Update On A Query With A Join Statement

May 23, 2005


I am trying to do an update on a table with a query which has a join as follows but getting an error:

UPDATE RoleObjects
SET AccessType = 1
FROM RoleObjects
INNER JOIN Objects On Objects.ObjectID = RoleObjects.ObjectID
WHERE (RoleObjects.RoleID <> 1) AND (MID(Objects.ObjectName, 4, 2) = 'SR')

I tried to debug the code and found that the following part of the code with the Select clause works fine.

FROM RoleObjects
INNER JOIN Objects On Objects.ObjectID = RoleObjects.ObjectID
WHERE (RoleObjects.RoleID <> 1) AND (MID(Objects.ObjectName, 4, 2) = 'SR')

Do u have any suggestions.. ??

Thanks a lot for your time.

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Queries :: Update Statement For A OUTER JOIN Select Statement

Feb 12, 2014

I have the following Select Statement:

SELECTTenant.ID, Tenant.[First Name], Tenant.[Last Name], Tenant.Address, Tenant.City, Tenant.State, Tenant.Zip, Tenant.[Home Phone], Tenant.[Cell Phone], Tenant.[Work Phone], Tenant.[Rented Unit],
Tenant.[Security Deposit], Tenant.[Move In], Tenant.[Move Out], Tenant.TenantID, Tenant.UnitID, Tenant.PropertyID, Tenant.OwnerID, Owner.Company, Owner.ID AS Expr1, Property.[Property Address],


Now, I know that something in the UPDATE statement does not match my select statement.What should my Update Statement be, in order to update all the columns in the joined tables?

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Correct Join Type And Query Statement

Feb 7, 2006

I've been struggling with this for awhile now. I've been trying to research a solution but I'm not even sure what to search for.I have the following table structure:tblContactsContact_ID (PK)First_NameLast_NametblBidPackBid_Pack_ID (PK)Bid_Pack_DescriptiontblDistributionListList_ID (PK)Bid_Pack_ID (FK) (1-M)Contact_ID (FK) (1-M)What I would like to do is create a query to display all of the contacts from tblContacts that are not associated with a certain Bid_Pack_ID. My end goal is to create a form where I enter Distribution List Information. I want a listbox on the left with all of the contacts from tblContacts and a listbox on the right with contacts that have been selected for a particular Bid_Pack. When the user double clicks an item on the left it should show up on the right and be removed from the left. I'm looking for the same functionality as when you use the design wizard and you choose fields to include/exclude.For example, let's say I want to add contacts for distribution list "A". My thought is the box on the left would show all the contacts from tblContacts that aren't selected for distribution list "A" and the box on the right would show all of the contacts that are part of distribution list "A". As you double click an entry it would perform the appropriate record creation/deletion and each box would be required.So back to my original question, what is the correct method (relationship, join, querydef) to select all of the contacts from tblContacts that haven't been assocatied with a particular bid pack?Thanks for any help you can provide. Even a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

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Update Query To Make Join Again

Sep 7, 2006

I need help with an update query. I download several data tables from SAP that I would like to join again in Access. I have set up an updae querry but not all the records are unique. I thought I had fixed this by using a flag to update to -1 processed when running the query and set the criteria on the flag 0 to process items. But the whole querry processes before setting the flags at the end and I want the flag to be set so that it excludes processed items when each line of he query is executed. Can anyone help?

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Queries :: Update Join Set From Table To Query

Aug 29, 2013

I was working on an update query while joined to another table - and the error I was receiving was the query was not updatable. Er... The table that was being updated sure seemed able to be updated...

Then I wondered if the reason this didn't work was because the other table I was updating from was a query whose records were sum'd and group'd by..I ended up testing the idea by inserting the query's records into a temp table and then did the update to the target table from the temp table... which worked fine.

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Queries :: Update Query - Add Records To A Join Table?

Apr 11, 2013

I have 2 tables that are joined by a many to many table:

- ProductID


- PLProductID (FK to [tblProductInfo].[ProductID])
- PLLinerID (FK to [tblLiner].[LinerID])


- LinerID

I have a range of products that each use 2 liners. An inner liner and an outer liner. I need to add 2 records per product to the tblProductLinerMM table.

for example

tblProductInfo has the following records:

- 2138557
- 2378954
- 4387657

tblLiner has 2 liners in particular that relate to these products:

- L5475
- L5468

I need to create the following records in tblProductLinerMM preferably with the use of a query :

- 2138557 | L5475
- 2138557 | L5468
- 2378954 | L5475
- 2378954 | L5468
- 4387657 | L5475
- 4387657 | L5468

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Update Statement Or Query From VBA

Dec 24, 2004

I am trying to update the fields of a table from comboboxes and textboxes on a form. I don't want all the fields to receive data from the objects on my form directly. Some of the bound controls are not visible and data would be entered into them from visible comboboxes instead. I am not sure exactly how to do that. I tried to devise a query that would take the values from the comboboxes and equate them to those of the hidden controls, but that didn't work. I tried inserting an update command in code but that came up with an error. If some one could help me I would be thankful.

