Updating DB Only When User Clicks Save (and Not When Entry Fields Are Edited)

Oct 20, 2005


I want to only save changes made to the DB row when the user clicks the Save button I created. I have some text boxes which currently are bound to different columns in the given row (ex: name, address).

Right now, changes are updated automatically when the form is closed or when focus moves to a different tab page.

Is there any simple way to do this? Currently all form input objects are bound to their respective columns (ex: name, address). Should they be bound, or should I just perform a query when the form opens to find the specified item then load the different fields into the proper text boxes.

Also, when I TAB through all my input boxes and the TAB focuses on my Tab Conrol Object the text boxes are automatically updated with the next item n the DB (next row). How can I prevent this?


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User Must Save On Form Or No Entry

Feb 3, 2005


Can someone please tell me how to make it so that a user must save on a form or there is nothing entered into the table? As it stands anyone who views the form creates a new record.

Thanks in advance!

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Modules & VBA :: Save User Entry As Part Of Hyperlink Then Display In Subform

Nov 21, 2014

I have a form with multiple textboxes and comboboxes that allow for user entry, and a subform displaying a table, where the entries from the form are saved and can be retrieved. It's basically a way of creating new task entries and editing existing ones from a single interface.

One of the fields is an "issue number" of sorts, which is a 5-digit code that identifies the task. We have a website where details of each task are stored, and the URL format is akin to this: [URL] ....

The functionality that I'm hoping for is that when the user saves the record, it will be saved as the full link address, by concatenating the static first portion of the address and the code entered by the user. However, I need the table to still only display the code, not the whole link address, and will follow the full address when clicked in the subform table.

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Forms :: Updating All Of User Controlled Fields In Customer Table

Sep 23, 2013

I need to create a form that automatically populates Dealer_ID in my Customers table when a user selects Dealership from a dropdown box.

The form is updating all of the user controlled fields in the Customer table as the user inputs the information. I have a separate Dealership table who's Primary Key is Dealer_ID where dealership information (including the dealer name) is stored. A one to many relationship is in place that connects Dealer_ID from the Dealership table to the same field in the Customer table. The user inputting the information will know what the dealership name is but will not know their ID. I need a solution that will allow the user to select a dealership name in the form and auto-populate the Dealer_ID field in the Customer table with the appropriate ID from the Dealership table.

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Modules & VBA :: Save As Dialog Box - Allow User To Save Copy Of Current Database At Desired Location

Feb 12, 2014

So I have this relatively simple problem: I need to create a button that once clicked will open the Save As dialog box and allow the user to save a copy of the current database where he wishes. The filename should contain todays date in DDMM format along with some pre-set text e.g. DDMM PresetText.

I am using Access 2010.

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Save Entry

Aug 23, 2006

I have a combo box(based on a table) on a form which autofills 12 textboxes. The problem is when i switch to the next record on the form the auto filled textboxes stay the same as the first record. when a new item is selected from the combo box all the records are changed once again. I dont know if this is explained well enough but any help would be great

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Forms :: Updating Fields Via Code Not Updating Table

Dec 16, 2014

I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'

Private Sub cmdQuote_Click()
'Creates quote date and prints quote
Me.QuoteDate = Now()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID
End Sub

When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.

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Promt User Do You Wish To Save Changes

Aug 27, 2006

I have a basic data entry form which is called frmPeople which has the following

First Name
Last Name

What i want to do is if user changes/edits any of the information will prompt user do you wish to save changes yes/no

If user clicks yes will save info
if user clicks no will restore original info

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Form Not Updating After Data Entry

Dec 20, 2006

Can any one help me with a quickey. I have a form which shows short details of a building ie name town postcode etc. I have another form with 3 subforms to be able to enter new details of a building, the new client and the new agreement. This works well and is feeding the new data into the correct tables. When I reopen the short detail form it doesnot display the new records. I have a short piece of vba which allows ne to see the full details of a site when I click on the site name.
A quick reply would be much appreciated.

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Data Entry Form/SSN Not Updating

Nov 13, 2006

I have an issue, I have a main data entry form that does not allow new SSN# to be entered in that particular form. So I added a button that brings up the form which allows a person to put in the new SSN# and person name. The problem is when that form closes and the other form tries to get the information from the pulldown. It is not shown there. I have to manually close and open the form again so that the new updated information can be on the main data entry form.

