Update (write) Current Record
Jun 27, 2006
I have a small problem: I just want my form to update the current record because I'm opening (with a button) a second form which uses the values of some of its table fields.
If I open 2nd form without updating, it will use old values, and if the record I was worknig with is a NEW record, 2nd form simply can't find it because it's not been written!
1. I want to tell the button to UPDATE record before opening the 2nd form.
2. In addition, I could want to go to 2nd form DIRECTLY from the same field I want to update and use in 2nd form (through a Keypress event instead of a button), but this is more difficuolt because I still didn't EXIT from the field but I already want to use the text manually updated in the field... any idea?
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Apr 30, 2007
I need a way to dynamically store a particular value in "field_2" of the CURRENT record depending on whether or not the value of "field_1" of the CURRENT record is identical to the value of "field_1" of the PREVIOUS record within the same table. The table is sorted on "field_1".
So, if the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is also "ABC", then store a value of "PPP" in "field_2" of the current record. IF on the other hand, the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is "XYZ", then store a value of "WWW" in "field_2" of the current record.
I have a report that will use these results to count only the number of records that have a "WWW" in "field_2".
Is this doable, maybe in a query somehow?
I should add that whatever the solution, it needs to be compatible with Access 2000.
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Jun 1, 2005
I am a relative Newbie so if my question sounds stupid, bear with me:
I have a form with a subform linked to a query.
On the subform i have a checkbox[Recieved] and when checked adds a date to
another field [Year] on the subform which in turn updates the record in a table[Orders].
I then click a command button on the form which runs a crosstab query based on the
updated fields in the table [Orders].
This works well except for the last record ammended which does not update the [Year]
field in the table [Orders]. When the command button is clicked it is still the current
record in the subform.
clicking another record in the subform solves this or closing the form and reopening it before running the crosstab query.
Is there an easier way to automate the update? So that the user does not have to select another record first.
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Jul 12, 2006
I have a form(F_Roll) that runs from a query(Q_roll) which asks the user to input the date. New records are made from this form, and it also allows the user to look at the records from past dates. On this form, my next button creates a new record for that date and fills a field called "RollNumber" with a running counter based on the CurrentRecord. If no roll is present for that date, "RollNumber"=1. If the "Next" button is pushed and "RollNumber"=1, then on the next record, "RollNumber" is filled with 2. If 2 then 3,etc. "RollNumber" is my primary key for the table(T_Roll), and actually, I have the date in front of the counter. The data in "RollNumber" is like "071206-1", "071206-2", "071206-3", "071206-4", etc.
What I want to do is have a button on my main form(F_Roll) that will open a new modal, pop-up form on top of my main form that allows the user to enter data for the next record(roll) while still on the current record(roll).
I can get it to work if the next record(roll) has already been made. But if I make a new record through the pop-up form and then try to goto the next record I my main form, I get a primary key error about making duplicate primary keys when trying to save the record.
The problem is(I think)- The query for the main form has already ran, so it doesn't recognize the new record made from the pop-up form. When the next button is pushed, it is creating a duplicate record(roll) in the primary key.
Does anyone have any ideas how to work around this?
I am using Access 2003
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Jan 23, 2014
i have a database
two tables: Addresses, Instructions
One form_one subform: User form
The user form contains set of instructions for each company that we take care off, the sub-form has all of the addresses for the company, these come from the "Address" table, the two are linked via a field called "companyID" so the subform only displays the addresses for the current company being viewed on the form.
The problem is, on the subform there is a dropdown box called "administrator" and this is used to select the person who is looking after the company. Some of the companies have hundreds of addresses, so when i click the next record button on the subform I have to fill in the administrator again for every address for the same company. Is there a way using vba or a simple function to auto update all of the "administrator" dropdown boxes for that company based on the administrator I select for the first address.
ps access 2010
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Dec 14, 2012
I am on Access 2007, and know very basic stuffs to create tables, queries, and form search. I have just successfully completed a search form filtered with a combobox. Also I have a built-in subform within the main form to display other results as well. The display results are based on one complex query (relational query). Now I need to add a command button that would take me to another form to update the current record found.Quick on the design:
- When I search a subject in a main form(subject lists in the combobox), it would populate results below in the main form and also subform would populate other results as well.