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ADO Using An Sql Statement To Join Tables

Sep 5, 2005

Hi there

I am hoping someone can give me a few pointers on how to get started on what I am trying to achieve....

I have 2 tables that form a 1 - to - many relationship.

I have designed a form that I wish to show fields from both tables.

Using ADO I would like to be able to open the form and be able to see my desired fields in the same form.

Can anyone provide any ideas on where I can get started.

Thanks for your help!!

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Please Help Me With This Simple Join Statement.

Oct 26, 2005


Select Materials.ID, Materials.AvailableUnits, Substances.Name, Suppliers.CompanyName FROM Materials Right Join Substances on Materials.Substance = Substances.ID

This works in joining the substances.name (from substances table) with the value stored in materials.substance (which is ID of substances.ID)

How can I add another Join to join Suppliers.CompanyName with suppliers.ID. The current Materials.Supplier is a key of Suppliers.ID which holds the value of Suppliers.CompanyName. I've tried this a million times and as soon as I insert a second join, no matter what format I get "syntax error in join statement".


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SQL Outer Join Statement?

Dec 14, 2007


I have a problem about SQL outer join

I have two tables

table one

id value1

1 a
2 b
3 c

table two

id value2
2 d
4 e
5 f

I like get the results

id value1 value2
1 a 0
2 b d
3 c 0
4 0 e
5 0 f

* if no value put 0 .I am using SQL Server 2005 now

I try left join ,right join and full join, but I can not get the results.Please help me.

Thanks for help


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Error 3464 With An UPDATE Query Statement

Jun 1, 2005

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to execute an update query by using the DoCmd.RunSQL. Here is my statement:

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE T_Facturation SET TotalQuantiteDiesel = TotalQuantiteDiesel + " & Me.TxtQuantiteDiesel.Value & ", " & _
"TotalInst = TotalInst + " & Me.TxtInst.Value & ", TotalDemo = TotalDemo + " & Me.TxtDemo.Value & ", " & _
"TotalCoutDiesel = TotalCoutDiesel + " & Me.TxtCoutDiesel.Value & ", TotalLocationHQ = TotalLocationHQ + " & Me.TxtLocationHQ.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTempsHQ = TotalTempsHQ + " & Me.TxtTempHQ.Value & ", TotalLocation = TotalLocation + " & Me.TxtLocation.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransfo = TotalTransfo + " & Me.TxtTransfo.Value & ", TotalAutreDep = TotalAutreDep + " & Me.TxtAutresDep.Value & ", " & _
"TotalCable = TotalCable + " & Me.TxtCable.Value & ", TotalElectricien = TotalElectricien + " & Me.TxtElectricien.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTempExt = TotalTempExt + " & Me.TxtTempsExt.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransportGeneratrice = TotalTransportGeneratrice + " & Me.TxtTransportGeneratrice.Value & ", " & _
"TotalTransportTransfo = TotalTransportTransfo + " & Me.TxtTransportTransfo.Value & " WHERE NoAutoInstallation = '" & Me.TxtNoAutoInstallation.Value & "';"

My problem is that when I execute this code, I got the error:
Run-time error '3464': Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

I tried to change my query statement, but I cannot find my error. I'm using Access 2003. I'm really lost.

Can someone help me please!

Thanks a lot

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Modules & VBA :: Update Query End Of Statement Error

Aug 10, 2015

I'm trying to write an UPDATE line in VBA, but whenever I put the table name I get an "Expected End of Statement" error.This is line currently;


It doesn't matter whether I change the table name to square brackets, quotes or nothing at all, it always gives me the expected end of statement error.

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Join Two Fields In Select Statement Results

Apr 12, 2006

I'm sure this is easy to do, but I'm not sure how to word my search criteria when trying to look for a solution.

Let's say that I have 2 fields in MyTable: FirstName, LastName.

I've been trying to use the following query, but obviously it does not work:
Select (FirstName + ' ' + LastName) as MyName from MyTable.