Is there a way for the information to be updated when a new SSN# is put into the database so a person don't have to close the main form and open it back up?

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Updating Table From A Combo Box Entry

Oct 22, 2007

I am learning access on my own, so please bear with me.
I am using Access 2000.
I have a form with a combo box. I use this form to enter data into the database. The combo box selections are from a separate table. If the required entry is not in the drop down menu selections from the table, the user needs to type in the proper selection. If this happens I want the table driving the combo box dropdown to be automatically updated with the new entry so that the data will appear in the drop down menu selections the next time. How is the best way of accomplishing this. Thanks for any answers and examples.

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User Level Security ... Please Save Me

Jul 3, 2007

Hi all,

I am in a trouble now..... please save me.

I did User Level Security wizard for my application. Is there any way to reverse that step I mean how can I delete this security option to make my application normal to open.

thanks for your help


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User Unable To Save Record?

Jan 25, 2007

I have a problem where a user (with what I believe are the proper security settings) cannot save a new record in a form. I have set the securities on the form and the related table and query to allow this user to create new records (Add/Run).

This user is able to access the form and enter the data, but it will not save. I have added a "Save" button to no avail.

When I log on as the administrator, it works fine.

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Do Not Save Record If User Does Not Submit

Mar 19, 2013

I am working on a form and I only want the information to be inserted into the database if the user clicks the button at the bottom. In other words, if the user is filling out the form and then closes the form, I do not want that record saved.

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Forms :: Save User Input Value Into A Table

Mar 2, 2014

I need saving 2 input fields into a table. Here is the situation



I have a form with a drop down list, to select studentID from tableA. I selected a dropdown from studentID to display Name, and that I tied to txtName

I then type in txtCourse and txtFee whatever value I want, example:

txtCourse = English
txtFee = 50.00

Now, I'm able to transfer studentID and Name from tableA and save to tableB, and delete the record I just selected in tableA.

The issue is, I can't save the txtCourse, txtFee as I don't know how.

Here is what I have

Private Sub Insert_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tableB SELECT studentID, Name FROM tableA WHERE studentID = '" & txtstudentID & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

strSQL = "DELETE FROM tableA WHERE studentID = '" & txtstudentID & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
End Sub

I'm stuck on how to save txtCourse and txtFee into tableB where I have Course and Fee fields.

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Forms :: Prevent Bound Form From Updating Records Before Clicking On Save Button

Oct 31, 2014

I am working on a web database with a form which is bound to an underlying web table where the submissions occur.My challenge is that the fields on the form get submitted to the table even before the submit button is clicked regardless of whether the form was completely filled.

My request is that I want the form to only submit to the submission table only when the submit button is clicked.When I searched on the net, the only solutions I got are VBA written code but my web database cannot use VBA code.

VBA code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private blnGood As Boolean
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
blnGood = True
Call DoCmd.RunCommand(acCmdSaveRecord)
blnGood = False
End Sub


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Forms :: Save User Name That Update Record For Multiple Yes / No Box

Sep 6, 2014

I am creating a form that has a bunch of yes/no box for daily task. Is there a way for access to record which user selects yes/no.

For example

yes/no box1 - user 1 completed this task
yes/no box2 - user 2 completed this task
and so on

So when i look back i can see which user complete which task. I did a bit of research and saw that i can save a user that update a record. But since this is a daily task, each new record will be a new day.

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Modules & VBA :: Updating 100 Records In A Table Using Single Form Entry

Feb 25, 2014

I Work for an NHS organization. A department here orders prescriptions and sends them out to Gp Surgeries. I have been tasked in designing a database to make this easier for them.

Prescriptions arrive on a Pallet. Each pallet has 100 Boxes of prescriptions on it. Each box Contains 2000 Individual prescriptions. I have a table which contains the following:

Box Number
Serial Start Number
Serial End Number

When the user enters the first box number and the serial start number, i need it to calculate the serial end number and insert another 99 rows into the table and also calculate the serial start and end numbers for these other 99 records.

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Forms :: Forcing User To Enter Data Before Allowing Save

Dec 23, 2013

I have a form that a user fill out to populate fields in my database...how can I make it so that user MUST fill in certain fields before they are allowed to save data?

