Im working on an update query to add 2 zeros to the front of a field where it is less than 8 digits long. I'm not sure how to go about this, can anyone help me out?
Is it possible to run a SQL command to update a field within a table with random numbers?
More specifically - random long integers linking back to an ID (autonumber) field in another table?
Background to this is, I have multiple static data tables related to each other by long integer identifiers (autonumbers)
The structure is fine but I haven't been provided with the actual data yet - but for development purposes, I need to work on other functionality which requires that this data be present.
So I want to fill my table with dummy data such that I can go off and work on the remaining functionality, but then just go back and clear it all out once I get the actual data.
I have one 'main' static table, which links back to other tables, which I have already populated with dummy static (i.e. company names, locations etc) Now I want to go into my main table and populate those fields in each record with a random ID. I don't mind doing this field-by-field (there's only a handful) but I've a lot of records in there (~1000) so I'd rather not do this record-by-record.
The field SECL DDI has the users phone number unfortunately over time these have been entered in different formats so there are 5 digits, 6 digits, 7 digits etc...Can I run a query that counts the number of digits in each filed and then tell me how many of each exist
We have a field of 7m records of varying length, some of which are numbers, some just letters, some alphanumeric, and most which include a dash, space or some sort of punctuation mark.
We need to replace all letters with "L", then replace all digits with "@".
We can replace characters individually using this update query:
Replace([Ref Digit Or Letter],"A","L")
But would like to use wildcard searches to resolve this, something like (these don't work!)...
Replace([Ref Digit Or Letter],"A-Z","L") Replace([Ref Digit Or Letter],"LIKE [*A-Z*]","L")
have a query with a field that contains numbers with 3,4,and 5 digits. I want to format it so it displays all as 5 digits by adding 0s to the front of the number. EX:
324 4856 45634
change to: 00324 -4856 45634
Help please. Dont want to do it in VBA either. I would rather build it as an expression field or something.
I need a field to permit only numbers. Upon selecting number for the data type I select Long Integer for a longer number... But it only allows 9 digits.. I need it to allow to enter in longer numbers... Any help? Thank you very much in avdance
I'm just to work with Fox Pro, and I am therefore puzzled with how to define the exact number of digits in a field in a table in Access. If I need 9 digits + 2 decimals in a number filed, how do I define that in design view?
Also, I need to know how to export a table into a text file, with a format without any spaces, and each record is divided with a new line. This an old IBM text format file.
I have a text box, which requires a 8-digit number entry. I have wrote the code to check that the length is 8 and if it isn't a label will turn visible next to the field telling the user entry must be 8 digits.
This works for when i enter a number less than 8-digits but when i input a number with more digits as it does not fit into the text box it turns it to a scientific format value and when the code runs it shows the length is actually 8! And therefore the entry is valid!
I.e. when i input 123456789 the text box shows 1.23E+08 which is 8 charecters!
I dont want any error messages to pop up as i handle them by code and use labels to show the error message next to the problem field and i would like to keep this consistent. Is there any way i can do this by a function or a property in the table or form?
I have a form with an unbound textbox. I want to be able to enter a sequence of digits and spaces (e.g., 02 950 4187); however, when I paste this into the box, I always have to delete the two spaces until the number is 9 digits long. Then it will accept the number and go look for the prize. How do I get the textbox to accept the number I paste in?
I have a query that I try to update to Alphabetical instead of numerical. I am using MS Access. on the row say "Update to" I Enter Alphabetical letter but it doesn't work. I wonder if any way to do so. Please HELP! Thanks
I have a stock record database which I have 'inherited' from someone far cleverer than me! I'm fairly used to basic SQL, but I'm teating by hair out over this particular problem.
I'm writing an Update Query to count the number of [NewModelCode] records WHERE Status ='Available' AND StockType = 'New' AND InstStockReference.OnlineShop = Yes and update a field called CountNew on a table called InstStockReference.. So far I have the following SQL:
UPDATE InstrumentStock INNER JOIN InstStockReference ON InstrumentStock.NewModelCode = InstStockReference.NewModelCode SET InstStockReference.CountNew = DCount("NewModelCode","InstrumentStock","Status='Available'") WHERE (((InstrumentStock.Status)="Available") AND ((InstrumentStock.StockType)="New") AND ((InstStockReference.OnlineShop)=Yes));
It partly works, but the result I get is a column count of 939 in every field where the Status ='Available' AND StockType = 'New' AND InstStockReference.OnlineShop = Yes.