1. Add a command button so can take me to new form, but would need to have the current record populated.
2. Once updated, then how do I save it?
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Jul 18, 2013
all using access 2010. I have a date field. I need to write a query to pull out dates with current year only. ex data: 1/1/10, 1/1/11, 2/1/12, 2/1/13. Need to pull all dates with current year which would be 2/1/13. Tried in query criteria of the date field: =Format(Now(),"yyyy") I received data mismatch. this is a date/time field.
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Sep 25, 2013
How to write Sample Code to Retrieve the Current User Name?I have done for short name only and I need it full
Private Declare Function apiGetUserNameWindows Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Function fOSUserName() As String
Dim lngLen As Long, lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String
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Aug 2, 2007
On the OnLoad event of a form, is it possible for the program to traverse or go through every single record (maybe with a while loop)?? If so, please send me the exact syntax.
Also, I want to update the tables on the back end. Is it possible to this in the be file? Where specifically would I have to put the code?
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Apr 18, 2008
Hello all,
How are you? Hope everything is well!
I have a question. If I have a form, which has underlying source is the table LineItem. The table has these fields PO#, Line Item, Cancel check box, and Cancel Reason list box. Each PO can have 1 to multiple line items. Once in a while, the users need to cancel certain line items and type a reason in the Cancel Reason box. When the users click the Cancel check box, it force the user to enter a reason.
However, in cases, some POs have 10-100 line items, and the reason are the same for all line items, and it is time-consuming and tedious to do one by one. I would like to find a way to enter reason in line 1, for example, and copy/update the rest of line items in that same PO with that.
Please advise HOW and WHAT COMMAND should I use to update the text in one field of one record (line item) to ALL other records (line items) in the same PO.
Please help! Thanks so much.
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Jul 14, 2006
Hey Guys,
I'm looking to create a "Same As Billing Address" check box that would automatically udpate the address in an order to reflect the customer's billing address.
I understand how to sync a combo box to an option group ( -- great article by the way)
I Guess what I'm looking to do is:
1. Sync a "Same As" Checkbox to multiple text boxes in the form (Unit, StreetAddress, City, Province, Postal) such that these fields are UPDATED (writen to) with the same information as the billing address
2. [U]IF the "Same As" Option is selected, I need the updated fields to lock, allowing no further update... but must by unlocked if the "Same As" option is NOT selected.
Please help me out with this one guys.. I really need it.
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Nov 24, 2014
what is the correct syntax to write a command line able to UPDATE more than one field in the table records having multiple WHERE criteria.
Here is my challenge:My TableI has the columns A, B, C and D which are populated, for example, as follows:
1 2
2 6 4 3
1 7 5 9
1 2
2 5 8 5
I also have a FormII which updates TableII. Among the existing fields of TableII there are the fields C and D (same as above). When saving data entry thru the save button of the FormII, fields C and D will be naturally saved on the TableII. Well, I also want C and D info updated into Table I as well, but only when field A=1 and B=2.So what I need (for the click event of the button save in the FormII) is to open TableI and either insert or update it with the values of the fields C and D in every record WHERE A=1 AND B=2.For instance, assuming C=& and D=%, the desired result should be as follows:
1 2 & %
2 6 4 3
1 7 5 9
1 2 & %
2 5 8 5
I did not find any examples in the net including multiple criteria..Here is what I wrote unsuccesfully:
Private Sub BtSalvarFrmII_Click()
CurrentDb.execute "UPDATE TableI"
Set FieldC = Forms!FrmII!FieldC.value AND Set FieldD = Forms!FrmII!FieldD.value WHERE FieldA = 1 AND FieldB = 2
End Sub
What would be the correct syntax?
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Jun 22, 2015
I have the requirement to write EACH record from a table to its own CSV file with name of the file being combination of 2 fields
So let's say I have Table1 with 3 columns (Field1, Field2, Field3) with following content :
Field1 Field2 Field3
I should get 3 files with names AA1.CSV, AA2.CSV and AA3.CSV and each file contains its respective row from the table.
I tried to do it with DAO Recordset, but I do not find a way to write only the current record from recordset while looping.
See below the code I was using, but issue is that code does succesfull creates the 3 CSV files as per above example, but in each file it writes ALL 3 ROWS instead only the respective ROW.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFilename As String
[Code] ....
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Aug 22, 2013
I have a table called tblCompanies. When a company acquires another company, I need a method by which the acquired company's CompanyID (PK) can be updated to the new company's CompanyID (PK). I also need to be able to update all related CompanyIDs (FKs) to the new value in related tables.
