Updating Linked Fields On Forms

Mar 2, 2005

I have two forms linked by a field "JUVIS". My problem is that I can't get the second form to show data newly entered on the first form without moving to another record on the first form. I have a command button on the first form that
opens the second form. All works well, meaning the forms are synchronized,based on the JUVIS field, except in the case of entering new data. In this case the second form opens to a blank screen instead of showing the JUVIS field. The forms are both linked to tables not to queries. Any help would be appreciated

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Updating Fields And Data On A Linked Table

Nov 14, 2007

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if this is possible to do:

I have a Form that reads from one Linked Table and Updates a Local Table. Is it possible to move the Local Table to the Back End and still be able to append fields and change field names etc?

If anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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Forms :: Updating Fields Via Code Not Updating Table

Dec 16, 2014

I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'

Private Sub cmdQuote_Click()
'Creates quote date and prints quote
Me.QuoteDate = Now()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID
End Sub

When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.

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Forms, Updating Fields

Jun 22, 2007


I have a form where there are four fields that the user selects via a drop down combo box: account number, Group, Name and Date. The entire form is linked to a table named 'Questionaire', but all of the drop down selections are sourced throw other tables and queries. At the end of the day, all of the information flows to the 'Questionaire' table, which is the DB's main table. Subsequently, there is also a subform as part of this form, but that is beyond the question here.

What I am trying to do is change my Group field to be something that automatically populated by the database and not something that the user needs to identify. For instance, when the user begins to enter his or her information into the DB, they input their name, date, and account number....once the account number is entered, i would like to have the group automatically generate and NOT be something they must choose.

The possible account number selections are driven from a different table named 'Accounts', and in this table are the fields: Decription, Group, and so forth.

What do I need to code or build in order to have the 'Group' ID automatically update when the 'Account' number is entered?

Thanks for your assistance with this.

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Forms :: Subform To Be Filtered On Just One Of Linked Fields

Jun 10, 2015

I have a form [Art_DepartmentFilter] that has a subform [Art_ByRoomSubform]. The linked master/child fields are DeptID and RoomID.

There is a list box on the form that allows you to select the department, and this also updates a list box that shows the rooms in that department that have art in them.

I would like the user to be able to filter the form to show either all of the art in that department, or just the art in the specific room. I have two separate buttons, one for each filter (cmdDeptFilter, and cmdRoomFilter).

I realized I had to add the link for the RoomID in order to get the filter for the room to work (which it does nowoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[qry_artbyroom]![DeptID]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textdeptid] and [qry_artbyroom]![roomid]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textroomid]").

However, DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[qry_artbyroom]![DeptID]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textdeptid] and [qry_artbyroom]![roomid] like '*'" returns just the first room listed for the department, not all of the rooms.

How can I show all of the rooms for the department selected?

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Forms :: Clear Fields In Linked Objects

Jul 16, 2015

I am currently working on a main form in Access 2010 which includes quiet a lot of fields, therefore i choose to create parts of it (which are as well optional, as they do not apply to all records) as different forms which i linked to the "mother" form afterwards through a checkbox by using the following code:

Private Sub chkMajor2_Click()
Dim strformname As String
If Me.chkMajor2 = True Then
strformname = "Major 2"
DoCmd.OpenForm strformname, acNormal
End If


to make the next form visible for selection after filling in the current one...something like an "add more.." field actually, which i choose to represent as checkbox.The issue that i encounter is that when i click the "Add New" button in the main form, it doesn't clear also the fields in the linked forms. Is it possible to do that with a VBA code? Or how should i proceed?

The current code that i have for the button is:

Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

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Forms :: Updating Fields On Another Open Form

Jul 2, 2014

I have an open form "MattersFileFrm" that has total fields on it.

I have a transaction form open where the user is entering figures into a few fields. I then want to add those figure to the total fields on the other form.

This is the code I'm using without success

Forms![MattersFileFrm].[AmountPaid] = Forms![MattersFileFrm].[AmountPaid] + Me.AmountTotal

Forms![MattersFileFrm].[CommisionPaid] = Forms![MattersFileFrm].[CommisionPaid] + (Me.AmountTotal * 1.2)

Forms![MattersFileFrm].[AmountOwed] = Forms![MattersFileFrm].[AmountOwed] - Me.AmountTotal

My referencing to the other form fields is wrong .

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Forms :: Calculated Fields Not Updating Automatically

Apr 17, 2015

I'm still very new to Access.I have a form with subforms.Some of the fields are calculated fields.I cannot figure out what some of the fields will not update automatcally. Once I click out of the form and then back in, it will update.Tried many things like, Refresh, Requery both on the form and on the text box(es).I wish I could figure out how to attach my test database to show you.

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Forms :: Unbound Combo Box Populate Fields Linked Tables

Jul 18, 2014

I have form with an unbound combo box which is populated from a query

It should populate a field in a table which is related to another - however it only works when i query by id number (primary key) and not the text value i want - is it possible to query both so it returns say 1,option 1 - then when selected it will place a 1 in the table - which is related to option 1 in another table instead of just having to select '1' which will mean nothing to a user?