I need to stop users from taking shortcuts when entering data, and skipping a lot of fields. So i would like to be able to specify the minimum fields, and an error message must show when they try save incorrectly to alert them to this.

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Forms :: Warn User If Forget To Click On Save Control

Aug 13, 2013

I have a simple application where a user clicks on the name of the person he wants to update from a drop down box.

The record is then retrieved and the fields are filled on the form.
The user will then enter a value in the # in household field.
The user is then required to click on the save button to write the record for this person.

I do not have strong users and they invariably forget to save the record and go on to the next person, resulting in the record not being updated.

I coded a message box as part of the save button which displays "person was successfully updated" and then instructed the user to make sure that they see this message before they go on to the next person. They still fail to update correctly.

My question:

Is there a way when the user selects a person from the drop down box and it is loaded on the form, to warn the user that they have NOT updated this person, before they go to the next person?

I don't know what else I can do with these users. They are all volunteers and elderly and the application is for a Food Pantry.

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Remove All Clicks From The Field

Aug 15, 2006

Field type is Yes/No in table. I try to remove all clicks from the field Needs help.

Dim qry As String, rst As Object
qry = "UPDATE Research_New Set PrintQueue = 0 "
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(qry)

It gives error:
Invalid operation

Table: Research_New
PrintQueue Data Type: Yes/No

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Creating Recordset With Only One Entry Per User

Nov 25, 2005


i am trying to write a query to produce a descending recordset of photo_id but only one from each user e.g

if these are the top records

photo_id 150 m_name dave
photo_id 149 m_name dave
photo_id 148 m_name dave
photo_id 147 m_name john
photo_id 146 m_name john
photo_id 145 m_name fred

i want the query to produce this

photo_id 150 m_name dave
photo_id 147 m_name john
photo_id 145 m_name fred

and so on, there are other fields also but that gives you the idea i hope.
what i have come up with is this


this gives me the records i want in the correct order but it gives multiple instances of each M_Name instead of just one record for each M_Name

i hope i have explained this clearly enough



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User Friendly Data Entry

Jun 29, 2006

Please Exuse the question I am about to ask. I am a bit rusty with Access and cant remember how to do the following. I have tried and tried to work it out and tried various help searches but cant get the answer I'm looking for.

What I need to do is create a data entry form, very simple! However I want the user to be prompted to enter a project name and number in order to find the project that i want the new data to be entered under. Then it will need to create a new record in that project ready for new data to be entered from the data entry form.

I hope it is clear what I need to do

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Modules & VBA :: Allow User To Select A Location To Save Just A Copy Of Image In JPG Format

Dec 6, 2013

Access 2010:

The database I'm working on stores label images, or better stated, it stores file paths where the label images are stored. These paths are used in reports and forms to view the label images within the database. What I'd like to do is to create a "save" or "email" button that will allow the user to select a location to save just a copy of the image in jpg format. I realize that it is possible to imbed the jpg image into a report and export it as a pdf. What I'd really like to do is find a way to save the image (perhaps by copying it from the path in the database and simply relocating it) and preserve the jpg extension if that is possible.

I am also aware that there are third party applications that will convert pdf reports into jpg files however network restrictions keep me pretty limited in my ability to download third party software.

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Capturing User Name From Form Field Entry

Feb 6, 2007

In this db, the users select their name from a dropdown in an auto-open form, but with no password. I want to capture this value for use as the default value in a field on another form, but with the first form closed. I have seen the ENVIRON(Username) function referred to many times on here, but I need to capture the entered value, not the Windows or network login.

Is this possible without leaving the form open? I suppose I could just set its Visible to False when they enter their name, but I try not to have any more windows open than are necessary.

THANKS for your help!!

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URGENT!!! Time Registry On User Entry

Nov 21, 2006

Hi I'm a newbie in access, i've read almos all of the threads posted

my problem is that I need to register times

for example
I ask for user number (this is an exlcusive number)
and by the time User clicks on Accept i need acces to record this time

user 19394 time 7:35 am (for example)

can this be done in access??

and another i need acces to display a pop-up message like

"User 19394 Jhon Smith
is this correct?"

can you help me

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