In cases in which the new company does not have an existing record, there is no problem: the company name simply gets changed to the new company and the existing CompanyID is maintained. I then use an audit table and Track Changes function to keep track of the company name data and a union query to keep the old names in the selection lists.
The problem is when both companies already have existing records in the table.
So, let's say I have records for Company A and Company B. Company A merges with Company B and Company B is now the main record. What is the best, simplest and easiest way to update the CompanyID (PK) from A to B and change the CompanyID (FK) to the new value in all related tables?
I am envisioning a pop-up form that directs the user to select the new company and then an update query happens behind the scenes... but exactly how does the criteria for the update query get selected and how do all the related tables get updated? My vba skills are pretty basic, will I need extensive coding to do something like this?
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Aug 19, 2013
I have two forms both with separate tables
(1) Register and
(2) Payments.
One of the common denominators between them is the URN which is auto-populated as it is an auto number field. My issue is that when I want to add a new record to the payments table using the forms (I can get to the payments form via the register form), I want to be able to identify the record that I am currently viewing within the register and auto populate the URN field with the same number. This is what I have done so far,
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub AttachPaymentDetails()
Call PerformInsert("tblFinancialBudget", "frmFinancialBudget")
End Sub
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May 6, 2015
I'm trying to make a form that shows what the last record was next to the empty space where you enter a new record.
This is so the user knows that what they are entering is roughly in line with what has come before.
So for example if I was recording temperature every May, I would like a form that has a field called temperature and next to that field I would like to see last year's temperature.
Date | Temp
2014 | 20.5
2013 | 18.5
2012 | 19.0
2011 | 22.7
2010 | 15.2
So when I enter the record for 2015 I have a box that says: Temp and next to that box is "Last year was 20.5" or something like that.
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Aug 8, 2014
I'm struggling with a query to evaluate current and prior record data. I have a query producing 5000 records. I need to group records by Case ID and compare current date record to previous date record to determine if a team and worker name has changed during the year. I need to count how many times a cases is transferred to and out of a particular team from the beggining of the year. i.e., On 1/1/2014-Team1 has an inventory of 500 cases.
During the month 25 cases are transferred into Team1 and 15 cases are transferred out of Team1. So on 2/1/2014 Team1 begins with an inventory of 510 cases. Throughout the year cases come and go from and to Team1 each month so need to figure out how to create a query to count each change. See attachment displaying how the data is listed and how I invision it to work with the In/out column counts.
Specifically, at the begginig of the year (1/1/14) for case ID 1003 you can see it belongs to Mary in Team1 for January and February. Then in March the case is transferred out and went to Joe in Team 3. So for Mary a "-1" is recorded as a negative count for that Case ID. If later in the year the case is transferred back to Mary a "+1" would be recorded. Respectively evaluated for each of the 5000 records to get a total count for each of the teams by Case ID throughout the year.
I've started with DLookup, tried comparing current month to previous month using DMax. It works as long as I only select one case ID used in a separate query but if I use the whole subset (5000 records) it fails. I can't figure out how to group each set of case IDs and then apply the query.
My attempted query: DLookUp("[Team]","[Team_qry]","[Team_qry]![Date]=#" & CStr(DMax("[Date]","[Team_qry]","[Team_qry]![Date] <#" & CStr([Date]) & "#")) & "#")
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Sep 15, 2005
In my query, i want to automatically display the value of another field from the previous record in a field in my current record. i.e.
Name Value Previous
Record 1 1
Record 2 2 1
Record 3 7 2
Record 4 1 7
Is it possible to create some kind of simple expression to refer to data in another record?
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Apr 14, 2007
I need to write a query which populates an empty field in the current record with information from a specific field in the next sequential record. Any ideas?:confused:
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May 1, 2013
I have a query to bring in values, I need to select 2 rows of data but the criteria is as such:
x= starting value on form
now the row of data must match the following criteria previous row to current row(ref temp)<=x And Current row(ref temp)>xnext row to current row(ref temp)>=x And Current row(ref temp)<x
I have dealt with SQL before but how to do the above.The isolated 2 rows of data will then go into unbound boxes on a form from which I will do intercept and gradient calculations.