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Forms :: Updating All Of User Controlled Fields In Customer Table

Sep 23, 2013

I need to create a form that automatically populates Dealer_ID in my Customers table when a user selects Dealership from a dropdown box.

The form is updating all of the user controlled fields in the Customer table as the user inputs the information. I have a separate Dealership table who's Primary Key is Dealer_ID where dealership information (including the dealer name) is stored. A one to many relationship is in place that connects Dealer_ID from the Dealership table to the same field in the Customer table. The user inputting the information will know what the dealership name is but will not know their ID. I need a solution that will allow the user to select a dealership name in the form and auto-populate the Dealer_ID field in the Customer table with the appropriate ID from the Dealership table.

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Updating Linked Tables

Oct 2, 2005

Hi all,

I have a front-end database with a linked (data) database. Problems arise when this goes onto other PC's on different directories and I get the error that it can't find the linked database. This is easily fixed by updating with the linked table manager, but as I am not sure which directories the database will be run from on other PC's, is there a solution that easily updates the linked tables? (the two database files will always be in the same folder). I realise that if I can identify a common directory that can be used on all potential PC's, then this problem can be avoided, but I can't guarantee this.

Thanks in advance,


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Updating Linked Table

Jul 29, 2014

I'm using the "Linked table manager" to update one of my tables. I added an attachment field to the table, and in order to add attachments I need to refresh the link in my front end. However, when I refresh the table, it prompts me to choose a new location.

I updated several other tables,I'm not sure if I should save it to a new location or what? I don't want to have to create a new location, I just simply want it to refresh the link.I actually deleted a table that had a similar name in my back end, Well I never deleted that table from my front end. I had accidentally been clicking that table to update instead of the one that was actually requiring the update.

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Linked Table Updating Problems

Nov 10, 2005

I am not sure where to start with this and any help in the right direction would be gratefully appreciated.

I have a linked table to Client's table in Access (accessed via a VPN Connection) for jobs carried out by me. I have to update this table with information from my system (not access) and the information in the fields will change daily as work progresses on these jobs. Rather than going into each record individually, I have the information exported from my other system (in excel format). I have a unique Order_Reference number that will not change but all other fields may change as and when.

At the moment I have simply been deleting all the records in the linked table and re importing them from an excel spreadsheet. Ideally, I would like to just update them rather than delete them first. What is the best way to go about this please?

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Problem Updating Linked Tables

Oct 15, 2004

Can anyone help me understand why I can link to a table that I have permission to update but when I try to update I cannot. For example, I should be able to open the table and add a row but I cannot. I can append to it though. The interesting thing is that someone on a different pc can use my id to link to a table and they can open it and add a row. Are there some seetings that are messed up on my laptop? Please advise...

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Linked Tables Not Updating In Junction Table

Nov 20, 2004

Hi, I have the following structure:


I have ORDER DETAILS set as a junction table so that many products can be recorded within one order. All is good apart from when i go into ORDERS and create a new order. I click the subform which links to the ORDERDETAILS. I then pick a product number(look up from products table). The problem is this: In the ORDER DETAILS I want to display the unit price of this product simply by picking the product id.

Eventually this would form the basis of an order form where I can pick Product Id and have it display unit price.

Any ideas on this one, I'm sure its quite simple!!

Thanks in advance

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Requery Subform After Updating Another Table That Is Linked?

Dec 10, 2012

I have a form that users enter billing logs in. There is a button users can click to the right of their billing data that opens another form where they can enter details regarding the billing log. Beside this button is a check box that shows them if details for this particular billing log has been created.

I can not for the life of me work out how to get the check box to update with a check after I enter Billing details without opening and closing the form again. I felt I have tried requery and refresh in all ways I have seen here, yet it is not working.

The main form is frmDslEnter and the billing log is entered in a subform from here called tblSessions subform. The checkbox on this subform is called chkProgressEntered, and it's control source is =Not IsNull([DSLIDNumber]). I tried putting the refresh on the Close button on the Billing Details page, on the Got Focus of the subform and the main form and haven't had any luck.

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Access 2010 / Linked Tables Not Updating?

Jan 4, 2012

I have an access 2010 Database connected to a MySQL database through a ODBC 5.1 connector.

when I run the linked table manager, I get the message "Linked tables updated successfully" but the tables residing on the server do not update.

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Updating SubForm Fields From Main Form Fields

Jun 20, 2006

Hey Everyone,

I am stuck trying to figure out this problem. I have a main form "frm_tirelog_600" which has 4 combo boxes "cboleg",
"cbocar", "cbopos", "cboserial" on it. The first 3 combo boxes are used as criteria on 1 of 3 subforms that I have.
The fourth combo box "cboserial" is used for the criteria in a query on another subform that I have called "frm_mount_600_subform",
which is independant from the main form, I hope I have explained that clearly enough. What I need to be able to do is
have the subform fill in 3 of the fields on it "leg", "car", "pos" with the value from the 3 combo boxes on my main form. I
can get it to show in the fields but not write to the table. I have searched the forum and have not been able to locate anything
that would work and really need any assistance with this. Im not real strong in the coding department which is where I
beleive this could be done.