I would like to have the following data returned to me in the following format:
John Doe
Jane Doe
Jim Doe
Jill Doe


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Queries :: Update Table Query Populate Cells Based On IIF Statement?

May 6, 2013

I would like to have a table update query populate cells in a field, based on an IIf statement (below), but states that the IIf statement arguments still need to be enclosed in parentheses. I don't understand what the problem is, I have two sets of opening / closing parentheses.

IIf IsNull (=Mid( [CONTRACTOR_TASK]![TASK_NAME] ,6,6))

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Update With JOIN But Only On Top 1 ?

Sep 18, 2006

I'm trying to update a table via a join with the current query:

UPDATE zarageddebt_CURR INNER JOIN baddebt_CURR ON baddebt_CURR.DocNo = zarageddebt_CURR.DocNo SET zarageddebt_CURR.[Bad Debt] = baddebt_CURR.[Bad Debt];

Unfortunately, I have just discovered that the relationship is not always 1 to 1 (although it is in 99% of cases). In those where, it isn't and the destination table has, say, 3 records with the same DocNo, I would like to update only the top record.

Can this be done in the join? I don't think this will work:
UPDATE zarageddebt_CURR INNER JOIN baddebt_CURR ON TOP 1 baddebt_CURR.DocNo = zarageddebt_CURR.DocNo SET zarageddebt_CURR.[Bad Debt] = baddebt_CURR.[Bad Debt];

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Join On Update/Append

Nov 7, 2006

I am trying to create update and append queries that deal with multiple tables. I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.

The update query needs to reverse this select query:
SELECT tblPayment.AmountOfPmt, tblPayment.DueDate, tblPayment.DateIssued, tblPayment.CheckNumber, tblPayment.PaymentType
FROM tblPayment INNER JOIN (tblLease INNER JOIN tblCustomer ON tblLease.CustomerID = tblCustomer.CustomerID) ON tblPayment.LeaseID = tblLease.LeaseID
WHERE (((tblCustomer.CustomerID) Like [spCustomerID]));

The append query needs to insert CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, SecondaryCustomer, PhoneNumber, DOB, Email, Active into tblCustomer, but also DateSigned, DateEffective, DateExpire, CustomerID, LotID into tblLease.

I can't figure either of these two out. Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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Issue With Update Using Self-join

Aug 28, 2007

I am running the following UPDATE statement on a table with about 1000 rows, using a self join:

UPDATE [Tax Report Co Date] INNER JOIN [Tax Report Co Date] AS [Tax Report Co Date_1]
ON [Tax Report Co Date].ID = [Tax Report Co Date_1].[ID+1]
SET [Tax Report Co Date].Co = [tax report co date_1].co, [Tax Report Co Date].[Date] = [tax report co date_1].date
WHERE ((([Tax Report Co Date].Co) Is Null) AND (([Tax Report Co Date].Date) Is Null));

The problem is that it doesn't update all of the appropriate rows "the first time". It leaves gaps of rows unchanged... almost as if it blocked itself from updating, or some sort of buffer/cache issue. If I run the UPDATE a second time it updates the remaining rows successfully.

Any ideas on why it takes multiple passes to perform this update? Can I do something differently?

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Update With Join/subquery

Apr 21, 2008

Hi, we are currently working on a project to strip down one of our SQL Server based applications to an Access 2007 based solution, and I met this problem: the query just doesn't work on the new Access mdb. Can anyone take a look and give some help? Thanks a lot.

UPDATE A SET MaxPrice= B.MaxPrice FROM
Summary A
(SELECT Name, MAX(DailyPrice) AS MaxPrice FROM Data GROUP BY NAME) B
ON a.Name = B.Name

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Update Statement

Jan 28, 2008


I have the following SQL update statement, but I can't seem to get it working. Would anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

DoCmd.RunSQL ("UPDATE Document_Table " & _
"SET Document_Table.Title = '" & Me.Title & "' " & _
"Document_Table.Date = '" & Me.Date & "' " & _
"Document_Table.Location = '" & Me.Location& "' " & _
"Document_Table.Description = '" & Me.Description & "' " & _
"Document_Table.Entered_Date = '" & Me.Entered_Date & "' " & _
"Document_Table.Approval_Date = '" & Me.Approval_Date & "' " & _
"Document_Table.Available_Date = '" & Me.Available_Date & "' " & _
"Document_Table.Keywords = '" & Me.Keywords & "' " & _
"Document_Table.Document_Number = '" & Me.Document_Number & "' " & _
"Document_Table.File_Size = '" & Me.File_Size & "' " & _
"WHERE Document_Table.Document_ID = '" & Me.Document_ID & "' ;")

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Help With Update Statement

Jan 5, 2005

I am after some help please.