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Dec 18, 2014
im working on an update query (written in VB coding) for one of my tables, for now im just setting the value to 1 (as currently all the data is set to 0, so for now it works), however id like to improve upon the query and get it to add 1 every time instead of setting it to 1 (i can work with it the way it is, but changing it would give me more info)
currently its at
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblBatches SET tblBatches.batchCarryover = 1;"
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Sep 5, 2006
Hi all,
Another problem bothering me. Wish someone can help me to solve it. I am doing the 'Edit' Option right now ... As a user friendly propuse, I had try to use a combo box to let user to choose my employee record with all the detail on but the problem is the program 'JUST' list the record they can not go to the current record!! When i try to edit my record, the program is not allow (for sure because they can't have a duplicate record on it). The reason is because the record just stay in the FIRST record but can not go to the current record. I do believe is the problem of i using the way of listing the record as below:
Me.EmployeeName = Me.EmployeeName.Column(0)
Me.IC = Me.EmployeeName.Column(1)
Me.Nationality = Me.EmployeeName.Column(2)
Me.Race = Me.EmployeeName.Column(3)
Me.Sex = Me.EmployeeName.Column(4)
Me.FMU = Me.EmployeeName.Column(5)
Me.Position = Me.EmployeeName.Column(6)
Me.SectionField = Me.EmployeeName.Column(7)
Me.DOEmploment = Me.EmployeeName.Column(8)
Me.DOResign = Me.EmployeeName.Column(9)
Me.Remarks = Me.EmployeeName.Column(10)
So, Could someone help me to solve it like when i can use the combo box to select the Employee record with the details are on as the same time can go to current record... Thanks alot!!!
i do have the confident if i can go to the current record then my edit option can be working properly.
P/S: I had attach the picture... showing my program problem (with the red circle)
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May 12, 2005
I have a table called tblFinishedGoods. There are 3 fields in the table:Serial Number, Model Number and Location.
I would like to have a form that will take input from my barcode reader and input the data for the 3 fields, if the serial number is not already in the table.(I have this already working).
But now I would like the same form to also check the table for any serial number that is scanned in...and if it is in the table already, have it bring up the model number and location for that record.
I'm thinking maybe there is something I can do with Serial Number afterupdate. Basically I'm looking for a way to not require the user to input anything via a mouse or keyboard.
If the 1 form could accept the 3 scans:Serial Number,Model Number and Location, and either 1)enter a new record if that serial number isnt in the table or 2)find that the serial number already exists and overwrite the model number and location with whatever the next 2 scans are.
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May 25, 2014
I have the following module which displays the backcolor of a checkbox label if it is true or false
Private Sub FormatLabel(chk As Control)
With chk.Controls(0)
If chk Then
.BackColor = vbYellow
.BackStyle = 1
.ForeColor = vbRed
[Code] .....
Which works great! But I cannot figure out how to make it work in the control AfterUpdate Event. I tried using it in the current control's (checkbox) after update event
Dim itm As Control
If itm.ControlType = 106 Then FormatLabel itm
but nothing happens (no change, no error message).
I have tried creating a new module:
Public Sub CheckBoxFormat(chk As Control)
If chk = -1 Then
chk.BackColor = vbYellow
chk.BackStyle = 1
chk.ForeColor = vbRed
chk.BackColor = vbWhite
chk.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub
But when I try to call it in the AfterUpdate event for the particular checkbox
Private Sub CheckBoxA_AfterUpdate()
Dim itm As Control
If itm.ControlType = 106 Then
CheckBoxFormat itm
End Sub
I get the error message "Expected Variable or Procedure not module"
So, (1) is my module all wrong or (2) am I calling it incorrectly or (3) wrong on both items?
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May 13, 2014
I have a FORM linked to a table, this is to update the current volume with the volume taken at different levels. Here is the code I used, some how current status Vol is not getting updated in the table and then in the FORM.
Sub Volume_taken()
Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
dbs.Execute "UPDATE [Login_test] SET [Login_test].[Current status Vol (µl)] = " & _
[Code] ......
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May 18, 2015
I have form1 that has the current commodity When i need to change the commodity I want the following to happen when they click a button: open the commodity change formthat form has a drop down to select a new commodity and a date of commodity change date fieldWhen the user submits it will move existing value to history along with the Date of change (separate table)Next it will take the value in the new commodity box and make it the current commodity
My thinking is that when i click the button to open the change form I can save the commodity at that time but I wont have the date yet. Just not sure of they best way to go about this.
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