I have attached a copy of my DB which I hope will better explain it. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Updating FE Fields When Fields Are Deleted From The BE (after DB Split Obvs)

Aug 28, 2006


The database I am working on, I split a while ago to give it some security. Now i'm updating a related form, and i'm finding that if I delete and add fields in the BE, the FE fields (being the fields that I need to insert into the form so the data entered propogates to the DB) are not updated.

How do I update the FE?


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Forms :: Automatically Updating Fields In A Subform From Another Subform

Feb 11, 2014

I am having trouble figuring out the method to automatically update some fields in SubForm from 2 other SubForms.I have attached 2 pics, the first GradeEntry1 shows what the tblTopic_Class_Grade form looks like after I manually enter everything into it. GradeEntry2 is what the form looks like when I fill out the Form starting at the top.

I'd like the tblTopics_Class_Grade form auto-populate the TrainingClassID (it currently does this), TopicClassID, StudentID, TrainingTopicID based off the entry from the above forms.My end goal is that I need to have a grade for each student on each training topic for each class. Like:


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Linked Fields

Feb 1, 2007

Hey guys,

I have two tables that share a common field. Is there a way to allow Access to update both at the same time? If I change one in Table1 it does not automatically update the same field in Table2. Is this possible?

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Fields Not Updating

Dec 13, 2006

I have an SQl statement which brings out the correct resutls however does not update the fields requested, Can any see what is worng with the followng code.

When testing the code the results are exactly wat i want, but they dnt seem to be updating the fields. Theere is a command button on the form, a list of orders appear on a listbox on the form which i have locked.

If StrPtr(stringy1) <> 0 Then
Sql = "Update [tbl_Delupdate] SET "
Sql = Sql & "[Date of D Status] = '" & Stringy2 & "', "
Sql = Sql & "[D Status] = 'Delivered' "
Sql = Sql & "WHERE [Time of Transaction] = #" & datMaxDate & "# "
Sql = Sql & "AND [Cylinder Barcode Label] = '" & stringy1 & "' "
Sql = Sql & "AND [Works Order Number] = '" & Me.Person.Text & "' "

MsgBox Sql
Debug.Print Sql
db.Execute (Sql)

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Fields Not Updating...

Feb 9, 2005

I've created an ubounded form and all of my fields are not populating. 7 out of 13 fields show data but not all of the data. When I look at the table all information is documented but able to view on form. I've gone over other DB's for review and can't seem to figure out why it's not populating. Also I can't delete any of the records.

I've attached the db for some1 to help me...

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Updating Fields

Feb 2, 2008

Here's my problem:

I have a table called WorkOrder. I have fields labeled:

JobID, which is an autonumber
WODate, which is formatted as =Date()
and WOID, long integer

Here's what I want to do and have done:

On my form I have WOID control source set to:

=Format([WODate],"mmddyy") & Format([JobID],"00")

I know that storing calculated values isn't the preferred method but it's what I've done.

The problem is I have a cmd button on the form, that when clicked asked for the WOID. This button is based on a query to print a specific work order.

The problems is that this calculated value (WOID) isn't appended to the table so nothing exists when the cmd button is click and the WOID is entered.

How can I update the table with this WOID for the specific job?

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Linked Fields Changing On Their Own???

Dec 3, 2007

Hello all...

I have a problem with a single query I have build in Access 2000. Basically, I have a normalised database structure to 3NF. I have a table called Data, a table called Reports and a table called DataReports which cotains the primary keys from both data and reports which are named Data_ID and Report_Id.
Basically, what is happening is I am building a query that returns a record from DataReports using the Data_Id field as criteria as this is held on a form. I create a one to many relationship from the Reports table to the DataReports table using a link from one Report_Id to the other. I save the table and it works fine...once only!! The query is used to feed a list box on a form. The form loads correctly but when I go back into design view to make a change to something else on the form and then go back to form view, I get Data Type Mismatch error. When I look at the query, Access has changed the link from the Report_Id --> Report_Id to Report_Id --> Report_Title which is the next field down in the Reports table. Because all ID's in my database are Autonum's it is trying to link a number to text so I understand why this would not work but I dont understand why on earth access is changing my links. It is very frustrating. Could anyone help me please.

Thank you kindly..


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Linked Form Fields

Mar 14, 2005

Hi everyone :D

A friend just came to me with an Access related questions that has me curious. I think that I have seen what he is trying to do before but couldn't puzzle it out myself.

Here's the basics, he has two items on his form, the first is a drop down box and the second is a text box. The table that these two items are connected with has 3 fields (auto number, ARS, and description).

What he wants to do is link the two items on his form so that when an item is selected from the drop down box (from the ARS field) it will auto-fill the text box with the information from the description field of the same record.

Hopefully I explained this clearly. Can anyone out there be kind enough to provide direction on how to do this?

Any help would be appreciated!!!!!

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