I want to do a count the number of [NewModelCode] records.
I have Access 2000. I want to update all my records in one table so that they only have 2 decimal places instead of the 10 they have now. What is the expression used to do this?
I've made a simple form to Login/Logout with radio buttons but the buttons only allow me to push a number as a value, in my case 1 or 2 for Login or Logout.
How would I make an update query to change those numbers to the equivalent text? Or is that not possible in the same field because that is 2 different data types?
I'm trying to export from a text file. However one of the fields contains 2 items of data, ie the code and name of a person. eg 'po2 Paul O Mahony'. What I want to do is query only the code(first 3 digits) from this field. ie 'po2'. Is there a way of doing this within a query (sql) or do I have to use vbscript to solve this? thanks
Hi, I'm trying to import data from another database (codes), and the text field in that database is set to 7.
Our new database only needs the first 5 digits of the codes, so I'm wondering is it possible to create a query that filters any entries where the code field has more then 5 digits?
The scenerario is the following: I have a table that keeps information for weeks about some files (e.g: if the file has been sent). Then I have another table with information for days in a month (the data for every day).
What I should do is: Check wheter the week has been sent, if it has been sent, I have to show the data for every day of that week in a report. Only for one month... and I can't figure out how to build that query...
I guess I should do something like: select week from weekTable where week=week and sent=TRUE set rcset=db.openrecordset(sql) if(not rcset.eof)then 'build in here the query to select the data I need from the month table end if
but i can't figure out how the loop would be for 1 month...
I have found that sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't, (Like, it works the first time I run it, but later quits working....)so I've gotten into the habit of repeating my calculations and writing it thus instead:
select [x]+[y] as A, [z]*([x]+[y]) as B from MyTable.
However, I now have some query fields that have so many calculations in them that I exceed the string length that Access allows for a query field. So is there a way to make the shorter SQL work consistently?
Any ideas appreciated.
PS: Here's the field I need to shorten: AdjFcstDay: IIf(((Sum([AvgDaily])*First([forecastweeks])*5+nz(First([backlog]),0))/(First([forecastweeks])*5))+IIf([wiptotal]<(IIf(First(CDbl(nz([dailystddev],0)))<=0,0,xlnormsinv(First([lowwipflag]))*First([dailystddev]))),((IIf(First(CDbl(nz([dailystddev],0)))<=0,0,xlnormsinv(First([lowwipflag]))*First([dailystddev])))-[wiptotal])/5,IIf([wiptotal]>(IIf(First(CDbl(nz([dailystddev],0)))<=0,0,xlnormsinv(First([highwipflag]))*First([dailystddev]))),((IIf(First(CDbl(nz([dailystddev],0)))<=0,0,xlnormsinv(First([highwipflag]))*First([dailystddev])))-[wiptotal])/5,0))<0,0,(Sum([AvgDaily])*First([forecastweeks])*5+nz(First([backlog]),0))+IIf([wiptotal]<(IIf(First(CDbl(nz([dailystddev],0)))<=0,0,xlnormsinv(First([lowwipflag]))*First([dailystddev]))),((IIf(First(CDbl(nz([dailystddev],0)))<=0,0,xlnormsinv(First([lowwipflag]))*First([dailystddev])))-[wiptotal])/5,IIf([wiptotal]>(IIf(First(CDbl(nz([dailystddev],0)))<=0,0,xlnormsinv(First([highwipflag]))*First([dailystddev]))),((IIf(First(CDbl(nz([dailystddev],0)))<=0,0,xlnormsinv(First([highwipflag]))*First([dailystddev])))-[wiptotal])/5,0)))
I have created some queries that are joined on long text fields (80-120 characters). I can save the query in the graphic query design window. But when I reopen the window I get messages that the Joins have been deleted. I cannot find any references to this issue. Does anyone have experience or info on this?
I don't need a lecture about the use of long text fields in Query Joins. And yes I have used Search first.