would be populated with the result and the and query would also use this to filter the record.

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General :: Adding Count To Result Of Query Depending On Month And Result

Aug 18, 2013

I want to add a number to my results within a query depending on the month and how many results. For example I have 10 results in my query 3 from January, 5 from March and the rest from April. The 3 from January would be 1,2,3. The five in March would be 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. Is it possible to do?

I'm using access 2003.

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Combo Box Performs Query, Update Combo Box With Only Result?

Aug 4, 2006

Here's the deal:

I'm an extreme newbie, I do not know access very well, nor do I know VBA, I do know PHP.

I have a for in access that has 2 user input fields, one for prodid one for shipid. I have a combo box that upon entering data into the previous 2 fields, it does a query against an MsSQL database looking for a record that has both. In any case there will only be 2 outcomes, either 1 record, or null. I would like to have that same combo box automatically use the result as it's value so that users don't have to check the box, because they won't, and so that the rest of my VBA will be able to function properly.

Can anyone assist?


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