I have the following as part of an sql statement in visual basic to update a table with a value in a text box in a form:-

DoCmd.RunSQL "Update[CostComponentDetail] set [CostComponentDetailDescription]=(Forms![Edit SKU NCP Cost Data]!TextBox1.1

However when I try to run it, it does not like the full stop in the name of the text box "TextBox1.1".

I have tried putting it in square brackets, normal brackets etc but I am completley stumped.

I really don't want to change the name of the text box as the format affects how the form is populated.

Is there a way of using a control with a full stop in the name or can it just not be done at all?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Iif Statement After Update Problem

Mar 1, 2007

I am working on a bill of materials database. Once a record is entered, the current total appears. After the record has been updated, I would like to use a iif statement that determines what the tax should be. I already have my iif statement that is working. My problem is that the calculation takes a small amount of time to actually calculate. By the time the calculation is made, the iif statement has already run giving me false data. Just to test the iif statement out, i put it in a command button and it works every time i click it. Any advice on how i can run this iif statement after the calculation is made? I have also tried to put it in the On change event of the field that is calulating and it still won't work.


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Insert And Update In Same Sql Statement

Feb 20, 2008

Is it possible to have an insert and update in the same sql statement using MS Access 2002? I could split it into seperate statements but for code purity I would like to have it in one :cool:

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Using An If Statement To Condition After Update

Oct 31, 2006

Hi, im very new to visual basic programming...what i am trying to do is implement an If Statment on AfterUpdate for my form:

If record_is_new Then

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set RS = db.OpenRecordset("LTOT_second_oxygen", dbOpenDynaset)
RS![HospitalNumber] = Me![general_info.HospitalNumber]
Set RS = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
.........more of this kind of code

Else nothing
End If

any ideas on the vb code that would do this?

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Error In UPDATE Statement

Aug 24, 2005

Hi everyone,
I keep getting this error whenever i try to run the ASPcode. Can anyone please help me

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

I have two tables data1 and data2 in the same access database (data.mdb)

here is the query

strDBPath = Server.MapPath("data.mdb")
Set cnnSimple = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cnnSimple.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";"

Set rstSimple = cnnSimple.Execute("SELECT sponser2 FROM data2")

Do While Not rstSimple.EOF
set tamt = cnnsimple.Execute("SELECT SUM(amount1) FROM data1 WHERE sponser1='"&spo&"' ")
Set rstSimple1 = cnnSimple.Execute("UPDATE data2 SET amount2= "&tamt(0)&" WHERE sponser2='"&spo&"' ")

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Sql Update Statement Error

Aug 25, 2006

im trying to update to the database with the following sql statements:

FUNCTION fixQuotes( theString )
fixQuotes = REPLACE( theString, "'", "''" )

sql #1
sqlstring = "update Asset set AssetID='"&fixQuotes( assetid )&"', AssetLabel='"&fixQuotes( assetlabel )&"', WarrantStart='"&fixQuotes( warrantystart )&"', Engrave='"&fixQuotes( engrave )&"', Status='"&fixQuotes( status1 )&"', Make='"&fixQuotes( make )&"', Model='"&fixQuotes( model )&"', AssetCategory='"&fixQuotes( assetcategory )&"' where AssetID='"&assetid&"' "

sql #2
sqlstring = "update Asset set " &_
"AssetID=' " & fixQuotes( assetid ) & "'," &_
"AssetLabel=' " & fixQuotes( assetlabel ) & "'," &_
"WarrantStart=' " & fixQuotes( warrantystart ) & "'," &_
"Engrave=' " & fixQuotes( engrave ) & "'," &_
"Status=' " & fixQuotes( status1 ) & "'," &_
"Make=' " & fixQuotes( make ) & "'," &_
"Model=' " & fixQuotes( model ) & "'," &_
"AssetCategory=' " & fixQuotes( assetcategory ) & "' where " &_
"AssetID=" & AssetID

ive tried both @ different times but they dont work. the adodb connection's open

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Update Checkbox Value With IF Statement

Aug 5, 2014

What is the correct way to update the checkbox value in a table with an IF statement?

Desired Result:

Check if UserID is not 'ME'
If it is not 'ME' then uncheck the box in the table.

My current faulty code below:

NoUser = DLookup("[UserID]", "[TABLE]") If NoUser <> "ME" Then
[AllowLogin] = 0
End If

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